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Conversational English - Worksheet 8

Topic: Daily routines and Eating habits

Student’s name: ____________________________________ Group: _____

Activity 1. Complete the chart. Use the hints in the chart to find a matching picture below. Then write sentences
using the simple present tense of each verb. Use a time marker such as every day, after school, at 7:00 am, at
noon, etc.

Simple present tense structure:

Subject + verb + complement
She cooks dinner at 6:30 pm.
He gets dressed at 6:00 am.
I watch TV in the evenings.
They do their homework after school.

Nota: Cuando se usa tercera persona (he, she, it), al verbo se le agrega “s”, “es” ó “ies”
Activity 2. Pair work. Ask your classmate for the missing information. Then draw or write the
actions. What do these people do every day? Student A

Activity 3. Class survey. Interview classmates. Ask them about their daily routines. Don’t write the
same routine twice. For example, if Jackie says: “I brush my teeth in the morning”, Ivan must say
something different.

Classmate Morning Afternoon Night

Jackie Brush her teeth Do exercise Watch TV
Activity 2. Pair work. Ask your classmate for the missing information. Then draw or write the
actions. What do these people do every day? Student B

Activity 3. Class survey. Interview classmates. Ask them about their daily routines. Don’t write the
same routine twice. For example, if Jackie says: “I brush my teeth in the morning”, Ivan must say
something different.

Classmate Morning Afternoon Night

Jackie Brush her teeth Do exercise Watch TV

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