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Se ESP GEV Ff a5 saor'd of ocr ff Mai 202 id 2? oo F 379 Bab sy fr. Rollo, [eategry Name father Name [Obident [alloted [Gratation Detalls according to Remark Io. mark |Department —_|haryana sports department. ontine pdf |i ]8880058277 [ESPEN [Amit kumar [Bigansingh [25 [See Education —[Type'o" No-NRBW2/O456 Dt 30- ov-2019 results 1,2,3 and D group laradation not valid for CLERK pose 2 |S990088528 [ESPEN |Ram meher |Mahabir _|58|Panchyat dev. Name and fater name not Jeandidate have 58 marks, [avaiable on Gradation ist ‘while 2021 waiting list wos Jon 32 marks. Why candidate was not elgble in 2020, 2021 \ [59980536959 [eSP GEN [Suman —[Satyawan 2 JL Hype No, HRFTS7000006 DT. candidate have 52 marks 20.12.2018 lwhite 2021 waiting lst was lon 32 marks. Why candidate was not eligble in 2020, 2021 [*sses07o8z JES GEN tender [Sut 28 5ec. Edueaton Name and foternamenot——oanadate have 4 MOVIE avaiable on Gradation lst (wile 2021 waiting hat was lon 32 marks. why condidate was not elgbe in 2020, 2023 [5 oss07s3805 |eSP GEN [Sant bun [Sabi isi [rear [Tyee No, 0113 [candidate have 61 marks white 2023 wating ist was Jon 32 marks. Why candidate 2s not eligbe in 2020, 2001 5 J9990856806 ESP GEN [Neetu singh iarambir [58 —mgauion [ye 8i7 De. 16.05.2020] group gradation not vale for CLERK post @ scanned with Oken Scanner 7 —oss1i 78954 [ESPGEN JRavkta [baljeet 55 Sec. Education [Type NoHARTI9/373.O%. [candidate have 5S marks 22.07.2019 while 2022 waiting list ws lon 32 marks. Why candidate was not eligble in 2020 , 2021 ls fassiz05i62 |ESP GEN |Rambir _ |Randhir a7 [oer [Name and fater name not candidate have 47 marks , available on Gradation list while 2021 waiting list was Jon 32 marks. Why candidate was not eligble in 2020 , 021 I> [sssazzi828 esp GEN |satpar JDeepchand [59___[Sec. Education [Type'D' No. 0563, Dt. 30.07.2019 [D group gradation not valid Kherwal for CLERK post 09991222348 JESPGEN Narender — |Ishwar es ue Type'b" HRPP-17100094 De D group gradation not valid singh [30.05.2019 for CLERK post a (9993368865 [ESP GEN [Rahul Kharab|[Ramphal [ei [Revenue [Tvpe’e HRSP2i/0083 Dr |Gradation was made after Ikharab 20.03.2020 JAugust 2018 2 (999376008 [ESPGEN [Surya Kant [Prem Chand [a6 Sec. Education Name and fater name not Jcandidate have 42 marks, avaitable on Gradation list while 2022 waiting lst was lon 32 marks. Why candidate was not eligble in 2020, 021 FB eeessess [BrceN endeen [tower (F(T ope ON. GH7EDL TBOEOID o weap WraURNOCGSE valid [29.09.2020 prdation was made after jis [9980836774 |ESP GEN [laipartash [Ram niwas [ea |Sec. Education type HREWS/OA5T Ox eet 2018 25.07.2019, @ scanned with Oken Scanner gsP- BCA ee ratation Details according 10 ] Obident \aloted |Gratation O ment ontine Remark Icategry [Name [Father Name eee ee rtment _{harvana sports dena at je 35 marks, T Rare and fatner name not avall@Ble [candidate nave 35772" | In radaton ist hose isupleaded|yiie2020 seecton Vs! WS) 1; logaooraase jaca (S8'®_— ayanchand [35 sec. Education Jon Haryana sports Department |27 marks. why candi ieee website not eligole in 2020 Fon not valid for Ravinder Gradation Type HAIRG/000127 Ot [0 group Braaation aki 2 [Revenue st 2 assoesosce aca fraxn [avin 5 e epen CLERK 90: 23.12.2020 qihername not available [candidate have 33 marks, eae: Mr cradetion ist those is uploaded —|yvyiie2020 selecton list was on 3 |sss0sss757_ aca |vievsinen ("ere ss fae jon Haryana sports Department —_|27 marks. Why candidate was website not eligble in 2020 Tame and father name not available |-sngigate have 46 marks , i \Saleem_ wer a6 Rett in Gradation list those is uploaded |.,4i1¢2020 selecton list was on J, \sssovsaeca [aca fice [ie pana ensaraseors Deparment fey mars, why eandite was ea )not eligble in 2020 Name and father name not avaliable candidate hav in Gradation list those is uploaded pate nee oe mares ls |oosrorsz77 sca |austak jusman aa fon cn tanyane sports Dapartroae *fwhile2020 selecton list was on inant 27 marks. Why candidate was not eligbie in 2020 lharvana schoat candidate have 44 \Gradation’c HRaW2/08: marks , le 1029297 Jaca |aje kumar lez Jeducation aso [whi s99 a Hee wnle2020selectonlist was on 7 marks. Why candidate was i lighle ir [Name and father name not available lila In Gradation list those leandi 7 Jogoraoars7 aca \vipin Vinod 49 ua bate st those s uploaded [*2"didete have 49 marks arama spors Department | ¥Ml€2020 selecton lst wa website. ist was on 2? marks. Why candi 2 Fee date was lein 2020 eee Er rere ese @ scanned with Oken Scanner cae [Aloted [Gratation Detals accordingto Remark wae Rama Department naryane sports departners / enlneadt SOT |SC3 Wray rae Fe PR Nive snefamerarener——fansanenne sear, | javailable in Gradation list those is |while2020 selecton list was OF | lsloced on torre spora (marks why candeate was 70% Lbeoartment wens vibe a 2020. j99902s0982 [BCS [Alsy yadav Manoj Yadav, a5 |Agriculture [Name and father name not |candidate nave 45 marks , svalibie in Gradation list tose is wnte2020 seecton lst was on 28, luslosded on Haeyana sports |rarks. Why cancicate was not Desa _ ghia 2020, Pesoseace2 Jace HARSH Yasav [NarenderYadav [05 [Rgrcaure [Romesh nar lsvaiabie in Gracation it those sf wnle2020 selecton list was on 29 leloaded on Haryana sports |marks, Why cancidate wos net aecacmens yeas ible 2020 Pesosse373 acs [stwer Singh Ashok Kumar [55 Tan Rarne sna ate agg ouea2azo—_—— vaiabein racation st tose is whie2020 selecon lst was on 27 lsicaded on Haryana sports [marks Why cancidate wos nor ecarmens went able in 2020 Is ie [aca jivo% Mahender jaz HSE |Gracation 'D' No. HRBW2/0249_[D group gradation not valid for, ot 22.08 2078 cura post je SesorResre [pcs — Wn Jor Paras [018 Name and ttn name rates evil in Gradation at those is wnite2020 selecton la oes on 29 leasedoniarvana sports marks. Why eanddare wen non 7 Sasoasear7 acs rae Rawansngh [62 — ew Ione one aa lablein 2020 ao ana FSescion [meaner name nor —— fase essen radaton st thse is wniez0zaselecon ar eas on 30 | fcideven aranassors "Jmarts Wy eesoonrnne le |aseiesaae7 [sce |Ravesh [Rampar lez Sec. Name anc father name not : Estacion [omsscaraes emer fanaa a dation list those is |while2020 seleen, . lwoloaded on Haryana sports aed u— a5 on 29, Macks. Why candidate wr @ scanned with Oken Scanner BS Zot oe Vaan —feices ome Father Name [Obident [Alioted [@ratation Detail according w [Romane far Jae | mark [Department |haryana sports department fe ! online pat |p fossara ze fami Karambir 33 chief sec. |Gradation © No, HRPP> Jcandidate have 33 marks, | lottice 27/000312 Dt. 12.06.2019 | white2020 selecton lst was Jon 29 marks. Why candidate was not eligble in 2020 Sines [Prthuisingh [38 AG iy, [Name and father name not Jendidate have 38 marks, jvalabe in Gradation st those. fwhile2020 setecton hat eos s uploaded on Haryana sports Jon 29 marks. Why candiasee Department website 2s not elgble in 2020 B_lassoarsaze [se ——[ashox [svar singh [53 [BG Potce [Name and ater nae not ean ve SS GS pvaabe in Gradation ist those |white2020seecton tng agg Department website was not eli \e sone > fae oaanonrie ge tee F f io erent me S json a De soe neat NREW2O0ES [0 group gradation not vag F f eco cae @ scanned with Oken Scanner

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