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JULY 28, 2022

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Term Paper

The Leadership Traits Of Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab (RA)

Course Name: Busines Leadership

Course Code: BUS-7303

Date of Submission: 28th Jul’2022

Submitted to:

Sheikh Mamun Khaled, PhD,


Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submitted By:

Md Fahmid Islam
ID: 2123033043

Professor Sheikh Mamun Khaled, PhD

Bangladesh University of Professionals
Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka- 1216

Dear Sir,

I am pleased to submit the report that you asked for & authorized me to work on “The Leadership Traits
of Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab (RA)”. This report is an essential part of our course, I tried my best to work
on it carefully and sincerely to understand the annual report.

The study I conducted enhanced my knowledge to make an executive report. This report has given me
an exceptional experience that might have immense uses in future endeavors and I sincerely hope that it
would be able to fulfill your expectations.

I have put my sincere effort to give this report a presentable shape and make it as informative and
precise as possible. I thank you for providing me with this opportunity to study and enrich my knowledge.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Fahmid Islam

Id: 2123033043
Table of Contents
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 2
Name & Lineage ............................................................................................................................. 2
Early Life ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Caliphate period ............................................................................................................................ 2
Judiciary system ............................................................................................................................ 3
Establishment of Majlis-e-Shura .................................................................................................. 3
System of Accountability .............................................................................................................. 3
Justice of Hazrat Umar (RA) .......................................................................................................... 4
System of Education ...................................................................................................................... 5
Treasury system ............................................................................................................................ 5
Police Department ......................................................................................................................... 5
Prisons ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Department of Irrigation ............................................................................................................... 5
Subject Information ....................................................................................................................... 6
Market News................................................................................................................................... 6
Opposition to nepotism ................................................................................................................. 6
Priority to Public Interest .............................................................................................................. 6
Immediate justice .......................................................................................................................... 6
Getting permission from the public .............................................................................................. 7
Orphans News ................................................................................................................................ 7
Taking care of the citizens ............................................................................................................. 7
Characteristics of a servant leader ............................................................................................... 7
The matter of treating the subjects kindly ................................................................................. 10
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 10
References .................................................................................................................................... 10

Hazrat Umar (RA) is counted as one of the Righteous Caliphs. His personality was characterized
by courage and bravery as well as understanding of matters and leadership skills. After assuming the
position of Khilafah, he established a regular and central government. The main feature of his caliphate
is the establishment of Majlis-eShura, i.e., the formal establishment of Parliament occurred in his era of
caliphate. He used to take stock of himself and patrol the nights to know the living conditions of his
subjects. Protection of the nation's morals and habits, supervision of the authorities, establishment of
justice and fairness, system of treasury, formation of judiciary, development of agriculture, observance
of army department, establishment of education and training department and launching of guest houses,
all these characteristics distinguish his era of Khilafah and mode of leadership from others and it is
definitely a beacon of light for the rulers of every age. This article describes the salient features of the
caliphate of Hazrat Umar (RA). Analytical methodology will be adopted in the article and it will conclude
that adoption of traits of Umar's caliphate can establish a moderate and strong state.


The biography and history of the Companions of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is such an
imperative thing that every Muslim has been needed in every age. The lives of these courageous and
incomparable people are a model for us. Because of these people, Allah Almighty lit the torch of Islam in
our hearts. Whether it is related to knowledge and jurisprudence, whether it is related to medicine and
wisdom, it is certainly a source of pride for the Islamic Ummah. The nation has acquired from them the
treasure of faith, piety, jihad, strength, justice, goodness and integrity as well as wisdom and prudence.
Hazrat Umar (RA) is a great personality in one of those holy personalities.

Name and lineage:

Umar bin Khattab bin Nufail bin Abdul Azza bin Riyah bin Abdullah bin Qarat bin Zarah bin Addi bin Ka'ab
bin Luwai bin Fahar bin Malik. Your lineage goes back to the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) in the
eighth line. Ka'ab has two sons, Marah and Addi. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is one of the
descendants of Marah, while Umar is one of the descendants of Addi. His mother's name was Khantama,
the daughter of Ibn Hasham ibn Al-Mughirah1. Your title Farooq and surname Abu Hafs, both are given
by Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

Early life:

The conditions of his childhood are very secretive; He became proficient in genealogy, wrestling and
oratory, especially in Horse riding. At the same time, he also learned to read and write. Therefore, in the
age of Jahiliyyah, one of those people who knew how to read and write was Umar (RA). After completing
his education, he turned his attention to earning a living. The main source of livelihood in Arabia was
trade, so he took up the same profession and traveled to distant lands. He gained great experience and
benefits, his self-sacrifice, high morale, experience and understanding of the matter was the result of
this. On the basis of these attributes, the Quraysh appointed him to the position of embassy. When there
was a complication in tribes, He used to become an ambassador and solve this problem with his
extraordinary understanding and experience.2 Although trade made him known throughout Arabia, the
essence of his potential began to unfold to the people day by day.

Caliphate period:

He rose to the position of Leadership after Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique. It is narrated with Ismail bin
Muhammad bin Saad:

“Hazrat Umar (RA) was injured in 26 Zul-Hijjah ,23 AH and was buried on the morning of 1st Muharram
24 AH, thus his caliphate lasted for 10 years, 05 months and 21 days.”4 During his caliphate, such
unprecedented decisions of the court were witnessed by the eye of the beholder, which spread all over
the world. Conquests include Iran, Roam, Turkistan, Syria, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Jazeera Khuzestan,
Qadisiya and other non-Arab Countries, Waving the banner of justice is an unparalleled feat of Hazrat
Umar (RA). The superpower empires like Iran and Rome were conquered in such a manner and with
such care that great historians could not offer a single example of oppression. More than victories, he
organized the system of government. It would not be wrong to say that a formal system of government
and empire began in his time.

He set up several sections and administrative departments to run the system of management and
appointed supervisors over all of them. He used to hold them accountable after their appointments.
Many non-Muslims could not live without praising him on the golden and glorious era of his caliphate.

The Credit for raising the coin of Islam’s glory all over the world goes to Hazrat Umar (RA). The
administrative structure of his caliphate is as follows:

Judiciary system:

Hazrat Umar did not make any concessions in doing justice. The master and the slave and everyone else
were treated equally. Initially, administrative and judicial positions were held by the same person, but
later the Department of Justice was separated. This department was called the Department of Judgment.
Courts were set up in all the districts and judges were appointed. The cases were decided in the light of
Qur'an and Sunnah and if the Qur'an and Sunnah were silent in any matter then the decision was made
by using efforts.

Hazrat Umar was the first person who appointed judges in the cities.5
He not only appointed a judge but also rewarded him with such instructions that it strengthened his
confidence in the judiciary and there was a way to avoid all kinds of social evils in it. He sent a decree in
the name of Musa al-Ash'ari, which contained all the rulings of the court:

“Qaza is a necessary duty after the praise of God. Keep the people equal in your presence, in your
assembly, in your justice so the weak does not despair of justice. If you made a decision yesterday you
can refer to it today after consideration, if there is any doubt in the matter and it is not mentioned in the
Qur'an and Hadith, then consider it and consider it again and consider its examples and precedents, then
make conjecture. Set a deadline for anyone who wants to present evidence, if he gives evidence, then
give him the right, Nor the case is dismissed. "6
This practice of Hazrat Umar (RA) is a beacon of light for contemporary era that Qazi (Judge) should not
be under the influence of anyone and in the light of all evidences the decision must be made without
pressure from anyone. This is the requirement of every age.

Establishment of Majlis-e-Shura:

An important feature of the Caliphate during the time of Hazrat Umar was the convening of Majlis-e-
Shura. There were two groups in Jamaat-e-Islam at that time which were the leaders of the whole
nation and which were recognized by all Arabs as their successors i.e Muhajireen and Ansar. The
member of these two groups were always required to participate in Majlis-e-Shura. The Ansar were also
divided into two tribes and these two families had to participate in the Majlis-e-Shura.7

The few companions, among these Companions were Hazrat Usman, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Abdul Rahman
bin Awf, Hazrat Moaz bin Jabal and Hazrat Abdullah bin Ka'ab. The task of the Majlis-e-Shura was to deal
with all the trivial and important matters of daily life.8 This is also the requirement of the teachings of
Islam that everything should be settled down in consultation.

System of Accountability:

He practiced a strict system of accountability in his period. He used to hold his family members
accountable. There are many incidents in the history; in which He held his son, daughter and wife
accountable and warned them. When Hazrat Umar used to order the Muslims to do something or to stop
them from doing anything due to some expediency, he would start giving advice to his family and would
threaten them for violating the order. As Hazrat Saalim states:

“When Hazrat Umar used to stand on the pulpit, forbidding people to do anything, at that time he
gathered his family and said: I forbade the people from these things and all the people are looking at us

like the way a bird looks at meat. I swear by God that if I saw any of you doing such a thing, I would
punish him twice.9
It is narrated with Ibn e Umar that Hazrat Umar ordered the workers to transcribe a list of their
possessions, among them was Saad Bin abi Waqas, Umar divided their wealth in half, they took half and
gave half to them. It is narrated with Sha’abi that: “When Umar used to make someone an agent, He
would write off his wealth”10

Justice of Hazrat Umar (RA):

One of the aims of Islamic rule is to set out the principles of the Islamic system to establish an Islamic
society. Among the most important of these principles are justice and equality. Justice is the hallmark of
his era and it is still presented as an example. He became an unbiassed man himself and set an example
then he established justice among his servants and subjects. There has never been any deviation from
justice during his presidentship. It was not limited to Muslims but also to non-Muslims. That is, there was
no difference between Muslims and non-Muslims in the justice system. In his court of justice, high and
low, rich and poor, master and slave, happy and stranger were all equal. Whoever proved to be a tyrant
would be punished. Inspired by this system, non-Muslims would have embraced Islam. He wrote to
Hazrat Abu Musa Al-Asha’ri:

"People will continue to offer their needs to you. Therefore, whoever comes to you for help, then respect
him. For a weak Muslim, this is enough for justice to be with him in deciding and distributing." 11
The following are some examples from Tareekh e Tibri:

1. Once Hazrat Umar (RA) had a dispute with Hazrat Ubayy bin Ka'ab, a case was filed with Hazrat Zayd
bin Thabit. When he approached them, they vacated the seat; he said: This is the first injustice you
have done in this case. Saying this, you sat down with the other side.
2. Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas, the son of Abdullah, the governor of Egypt, had killed a man for no reason. He
flogged his son Abdullah in front of Amr bin Al-Aas at the hands of the same man.
3. A small complaint was received about Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas, the conqueror of Iran, so he brought
him to the court in spite of difficult circumstances.
4. In view of the vastness of the empire and the multiplicity of governors, he set up a special post to
hold the governors accountable and to investigate the complaints received against them. On which
the trusted companion of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Bin Muslimah Ansari was assigned.
When a complaint was received about a governor, Muhammad ibn Muslimah would go to the spot and
hold an open meeting and seek the opinion of the people.
5. When a complaint was received about Abu Musa al-Ash'ari (Governor of Basra), then Umar himself
recorded the statement of the petitioner and called Abu Musa alAsh'ari to investigate.
6. Once you heard that Ayaz ibn e Ghanim wore fine clothes and there was a gatekeeper at his door, He
called Muhammad ibn e Muslimah and said: “Bring Ayaz with you in whatever condition you find him.
Muhammad ibn e Muslimah reached there and observed that there was a gatekeeper at the door and
Ayaz was wearing a fine cloth. Ayaz ibn e Ghanim was brought to Madina in the same condition. Hazrat
Umar took off his shirt and put it on a rough cloth and gave a herd of goats to graze.
7. Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA) built a house for himself in Kufa, which had a porch. Hazrat Umar
thought that this porch should not be an obstacle for the needy, He ordered Muhammad ibn e
Musalimah to go and set fire to the door.
8. The cloth of Bait-ul-Mal was distributed among all but it could not become the Shirt (Kurta)of a tall
man. When people saw Hazrat Umar wearing a same cloth, they stood up and objected. His son stood
up and explained that I had given my share of cloth to my father, so it would have been his shirt. It
is as if the system of giving money trail of your assets was also developed in his time of leadership.
9. After the conquest of Syria, friendly ceremonies were held with Caesar of Rome. Once his wife Umm
Kulthum sent perfume to the family of Caesar Rome. In response, they sent out gifts. When Hazrat
Umar (RA) found out, he said to his wife: Although the perfume was yours, the messenger who carried

it till evening was official. He was paid with government money. So you deposited those jewels in the
treasury (Bait-ul-mal).
10. Once Hazrat Umer (RA) got sick, the doctor suggested honey. He did not have honey but it was in the
treasury. He went to the Prophet's Mosque and asked the people, "If you allow me, let me take some
honey from the treasury.”
These things seem to be very difficult, but it was not difficult for Umar to establish this system of
equality. Because these teachings of Islam were ingrained in you in the true sense.

System of Education:

Hazrat Umar developed education, all the countries would have established primary schools in the
conquered territories, in which the Qur'an, moral poetry and proverbs of the Arabs would have been
taught. The salaries of teachers were also fixed.13

Treasury system:

Before the caliphate of Umar, there was no formal system of treasury. Whatever came in the form of
booty or tribute was immediately distributed. When Abu Hurairah returned from Bahrain, he brought
with him half a million dirhams in a year. At that time, on the advice of Walid bin Hasham, the treasury
department was established and Abdullah bin Arqam was appointed as the first Minister of Finance. Bait-
ul-Mal was established in all the provinces and capitals and there were the higher authorities had all
kinds of powers over them but the department of Bait-ul-Mal was completely separated and its officers
were also distinct.14

Police Department:

The establishment of peace depends on the police. Hazrat Umar established a permanent department for
it. The police were called Ahdath.15
At the same time, the purpose of this authority was to prevent reduction in weights and measurements,
control infringements in construction, prevent overloading of animals and stop the sale of alcohol. In this
regard Hazrat Umar appointed Qudama bin Ma'zoon and Hazrat Abu Hurairah as officers in Bahrain and
Abdullah bin Utba was entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the market.


When the police department was established, it was a natural consequence that people would also get
punishments. Therefore, a prison was set up to punish.

Prisons were not practiced in Arabia before the time of Umar’s Leadership. Strict punishments for crimes
were probably imposed to compensate it. Hazrat Umar established prisons. He bought the house of
Safwan bin Umayya in Makkah and made it a prison. In addition, the names of the prisons are also
found in the districts, so the prison in Kufa was of Narsal. After establishing the prisons Hazrat Umar
changed some unspecified punishments.16

Department of Irrigation:

Hazrat Umar Farooq, the second caliph, has the honor of laying the foundation of the canal system in
the world, increasing food production, developing agriculture, conserving livestock and arranging safe
supply of water for survival. ‫ ۔‬A canal system was established for the settlement of agricultural lands.
When the people of Basra complained of water scarcity, he sent a written order to Abu Musa al-Ash'ari to

dig a 9mile-long canal from Tigris to Basra. Mu’aqil Canal, Saad Canal and the Amir alMomineen Canal
are also well known. The Nile was connected to the Red Sea by the

Amir al- Momineen canal, and its length was 69 miles.

Surprisingly, such a large canal was completed in just six months.

Subject Information:

Hazrat Umar himself used to Patrol and visited to the houses of the Muslims to find out their condition
and help them with his own hands.

Market News:

Hazrat Umar also maintained strict accountability in the affairs of market. An example of Umar's
reckoning is that Malik ibn Aws ibn Had’than states that he came to the market saying who will exchange
Dirhams with us? Ibn 'Ubaydullah said; They were standing near Umar. Give us your gold. Then after
some time, when our servant will come, come to us and we will give you silver. Hazrat Umar said:

“By no means! By Allah, you will have to pay the silver right now, otherwise you will have to return the
gold, because the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:

“It is interest to sell silver for gold except when it is cash. It is interest to sell wheat for wheat, except
when the cash is equal to the weight of the two, and to sell the date for the date is interest, except when
the cash is equal to the weight of both.” Hazrat Umar said: “Only those who have an understanding of
religious matters should sell in our markets.”

Opposition to nepotism:

Hazrat Aslam narrates those two inscriptions ,who were presented to Hazrat Umar in which the tribe of
Banu Tamim was placed after Banu Hashim and Banu addi was placed after Banu Taym. When he was
told those names you said: Keep Umar in the right place and keep writing in the rank of close relatives of
the Messenger of Allah. After listening, Banu addi came to you and said: You are the successor of Hazrat
Abu Bakr and the caliph of the Messenger of Allah, so keep yourself where these people have written
your name. He said: Be quiet. Do you want to take advantage of me and destroy all my good deeds for
your own benefit? By God, it will not happen. Your name will appear according to your rank,Even if the
register expires in this way and your name came last. My two companions the Messenger of Allah and
Hazrat Abu Bakar have set a path, if I oppose them then my word will not be obeyed. 21

Priority to Public Interest:

Abdullah ibn Abi Rabi'ah kept horses in Madina. Hazrat Umar forbade him. The people asked him to
allow him to do this. He said I will allow him if the fodder should be brought from a place other than
Madina. So, they kept the horses in such a way that fodder was brought for them from the land of

Immediate justice:

According to the narration of Hazrat Sha’abi, “Hazrat Umar used to patrol the markets and recite the
Holy Qur'an and where there was a dispute, he used to decide between the people.” 23

Getting permission from the public:

Once Hazrat Umar fell ill and honey was praised for curing the disease. He stood on the pulpit and said
to the Muslims: There is a cup of honey in the treasury if you allow me to take some of it, else it is

Orphans News:

He used to take care of the orphans and protect them if they had property and often developed it
through trade. He once said to Hakam bin Abi Al-Aas that the wealth of the orphans which i have
accumulated is falling down due to the payment of Zakat, you invest it in trade and give back whatever
profit you have. He handed over the amount of ten thousand and it increased to one lack.

Taking care of the citizens:

The way of life was simple but the kings of the time were afraid of you. On the other hand, you would
do your best to help your subjects. Here are some examples:

1. Once a caravan came to Madinah Munawwara, encamped outside the city, he went himself to be
informed and protect that caravan. While guarding, there was a sound of crying from one side,
He saw an infant crying in its mother's lap. Upon finding out the reason, the mother of the child
said that Caliph Umar has ordered that until the children stop weaning, their stipend from the
treasury will not be fixed. I have weaned the baby for this purpose and now he cries for milk.
When you heard it, you said: O Umar! How many children have you killed their rights? From the
same day he preached that from the day the child is born, his allowance should be fixed.
2. Yazd-e-Gard Shahriar, the emperor of Persia, sent one of his messengers, and commanded him
to come and find out the condition of the man from whom even the kings are afraid. When Yazd
Gard's messenger reached Madina, he asked the people, "Where is your king?" He was replied;
we do not have a king but a noble man. A man took the messenger to Hazrat Umar. He was
astonished to see that the man whom the world feared was sleeping on the ground with his stick
on his head and the ground was wet with your sweat. The messenger of the Persian emperor was
astonished to see this, this is the man from whom the whole world is afraid.
3. He tried to find out the condition of his subjects. Once on the way back from a trip to Syria, He
saw a tent, got off the ride and met an old woman and asked her, do you know anything about
Umar? She replied: He has left Syria, but God forbid, I have not received a single jubba from him
till today. You said how can Umar know such a distant situation? Quoted If Umar does not know
the conditions of his subjects, then why does he do khilafah? you started crying after listening it
and delivered the all-basic necessities to this woman.
4. It is said that in the year when there was a famine in Arabia, you swore that they would not eat
meat or any other delicious thing until the famine was over and prosperity came. But you still did
not eat these things, lest I should eat it, and none of my people should have this.

Characteristics of a servant leader: Spear (2002) emphasizes that after many years of his carefully
considering of Greenleaf’s initial writing, he came up with ten (10) characteristics which are so essential
and central to the development of the servant leader. He accentuates that the characteristics by no
means exhaustive. Having gone through these characteristics as well, the researchers also find out that
they are all features of ‘Umar bin Khatab (r.a), they are hereby discussed:

1. Listening: is the first listed characteristics of a servant leader, the act of hearing attentively,
which implies paying close attention to someone or something in order to hear them. One of the
key successes of ‘Umar ibn Khattab’s (r.a) leadership was his ability to listen and listening to

criticisms. He used to listen or pay attention to the grudges of his followers whether against
himself or against any of his appointed governors. He always advised his governors or any other
appointed or elected leader to emulate him in this vital act. He says: Being accessible to the
people by listen to their complaints, judging among them and settling scores, otherwise relation
will be adversely affected and there will be instability in society. Do not close your door to the
people or allow the strong to oppress the weak. (As-Sallabi, 2007, vol 2, p.394)

2. Empathy: it is defined as “the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by

imagining what it would be like to be in their situation”. It is an important characteristics of a
servant leader to assume him or herself in others positon that is to say to put him or herself in
other person’s shoes. Empathy or understanding and entering into another's feelings can be seen
from ‘Umar’s (r.a) character especially during the year of Ashes (Ar-Ramadah) when the famine,
drought and hunger struck Madinah. People could not find food to eat, and he vowed not to eat
ghee and yogurt as usual. He laments “How can I be concerned for the people, if I do not suffer
what they suffer” (As-Sallabi, 2007, vol 1, p.193). Because he put himself in the positon of Iraqi
widows, he vowed not leave them in need of anybody after him. That is to say, he would satisfy
or provide them with all their needs. ‘Umar’s empathy or feeling for others can also be seen one
of the stories. It is recorded that one day on his usual patrol the city, he saw a distance fire in
the desert then he told his slave “Aslam”. “There seems to be a camp. Perhaps, it is a caravan
that could not enter the town due to light fall. Let’s go and look after them and arrange for their
protection during night”. (Kaandhlawi, 2005, p.41)

3. Healing: Ability or potential to heal one’s self and one’s relationship with others is one of the
most commendable strengths of servant-leadership. From the story of the year of ashes
mentioned earlier, Bedouins came from desert to Madinah seeking refuge. As such, there were
refugee camps. ‘Umar (r.a) set up an institution to help the refugee and divided works among his
workers. He fed the refugees from Dar-Daqeeq, which was established to distribute food for
those who came to Madinah. It was also recorded that ‘Umar (r.a) solicited remedy (healing) for
Mu’ayeeb, bayt al-mal (public treasury) keeper form his illness. Besides practicing heling the
subordinates by himself, he advised his appointed governors to see that they build the strong
bond between them and their attendants. He strongly admonished them to heal their followers’
spiritual, moral, emotional and physical ailments. (As-Sallabi, 2007).

4. Awarness: is synonymous to ‘cognizance’, it is a noun derived from ‘aware’ which means

“knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing” or
“having special interest in or experience of something and so being well informed of what is
happening in that subject at the present time.”(Cambridge advanced learner’s dictionary, 2008).
Be it a general or self-awareness are characteristics of servant leader. Nonetheless, the latter
strengthens servant leader more. Awareness is one of ‘Umar’s (r.a) secret to the successfulness
of his tenue. History records him to be one of the foremost Prophet’s companions in regards to
knowledge and awareness (Ahmed, 2006). Many instances can be cited to prove this. As-Sallabi,
(2007, vol2 p.46) says, ‘Umar Ibn Kattab (r.a) appointed some people and did not appoint others
who were of greater virtue than them, because the former knew how to do things”.

5. Persuasion: this is also one of the most important characteristics of servant leadership. ‘Umar
(r.a) used to persuade whoever he sees to be the best in doing things. He persuaded many of his
agents (governors and army leader) to take charge and wrote letters to remind them. It was
recorded in one of his letter saying: “I advise you to treat your people justly, and to devote
yourself to looking after them and protect them against their enemy. Do not show any favour to

the rich over the poor. That will be better for your spiritual well-being and will help to reduce
your burden of sin, and it will be better for your Hereafter…I instruct you to be strict with regard
to the commands of Allah.” (As-Sallabi, 2007, vol.2 p.389).

6. Conceptualization: This means inventing or contriving an idea or explanation and formulating

it mentally. It is a vital characteristic of an effective servant leader to think “beyond day-to-day-
realities”. ‘Umar (r.a) had this characteristic to his credit. He enlarged the public treasury and
established it in all provinces with appointment of their keeper(s). He conceptualized that justice
is a must in a given society. Therefore, he established court of justice and appointed judges for
the first time in history. He also established army department and assigned regular salaries for
the soldiers. He also started revenue department. He established schools in the provinces and
allocated salaries to their teachers. There are many things which he conceptualized and tried to
actualize as a leader.

7. Foresight: is one of the essential characteristics of Servant leadership. As-Sallabi (2007)

unequivocally declares foresight as one of the characteristics of ‘Umar’s (r.a) leadership. Al-
Qur’an also testifies to the ‘Umar (r.a) foresight where in many instances confirm what He had
earlier predicted, for instance, taking the station of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) as a place of prayer,
the issues of veil for the prophet’s wives, prohibition of alcoholic drinking, issue of funeral prayer
for the hypocrites and many others.

8. Stewardship: it is defined as “someone who manages property or other affairs for someone
else”. It is one of the characteristics of the servant leader, which is more glaring in practice and
character of ‘Umar (r.a). It was narrated that a delegate came from Iraq one day and al-Ahnaf
ibn Qays was one of them. They find ‘Umar (r.a) daubing the zakah camel with pitch. Then ‘Umar
(r.a) called al-Ahanf to join him. Then a man among the delegate proposed to call one of the
slaves who are in charge of Zakah to take care of it. To this ‘Umar (r.a) replied:
What slave can be more of a slave than me and al-Ahhnaf? The one who has been appointed in
charge of Muslim affairs owes them the same duties of sincerity and fulfillment of the trust as a
slave owes to his master (Quoted in As-Sallabi, 2007, vol 1, p.242).

9. Commitment to the growth of people: Human beings are endowed with dignity, nobility and
honour. They have intrinsic value which is above being workers of a company, a firm or an
institution. Therefore, they need to grow as people. It is one of the paramount characteristics of
the servant leader to see that the people who he or she led grow. ‘Umar (r.a) committed himself
to the growth of his subordinates; he established schools in the provinces and paid the workers
stipend. He decreed that an army should not spend beyond a certain period of time waging war
without going back to his family. He told the Syrian people after the conquest that he did not
send the governors to beat them but to teach them the religion and Sunnah of the Prophet. He
also used to tell the governors that “We have not appointed you to shave the hair of the Muslims
and to beat them; rather, we have appointed you to established regular prayer and teach them
al-Quran” (Quoted in As-Sallabi, 2007, vol 2, p.66).

10. Building Community: It has been identified that much has been lost due to the drastic shifting
to large institution from local communities. Such awareness is a characteristic of a servant leader.
Building community was one of ‘Umar’s (r.a) primary targets as soon as he became the caliph.
His community building includes physical and spiritual building. He solicited for cooperation and
obedience, fulfilling covenants and sincerity in one’s work within the then micro community. He

also built the community by expansion, which includes Bahrain, Iraq, Persia, Syria, Egypt and so
on. It was recorded that:
He (‘Umar, r.a) was concern with the protection and development of the institutions of the state
serving the financial, judicial, and military fields as well as matters pertaining to the appointment
of governors. He strove to make the people adhere to the command of Allah and the commands
of His Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) . He strove to make people avoid that which has been
forbidden by Allah and his prophet using his position as caliph of the Muslim and through

The matter of treating the subjects kindly:

Amr ibn al-'Aas said, "O Commander of the Faithful! Have you considered that if an Ameer kills one of
his subjects as a punishment, you will retaliate against him?" Hazrat Umar replied there is no reason why
I should not retaliate, I saw the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) that he used to take retribution from his
caste. Hazrat Umar Wrote to the commander of the Army not to humiliate the muslims by killing them
nor to make them disobedient by depriving them ,Do not put them in temptation by making them needy
and do not waste them in the bushes.”


Numerous examples of the caliphate of Hazrat Umar (RA) are a beacon of light for our rulers. His
administrative skills, style of government and measures for the welfare of the people are exemplary for
today's leaders. The leaders should be held accountable for their deeds and actions in the light of this
governing style In order to run the system of government, it is necessary to bring together such capable
and competent people who do not have hypocrisy in them, who are sincere for the country, the nation,
the religion of Islam and Use all the abilities for the betterment of the nation with sincerity.


1. Ali, A Y. (2006). The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, new edition with revised translation,
commentary and newly complied comprehensive index. Maryland: Amana Publication.
2. Abdul Mutalib, M. & Wan Razali, W. F (2012) “The concept of servant and Islamic Leadership: A
comparative Analysis”. In M. Mohd Jalani; Z. Abd Ghani; S.M. Ibrahim; M. Abu Hassan; S.S.
Othman & F, Hassan (Ed). Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Leadership-2.
(pp228-245). Nilai: Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.
3. Ali-Agan, A. I (2016). An appraisal of Shaykh Kishk’s khuṭbah presentation, Intellectual Discourse,
4. Shibli Noamani,Allama,Al-Farooq,Dar ul Ashaat,Karachi.
5. Muhammad bin Sa’ad, Tabqat ibn e Sa’ad, Mutarjim: Allama Abdullah Alamaadi,

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