Theoretical and Practical Considerations in Implementing and Using A Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) in Restructured Electricity Markets - 2006

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Panel Presentation:

Theoretical and Practical Considerations in Implementing and Using a Reliability Unit

Commitment (RUC) in Restructured Electricity Markets
Dr. Alex Papalexopoulos, Fellow IEEE
President, ECCO International, Inc.
San Francisco, CA

Reliability Unit Commitment
Sponsored by: IEEE PES Power System Analysis, Computing and Economics Committee

Panel Chair: Dr. Avnaesh Jayantillal and Dr. Jun Yu

2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting
June 18-22, 2006
Montreal, QC, Canada

It has been widely accepted that in restructured electricity However, there are also differences between the DAM and
markets a Reliability Unit Commitment (RUC) function is the RUC processes. The proposed IFM process is based on
needed to ensure reliability. Specifically, the purpose of RUC bid-in and self scheduled demand, while the proposed RUC
is to ensure that sufficient capacity is available at proper process uses the ISO’s load forecast. The objective function
locations to meet real-time energy and associated ancillary in the DAM is to minimize the overall costs as reflected by
services requirements. Since the scheduled load that clears the start-up, no-load and incremental offer prices, and where
Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and Hour-Head Market (HAM)
relevant, Ancillary Services (A/S) capacity bids. The
may be less than the actual load for a variety of reasons, the
resource committed in the DAM and HAM may not be objective function of the RUC function, in many but not all
sufficient to meet the energy and capacity requirements in cases, is the same as the objective function of the DAM
real-time. Therefore, a RUC function is needed to reserve optimization (with availability payment in lieu of capacity
enough on-line capacity to meet the load forecast obtained in adder). The three-part bids submitted in the DAM will be
DA and the associated operating reserve requirements; while also used in the RUC process. Resources committed in the
the objective of DAM is to procure energy and capacity to DAM will be modeled as “must-run” in RUC, i.e., these
meet the DA scheduled load and the DA ancillary service resources will not be de-committed.
requirements. The objective of the HA RUC is to reserve
enough on-line capacity to meet the load forecast obtained in In some other markets the RUC process minimizes only the
HA; while the objective of HAM is to procure energy and start-up and no-load components for additional commitments.
capacity to meet the HA scheduled load and the HA ancillary This is motivated by the goal of minimizing uplift costs
service. Both the DA RUC and the HA RUC will include resulting from start-up and no-load prices, as well as creating
system-wide as well as locational needs. incentives for market participants to make bids and offers as
accurately as possible in the DAM. However in some
The fundamental methodology for solving the RUC problem regions, this may give an advantage to dispatch of imports
is based on the Security Constrained Unit Commitment (without any start-up and no-load bid component) before
(SCUC) that is also used in clearing the forward markets. dispatch of generators in the ISO region (that do have start-
Both the DAM and the RUC processes are based on a up and no-load bids). If imports selected as reliability
centralized unit commitment optimization that allows multi- reserves are assured payments, regardless of whether the
part offers (with capacity bids, start-up, no-load and energy is truly needed in real time, this bias could result in
incremental energy bids). The RUC optimization considers inefficient market outcomes. Additionally, generators
inter-temporal operational constraints for generators (ramp- selected in the RUC process that are dispatched at their
rates, minimum output, minimum run times, etc.), and minimum block can also contribute to uplift costs because of
incorporates transmission constraints in developing a least- their minimum load cost may exceed the LMP. Ignoring
cost commitment and dispatch for a twenty-four hour period. energy prices completely in the RUC process may not result
(The time horizon may be extended to 5 days or a week.) Both in the lowest possible uplift.
utilize a Full Network Model (FNM) that includes all
The RUC process will procure a combination of energy and
transmission constraints, branch group and nomogram
unloaded capacity. It will procure 100 percent of the capacity
needed to meet the ISO’s requirements taking into account

1-4244-0493-2/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE.

the energy obtained from the DAM schedules, energy Finally, if the DAM and RUC processes are performed
corresponding to minimum generation limit from the sequentially, then the issue is which should be performed
additional committed resources in RUC and energy from first. If RUC is committed after the DAM, additional units
selected inter-ties. The ISO will use the RUC results are committed which consequently causes over-commitment
considering the start up time of the units. For example, if a of resources. Also, the RUC is based on “RUC Availability
unit with 4 hours of start up time is slated to be committed Bids” which are meant to represent unclear “opportunity
based on the DA RUC results, the ISO will defer the actual costs.” One can make the case that “opportunity costs” in
commitment decision of that resource to the corresponding general do not exist. If one uses zero values for these bids,
HA RUC. the optimization is purely based on start-up and minimum
load costs and transmission availability. Such commitment
However, the sum of energy from DAM schedules, minimum decisions are not optimal because the eventual energy costs
offload from additionally committed resources, and energy have been ignored.
from selected inter-ties should not exceed 95 percent of the
energy to meet next day’s hourly demand forecast. This is If the RUC is performed after DAM, the minimum load
deemed necessary to allow for load forecast errors, to energy from units committed in RUC is not included in
minimize the risk of over-procurement of energy by the RUC, DAM. If RUC were performed before DAM, the minimum
and to avoid creating an incentive for loads to under-schedule load energy could be cleared in the DAM reducing the DAM
in the Day Ahead market. LMPs. Although RUC minimum load could be cleared in
real-time, the energy volume in DAM is higher and more
Energy procured in the DA RUC in the form of minimum load load can benefit from the resulting price reduction.
from committed resources and energy schedules from selected Therefore, clearing RUC before the DAM, could reduce the
System Resources (inter-ties) will be submitted to the Hour incentive for load to under-schedule.
Ahead market as a price taker. Any of this energy not cleared
in the Hour Ahead market will be submitted again to Real We’ll also present the reasons for performing RUC after the
Time as a price taker. Costs associated with RUC will be DAM. The additional RUC commitment and capacity cost
borne by the Market Participants whose metered load is not could be allocated to under-scheduled load. There is a “clear”
fully scheduled in the DAM (excluding Metered Subsystem cost-causation for the additional commitment. The RUC cost
load that is covered by its own resources.) could service as deterrence for load under-scheduling.
However, one can dispute the efficiency of this incentive as a
In this presentation the theoretical foundation of the RUC deterrent for load under-scheduling.
process and key important considerations in implementing
RUC will be presented. We’ll also provide a description of the Another important issue is the application of the LMP in the
general sequential approach in which the IFM process is RUC awards. One can make the case that this is not
executed first and then the RUC process is completed. We appropriate. In this presentation we’ll also touch upon pricing
then offer a brief exposition of the merits of the simultaneous issues of the RUC awards. Finally, other practical issues,
approach where the DAM and RUC clear simultaneously. such as the modeling of fast startup units, combined cycle
units, treatment of market power mitigation in RUC and
settlement rules are also discussed in the presentation.

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