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Специалитет "ФИС лечебное

дело" 6 ĸурс 31_05_01
Личный ĸабинет / Мои ĸурсы

/ Кафедра онĸологии, лучевой терапии и лучевой

диагностиĸи с ĸурсом ДПО

/ Онĸология, лучевая терапия / Лечебное дело

/ Семинар: Раĸ пищевода и желудĸа

/ Раĸ Желудĸа

Тест начат Среда, 9 Март 2022, 23:16

Состояние Завершено
Завершен Среда, 9 Март 2022, 23:17
Прошло 1 мин. 26 сеĸ.
Баллы 20,0/20,0
Оценĸа 100,0 из 100,0

Вопрос 1


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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Stomach cancer most often develops at the age


a. equally in all age groups

b. from 21 years to 50 years

c. from 51 to 70 years old

d. up to 20 years

e. over 70 years of age

Вопрос 2


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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Risk factors for stomach cancer are:

a. local changes in the gastric mucosa

b. background diseases, hereditary factor

c. soil-climatic conditionality

d. all of the listed

e. nutritional factor and diet

Вопрос 3


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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What is the difference between oncological radical

resection of the stomach and resection for peptic
ulcer disease:

a. removal of the spleen

b. the volume of resection

c. resection is performed only according to

d. removal of the liver

e. removal of the large and small omentum

Вопрос 4


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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Dynamic monitoring during the 1st year after the

primary radical treatment of gastric and
esophageal cancer, including regular collection of
complaints, physical
examination of patients and EFGDS, is
recommended to be performed:

a. every 6 months

b. if there are complaints

c. 1 time per year

d. every 3 months

Вопрос 5


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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Most often, the histological structure of stomach

cancer is:

a. mixed glandular-squamous cell carcinoma

b. squamous cell carcinoma

c. all the listed variants occur with the same

d. adenocarcinoma

Вопрос 6


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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In accordance with the classification of gastric

cancer according to the TNM system, T2
corresponds to germinates:

a. affects adjacent structures

b. muscle layer

c. grows into adventitia

d. its own plate, the muscular plate of the

mucous membrane and the submucosal

Вопрос 7


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 65-year-old man is evaluated for persistent

dyspepsia despite treatment with antacid therapy.
He also has recent weight loss of 3 kg (6.6 lb) and
development of epigastric abdominal pain. He
does not smoke or drink alcohol. He takes no
medications other than antacids.
On physical examination, vital signs are normal.
There is epigastric tenderness but no abdominal
masses, no hepatosplenomegaly, and no
The endoscopic biopsy specimen shows evidence
of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
lymphoma involving the stomach.
Immunohistochemical stains for Helicobacter
pylori are positive.
A CT scan shows thickening of the gastric wall but
no abdominal or other lymphadenopathy.
Which of the following is the most appropriate

a. Gastrectomy

b. Radiation therapy

c. Proton pump inhibitor and antibiotic

d. Combination therapy with rituximab and
e. PET

Вопрос 8


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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To clarify the depth of invasion of the wall tumor in

esophageal cancer:

a. Endosonography

b. Ultrasound


d. CT is prescribed

Вопрос 9


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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Risk factors for esophageal cancer are:

a. Barrett's esophagus

b. eating very cold or very hot food

c. age 70-80 years

d. all of the above

e. alcohol

f. smoking

Вопрос 10


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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At what stage of gastric cancer

is endoscopic resection of the gastric mucosa

a. early gastric cancer Tis-T1N0M0

b. stomach cancer T3N0M0

c. stomach cancer T4N0M0

d. stomach cancer T1NxM1

Вопрос 11


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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In accordance with the classification of cancer of

the esophagus and esophageal-gastric junction
according to the TNM system, T1 corresponds
to germination:

a. muscle layer

b. own plate or muscle plate of the mucous

membrane, submucosal layer
c. grows into adventitia

d. affects adjacent structures

Вопрос 12


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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Precancerous diseases of the esophagus include:

a. Barrett's esophagus

b. Plummer-Vinson syndrome

c. chronic esophagitis

Вопрос 13


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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In accordance with the classification of gastric

cancer according to the TNM system, M1
corresponds to a tumor that:

a. affects its own plate, the muscular plate of

the mucous membrane and the
submucosal layer
b. affects distant organs

c. grows into adventitia

d. into the muscle layer

Вопрос 14


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 62-year-old female returns for follow-up after

consultation with the local gastroenterologist,
where an upper endoscopic procedure with
biopsies was performed. Review of the pathology
report reveals the presence of extranodal marginal
zone В lymphoma of MALT type in the gastric
mucosa. As you discuss the treatment options with
the patient, you mention the possibility that toxic
chemotherapeutic agents may not be required due
to the frequent cause of this disease.
The etiologic agent associated with this process is:

a. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)

b. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)

c. Human herpesvirus 8

d. Tropheryma whipplei

e. Hepatitis В virus

Вопрос 15


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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Risk factors for stomach cancer are:

a. polyps, stomach ulcer

b. congenital genetic disorders (familial

stomach cancer)
c. helicobacteriosis

d. all of the above

e. unbalanced diet: abuse of nitrates, salt,

canned foods, strong alcoholic beverages,
insufficient intake of proteins, vegetables,
fruits, vitamins
f. low acidity of gastric juice

Вопрос 16


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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Which histological form of stomach cancer has the

most unfavorable prognosis?

a. squamous cell carcinoma

b. adeno-squamous cell carcinoma

c. adenocarcinoma

d. cricoid cell carcinoma

Вопрос 17


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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The optimal method of treating stage II–III gastric

cancer (T1-4N1-3M0) is:

a. surgical treatment + radiation therapy

b. combined: surgical treatment

(gastrectomy or subtotal resection of the
stomach in combination with D2 lymph
dissection) + adjuvant chemotherapy
c. only radical surgical treatment

Вопрос 18


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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The most effective method of diagnosing cancer

of the esophagus and stomach is:

a. X-ray examination

b. examination of gastric juice

c. endoscopic examination with histological

d. physical examination

Вопрос 19


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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A 69-year-old woman is evaluated for 6 months of

progressive dysphagia. She has been previously
healthy and takes no medications.
On physical examination, vital signs and the
remainder of the physical examination are normal.
Results of upper endoscopy and biopsy indicate
adenocarcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction.
The staging evaluation reveals a T3 tumor on
ultrasound and no evidence of distant metastatic
disease. The patient's tumor is technically
Which of the following is the most reasonable
treatment strategy?

a. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radiation

b. Palliative chemotherapy

c. Surgery alone

d. Adjuvant radiation therapy

Вопрос 20


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

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The main method of special treatment of

esophageal and stomach cancer is:

a. radiotherapy

b. chemotherapy

c. surgical method of treatment

d. chemo-radiotherapy

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