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PLUS Of LNOUN The Subject /opyect of a Jenvence Proper noun ~ specific : imavia,tvar COMMON NOUN — seete: d09,ca° aroun names a person, lace, things, oF idea. 6.0. dog, fwdens ,apple,mary, exc 2 ADVERB fn adverb tens vo) phen, padre eres an adjeenve, or an aave t can deuribe a S.VERB A verb is a woud er rove of wocds that describes An action , experience eg: veaure, na0K, see, ten, ext MADTECTIVE an adyectivé describes a noun of prongun Eo «ed hott blue, BITE, sBUE, en 5. PREPOSITION THEA before a noun, pronsun| or 96/und ro chow place , time, diecriaf im a snan , etc sentence eee eee she oD alasbal tat absent + C.coNSUNCTION 20Ne, 2 Aah ConACiCNS TIN words OF OrovPS OF words in a senvence €.9. and, because, yer, mnerejore, moreover, S1MCe, O¢, 38, oni}, Wut, ere 7. PRONOUN / Pronouns replace the name of A person, flace, thing ef Mea ing sensonce 4° AGRE. 11, we, ANeY, mim, her, Yr, that, soho wino1e, arwbody, ere 8. INTERJECTION VOCAB— uly orchid Amarylis — snive ily Hlibiseys — wetnang separy Chearaniemon dandelion carnation hance, gracefully eon Ancient — nvno world-cenpnned ANWOYS lade Cows = rearai divine (igure! + apiaan wnan sawed ropping Carving = Fanaraa / vxican Frehistor’e monument prerequisite a rene of wonder Intersection express strong emotion and Is often folloned by an exclamation point €9: bravo! well), anal hooray! yean!, oops ! fet amidit fe tmposing srvcture dy OMIT 9 be inevitae te rerroratian efforts in between preserved . coanias euinde ‘athe mal ventervear rainative minas — WainKona ~? ne eAThTARIND oi 2 Fro! sain, (dala °F maitive — a nyoe /enermous remains at Se Fathom wn ochlen spread across Ad wre = 00 ON 7 PH sca Yun cvtitann | aldo =? Lica Greece yonany fy 7 KL ceniral hub Pr Fantue empite = nenauaran Prony 5 har Lott th time f ey Canceated = reuiempenvi rere er Impressive — meng eian xan Coastline gaels pantai Quarry > tameang crater = Kawan Spanning = mencanup master plece sarovds — penuiue BE before chat (im) AD + Anno domo (rahyn runany millgnium > woo year! rictorial relief Jrayuer > parung rerrorated — verivbang a must visit Ces eMmoles + menverveal Gladcarers vinlent naiure spectators amphisneater architectural ingenvity row walls ford standard srandae 90.4 / rata roarele seemingly vocab For midrest «90m /ag) /¥/ odu /eon) fmt /e+¢ dismay dwindle Fictional witard reside , residing harm¢ul armies wean character strong willed obstinate prescribe prescription, recipe Athlerte Chubby Flom Muscular sninny pat slim Stocny Indigenvas Paradigm Hacxneyed Borrowed Adjacent | Phenomena ( phenomenon) verdic reripheral Hindrance Miracles Circumstances The crack, Jest Superb Famous vnroucned umiine Archipelago Birds 04 paradise (plant) birds of paradise (bird) Clothing = 1. shirt Polo shirt man's wear apparel sweater wont 1. WHO —reters to people (sub sect) “He who over domes hu anger subques ti! great enemy.” 2. WHOM —regers to people ( owect of the verb) ‘SheT He woman whom {mer on greece.” BWHOSE refers t0 possessions Whose ME¥S ave of the witchen counter?” ML WHICH reece to animals objects “Thar 15 901 900d language which ay onderstand nor TWAT —fU1OtE 10 yeople, things, THA ond animals “LT 9 pow mone tae bar ily nole® G.WHERE — refers to places “sian your name on thE [orm where Tye put a cross. F.WHEN — repens to time “LENE Cort the bridge when we come wo 1k.” 8. WHY — refers 10 reason Td line 40 HAow the talon why you're 10 Lae.” 9. WHAT ~ ceters to things “Pardon me, 5 didn't hear wnat you said." SCe@eeeeeeoG@eeveeeooeooQ@eooe eeee wef THE RULES S L.inginitives come after modal verbs but without "10" > E might eat pied 1 can play foorball 2.Modai verbs taKe nos" in the 3rd person singular => she muss leave [ty migh) happen 3. Modal verbs 40 not change their form according to tense 4. We vse modal verbs in negative sentences lime we do other availiary verbs Coithout the word ~4o") JS + Modal verb + nor + verb = You mist not ear my quod rench Lcan not_spean aote Might nor Mignin't Murr net Musta't May nor SI Can not Can't Could not Couldn't will nov Won't Would no) Wouldn't shall ner shanet Should not Shouldn't 5. with interrogative phrases, modal verbs are wied line other auxiliary verws Modal verb + S 4 Verb Can vod help me? will you ter him? @ MIGHT Pousibitity > They might be emniNa lunch She miant 9ive vs a aiscouns @® may Porsiviliny = the teacher may ve lae today Permission May (leave now ? VObs- © must Provability / Looical assumption She mus be stuck in WagFie Necessity 1 must 90 home right now Promibitton = You must 901 smone here @wie Future time. = Iwill leave a 7 o’clocn Promise /willingnets Twill o1ve money 10 charny this Christmas. Ponte Gvestion will you nelp mo with ths? ®©wovurnd Poute Question > Wold you help me with ts? Inyitanions/ Preferences / Desires = Fwpuld line a cop of rea would vou proper appler or Oranges ? ® can Ability > Ean speaK Enaiish suggestion / optien > You Can cal im somorrow Umpousibitiry = that Can't be ner! Reqvert can yoo help me? couLd Part ability > {could do ti9onemerty 5 years ago Pole questton = covld ¥ cat) you? Possibility / \ mpossi bility = She could be here She covite’t be here Suggestion = You could HY dbing this @ @ shoud — COULD'VE + PAST P. @ Recommend * Leould've gone ro worm, bur I deaded > You should ty thi new bar to stayin bed and warch Love Actualy e The right thing td 40 * Leould've studied more, bot T was F we shoyld deal with mit TIOHy Now. t0D busy partying. @ Uncertain predyction Tr IF vied when we want to maKe a overs = He should be home soon bot I'm not About something that happened in the Sure. past. This is hypotherical , we don't Know ® SHALL if what we are saying Ir true or not — Offer + He could've oversiept = thal I nelp you with that ? + He covid've mused the bur Congicmarion * He covld’ve myrteriouily died > T shail meer vow there at midniant couldn't have + PP Promises + Leoade nase 1e{t any earlier = You shal) be the first person 10 Know. + she couldn't have been happier with CPaat rer present PAST UCM curves rare Tt + PPerpect, Would’we + Past P. Expressing regret This 1p wed 10 detcribe a situation sna Shovld have didn't Wappen, and to imagine ine you Jhould’ve practiied more revit of ths situation would have iy sme had requed a starter. ine Tp you had practised more, you wouldve would've had room tor dewert pasied the exam * Vg 1 hadnt gone ro university, J wouldei could have have become a doctor You could've practived more but you _ didn't. * T would've vitiied you more often, 5 bol L war )o0 buy wilh worn —> SHOULD'VE + PAST P. + the wauld'ue rex1 me, bur ner prone When we we it torah About someone ele, WAS gut Of battery Ir's lime giving advice. + You should've ned me I have loads oy butter When we We i1 to ralK Abour ourselves. ins Wme expressing regret + Linpuld've mined vejare guing nome eacly Iris Wed 10 191K About Jomerning that, If evtryhing goer as expected. we INinK has already happened we oflen we ‘snevld have” with ‘by Now!— + william shovld ‘ve finned work by now + George's bur smovid've antived by now. + The tain should've ep vy tow + Lunovldn’t have caied my ex bout tart night + You shbuldw'y have bough us sipts! Jour: L.GERUND AS THE SUBJECT stnrence Examples: tating people is wrong Hunting sige ts dangerous Flying mader me nervous Broshing your teeth is Imporiont SmoKing cavses wag cancer Eating porn is haram for muslims Wearing nia properiu w amvir gor mostiman 2.GERUND AS THE COMPLEMENT OF THE VERB ‘To Bt" Evampies: © one of his duties IF attending meetings © The hardest thing about earning English, is under standma ine aerund © one of lifes pleasures iz having vreangall in ved © 1 cavgnt my friend cheating on Math rest © One of The welt tings For your neath is not Smoxning © | ove reading 3.GERUND AFTER PREPOSITION “The gerund must be Uled when a verb Comes after a preposition. This is also seve of certain expressions ending In a preposition. For example ' The expressions inspite of & tneres no point in.” Examples: © Lan you ineete without opening your mouth? © she avoided him by WaIKiNg on the oFposne s182 oF ihe road © we arrived in Madrid after driving ai ncant © vy father decided againsy postponing ms trip ap Hungary © There's no point in waiting. © In spite oF mmtiting the rain, We arrived on aime 4.GERUND AFTER PHRASAL VERBS “Phrasal verbs are composed of 4 verb + preposition or adver. 2? Examples : © When will voy Give up Moning 7 © she aiways puts OFF going to ihe dentut. © He wept on aiming ror money © Jim ended vp buying a new TY after his old Bae bione notes There ar some phrasal verbs that imcWde tne word *to” as a prepodition,, for example + to loon forward tp, 10 tang 10 ,t0 be accustomed 10 40 961 around 10 2 10 be vied to, nore (a)+ You can cnecw whether “to” is 4 prepositions of part of the infinitive. If you can qut the pronoun “it” arter the word *#0" and form meanind ful denrence , men the word "40" Is 4 prepo- HiMons and must be sellowed by a aerund Examples + © [100K Forward to Rearing From yoV soon, 1 look jorward 10 It. © (am vied 40 warring for buses = tam vied 1011 © she didn’t realy tame to studying Endlich. + she dian’ really rong 0 It © when will You ger around t0 mowing the grass — when will you et around 10 fr. 1. to crow about 10 brag about somerning wish Amanda would stop Cfowing about her promotion = { sanied thar position! 2.10 Fawn over “to flatter someone excessivety >? L10p fawning aver my grandmother ae embarrass 3. 10 BOUNCE (something) OFF “to tain abour sometning (usually an idea) order 40 receive (eedbacn or opinions rr Ke TOtARE you DUE for Lonch gna bounce nfew Wear off you we're In Wwe final stAye of Flaming a bi campaign ¥.to mull (something) over Sto think deeply and seviously agout lomerning 97 Lean decide which universit¥ 10 Lnpose — Ym Going 10 spend the weewend mulling over my options 5. to plod along (6 t0 progress Las a How byt steady rare 2? Hill plodding along with her arest emyr at & romance novell 6. to MeeP (something) UP ‘40 continue 4 course of Action >? thes bee Sh hard en ner curse — T hope she can weep it upl 2.10 FIQUre (something) OUT © 0 solve ov discover the source of 4 problem? Lust need, to inure ov! why mu Not 14p 1s Cold and my cold tap at hot! ening 8. to SEE (something /somevody) OF F S to go to the place thar some body is Neaving From in order 10 say 9oodbye 10 them? Til tame to thé part 10 Se€ Yau al ofp of the crvite ship! “+40 defeat tomeone /comerhing , or t0 deal with them effectively 10 that They can do no more harm or damage? On don't worry avovt my nocrible aunt Coming To mw wedding ~ 11) 188 her off $0 gimuh consuming something that’s bad for you ? Would yoo line me 1 hele you that Laut vortle of wine? To bash (something) in S40 string and dent or damage tome - thing? four J100y crleM@t bal bashed in cooyer 10. TO Call (Something) OF F ** to cancel an event oF an agreement 2? {ET benave boda enovah, vliliam mignt have yo call off the wedding M.TO AO (somethingy up $440 repair or decorate a building ‘0 thar It looks artractive 3 wea ee oft my oie hoping to boy a derelicr howe and to vt vp! to tarven something # Cuvld you hele me do op my acest 2 Lr appears to have fhvsnn ! 12,10 mvsTer (tomerhing) up ‘6 10 gather of bring together #? Li} ste ig Lean muster up the woase ran ay portvle bout 13. TO SObb1e (something) UP 20. to CrANK (something) OUT 9 le. to weed our § 0 talk about something / someone in ‘© t use a lot oF something very ‘4 t produce something in large amounts e quictly > Wee a machine aves 22 You must've been hungry — You've ayebled Wow end earth did [ manage tm cyanm vt vp halt of my popcorn. top vunaingly peastiful advanced prvaid) verve > WW. to face UP to 2. To @rass on e $+ to accept chara Aigpicult sitvation ‘© to tell ane police or someone in authority exists? About something bad that comeone kas she'll nave 10 face vp to the fact that done 2? e@ Peon aren't in seaion for her Sepember can't believe thar many graiied on toe meddiag the pelue avon nit leaal chicaen carr, @ 1S. to stich up For 2. to lag benind e “40 wpport or depend something or * to move oF Happen ai a siower pace Someone, especially ~hen they ave than comeone / omething else 7? @ jweing criticized 29 Tyound maths tenily hard at school and, e dyn't need agye wuprart —U can ati up 1 lagsed behind mort oy ma peers eg ouster 23. to BUIld (someone /something) UP @ “+t remove people or things frum 4 a very positive way s0 that people group 3 are impressed with them 2 er wedding reitavion lu ume long = Wee They've will nee up to He something mat sing tu nase weed sare pale out she ceatly unt 19.70 FUN Gomethingy by to build up someones hopes ‘+ f0 tell Someone about @ Plan or an (dea “+ to mane tomeone think that something 40 that they can ole you their 9004 (2 goIng to happen when it probably FeedbAcK and opinions % ung Aave you vin vhs W bawtd? Lahink het L dus wane 0 wud op ins hoper (she unt @ ke tt deming back e It. TO stock up on ay. to acm after £40 boy a larae Amoum of Lomething “40 ark about tomemne/somerning 2? @ fo that wou will have enaugh tor severe mat mina A14e oH aN TA) gy the ture 3? ada cote 5S. 10 301 down any Brits ave dtecring yp pw site sol a f prePacation gor BeAit 45 to write / nove down very quienly and wriegly 2? 19. to hare on about iat iaboen fed oh ok Bok TS * ty TAK oF complain aout something ymmingly Lerotifol advanced phiasa} verve! @® many times 79 Can you TBP harping 06 avout how azar e@ Miranda loowed at the parry?) e@2ee0e@ ® p o f © an idiom is a aroup of words with a ‘pecial meaning dipgerent 10 rhe Meaning of ach separate word. Alan idiom is qgixed of semi- fixed expression, its important 10 remember ane exact word (of each idlomn) 40 avald It sounding strange, 1. drop inthe ocean * 10 mane fomebody/someihing dityerent The guvermens’s pledge 10 increaue health cunding by L100 as Ut A deap in ame cean compared 1 the pihions thar need ve ke spear 2.Actions spean louder than words “ny were to actualy 4o something farmer than ust tak about it 2? Hop apologising and prove to me wat Con vost 90U— action ipéan lever shan werdd 3.10 add fuel to the fire Sra mane a problem worse oat tell ner about she delaws vou) ssh be adding (uel re te 0 4-the ball isin your court Sins your turn to mane the next decision® Tue done all 1can 40 the balls in your own 5. to bend over backwards © 40 do whatever it 1aKes 10 help someone 7? Our company 1 bending over bacnviacds wanrtiyy oor Cur omers 6. to bite Off more than You Can Chew ty tame on a tain thar (5 to big Tema Tye bien off mare than 1 can chew lth tld project 2. by the kin of one’s teeth “to only ust succeed at something by A narrow margin 3? by the Fain oy thy reeth! $. 10 cry Wolf $% 40 call for help when you dont need 11 2 My new flatmate ir always craing wolf 9.10 cut Somebody some slack “40 give Somebody A breaK 2? You need 10 rhe inion some slacR, she ave stil (eavaing 10- to Cut To The Chase 10 leave out all the unnecessary detail and gust oet 10 tne point % To cx 10 the chase, Yom ner commportable worming atengride John anymore. Ueto get one's head around Something to come +0 understand something 22 Tim 9919 10 1pend nigh teying 19 ot my head around thi new leais\anen, 12. to hear on the grapevine “to near a rumour o¢ uncengirmed story 2 Theor on the guapeving shat our vect prion ist will Be Leaving es dean Bit Takes TWO TO Tango © actions / communications need more than one perion #2 Dan't 20st WlAme Wien jor she agar, v4 vanes 1N9 8 tango 4. To miss the boat 40 miss the opportunity 10 dd something, Lakin yore used the boat on via apphcation , they've already starred ierwening canddares 15, @ piece oF cane really easy 22 That pop quit WAd A yiece of Cane! 6. Poll yourself together “calm down and Act normally ° thin ov Need 0 pull yoursely togeiner and H0f sWrestIng ayovt the presentation 12. to Sit/ to be on the fence to stay neutral and not tame sides 29 Tm sitting an the pence on this one T don't want 1 ajpend anyone to step UP one’s game S640 start performing berter 92 Jy you really want 10 0€t thir promerton, wou'll n€ed to step ep wou game 19. to sell Someone Ovt $610 snitch On someone or (er their Secret out 2? Taswed you 10 weep that ingormarien 10 Yourtely. | Cant welieve you Jord me out Ke that t Your 9UE5S iS aS Qo0d aS mine “61 dont wnuw /1 have no idea 2? We yost don't have enovgn data . Your yest it a good as mine. 20.

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