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Professor Academy

Logical Reasoning – Practice Sheet

1. Both premises and conclusion of an argument are .
A) Commands
B) Propositions
C) Exclamations
D) Questions.

2._______is a statement of relation between two terms.

A) Proposition
B) Denotation
C) Syllogism
D) Dilemma

3. The two kinds of propositions are

A) Connotative – Denotative
B) Abstract – Concrete
C) Categorical – Conditional
D) Good – Bad

4. The sign of relation between two terms is called a .

A) Subject
B) Predicate
C) Object
D) Copula

5.Copula is that part of proposition which denotes the relationship between :

A) Subject and predicate
B) Known and unknown
C) Major premise and minor premise
D) Subject and object

6. In a categorical proposition the predicate is either affirmed or denied

……..of the subject
A) Unconditionally
B) Conditionally
C) Emotionally
D) Fallaciously 7550100920

Professor Academy

7. The proposition “if you work hard you will succeed “ – is an example for
A) Categorical
B) Conditional
C) Negative
D) Emotive

8. A disjunctive proposition is __________ proposition.

A) Conditional
B) Unconditional
C) Categorical
D) Imperative

9. Affirmative or Negative is the classification of propositions on the basis

A) Quantity
B) Quality
C) Validity
D) Truth.

10. Universal or Particular is the classification of the propositions on the

basis of ________
A) Quantity
B) Quality
C) Validity
D) Truth.

11. The proposition: “ All men are mortal.”- is an example for ____
A) Universal affirmative
B) Universal negative
C) Particular affirmative
D) Particular negative.

12. The proposition: “ No men are perfect”.- is an example for __________

proposition. 7550100920

Professor Academy
A) Universal affirmative
B) Universal negative
C) Particular affirmative
D) Particular negative.

13. The proposition: “ Some flowers are red “ – is an example for __________
A) Universal affirmative
B) Universal negative
C) Particular affirmative
D) Particular negative.

14. The proposition: “ Some Indians are not religious”- is an example for
__________ proposition.
A) Universal affirmative
B) Universal negative
C) Particular affirmative
D) Particular negative.

15. When a term is used in its entire extent referring to to the objects denoted
by the term, that term is said to be __.
A) Undistributed
B) Excluded
C) Distributed
D) Verified.

14. When a term refers only to part the class of things denoted by the term,
that term is said to be ______.
A) Undistributed
B) Unexcluded
C) Distributed
D) Verified.

15. Universal affirmative proposition distributes__________ .

A) Subject
B) Predicate
C) Both subject and Predicate 7550100920

Professor Academy
D) Neither Subject nor Predicate.

16. Universal negative proposition distributes ________ .

A) Subject
B) Predicate
C) Both Subject and Predicate
D) Neither Subject nor Predicate.

17. Particular affirmative proposition distributes ___________ .

A) Subject
B) Predicate
C) Both Subject and Predicate
D) Neither Subject nor Predicate.

18. Particular negative proposition distributes ____________ .

A) Subject
B) Predicate
C) Both Subject and Predicate
D) Neither Subject nor Predicate.

19. The proposition: “Socrates is wise”, is an example for _____ proposition.

A) Negative
B) singular
C) emotive
D) invalid.

20. The quantity of the proposition is determined by the extension of the

A) Subject
B) Predicate
C) both subject and predicate
D) Copula.

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