Litanies HD - Part17

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and requests and not decline any of their pleas. They have ‘only come o know all ofthis and receive t by means of the Prophet # and at his hands, so those who wish to thank hing and praise him and fulfil a small portion of the eight owed tohim should se to 1 that they send abundant prayers upon him on this day [Friday] and the evening preceding it” 8 Chapter Four HADITH REPORTS THAT ENCOURAGE SENDING PLENTIFUL PRAYERS UPON THE PROPHET &, ALONG WITH A DISCUSSION ON. SEEING THE PROPHET & IN A WAKEFUL STATE HE MESSENGER OF ALLAN # SAID, “Send frequent prayers upon me, for the frst thing you will be asked about in the grave shall be concerning me.” (al-Sakhawi, al Quy al bad’) The Messenger of Allah & said, “Prayers sent upon me shall bea light on the Day of Resurrection when crossing the Traverse (Gina), so send abundant prayers upon me.” (al-Daylami, Musnad bjedae) ‘The Messenger of Allah & said, “Whosoever would be delighted to meet Allah with Him being well-pleased with him, then let him send frequent prayers upon me.” (al-Daylami, Musmad alfindav) ‘The Messenger of Allah & said, “The closest people to me on the Day of Resurrection shall be those who send the most prayers upon me.” (al-Tirmidhi, Suman) In the Risla of [mam Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri there is a report from Ibn ‘Abbas & that reads, “Allah the Exalted and Sublime, revealed to Musa xt, "I have increased your power of hearing ten thousandfold so you can withstand hearing My 9 Speech, and Ihave given you ten thousand tongues with terespond one, the mest beloved and closest you canbe ah is when you send abundant prayers upon Muhammad a» * Inn his commentary on Dubill Haars, Shaykh al-“Adawi quo, froma Fassand al ama’ commentaries on Dail thar of whom quote from a Shanwans gloss on the abridgmep ‘Sohn abbr and fom a-Sakhawis al Qa lB? (Aah hoe mere upon them al) that Kab al-Ahbar & reported, "Allah ye Exalted and Sublime, said to Prophet Musa (prayers and peace upon him and cur Prophet) in some of what He revealed ea hig, “O Musa! Were it not for those who worship Me I would neve: grant reprieve t those who disobey Me even for the Blinking of, neye!© Musa! Were it not for those who testify that there se, god but Allah I sould have thrust the Hellfire upon the world © Musa! When you meet the poor, ask of them as you would ask of the rich If you fail to do that then I will bury all of your ‘good works under the dirt. O Musa! Would you like to never suffer from thirst on the Day of Resurrection?” Musa replied, “Yes. O Divine! Allah said, “Then send abundant prayers upon Muhammad" ‘Al-Sakhawsi said. “Tt is narrated in some reports that there was a servant from the Children of Israel who had transgressed against his own soul, and when he died the people tossed his corpse [into a wasteland or desolate area] Allah then revealed to His Prophet Musa xf, ‘Go and wash his body and offer prayers for hin, for I have forgiven him" Musa asked, O Lord, for what reason have You forgiven him” Allah said, ‘One day he opened the Torah and found in it the name Muhammad. whereupon he sent a prayer upon him, that is why’ have forgiven him!" Ubayyb Ka'b.& reported. *When a quarter of the night would pass the Messerger of Allah & would arise and say O people! Remember Allah’ Remember Allah! The convulsing blast [of the Trumpet] ha: come, followed bythe subsequent one ~death has come with what it contains. I said,'O Messenger of Allah! send abundant prayers upon you: how much of my prayer should 20 sending prayers upon you?"As much a8 you like {dedicate td. Should I have youn half of my pee” He er fyoulike. And ifyou wish ro add to that ill be beter Oy asked, "So what about two thirds He replied, If Jo if you wish toad to that willbe beter for you" Jou td, “Should I have you in my whole prayer, © Messenger of ane te & replied, "If you do that. your stress will be relieved sin wil be forgiven.” (al-Tirmidhi, sen) Another 208 Jon hs it, “TE you do that, Allah wll lieve your woraly worldly stress.” an Ar shia said the following in his biography of Abu 4 Mawahib al-Shadhili & in Tabagat al Sufyy: “Shaykh Abu al- anal Shadhili said 'l saw the Propher& in dream and fedhimm. "O Messenger of Allah! Whats the meaning of Ubayy ffab’s question on how much ofthe prayer he sheuld dedicate Oreo Ted replied, “cis that you send prayers upon me and shee reward to me and not to yourself "" Be paykh al'Adavi quoted al-Hafez al-Sakhawi, who related fiom Ibm Abi Hajla, who related that Abu Hatib said that a figheous man had informed him that sending abundant prayers ton the Prophet # averts plagues Trnam al-Sha'rani also said in Kasfal gun, “Some scholars (ay Allah be pleased with chem) have said tha tke minimum numberof prayers upon the Prophet & needed to be considered “bundant’isseven hundred. Others have said that che minimum umber is three hundred and fifty in each day and three hundred and fifty each night. Imam al-Sha'rani also said in Lawagih al anwar al qudsyya fr sey luhud al Muhammadiyya (The Holy Fecundating Lights in Clarification of the Muhammadan Covenants) Agencral covenant has been taken from us by the Messenger ‘of Allah that we send abundant prayers and peace uson him day and night. and that we remind our brethren of the reward and recompense for doing so, and that we encourage them todo itas an expression of love for him &. If they adopt for a

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