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1. Listen to the recording and decide whether the following statements are true (A), or false (B).
You will hear the recording twice. (1,25 points)
True False
(A) (B)
1. David used to be a student at the university.
2. In his department, some students came from other countries.
3. David thinks the most important thing for the international students is
not to tell anyone their problems.
4. David advises the international students to find out when the tutor is
available for tutorial appointments at the beginning of the course.
5. In order to deal with the long reading lists, David advises the international
students to ask local students for the most important reading list.

2. Listen to the passage about the Great Wall of China and choose the best answer for each of the
following questions.
6. What is The Great Wall said to be visible from?
A. the sun B. the moon C. Both A and B are correct D. the star
7. When was The Great Wall listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO?
A. In 1983 B. in 1985 C. in 1987 D. in 1989
8. What was The Great Wall mostly built during the Ming Dynasty for?
A. defence purposes B. tourism purposes C. economy purposes D. historical
9. Which statement is TRUE about the Great Wall?
A. It was built by several dynasties.
B. It was completed in the 7th century B.C.
C. It is considered the greatest man-made wonder in the world.
D. It stretches for about 60000km from east to west.
10. What is the average height of the The Great Wall?
A. 11 meters  B. 13 meters C.15 meters D. 17 meters

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each the following questions. (0.5 points)
11. A. sports B. teams C. names D. friends
12. A. jumped B. picked C. relaxed D. suited
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
questions. (2.0 points)
13. The public praised the local farmers for _____ millions of trees on the surrounding hills.
A. having planted B. being planted C. being planting D. plant
14. I ____ the latest Harry Potter book all day. I'm dying to know what happens in the end!
A. am reading B. have been reading C. have read D. had read
15. It is not easy at all to get a good job without any _________ qualifications.
A. academic B. social C. great D. favourite
16. He is accused _____ misleading investors and lenders about the financial health of the company
A. for B. of C. by D. to
17. We may help to control global warming by ____________ carbon footprints in our homes.
A. putting up with B. getting down to C. cutting down on D. going
back to
18. At the _____ level, you get a master’s degree or a doctoral degree.
A. graduate B. undergraduate C. postgraduate D.
19. We must _____some action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas.
A. do B. make C. show D. take
20. “The exam was a piece of _____. We all received high scores.
A. sweet B. pie C. cake D. candy

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word/phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. (1,25 points)
Further education in Britain means education after GCSE exams (21) _____ around the age
of 16. It includes courses of study linked to A-levels which students do at their school or college.
Some students go straight to a college of further education (22)_____ offers a wide range of full
or part-time courses. Further education also includes training for (23) _____ qualifications in
nursing, accountancy, and management and in field (24)_____ arts and music. The term tertiary
education is used to refer to degree courses at universities.
The British government is keen to ask more young people to remain in education as (25)
_____ as possible in order to build up a more highly skilled, better educated workforce.
21. A. taken B. take C. taking D. to take
22. A. who B. whom C. which D. where  
23. A. profession B. professional C. professionally D. professor
24. A. as well as B. in spite of C. because of D. such as
25. A. soon B. long C. well D. much  

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions. (1,25 points)
Global warming and cooling have occurred naturally throughout history. But in the last 200
years, humans’ uses of fossil fuels and clear cutting of forests have increased the amount of carbon
dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. These gases trap some of the radiation from the sun
which then increases the Earth’s temperature. Given the current state of environmental pollution
caused by human activities, scientists believe the average temperature of the earth may increase 1-2
degrees Celsius which put simply, means some places will get much hotter and some much colder.
At the same time, this overall warming effect means more frequent and more intense weather
systems, especially in terms of flooding and drought.
Viet Nam is one of the most vulnerable environments due to its location on the planet. It is
already subject to some of the earth’s most powerful weather systems and the increased frequency
and intensity of storms will affect it often and directly, especially in coastal areas where most people
Various estimates have been made as to the possible impacts. The most directly affected sector
will be agriculture, which is very sensitive to flooding and the effects of extreme weather.
Viet Nam has the advantage of coming relatively late into the industrialization, urbanization,
and modernization process. This means it can avoid many of the mistakes made by wealthier
industrial countries. For example, wireless communication networks can be built from the start rather
than installing lines that can easily be destroyed in extreme weather. Cities can be designed and
located in less vulnerable locations.
26. The causes of global warming come from ______.
A. the rise in the radiation from the sun
B. human activities that result in pollution
C. the difference in temperatures among regions
D. the increase in the average temperature of the earth
27. All of the following may result in global warming EXCEPT ______.
A. more intense weather systems B. humans’ uses of fossil fuels
C. clear cutting of forests D. the increasing greenhouse gas emissions
28. The word “vulnerable” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______
A. too weak to attack B. safe from danger
C. able to be easily hurt D. easy to take away
29. Coastal areas in Viet Nam are often and directly affected by ______.
A. its vulnerable location on the planet
B. the earth’s most powerful weather systems
C. storms with increased frequency and power
D. the overpopulation in coastal areas
30. The word it in the last paragraph refers to _____.
A. modernization process B. urbanization
C. industrialization D. Viet Nam

Choose the underlined part A, B, C or D that needs correcting to make a meaningful sentence.(0,5
31. What I want to consult you about are tuition fees at colleges and universities and types of
accommodation for international students.
A. to consult B. are C. at D. international
32. Global warming with high increasingly temperature can reduce crop harvests globally, which
may lead to famine.
A. high increasingly B. can reduce C. globally D. lead to


Rewrite the following sentences so that the second ones have the same meaning as the given
sentence. (1point)
33. After I had finished all my homework, I watched my favourite film on TV. (Use a perfect
34. Thanh had forgotten to turn off the gas cooker before he left his house. He admitted that. (Use a
perfect gerund)
35. The last person who leaves the room must turn off the light. (Use a participle or a to-infinitive
36. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex is a mountainous area which is surrounded by a buffer
zone of paddy fields and villages. (Use a participle or a to-infinitive clause)
You are Mai. Choose two of the following points about studying in Singapore. Write an email of
about 140 words to a friend from the country asking for some information and advice. (1 point)
- Tuition fees at colleges and university
- Opening a bank account
- Experiencing culture shock when studying abroad
- Travelling in your host city and country

Here is a suggested outline for your email:

Salutation: Dear….,
Opening sentence: I am writing to ….
First question
Second question
What …./ Can you tell me about …./ …?
Friendly ending: I wish you …/ I hope ….
Complimentary close: Regards / Best wishes/…
I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. vocational B. global C. accuse D. alternative
2. A. extinction B. significant C. impact D. electricity
I. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose stress differs from the others.
3. A. absorb B. shortage C. system D. global
4. A. deforest B. endangered C. renewable D. habitat
III. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word or phrase that best completes each
5. A(n) _________ training programme offer plenty of opportunity for on-the-job training and work
A. academic B. vocational C. graduate D. exchange
6. Most of the courses are now ________, which brings more flexibility in the programme schedule.
A. credit-basing B. credit-based C. career-basing D. career-based
7. If we keep burning fossil fuels at our current rate, it is generally estimated that all our fossil fuels
will ______ by 2060.
A. run out B. run across C. cut down D. cut out
8. I am ______ Doctor of Management degree, while working full-time simultaneously.
A. taking B. admitting C. applying D. pursuing
9. Around one million animal and plant species are now threatened with ______.
A. conservation B. eradication C. survival D. extinction
10. University students should get a(n) ________, even if it's unpaid because students can have a
great experience and a chance to apply knowledge, skill they have accumulated.
A. degree B. certificate C. internship D. academic course
11. She admitted _______ under a great deal of pressure recently due to an upcoming important
A. having been B. be C. being D. to be
12. ______ an error in her application for university admission, she contacted the school panel to
have it corrected.
A. Detecting B. Having detected C. To detect D. Detect
13. We _______to energy-saving light bulbs recently to protect the environment.
A. switched B. have been switched
C. was switching D. have switched
14. I ______ my house’s filing cabinet for ages to find high school transcript but only a graduate
certificate was found.
A. have been found B. was finding
C. have been finding D. was being found
15. She denied ________ her profile only for the aim of easier job admission.
A. being falsified B. falsify C. to falsify D. falsifying

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
16. One of the most urgent environmental problems in the world today is the shortage of clean
A. abundance B. adequacy C. inadequacy D. richness
17. Curbing consumption can make a signification contribution to the protection of environment.
A. remarkable B. negligible C. inconsiderable D. minor
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
18. A quarter of mammals is at risk of extinction, according to IUCN Red List estimates
A. increase B. disappearance C. declination D. shrinkage
19 Trees are especially good at absorbing carbon removed from the atmosphere.
A. capturing B. taking in C. getting off D. getting on
VI. Mark the letter a b c or d to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
20. Tim and Jefferson are having exchange about possible ways to protect the environment
Tim: “Can we really reduce the carbon footprint at our home?”
Jefferson: “______________”.
A. Why not? By switching to energy-efficient electrical appliances.
B. It is also called greenhouse gas.
C. I certainly agree with you
D. Let’s start by looking at statistics about the level of carbon emission.
21. John is asking his friend for what he can do to prepare for his application to a university abroad.
John: “What documents do I need to apply for a university abroad?”
Janny: “__________________”.
A. I have already submitted on its website.
B. Potential applicants often have trouble with referrals and a study plan.
C. How was your study plan writing going?
D. How about reading up on the prospectus?
VII. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
22. Deciding on the topic of the presentation, he started finding relevant information for it
23. Plastic bags ending up at the ocean lead in the death of marine animals due to mistaking
for food.
VIII. Read a short paragraph and choose the correct answer indicating the gap that the
missing sentence best suits.
Question 24 refers to the following paragraph
Manhattan Comp, as it is called, is the first full-time night high school in America. [A] Most students
at Manhattan Comp are between eighteen and twenty-two years old. You must be at least
seventeen to enroll. The classes run from 5 to 11 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays, with all day
enrichment programmes on Sundays which explore topics like playwriting, art and video production.
[B] This duration gives students the opportunity to take time off for family matters or jobs. Most
students already have some academic credits from previous schools. [C] So instead of the normal
four years in high school, they spend between six months and two years at Manhattan Comp. [D]
23. The following sentence is missing from the passage: “School terms are ten weeks long”.
Where would this sentence best fit?
A. [A] B. [B] C. [C] D. [D]
Question 25 refers to the following paragraph
Since 1819, about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaiian Islands. [A] A tsunami can have
wavelengths, or widths, of 100 to 200 km, and may travel hundreds of kilometers across the deep
ocean, reaching speeds of about 725 to 800 kilometres an hour. [B] Upon entering shallow coastal
waters, the wave, which may have been only about half a metre high out at sea, suddenly grows
rapidly. [C] Tsunamis have tremendous energy because of the great volume of water affected. [D]
They are capable of obliterating coastal settlements.
24. The following sentence is missing from the passage:
“When the wave reaches the shore, it maybe 15 m high or more”.
Where would this sentence best fit?
A. [A] B. [B] C. [C] D. [D]
IV. Give the correct form of the words in capital to complete the sentences.
26. ________________ causes soil erosion because the roots of trees hold (FORESTATION)
soil tightly.
27. As a result of the stress and anxiety trigger for students, ____________ (STANDARD)
test should be tentatively abolished.
28. Climate change is a leading cause of _________________ weather events (CATASTROPHE)
such as hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards.
29. He didn't get the job although he had all the necessary _______________. (QUALIFY)
30. The ______________ of human behaviors may make the environment (RESPOND)
become vulnerable and gradually degradable.

V. Choose the appropriate words from the box and give the correct form of it if necessary to
complete the paragraph

combine pursue theoretical

get experience practical
Vocational training in Germany offers a lot of variety. It (31). ___________ theory and practice
right from the start. You will receive on-the-job training at a company for several weeks at school
where you will learn about the (32). ____________principles that serve as the basis for your work.
Vocational training may be your ticket to a career on the German labour market. Around two thirds
of all trainees (33). _____________a permanent job with their companies after completing
vocational training. Upon completion of your programme you will be fully (34). ____________ in
your profession and earn good money. You will also benefit from the fact that you already know
your company, its operations and your colleagues. Students who (35). ______________a
vocational training programme receive a monthly salary from the company they
work for.
VIII. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences.
36. All applicants must (meet) ______________the specific requirements for their program of study.
37. Congrats on (accept) your ________________ to the university. You have made your parents
38. School leaver programmes (aim) ______________ at year 13 students to help students gain
qualifications relevant to their business or industry.
39. (Suffer) ___________________ water shortage in the past, we are all very economic on using
40. Tree Planting Day is very important in our country because the country
needs________________. (protect)
IX. Read the passage and mark the correct answer A B C or D for the following questions.
It was, and still is, one scary movie. Thanks to global warming, in The Day After Tomorrow, the
world literally freezes over. Yet how real was the science behind one of the decade’s big disaster
“Climate change is a far greater threat to the world than international terrorism”, says the
science adviser to the British government. “Temperatures are getting hotter, and they are getting
hotter faster than at any time in the past”, say the international weather expert. The number of
extreme weather events has doubled from the decade before: lethal heatwaves in Europe, floods in
Africa, droughts in Asia and the United States. A record 300 million people flee from their homes
from natural disasters. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere hits record levels. Warming increases the
range and virulence of diseases. Trees die in New England. Glaciers melt faster in Alaska. There’s
a major influx of freshwater in the North Atlantic and a slowdown of ocean circulation below the
Arctic Circle. Antarctic ice flows faster into the ocean.
What could be next? Rising sea levels swamp coastal cities. Famine in Europe. Nuclear wars
for water. A million species threatened with extinction. The end of life on Earth as we know it.
Sound terrifying, but these aren’t scenes from The Day After Tomorrow. They’re from the real
world, from real testaments and science-based speculation. The movie itself exaggerates the
speed with which global warming brings on a new ice age but the paradox that more heat might
lead more ice is real. If cold water from melting glaciers really does change ocean currents like the
Gulf Stream, Manhattan could get colder pretty quickly- though in a decade, not a New York minute,
as The Day After Tomorrow would have it. But all by itself, heat is already causing problems like
drought, crop failures, disease, violent storm- and is threatening much more as the century
The climate crisis is the keystone issue of our time. Addressing it means addressing virtually
every other significant environmental and energy problem and it must be done soon, because what
is newest and most challenging about global warming is that once its effects are clearly apparent,
it’s too late to stop them.
41. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Climate change featured in reality and in fiction
B. Regions suffering from the effects of climate change
C. Review of The Day After Tomorrow from critics
D. What can people to do to combat climate change
42. The following are visible effects of climate change, EXCEPT______.
A. natural disasters B. an increased harmfulness of diseases
C. warmer temperature D. famine in Europe
43. The word “testaments” underlined in the 4th paragraph is closest in meaning to_________.
A. solution B. action C. evidence D. comparison
44. Which of the following statement is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. Some regions may become hotter in in several coming years due to global warming.
B. Global warming left as rapid effects on a new ice age as the science fiction film describes.
C. Some regions may become colder in several coming years due to global warming.
CD. Drought, crop failures, diseases, etc. can become less severe if people pass through a
couple of the next centuries.
45. What can be inferred from the passage about what the action can be taken to combat climate
A. Some regions may become hotter in in several coming years due to global warming.
B. Global warming left as rapid effects on a new ice age as the science fiction film describes.
C. Climate change and energy are current issues that are of the first and second utmost
importance respectively.
D. People should not wait until all the indicators of climate change become visible S
X. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning as the first one by using the words
given in brackets.
46. It has been ages since we met one another. (HAVEN’T MEET)
47. “When I heard you won a full scholarship to study in the UK, I was very happy. Congrats!” said
my good friend. (WINNING)
48. After I graduate from university, I want to follow my father's footsteps. (GRADUATING)
49. Human activities have a fundamental impact on the distances the world's animals need to move
50. You need to correct your information concerning your education background. (CORRECTING)

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