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DETERMINATION OF STARCH Experiment #1 Bianca Santos Joy Sealza De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Dasmarias, Cavite

ABSTRACT In this experiment, different food materials such as a potato and leafy vegetable were tested for the presence of starch a mixture of polysaccharides used by plants for storage using the iodine test. The different food samples were compared with a standard starch solution to qualitatively assess the starch content of the samples.

INTRODUCTION Starch is used by plants to store energy. This is the form in which they store glucose for later use. This is very important for the proper understanding of energy storage and consumption. This experiment tests the presence of starch in different materials, specifically, a starch solution, potato, kamote, leafy vegetable, potato chips, and an unknown solution.The presence of starch was tested using an iodine test. It was found that all materials, except for the unknown solution, had starch in them.

METHODOLOGY Testing a Standard Starch Solution: A pinch of starch was added to a test tube. The test tube was then filled halfway with water. A drop of iodine solution was added to the mixture. Observations were made and recorded. Testing the Leaf Sample for Starch: In a 250 ml beaker, the leaf sample was submerged in water and then boiled in a hot plate for about 5 minutes. The leaf was placed in a test tube and then covered with ethanol. The sample was gradually heated in a water bath until the green coloring was entirely removed. The leaf was gently removed for the tube and rinsed with cold water. It was then placed on a watch glass. Iodine solution was added to the leaf using a dropper. Observations were made and recorded.

Testing the Potato Kamote, and Potato Chips for Starch: The skin of the potato sample was peeled off. A small piece of potato was placed on the watch glass. Using a dropper, a few drops of iodine solution was added to the potato. This procedure was repeated, using the kamote and potato chips samples. Observations were made and recorded. Testing the Unknown Solution: A small amount of the unknown sample was placed in the test tube. A drop of solution was then added to the test tube. Observations were made and recorded. The results were compared with the control to determine if starch is present in the unknown sample.


Samples Starch Solution (Standard) Vegetable Leaf Potato Kamote Potato Chip/Cracker Unknown

Observations Mixture turned from white to dark violet Leaf turned black Potato turned greenish black after absorbing iodine Kamote turned purplish black Chip turned orange with black spots and lining and then slowly turned black Solution turned brown with violet particles on the top

CONCLUSIONS: After performing this experiment, it was found that iodine reacts with starch. It created a change in color for materials that contained starch. The foods that had starch turned a dark blackish color. It is important to know about starch because once we know how plants use and store energy, we can use this information to know more about the energy storage and consumption of humans and other organisms.

REFERENCES: (1) Bettleheim, et. Al. Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry 8 ed. Singapore: Thomson Learning. 2007.

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