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© IPA, 2006 - Sedimentation in the Modern and Miocene Mahakam Delta, 1998

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Indonesian Petroleum Association



George P. Allen
TOTAL Centre Scientifique et technique
G ir-sur-Yvette.France *

John L.C. Chambers

LASMO Runtu Ltd,
Jakarta, Indonesia

“present address: School of Natural Resource Sciences, Queensland University of

Technology, Brisbane, Australia.

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Part I - Deltaic and Coastal deposits

Chapter 1 - Deltaic Settings Page 7

Chapter 2 - Coastal Morphology and Sedimentary Processes 11

Chapter 3 - Facies Analysis and Sedimentary Structures 17

Chapter 4 - Coastal deposits and Facies 33

Chapter 5 - Deltas and Deltaic Deposits 51

Part 2 - Sedimentation in the Modern Mahakam delta

Chapter 6 - Regional Setting of the Mahakam Delta 79

Chapter 7 - Depositional Environments and Sediment Patterns
in the Mahakam Delta 91
Chapter 8 - Reservoir Geometry and Stratigraphic Patterns 135

Part 3 - Regional Geologv of the Kutei Basin

Chapter 9 - Geology of the Kutei Basin 159

Part 4 - Field Trip Description

Chapter 10 - The Modern Mahakam delta 175

Chapter 11 - Miocene Outcrops on the Samarinda Anticlinorium 183

Part 5 - Conclusion and References

Chapter 12 - Conclusion 219

Chapter 13 - References 225

Appendix 1 - Typical Freld Trip Logistic Plan 233

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The Kutei basin has been the site of numerous significant oil and gas discoveries and it has been one of
the major hydrocarbon provinces of Indonesia since the end cf the 19th century. More than 14 km of
fluvial, deltaic and shelf sediments have accumulated in the basin since the Lower Miocene: The
presence of a large prograding delta at the mouth of the Mahaltam river demonstrates that it is still
actively accumulating sediment.

This relatively unusual association of an active delta system and its outcropping Tertiary equivalent
has motivated a large research effort on both the modern delta and its Miocene equivalent. The
objective of this research has been to furnish an exploration and reservoir model applicable to the
deltaic deposits of the Kutei Basin. The study of the modern delta was initiated by Total Indonesie in
1973 and continues to the present day. Research on the Miocene outcrops has been carried out by
LASMO Runtu Limited since 1990. The results discussed in this text are to a large extent based on the
work conducted by these two companies.

The Mahakam delta has formed under conditions of very low wave energy. moderate tides and a
fluvial regime characterised by a lack of floods. Recent studies of the sedimentology of the delta have
shown that it exhibits characteristic features of both fluvial and tidal processes. However, because of
the specific combination of these factors and the very low wave energy environment of the central-
eastern coast of Kalimantan, the delta exhibits significant differences in facies patterns and sand
geometry from the modern Mississippi and Niger deltas, which are generally cited as models for
fluvial and tide-dominated deltas respectively. A number of studies have also shown that there are
marked similarities in terms of sand facies and geometry between the modern Mahaltam delta and its
Miocene equivalents in the underlying Kutei basin. Some differences are also observed however.
These are primarily related to the conditions which are particular to the modern delta, such as the iack
of alluvial floods and the effects of the large amplitude variations in sea level during the Quaternary.

The modern Mahakam delta is relatively unaffected by large scale human activities and is easily
accessible for research, so that it furnishes a unique possibility to study the characteristics of a tropical,
mixed fluvial and tide-dominated deltaic system in its natural state. The main reservoir and source-
rock depositional environments of the delta, i.e. the distributary channels, distributary mouth bars and
the delta plain can all be investigated within a single days' boat trip from the city of Samarinda. In
addition to the modern delta, the presence of north-south trending folds along the coast exposes more
than 3000 metres of Miocene deltaic section. Numerous quarries in these strata allow the observation
of classic Lower Miocene deltaic deposits, and these can be compared and contrasted to the modern
day Mahakam Delta. Also, hydrocarbon exploration and production in East Kalirnantan has provided
an abundance of core material from the Middle Miocene to Pliocene fluvial and deltaic sediments of
the Kutei Basin. These cores can be studied along with wireline logs to compare and relate the modern
delta with Miocene outcrops and the subsurface hydrocarbon systems. This combination of outcrops
and ongoing modern deltaic processes in a major hydrocarbon basin is unique, since in the other major
deltaic basins of the world, such as the Mississippi and Niger, well-exposed outcrops of the
hydrocarbon-bearing successions are lacking.
The objective of this publication is to describe the sedimentary processes, depositional facies and
reservoir geometry of the modern Mahaltam delta and the Lower Miocene deltaic deposits which

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outcrop adjacent to the delta The text is divided into 4 parts Purl I presents a brief review of
sedimentary processes in deltas and coastal environments, Part 2 describes the sedimentary processes,
facies and sand geometry in the modern Mahakam delta, Par/ 3 discusses the regional geology of the
Kutei Basin. Part 4 describes a field trip itinerary on the modern delta and in outcrop sections in
Lower Miocene deltaic deposits near the city of Samarinda, and Part 5 concludes with a discussion on
the similarities and differences between the modern and ancient deltas and lists references The
Appendix contains the field trip itinerary and provides practical information regarding field work
conditions, accommodation, climate and lugistics

This book is not designed to hrnish a comprehensive discussion of the sedimentology of deltas and
deltaic reservoirs. For a more in-depth discussion of deltaic and coastal sediments, the reader is
referred to recent sedimentology texts e.g., Reading (1986) and Walker and James (1992). It is hoped,
however, that this book can assist h t u r e research on both the present day Mahakam delta and the Kutei
Basin, as well as being a useful guide to some practical aspects of delta sedimentology for exploration
and production studies.

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This text builds on the ideas and concepts of many people who have studied the modern and ancient
Mahakam delta deposits and helped in different ways to organise the field trips and field guides.
In particular, we would like to acknowledge the contribution of D. Laurier, J. Thouvenin and F.
Mercier of the TOTAL Scientific and Technical Centre, who have contributed very significantly to the
study of the modern Mahakam delta and Miocene reservoirs, and all the personnel of TOTAL
Indonesie without whom these studies could not have been carried out. In particular we would like to
thank Aspani, Sukardi, Ongko, and Toto for their tireless and efficient help on the delta. Chuck
Siemers is also acknowledged for his contribution to previous guide books and field seminars that
were run for both individual companies and for AAPG groups.
Special thanks are given to the various companies who contributed to and assisted in the logistics of
the field trips and permitted the publication of their geological data:
TOTAL Indonesie and partners for their logistics assistance, providing technicians and equipment for
the field trips on the delta, furnishing cores to illustrate the Miocene deposits and reservoirs and for
permission to publish the geological data on the modern Mahakam delta,
Pertamina along with LASMO Runtu Limited (operator of the Runtu Block PSC) and partners Ross
Petroleum, JAPEX/UGO, and OPIC for permission to publish data pertaining to the field geological
part of this book;
LASMO Runtu Limited office staff in Balikpapan and Samarinda, who helped organise logistics for
the field trips.
Staff at the IP A Office in Jakarta, particularly Ibu Endang that have helped with the preparation of this
publication and field trips over, the years. Chuck Caughey is thanked for proof reading the document
and suggesting many useful changes.

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