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Text Prescribed: Literary Pinnacles

1. Attempt
(A) (i) Draw a character sketch of uncle Podger.
(ii) Explain the aptness of the title : ‘How wealth accumulates
and men decay’.
(B) (i) Compare Ralph Spencer and Jimmy Valentine.
(ii) How did the Devil triumph over Pahom ?

2. Attempt

(A) (i) What are the images poet has used in describing each
stage of life in ‘All the World’s Stage’ ?
(ii) Explain the Knight’s experience of love in ‘La Belle Dame
Sans Merci’.
(B) (i) How does the poet celebrate the heroism of the British
Cavalry brigade in ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ ?
(ii) How does the speaker of the poem ‘How do I Love Thee’,
express her love ?
3. Attempt
(A) (i) According to A.G. Gardiner, what are the limits of individual
liberty ?
(ii) Narrate in your words experiences of the pleasures derived
from ignorance.
(B) (i) Comment on the title ‘The Selfish Giant’.
(ii) Analyse the character of Mathilde in the story ‘The Diamond

4. Attempt :
(A) (i) How does the poet Thomas Hardy wish to be remembered
by his contemporaries after his death ?
(ii) What is the central theme of the ‘Ballad of Father Gilligan’ ?
(B) (i) What, according to Kipling, is the chief problem that humans
have to endure ? Discuss.
(ii) Comment on the message of the poem ‘A Psalm of Life’.

5. (A) Attempt of the following :

(i) Explain the important points to be considered while making
a presentation.
(ii) Write a note on the use of visual aids for effective presentation.
(B) Answer of the following :
(i) Explain the term ‘Soft Skills’. How are they acquired ?
(ii) Write down qualities that a good leader shouldpossess.



:— (i)































1. 20
2. 50
3. 150

4. 300


1. 20
2. 50

3. 150

4. 300

T.Y. B.A. FRENCH (General)
(Business French)
(Elements of Translation)




History of Novel, Drama and Afsana

Text Prescribed : Literary Pinnacle

1. Attempt from (A) and from (B) in about 150 wordseach :

(A) (i) Draw a character sketch of uncle Podger.
(ii) Explain the aptness of the title : ‘How wealth accumulates
and men decay’.
(B) (i) Compare Ralph Spencer and Jimmy Valentine.
(ii) How did the Devil triumph over Pahom ?

2. Attempt from (A) and from (B) in about 150 wordseach :

(A) (i) What are the images poet has used in describing each
stage of life in ‘All the World’s Stage’ ?

Essay, Grammar, Prosody & Philology


: — (i)


















(i) C.S.

(ii) D.K.

(iii) E.C.

(iv) L.S.S.

(v) P.W.D.

(vi) R.P.F.

(vii) U.G.C.





The history of men’s progress form the darkness of ignorance

to the glorious light of knowledge and enlightenment is full

of chapters that tell of extraordinary men and women. These

men and women worked with great courage, commitment,

dedication and singleness of purpose in their effort to attain

what seemed to be unattainable. These men and women were

driven in their effort to uncover the truth and mystery of

the universe with an indomitable spirit which characterises the

human spirit. And this is the spirit that drove Columbus and

Vascoda Gama to sail to the unknown Seas, Robert Peary to

race to the Pole, Sir Ronand Ross to fight against Malaria,

Hillary and Tenzing to reach the top of Everest and

Armstrong and his team to go to the moon.









(i) AIR
(ii) CBI
(iii) CS

(iv) DR

(v) FTII

(vi) HAL

(vii) LICI
(viii) MHA

(ix) MIB

(x) NSC
(xi) OLC

(xii) PRC

(xiii) UGC
(xiv) WHO.

On every count India’s three general elections were major

achievements. The people of India had little experience in

voting elections in British days were confined to few people

with special qualifications and none at all in the complex

process of nation wide general elections. Simply to prepare

election rolls and conduct elections was a tremendous task.



































1. Estimate Kazim Zadah as a prose writer.

Write an appreciation of the style of Kazim Zadah.

2. Write a critique note on Rahbar-e-Nazad-e-Nav.

Discuss the salient features of Rahbar-E-Nazad-e-Nav.

3. Write a note on Dr. Iqbal’s contributions to Persian literature.

Discuss the moral teachings of Dr. Iqbal in the light of ‘Payam-e-Mashrique’.

4. (A) Reproduce in your own Persian of the following :

(B) Explain of the poetic forms of literature :

5. (A) Translate of the following passages into English or Urdu o r

Marathi :
(B) Explain in Persian or translate and explain in English, Urdu or Marathi

of the following couplets :

Title :— (i) Ven.isamharam
(ii) Bhaminivilasah.

1. (A) Translate into English or Marathi () :



(B) Explain with reference to the context () :




2. (A) Explain the changes made by Bhattanarayana in

˙ ˙
Ven isaṁhara .

Critically appreciate the 1st act of Ven isaṁhara .

(B) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option () :


3. (A) Translate into English or Marathi () :



(B) Explain with reference to the context () :


4. (A) Explain the verses of Prastavikavilasa , describing .

Explain in detail.

(B) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option () :


(ii) (History of Vedic Literature)
(iii) (Sanskrit Composition)

1. (A)
Explain of the following :

Explain terms of the following :(i)

2. (A)

Split of the following by quoting relevant rules :

(i) (a)
(ii) (b)
(iii) (c)
(iv) (d)
(v) (e)
(vi) (f)
(vii) (g)

Write an essay on

agranthas of .

4. (A)

Write critical notes on () :(i)

(ii) ad

(iii) i
(i) (a)
(ii) (b)
(iii) (c)
(ii) (d)
(iii) (e)
(iv) (f)
(v) (g)

Write an essay in Sanskrit () :
Texts :— (i)

1. (A) Explain with reference to the context any two of the

following :

(B) Write critical notes on of the following :


2. (A) Explain fully the .


Explain fully the


Select the correct pair () :

(i) (a)
(ii) (b)
(iii) (c)
(iv) (d)
(v) (e)
(vi) (f)
(vii) (g)

3. (A) Explain with reference to the context any two of the

following :

(B) Write critical notes on of the following :



4. (A) Explain



1. Translate into English or Urdu or Marathi of the following

passages :
2. (A) Explain with reference to the context of the followingcouplets

(B) Write short notes on of the following poets :

3. (A) Explain of the following Surahs :

(B) Summarise of the following lessons :

4. Define with examples of the following topics :

5. (A) Translate into English of the following passage :

(B) Translate into Arabic of the following passage :
‘‘India is my country. It is a rich region. Her land is fertile and
good for agriculture. Her fruits are many. Her climate is
moderate. Her sky is clear and her reasources are abundant.
Our country is the biggest democracy in the world and our
army is among the strongest armies of the world. I am a
solider, a servant of my country. India is a member of the
United Nations Organisation and she plays an important role
in all its activities.’’
No. [5501]-3026
General Paper-III
(Economic Development and Planning)


1. Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(i) Explain the concept of Economic Growth.
(ii) Explain in short the concept of Developing Countries.
(iii) Write the cause of scarcity of capital.
(iv) Write the causes of vicious circle of poverty.
(v) State the problems of foreign capital.
(vi) State the objectives of economic planning.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(i) Explain the indicators of economic growth.
(ii) Explain the external bottlenecks in economic development.
(iii) State the needs of economic planning.
(iv) What is monetary policy ? Explain the objectives of monetary
3. Answer of the following questions in 400 words :
(i) What is meant by developing country ? Explain the economic
and social characteristics of a developing country.
(ii) Explain in detail Schumpeterian theory of economic development.

4. Write short notes on () :

(i) Technological characteristics of developing country
(ii) Causes of low productivity of agriculture
(iii) Types of Private Foreign Investment
(iv) Merits of Foreign Direct Investment
(v) Limitations of Fiscal Policy
(vi) Merits of Advanced Technology.





International Economics

1. Answer the following questions in 100 words each

(1) Write the scope of International Economics.
(2) Explain the concept of Intra-Industry Trade.
(3) Explain the Dynamic Gains of International Trade.
(4) Explain the effects of Import Quotas.
(5) Explain the provisions in FEMA.
(6) Explain the objectives of BRICS.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(1) Explain the importance of International Trade.
(2) Explain the Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute Cost Advantages.
(3) Explain the features of Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
(4) Explain the main features of Foreign Trade Policy (2015-2020)in
3. Answer of the following questions in 400 words :
(1) Explain the causes of disequilibrium of Balance of Payment and
measures adopted for disequilibrium of Balance of Payment.
(2) Explain the arguments in favour and against of free trade policy.

4. Write short notes on () :

(1) Inter-regional trade
(2) Static gains of International Trade
(3) Objectives of World Trade Organisation (WTO)
(4) Convertibility of Indian Rupee
(5) Problems of SAARC
(6) Functions of European Economic Community (EEC).
1. 100

2. 200
(4) (2015-2020)

3. 400




Elementary Quantitative Techniques

1. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the scope of Statistics.
(2) Explain the types of classification of data.
(3) State the types of correlation.
(4) Calculate simple arithmetic mean from the following
data :
69, 45, 50, 60, 65, 37, 43, 53, 58, 68, 40, 48.
(5) Find the simple interest on ` 45,000 for 1 year at 15% p.a.
rate of interest.
(6) Explain the equilibrium of consumer surplus.

2. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the sources of collecting secondary data.
(2) Explain the merits and demerits of median.
(3) Find the mean in continuous method of the following
data :
‘x’ ‘f ’
0—10 15
10—20 17
20—30 19
30—40 27
40—50 19
50—60 13
(4) Find the compound interest on 10,000 for the 3 years at 10%
p.a. rate of interest.
3. Answer of the following questions in 400 words :
(1) Calculate the standard deviation of coefficient in simple method
from the following data :
Sr. No. ‘x’
1 10
2 12
3 18
4 20
5 27
6 30
7 40
8 45
9 50
(2) Define mean. Explain the merits and demerits of mean.
4. Write short notes on () :
(1) Limitation of statistics
(2) Find mean deviation of the following data :
(3) Elasticity of demand
(4) Unweighted or simple index method
(5) Formulation of Hypothesis
(6) One-way tabulation.
1. 100
69, 45, 50, 60, 65, 37, 43, 53, 58, 68, 40, 48.
(5) 15% ` 45,000 1

2. 200
(2) (Median)
‘x’ ‘f ’
0—10 15
10—20 17
20—30 19
30—40 27
40—50 19
50—60 13
(4) 10% ` 10,000 3

3. 400
(1) (Coefficient
of S.D.)
Sr. No. ‘x’
1 10
2 12
3 18
4 20
5 27
6 30
7 40
8 45
9 50

Public Finance

1. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the scope of public finance.
(2) Explain the concepts of impact of tax, incidence of tax and
shifting of tax.
(3) Explain the sources of internal and external public debt.
(4) Explain the objectives of Budget.
(5) Explain the objectives of deficit financing.
(6) Explain the limitation of fiscal policy.

2. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the sources of public revenue.
(2) Explain the methods of repayment of public debt.
(3) Explain the types of budget.
(4) Explain the constitutional provisions.

3. Answer the following questions:

(1) What is public expenditure and explain the causes of growth
in public expenditure.
(2) What is deficit financing and explain the effects of deficit
4. Write short notes
(1) Explain the limitation of principle of maximum social advantage.
(2) Explain the direct and indirect tax.
(3) Explain the instrument of fiscal policy.
(4) Explain the recommendation of 14th Finance Commission.
(5) Explain the causes of Deficit Financing.
(6) Explain the review of fiscal policy since 2001.

1. 100

2. 200
3. 400

(4) 14
(6) 2009
Political Ideology

1. Attempt questions
(1) Write nature of Ideology.
(2) Explain Reactionary Nationalism.
(3) Marxian State. Explain.
(4) Mahatma Phule’s views on equality.
(5) Mahatma Gandhi’s concept on truth.
(6) Patriarchy.

2. Attempt questions
(1) Explain the features of Democratic Socialism.
(2) Marxian concept of Historical Materialism.
(3) Explain Dr. Ambedkar’s views on Democracy.
(4) Explain the meaning and nature of Feminism.

3. Attempt question
(1) Define Fascism. Explain various factors responsible for the rise
of Fascism.
(2) Explain the meaning of Satyagraha and state its techniques.
4. Write short notes
(1) Progressive Nationalism
(2) Guild Socialism
(3) Corporate State
(4) Dr. Ambedkar on Social Justice
(5) Gram Swaraj
(6) Women’s Representation.



Local Self-Government in Maharashtra

1. Attempt questions
(1) Meaning of Local Self-Government.
(2) Issue in Local Finance.
(3) Municipal Council.
(4) Gram Sabha.
(5) Bongirwar Committee.
(6) Sarpanch.

2. Attempt questions
(1) Explain the importance of 73rd amendment in Local Self-
(2) Explain the structure and functions of Zilla Parishad.
(3) Explain the structure, powers and functions of Municipal
(4) Explain the impact of leadership on development.

3. Attempt question
(1) Explain the recommendations of Vasantrao Naik Committee in
Local Self-Government.
(2) Explain the powers, structure and functions of State Election
4. Write short notes
(1) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
(2) Issues of participation in Local Self-Government
(3) Election Reforms
(4) Nagar Panchayat
(5) Women’s participation in Local Self-Government
(6) 74th Amendment.



Public Administration

1. Attempt questions
(1) Significance of Public Administration.
(2) Traditional Approach to Study Public Administration.
(3) Public-Private Partnerships.
(4) The concept of Good Governance.
(5) Merits and demerits of direct recruitment.
(6) Characteristics of Budget.

2. Attempt questions
(1) Explain the features of E-Governance.
(2) Explain the types of Budget.
(3) Explain the meaning and types of Bureaucracy.
(4) State the features of New Public Administration.
3. Attempt question (in 400 words) :
(1) Explain the meaning, nature and scope of Public Administration.
(2) Describe the budgetary process in India.

4. Write short notes on () :

(1) Evaluation of New Public Administration
(2) Legislative control over administration
(3) Administrative accountability
(4) Training methods
(5) Features of Good Governance
(6) Behavioural Approach.





[5501]-3030 3
International Politics

1. Attempt questions
(a) Nature of Human Rights.
(b) Contribution of the U.N. for the establishment of disarmament.
(c) Regional security.
(d) Methods of balance of power.
(e) Functions of Diplomats.
(f) Decision-making approach to study International Politics.

2. Attempt questions
(a) Describe the nature and scope of International Politics.
(b) Mention the meaning and various types of Balance of Power.
(c) Explain the realistic theory of International Politics.
(d) Discuss the meaning, types and challenges before the diplomacy.

3. Attempt question
(a) Critically evaluate the meaning and various elements of national
(b) Define the term balance of power. Explain the features and
techniques of balance of power.
4. Write short notes
(a) Importance of the study of International Politics
(b) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)
(c) Changing nature of Collective Security
(d) Causes of Terrorism
(e) Features of Human Rights
(f) Importance of Collective Security.
1. 100

2. 200
3. 400

History of the World in 20th Century (1914-1992)

1. Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(1) Explain the concept ‘Socialism’.
(2) Define the concept ‘Cold War’.
(3) State consequences of Great Depression of 1929.
(4) What is meant by ‘Star War’ ?
(5) What is meant by ‘Non-Alignment’ ?
(6) State the objectives of GAAT.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(1) State the consequences of First World War.
(2) Give an account of Stalin’s Five Year Plan.
(3) State the consequences of World War-II.
(4) Give an account of the rise of Russia as a world power.

3. Answer the following questions in 400 words () :

(1) Give an account of the rise of Nazism in Germany.
(2) State the causes of World War-II.
4. Write short notes on :
(1) Structure of League of Nations
(2) Adolf Hitler
(3) Benito Mussolini
(4) Liberalization
(5) OPEC
(6) Globalization.










[5501]-3032 3
(Introduction to History)

1. Answer the following questions

(1) Define ‘structuralism’.
(2) Write on ‘Kolhapur Archives’.
(3) Write the contribution of G.H. Khare.
(4) Explain the importance of primary sources.

2. Answer of the following questions

(1) Write an essay on ‘Local History’.
(2) Give an account of Nationalist Historiography.

3. Answer of the following questions

(1) Describe the relationship between History and Geography.
(2) State the contribution of Dr. Romila Thapar.
4. Write short notes
(1) Written sources
(2) What is meant by Interpretation ?
(3) Concept of Subaltern
(4) D.D. Kosambi.



History of USA : 1914 to 1992
1. Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :
(1) Explain the concept ‘super power’.
(2) Write on civil right movement.
(3) Write nature of treaty of Versailles.
(4) What do you know about Truman plan.
(5) State the causes of Vietnam War.
(6) What role play of America in Arab-Israel conflict.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(1) Explain the causes of Great Depression in 1929.
(2) Describe the role of USA in the foundation of UNO.
(3) State the concept of cold war and explain its causes.
(4) Explain American Policy towards Pakistan.

3. Answer the following questions in 400 words () :

(1) Explain the achievement of Dr. Martin Luther King.
(2) Give an account of disintegration of USSR.
4. Write short notes on () :
(1) Balance of power
(2) Paris Peace Conference 1919
(3) IMF
(4) Cuban crisis
(6) Liberalization.

1. 100

2. 200
(1) 1929
3. 400

(2) 1919
History of Asia in 20th Century (1914 to 1992)

1. Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(1) Give the concept of ‘Communism’.
(2) Write a note on Indo-China War 1962.
(3) What is meant by Atlantic Charter ?
(4) State the Lasen Treaty.
(5) Explain the concept of Zionist.
(6) Explain the ‘welfare dictatorship’.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(1) Take a review of the reconstruction of Japan under GeneralMac-
(2) Explain the impacts of Kuwait-Iraq War.
(3) Explain the Balfour declaration.
(4) Take a review of Saudi Arabia Foreign Policy.

3. Answer the following questions in 400 words () :

(1) Explain the causes of No blood Revolution of Egypt.
(2) Take a review of Arab-Israel conflict during 1948 to 1973.
4. Write short notes
(1) General Mac-Arthur
(2) Ho-Chi-Minha
(3) Rezashah Pahlavi
(4) Peal Commission
(5) Palestine Liberation Organisation
(6) Wahabi Movement.

(2) 1962

(2) 1948 1973


T.Y. B.A.
Outline of Religion and Philosophy

1. Answer the following questions

(i) What do you know about Brahman.a works ?
(ii) State the importance of
(iii) Write salient features of Mahayana Buddhism.
(iv) State the main Vaishnava cults.
(v) Write the ‘Triratnas’ in Buddhism.
(vi) Who was Bhagwan Parshwanath ?

2. Answer the following questions

(i) Discuss the importance of Atharvaveda.
(ii) Describe the composition of Ramayan.a.
(iii) Write the causes of the rise of Buddhism.
(iv) Discuss the contribution of Heterodox thinkers to Indian

3. Answer the following questions in 400 words each () :

(i) Write an essay on ‘Rigveda’.
(ii) Discuss the life and teachings of Bhagwan Mahavira.
4. Write short notes on () :
(i) Yajurveda
(ii) Date of Mahabharata
(iii) Yogas in Bhagvadgita
(iv) Charvaka
(v) Jain Triratnas
(vi) Four Aryasatyas.



Regional Geography of India

1. Answer in about
(1) Give the names of neighbouring countries of India.
(2) Name peaks in Himalaya.
(3) What is penisular location ?
(4) Give characteristics of Indian Monsoon.
(5) Latitudinal extent of India.
(6) State the origin place of river Godavari.
(7) What is the onset of Monsoon.
(8) Give methods of Soil Conservation.
(9) Give two characteristics of South-West Monsoon.
(10) What are energy resources ?
(11) Give characteristics of ‘Green Revolution’.
(12) Write two characteristics of regional planning.
(13) Give the types of livestock.
(14) Give two uses of forest.
(15) Give names of Islands in Bay of Bengal.
2. Answer in about
(1) Commercial livestock farming.
(2) Islands of India.
(3) Narmada river system.
(4) Give characteristics of solar energy.

3. Answer in about
(1) Write historical background of India.
(2) Explain major soil types of India.
(3) Explain the iron ore distribution in India.
(4) Elaborate the importance of agriculture in Indian economy.

4. Answer in about
(1) State major physiographic divisions of India and explain any
one of them in detail.
(2) Explain the major forest types in India.
(3) Elaborate the regional planning of India.
(4) Discuss the relation of India with neighbouring countries.





(Gg-310 : Human Geography)

1. Answer
(1) Define Human Geography.
(2) Write the name of branches of Human Geography.
(3) What is Possibilism ?
(4) Write two names of Human Geographer.
(5) Write the location of Eskimo.
(6) Give two identity marks of Negroid.
(7) Write economic activities of Bushman.
(8) Write human races.
(9) State the location of Naga Tribe.
(10) What is Migration ?
(11) Give two factors influencing on migration.
(12) Write names of languages in the world.
(13) Who is the founder of Islam ?
(14) Write two reasons of population growth.
(15) Write two names of tribes in Maharashtra.

2. Answer
(1) Stop and Go Determinism.
(2) Human life of Pigmi.
(3) Economic life of Gond.
(4) Characteristics of Hindu religion.
3. Answer
(1) Describe the Human Geography in Medieval Period.
(2) Explain major languages in the world.
(3) Explain socio-economic life of Naga.
(4) Explain the effects of migration.

4. Answer
(1) What is Human Geography ? Explain its nature and scope.
(2) What is Human race ? Explain the bases of racial classification.
(3) Explain the causes and effects of population growth.
(4) Write geographical account of Bhil tribe.





Agricultural Geography

1. Answer the following questions

(1) Define Systematic approach.
(2) What is Agricultural Geography ?
(3) Give technological factors on Agriculture.
(4) What is Land Fragmentation ?
(5) What is meant by Intensive Subsistence Farming ?
(6) Write two problems of shifting agriculture.
(7) Write social problems of Indian Agriculture.
(8) Give two advantages of sprinkler irrigation.
(9) What is Drip irrigation ?
(10) What is meant by Dryland Farming ?
(11) Write methods of Watershed Management.
(12) What is Tissue Culture ?
(13) What is Polyhouse ?
(14) Define group plantation.
(15) What is crop rotation farming ?

2. Write notes

(1) Importance of fertilizers and pesticides

(2) Horticulture
(3) Nursery
(4) Pest and Weed Management.

3. Answer the following questions :

(1) Explain the social and technological determinants of agriculture.

(2) Explain the characteristics of Mixed Farming.
(3) Explain the role of Agro-tourism in agricultural development.
(4) Give an account of Organic Farming.

4. Answer the following questions

(1) Define Agricultural Geography and explain nature and scope

of Agricultural Geography.
(2) Explain natural and economical problems of Indian agriculture.
(3) Explain methods of Irrigation.
(4) Explain the concept and characteristics of dryland farming in



Population and Settlement Geography

1. Answer the following questions

(1) What is Population Geography ?

(2) What do you mean by Census ?

(3) Mention determinants of population distribution.

(4) What is Sex Ratio ?

(5) Define Mortality.

(6) What is Smart Village ?

(7) Give consequences of Migration.

(8) What is Population Policy ?

(9) Define Settlement Geography.

(10) Define Rural Settlement.

(11) Give social factors affecting growth and distributionof


(12) What is Oasis Settlement ?

(13) Define dispersed settlements.
(14) Define Urbanization.
(15) What is the long form of C.B.D. ?

2. Write notes on the following

(1) Density of Population

(2) Family Welfare Programme in India
(3) Hierarchy of Settlements
(4) City region.

3. Answer the following questions :

(1) Explain trend of population growth in India.

(2) Give an account of population policies in India.
(3) Describe the characteristics of Settlement Geography.
(4) Explain the scope of Settlement Geography.

4. Answer the following questions :

(1) Give nature and scope of Population Geography.

(2) Define Migration and give the classification of migration.
(3) Explain the influence of economic and social factors on the
growth and distribution of settlements.
(4) Describe the various patterns of settlement.




















1. (i)
2. (iii)











































2. 12





Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology

1. Answer the following questions

(i) Explain the present of industrial and organizational psychology.
(ii) Explain uses of job performance evaluation.
(iii) Explain nature of leadership.
(iv) Explain need theory of McClelland.
(v) Explain goal setting theory of work motivation.
(vi) State relationship between job satisfaction and productivity.

2. Answer the following questions

(i) Describe the functions of industrial psychology.
(ii) Describe the Person-Machine system.
(iii) Explain measuring techniques of job satisfaction.
(iv) Explain the specific leadership skills.
3. Answer the following questions
(i) Describe the personnel recruitment techniques.
(ii) What is organizational behaviour ? Explain trends and challenges
of organizational behaviour.

4. Write short notes

(i) Work motivation
(ii) Work space design
(iii) Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
(iv) 360 degree evaluation
(v) The History of Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology
(vi) Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’ of Leadership.








(iii) (C.V.)

(iv) 360
T.Y. B.A. PSYCHOLOGY Applied Psychology

1. Answer the following questions

(i) Explain the DSM-5.

(ii) Describe the consumer survey method.

(iii) Explain the group discussion method.

(iv) Explain the nature of criminal psychology.

(v) Explain the scope of sports psychology.

(vi) Explain the nature of military psychology.

2. Answer the following questions:

(i) Explain the recruitment techniques.

(ii) Explain the meaning and types of violence.

(iii) Explain the use of psychology in dealing with superstitions.

(iv) Describe the role of psychologist in disaster management.

3. Answer the following questions:

(i) Define family. Explain the marital problems and solutions.

(ii) What is health psychology ? Explain the bio-psycho-social

modes of health.
4. Write short notes
(i) Dating

(ii) Psychology of terror

(iii) Physical environment : Educational problem

(iv) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

(v) Ashramshalas
(vi) Team Morale.















Scientific Research and Experimental Psychology

1. Answer the following questions

(i) State use of Internet for research.
(ii) Write on probability.
(iii) What are the ethical issues of psychological test ?
(iv) What is absolute threshold ?
(v) State the nature of attention.
(vi) State the process of problem solving.

2. Answer the following questions

(i) Describe the types of scientific research.
(ii) Define reliability. Explain the various types of reliability.
(iii) Discuss the basic concepts of psychophysics.
(iv) What is attention ? Discuss the various theories of attention.

3. Answer the following question

(i) Define hypothesis. Explain the characteristics and types of
(ii) What is attention ? Discuss the various types of attention.
4. Write short notes
(i) Descriptive Vs. Analytical research
(ii) Questionnaire method
(iii) Uses of psychological test
(iv) Constant error
(v) Transfer of training
(vi) Reasoning.

(i) (internet)

2. 200

3. 400
(iv) (CE)
Relevance of Gandhian Thought

1. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain synthesis of Gandhiji and Marx.
(2) What was the contribution of Dada Dharmadhikari in economical
thought of Mahatma Gandhi.
(3) Discuss about Vinoba Bhave’s concept of “Nari Shakti”.
(4) Explain Jayprakash Narayan’s concept of Total Revolution.
(5) Explain Ganga Bachao Andolan in the context of environment.
(6) Introduce briefly An-San-Syuki’s work in Myanmar.

2. Answer of the following questions

(1) Bring out the importance of Nelson Mandela’s Antiracist
(2) Briefly write about Sundarlal Bahuguna’s Chipko
Andolan.Explain, what is Satyagrahi Samajwad.
(3) Discuss about Vinoba Bhave’s Notion of Sthitprajna.

3. Answer of the following questions in 400 words :

(1) Explain in detail Acharya Dada Dharmadhikari’s concept of
(2) Explain in detail the importance of Gandhiji’s method and
techniques of Satyagraha in reference to solve various social-
political issues.

4. Write short notes on of the following :

(1) Social revolution — Javadekar
(2) Bhoodan — Vinoba Bhave
(3) Ahimsa — Mahatma Gandhi
(4) Women empowerment in 20th century — Pushpa Bhave
(5) Right to Information — Anna Hajare
(6) Narmada Bachao Andolan — Medha Patkar.





Applied Yoga) (Vyavharikyoga

1. Explain from the following

(i) Benefits of Bahirang Yog.
(ii) Explain the ‘Klesh’ in Yoga Science.

2. Write short notes on of the following :

(i) Shirshasana
(ii) Naulli
(iii) Nadishodhan Pranayam
(iv) Mulbandha.

3. Answer questions from the following:

(i) According to Patanjali state the classification of Yogsutra.
(ii) State the application of Yoga Science to higher level persons.
(iii) Discuss, how Patanjal Yoga Science helpful to keep social
4. Attempt any one question in detail :
(i) Discuss the Yoga Science and Old Age in detail.
(ii) Explain the importance of Yoga in Sports.




World Civilization

1. Answer the following questions

(i) Explain the stages of Palaeolithic age.
(ii) What is Renaissance ?
(iii) State the causes for the decline of Harappan Civilization.
(iv) Review the social and economic life in Greece Civilization.
(v) Explain the meaning of Feudalism.
(vi) State in brief about Vasco-da-Gama.

2. Answer the following questions

(i) Describe the contribution of Chinese philosopher in Philosophy.
(ii) Write a detailed account of Vedic literature.
(iii) Explain the causes and the effect of ‘Reformation Europe’.
(iv) Take a review of the various geographical discoveries during
the ‘Age of Discoveries’.
3. Answer the following questions
(i) Write about social life, economic life, religion and philosophy
in Egyptian Civilization.
(ii) Write in detail the causes for the Ranaissance.

4. Write short notes

(i) Taoism
(ii) Code of Hammurabi
(iii) Holy Roman Empire
(iv) Contribution of Arabs in Science
(v) Reformation Movement
(vi) Christopher Columbus.





Dynamic and Challenges of Indian Society

1. Answer the following questions

(i) Explain the nature of Indian Society.
(ii) Explain the causes of Adoption.
(iii) Explain the causes of changing Indian Family
(iv) Explain the causes of Social Conformity.
(v) Describe the effects of Intermarriage System.
(vi) State the characteristics of Society.

2. Answer the following questions

(i) Explain the characteristics of Traditional Society.
(ii) Describe the functions of Indian Family.
(iii) Explain the status of women is changing in Indian Family.
(iv) Explain the causes and effects of Dowry System.
3. Answer the following questions
(i) Describe the causes and effects of Divorce.
(ii) Explain political, economical, communication and scientific effects
on social change.

4. Write short notes

(i) Marriage and sex
(ii) Social value conflict
(iii) Features of modern society
(iv) Process of social change
(v) Active and passive deviation
(vi) Importance of social change.




India’s National Security

1. Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(i) State the importance of National Security.
(ii) State the strategic importance of Indian Ocean.
(iii) What are the objectives of SAARC ?
(iv) State the objectives of Indian Foreign Policy.
(v) Explain the objectives of Nuclear Policy.
(vi) Explain geostrategic importance of Kashmir.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(i) Explain the India’s role in SAARC.
(ii) State the meaning and concept of National Security.
(iii) Explain the causes and measures of insurgency.
(iv) Describe the relation between India and U.S.A.
3. Answer the following questions in 400 words (any one) :

(i) Describe India’s Nuclear Policy.

(ii) Explain the determinants of Foreign Policy of India.

4. Write short notes on () :

(i) India’s Naval Strategy

(ii) Objectives of Defence Policy
(iii) Meaning of Terrorism
(iv) Indian National Security

(v) Peacefull uses of Nuclear Power

(vi) MacMahon Line.











India and South Asia

1 . Answer the following questions

(i) State India’s role in Maldives development.
(ii) Explain the importance of Geopolitics.
(iii) State the causes of 1971 war.
(iv) Explain area of co-operation between India and Nepal.
(v) State the functions of SAARC.
(vi) Explain the functions of territorial water.

2. Answer the following questions

(i) Explain the strategic importance of Indian Ocean.
(ii) Explain the Indo-Pak relations with special reference to the
nuclear debate.
(iii) Describe the historical relations between India and Bhutan.
(iv) What is Maritime Security ? Explain.

3. Answer of the following questions

(i) Explain the strategic importance of India.
(ii) Describe the development of Geo-politics in Germany.
4. Write short notes
(i) Objectives of Geopolitics
(ii) EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)
(iii) India’s Military Capability
(iv) Causes of 1965 War
(v) Maritime Border
(vi) Effects of Ethnic Conflicts.





(ii) EEZ

Contemporary Warfare

Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(i) What are the political causes of War ?
(ii) Explain the concept of Conventional Warfare.
(iii) Explain the characteristics of Guerilla War.
(iv) Explain the meaning and concept of Chemical Warfare.
(v) State the importance of Psychological Warfare.
(vi) Explain the nature of Electronics Warfare.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(i) Explain the concept of Limited Warfare.
(ii) Explain in brief origin and development of Nuclear Warfare.
(iii) Describe in detail the Biological Warfare.
(iv) State the preventive measures of Cyber Warfare.

3. Answer the following questions in 400 words () :

(i) What is Insurgency ? Describe in detail the causes of
(ii) Explain in detail the sources and scope of Electronics
4. Write short notes on () :
(i) Concept of War
(ii) Nature of Total War
(iii) Revolutionary War
(iv) Objectives of Psychological Warfare
(v) Means of Economic Warfare
(vi) Sources of Electronics Warfare.




International and Regional Organisation

1. Answer the following questions

(1) Describe India’s role in SAARC.
(2) State the structure of European Union.
(3) Explain the peaceful settlement of disputes.
(4) State the role of UN in the economic field.
(5) State the declaration of Human Rights.
(6) State the objectives of ASEAN.

2. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the structure and objectives of WTO.
(2) Explain the objectives and functions of NAFTA.
(3) State the structure of UN.
(4) Explain the Enforcement Action by UN.
3. Answer the following question
(1) Describe the U.N. role in maintaining International peace and
(2) Explain the hindrances and suggestions in the working of UN.

4. Write short notes

(1) Functions of ASEAN
(2) Functions of U.N
(3) Security Council
(4) General Assembly
(5) Objectives of SAARC
(6) Future of UN.




Terrorism and Counter Terrorism)

1. Answer the following questions

(1) State the Economic implications of terrorism in India.
(2) Explain the Indian strategy regarding terrorism.
(3) Explain the politics of terrorism.
(4) Explain the prevention measures of terrorism.
(5) Describe the meaning of terrorism.
(6) Explain the concept of counter terrorism.

2. Answer the following questions

(1) Describe the resources of terrorism.
(2) Explain the nature of terrorism.
(3) Describe the counter-terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir.
(4) Describe the communal terrorism.

3. Answer of the following questions

(1) Explain the characteristics of terrorism.
(2) State the causes of terrorism.

4. Write short notes on () :

(1) Global terrorism
(2) Terrorism and National law
(3) Organisation of Indian terrorism
(4) Cross border terrorism
(5) Types of terrorism
(6) Resources of terrorism.




Defence Economics

1. Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(1) Explain the problems of wartime economy.
(2) State the effects of war on industry.
(3) Explain the distribution of India’s defence budget.
(4) State the internal threats of India’s security.
(5) State the types of Loans.
(6) State the structure of estimate committee.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(1) ‘‘Defence and development are co-related to each other’’.Discuss.
(2) Explain the means of economic warfare.
(3) State the determinants of India’s defence expenditure.
(4) Describe the means of war finance.
3. Answer the following questions
(1) Describe the determinants of war potential.
(2) Analyse the defence expenditure of India from 1947 to update.

4. Write short notes on

(1) Public Accounts Committee
(2) Importance of Defence
(3) Price Control
(4) Scope of Economic Warfare
(5) Structure of India’s Defence Budget
(7) Effects of Inflation.

Business Management

1. Answer the following questions

(1) What is Business Management ?
(2) Explain Co-ordination and Co-operation.
(3) What is Line Organisation ?
(4) Meaning of control.

2. Answer the following questions

(1) State the types of decisions.
(2) Explain the importance of Communication.
(3) Explain the levels of Planning.
(4) Explain the importance of motivation.
(5) Explain the management of change.

3. Answer questions from the following

(1) Explain the management is a Science and an Art.

(2) Explain the types of Delegation of Authority.
(3) Discuss ‘Management of Change’.
(4) Explain in detail the functions of management.

4. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the principles of management.
(2) What is leadership ? State the merits and demerits of

2. 100


1. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the impression aspect of discipline.
(2) Explain the educational importance of creativity.
(3) What are the causes of individual differences ?
(4) Explain the concept of Personality.
(5) Explain the importance of Action Research.
(6) Explain the types of disasters.

2. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the role of school to develop mental health among
the students.
(2) What is Educational Guidance ? Explain the importance of
educational guidance.
(3) Explain the role of school in personality development among
the students.
(4) What is individual differences ? Explain the educational importance
of individual differences.
3. Answer question
(1) What are the problems in higher education ? Suggest the remedies
to overcome them.
(2) Explain the meaning, nature, merits and limitations of discussion

4. Write short notes:

(1) Role of school in disaster management
(2) Educational importance of imagination
(3) Need of vocational guidance
(4) Concept of mental conflict
(5) Educational importance of sensation
(6) Concept of school indiscipline.

1. 100

2. 200

3. 400

4. 50

Advanced Study of English Language and Literature
Texts (i) A Collection of Indian English Poetry by Radha Mohan Singh.
(ii) Linguistics : An Introduction by Board of Editors.

1. Attempt of the following

(i) Describe the theme of ‘Peace’.
(ii) Explain the use of imagery in the poem ‘Song of Radha, the
(iii) How does Ezekiel compare the poet with a bird watcher and
a lover ?
(iv) Why does Jussawalla call Bombay ‘a surrogate city’ ?

2. Write short notes on of the following

each :
(i) Verb phrase
(ii) Simple, compound and complex sentences
(iii) Subject and object as parts of a clause
(iv) Negative sentences
(v) Tag questions.
(vi) Imperatives.
3. Attempt of the following
(i) What does Mamta Kalia speak about her father in ‘Tribute
to Papa’ ?
(ii) Describe in detail the theme of ‘The Season of the Plains’.
(iii) ‘The Captive Air of Chandipur-on-Sea’ is a nature poem. Discuss.
(iv) Comment on the use of humour and irony in the poem ‘The

4. Attempt of the following

(i) State the difference between denotative and connotative meanings.
(ii) Explain the difference between synonymy and antonymy.
(iii) Define semantics and explain its scope.
(iv) Write a note on homonymy and polysemy.

5. Attempt of the following

(i) Write a note on Searle’s typology/taxonomy.
(ii) Explain maxims of politeness principle with suitableexample.
(iii) Discuss maxims of cooperative principle with suitable
(iv) Write a detailed note on direct and indirect speech acts.
Appreciating Novel

Text Prescribed :—
(i) Animal Farm – George Orwell.
(ii) The Old Man and the Sea — Ernest Hemingway.
(iii) The Guide — R. K. Narayan

1. Answer of the following :

(i) Differentiate the terms protagonist and antagonist in a
(ii) How dialogues are significant in a novel ?
(iii) What do you know about narrative technique in a novel ?
(iv) Explain the term epistolary novel. Give examples.
(v) Comment on the peculiarities of historical novel with examples.
(vi) Consider point of view as an element of novel.

2. Answer of the following :

(i) Comment on Orwell’s Animal Farm as a satire on Russian
(ii) Write a note on the plot construction of Animal Farm.
3. Answer of the following :
(i) Attempt a character sketch of Santiago.
(ii) Comment on the struggle of Santiago with Sharks in The Old
Man and the Sea.
(iii) Explain the tragic elements in The Old Man and The Sea.

4. Answer of the following :

(i) Elaborate the picture of contemporary society as reflected in
The Guide.
(ii) Write a note on Raju’s transformation from a rogue to a redeemer
with reference to The Guide.
(iii) Comment on the female characters in The Guide.

5. Answer of the following :

(i) Comment on the significance of Old Major’s speech in Animal
(ii) Write a note on the ending of Animal Farm.
(iii) Explain the role of sea in Hemingway’s The Old Man and
The Sea.
(iv) Discuss the theme of the novel The Old Man and The Sea.
(v) Comment on the use of prominent imagery in The Guide.
(vi) Write a note on the conflict between tradition and modernity
in The Guide.

Introduction to Literary Criticism

1. Attempt of the following questions :

(i) Why does Plato call poetry ‘mother of lies’ ?
(ii) How does Aristotle refuse Plato’s charges against poetry ?
(iii) Write a detailed note on Pope’s views on Art and Nature.
(iv) Bring out the difference between Fancy and Imagination.

2. Attempt of the following questions :

(i) Tradition is dynamic in nature. Explain.
(ii) What, according to I.A. Richards, are four kinds of meaning ?
(iii) Explain Allen Tate’s cocnept of tension.
(iv) What is George Lucas’ idea of ‘Realism’ ?
3. (A) Attempt of the following questions :

(i) Write a note on Dryden’s views on French Drama.

(ii) What are the views of Dryden on Tragi-Comedy ?

(iii) How does Dryden define drama ?

(B) Attempt of the following questions :

(i) How does Coleridge differentiate poetry from prose ?

(ii) Explain Coleridge’s views on the function of poetry ?

(iii) Discuss S.T. Coleridge’s views on nature poems.

4. (A) Attempt of the following questions :

(i) What qualities does Helen Gardner expect in a literary

critic ?

(ii) Bring out the significance of the title ‘The Sceptre and

the Torch’.

(iii) Does Helen Gardner approve of authoritative nature of

literary critic ? Why ?

(B) Attempt of the following questions :

(i) How does Northrop Frye bring out the difference between

visible and invisible criticism ?

(ii) Evaluate Frye’s views on aesthesticism and evaluative criticism.

(iii) Write a note on Frye’s notion of the ‘‘Lower’’ and ‘‘Upper’’

limits of criticism.
5. (A) Explain any four of the following literary and critical
terms :
(i) Genre
(ii) Irony
(iii) Connotative and denotative meaning
(iv) Point of view
(v) Allusion
(vi) Text.
(B) Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow
Sometimes you want to talk
about love and despair
and the ungratefulness of children
A man is no use whatever then.
You want then your mother
or sister
or the girl with whom you went through school,
and your first love, and her
first child—a girl—
and your second.
You sit with them and talk.
She sews and you sit and sip
and speak of the rate of rice
and the price of tea
and the scarcity of cheese
You know both that you’ve spoken
of love and despair and ungrateful children.
Questions :
(i) Suggest a suitable title to the poem.
(ii) Comment on the theme of the above poem.
(iii) What is the type of the poem ?
(iv) What is the poet’s tone with respect to the ‘female’ ?
(v) Explain the last two lines of the poem.
(vi) Identify figures of speech/poetic devices in the poem.

Logic and Methodology of Science

1. Answer of the following in 100 words each :

(1) What are the objectives of the Science ?
(2) Explain principles of causation.
(3) What is Functional model ? Explain it.
(4) Discuss about essential characteristics of inductive inference.
(5) What are the primary laws ?
(6) Explain the merits and demerits of observation.

2. Answer of the following in 200 each :

(1) State the difference between Science and Common Sense.
(2) What are the grounds of induction ? State and explain the
formal ground of induction.
(3) Explain difference between common sense and scientific
(4) What is the concept ‘laws of nature’ ?
3. Answer of the following in 400 words :
(1) Explain the process of confirmation and verification of
(2) Can social sciences be value-neutral ? State your views critically.

4. Write short notes on () :

(1) Role of theory in science
(2) Uniformity of Nature
(3) Induction by simple enumeration
(4) D.N. of Explanation Model
(5) Derivative laws
(6) Merits and demerits of questionnaire.
1. 100
2. 200

3. 400



Work and Society

1. Answer the following questions

(1) Write the meaning and functions of Guild system.

(2) Explain the classification of unorganized sector.
(3) Elaborate the classification of agricultural labour in India.
(4) Explain the Japanese model.
(5) Elaborate the characteristics of unorganized sector.
(6) Explain the problems of Bureaucracy.
2. Answer the following questions
(1) Explain the importance of work.
(2) Explain the problems of migrant workers.
(3) Elaborate the New Economic Policy and its impact on workers
in formal sector.
(4) Elaborate the types of surveillance.

3. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the challenges of Trade Union Movement in
(2) Explain the characteristics of Bureaucracy.

4. Write short notes

(1) Scientific management theory of Frederic Taylor.
(2) Problems of agricultural labour in India.
(3) Characteristics of factory system.
(4) Problems of BPO sector workers .
(5) Multinational Companies (MNCs).
(6) Outsourcing of work in post-industrial society.
Crime and Society
1. Answer the following questions
(1) Write the meaning of crime.
(2) Explain the New-Marxist view on crime.
(3) Write the preventive theory.
(4) Explain the meaning of Human Right Violation.
(5) Write the meaning of crime against caste.
(6) Explain the method of probation.

2. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the characteristics of crime.
(2) Elaborate the cyber crime.
(3) Explain the idea of Robert Merton on social structure and
(4) Explain the role of media in crime.

3. Answer the following questions:

(1) What is Terrorism ? Explain the causes of terrorism.
(2) Elaborate the features of environmental crime and international

4. Write short notes

(1) Features of White Collar Crime
(2) Deterrent theory
(3) What is Corporate Crime
(4) Reformative theory
(5) Open Prison
(6) Sexual harassment at workplace.

Group A : G-3 : Work and Society

1. 100

2. 200


3. 400


Crime and Society


2. 200

3. 400

Social Research Methods

1. Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(1) State Positivism.
(2) Which are the secondary sources in social sciences.
(3) State the significance of hypothesis.
(4) Explain the limitations of interview.
(5) Define structured and unstructured questionnaire.
(6) Explain the importance of computer in social science research.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(1) Explain the significance of ethics in social science research.
(2) Describe participant and non-participant observation.
(3) Explain the merits and demerits of case study method.
(4) Explain the limitations of report writing.

3. Answer of the following questions in 400 words :

(1) Explain the definition and types of sampling.
(2) Describe the various steps in social research.
4. Write short notes on (any four) :
(1) Median
(2) Applied research
(3) Feminist approach
(4) Histogram
(5) Interview guide
(6) Survey method.



Contemporary Indian Society)
1. Answer any four of the following questions
(a) Elucidate the term modernization in the context of making
of Contemporary India.
(b) Discuss the nature of economic develoment in India.
(c) Write in brief on the ethics on doctors.
(d) State the relationship between land acquisition and displacement.
(e) Describe the relationship between media and politics.
(f) What are the challenges concerning school education in
contemporary India ?

2. Answer any two of the following questions

(a) Analyse the impact of globalization on public health sector.
(b) Explain Nehru’s contribution in Nation building.
(c) Discuss the nature of urbanization in India.
(d) Explain the changing nature of family in contemporary India.

3. Answer of the following questions

(a) Examine the issues and challenges concerning higher education
in contemporary India.
(b) Critically evaluate changing nature of agriculture in post
independent India.

4. Write short notes:

(a) Commercialization of media
(b) Live-in relationship
(c) Transport issues in urban society
(d) Psychological issues of transgender individuals
(e) Nature of Indian democracy
(f) Features of New Economic Policy 1991.
1. 100
2. 200



Social and Political Philosophy

1. Answer of the following questions in 100 words each :

(1) Briefly discuss Mill’s conception of Liberty.
(2) Describe what is Neo-Bhagwat Dharma according to M.G. Ranade.
(3) Narrate the notion of Eco-feminism.
(4) Why B.R. Ambedkar is making distinction between Social and
Political democracy ?
(5) Is cultural pluralism same as multiculturalism ?
(6) Explain the concept of Radical Humanism according ot M.N.

2. Answer of the following questions in 200 words each :

(1) Discuss the relation of individual with society according to
(2) Critically evaluate Marxist notion of Feminism.
(3) Write an essay on B.R. Ambedkar’s idea of democracy.
(4) Discuss M.N. Roy’s views on democracy.
3. Answer of the following in 400 words :
(1) Elaborately discuss Marxist concepts of Historical and Dialectical
(2) Critically evaluate relevance of Gandhian Philosophy of non-
violence in today’s age.

4. Write short notes on any four of the following in 50 words

each :
(1) Mill on the concept of Right
(2) Radical Feminism
(3) Politics of identity
(4) M.N. Roy’s critique of Marxism
(5) B.R. Ambedkar on Varna and Caste
(6) Concept of Providence.








(Aesthetics and Philosophy of Religion)

1. Answer of the following questions in 100 words each :

(1) State Aesthetics as a branch of Philosophy.
(2) Explain form as a work of Art.
(3) Explicate Plato on Art as Imitation.
(4) Define the term religion with its kinds.
(5) Describe notion of God.
(6) Explain the term Terrorism.

2. Answer of the following questions in 200 words each :

(1) How Bullough describes Aesthetics Attitude ?
(2) Explain Tolstoy’s theory ‘‘Art as Communication’’.
(3) Elaborately describe the notion of suffering.
(4) Is there any relation between religion and science ? Describe.

3. Answer of the following questions in 400 words :

(1) Explicate fully Dr. Ambedkar’s critique on religion.
(2) State and describe the nature and types of Bhavas.

4. Write notes on of the following in 50 words each :

(1) Beauty
(2) Art object
(3) Art as significant form
(4) Morality
(5) Cosmological arguments for the existence of God
(6) Secularism.




Thinkers & Textual Studies : Indian

1. Answer of the following questions :
(i) What, according to Vivekananda, are the essential qualities of
a student ?
(ii) Explain Dharmananda Kosambi’s understanding of Shila the
discipline of morality.
(iii) State the difference between Prajna and Buddhi as stated by
(iv) Why according to Gandhi have lawyers enslaved India ?
(v) Why does Gandhi compare the British Parliament to a sterile
woman ?
(vi) Explain the relation between modern western civilization and
religion according to Gandhi.

2. Answer of the following questions

(i) What is ‘true education’ according to Gandhi ?Gandhi’s
ideal of ‘Swarajya’ — State and explain.
(ii) What are the characteristics of Sthitaprajna as stated by
Vinoba ?
(iii) State D.P. Chattopadhyaya’s arguments for Lokayata

3. Answer of the following questions:

(i) Discuss elaborately Vivekananda’s conception of Practical Vedanta.
(ii) What are the characteristics of ‘true civilization’ according to
Gandhi ? Discuss.

4. Write short notes on of the following :

(i) Samadhi of a Sthitaprajna
(ii) Trishna (craving) according to Kosambi
(iii) Madhavacharya’s exposition of Lokayata Epistemology
(iv) Duties of a doctor according to Gandhi
(v) The Nature of Brute-force
(vi) The concept of Satyagraha.




Thinkers and Textual Studies (Western)

1. Answer of the following

(1) Explain the notion of family resemblance.
(2) State briefly Marcel’s views on interpersonal relations.
(3) What is according to Popper is the problem of
demarcation ?
(4) Explain the nature of pragmatism as an approach to philosophy.
(5) Discuss the Marxist objection to existentialism.
(6) In what way does Hampshire present the argument from
analogy ?

2. Answer of the following

(1) What is Dewey’s understanding of the nature of inquiry ?
(2) How does Marcel distinguish between primary and secondary
reflection ?
(3) Discuss Malcom’s criticism of argument from analogy.
(4) Explain Sartre’s views regarding freedom and responsibility.
3. Answer of the following
(1) State and evaluate Ayer’s arguments for elimination of
(2) Write a critical essay on Nietzsche’s concept of will to power.

4. Write notes on of the following

(1) Anguish
(2) Pseudoscience
(3) Instrumentalism
(4) Wittgenstein’s distinction between sense and non-sense
(5) Problem of other minds
(6) Marcel’s notion of mystery.

2. 200


3. 400


4. 50
Introduction to Youth Welfare
Introduction to Rural and Urban Welfare

1. Answer question
Discuss the different problems in Urban Community.

Describe the concept Youth. Highlight different roles of youth considering

social development.

2. Answer question
Describe NGO’s role in youth welfare.

Discuss the concept Adolescence. Describe problems of them.

3. Answer question
Mention various problems of unemployed youth.

Highlight ‘youth is an agent of social change’.

4. Answer question:

Describe different processes of female youth.

Discuss ‘‘Characteristics of youth and their problem’’.

5. Write short notes

(a) Addiction in youth
(b) Youth Hotels
(c) National Service Scheme (NSS)
(d) Various needs of tribal youth.





Institutions and Issues in Indian Administration

1. Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(1) Explain the functions of State Public Service Commission.
(2) State the structure of Voluntary Agencies.
(3) Explain the functions of Committee on Public Undertaking.
(4) Write the meaning of Governance.
(5) Explain the concept of Liberalization.
(6) State the functions of State Reserve Police.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(1) Explain the functions of Recruiting Agencies in India.
(2) Discuss the budgetary process in India.
(3) State the importance of Voluntary Agencies.
(4) Explain the functions of National Human Rights Commission.

3. Answer of the following questions in 400 words :

(1) Explain the machinery of planning in India.
(2) Describe the effects of privatization and globalization on Indian
4. Write short notes on () :
(1) Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy of Administration, Dehradun
(2) Ministry of Finance
(3) National Development Council
(4) State the devices of Governance
(5) Central Reserve Police
(6) Reservation Policy.




[5501]-3075 2







Administrative Thinkers

Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(1) Explain Woodrow Wilson’s views on Administration.
(2) State the Max Weber’s views on Model of Bureaucracy.
(3) State the Kautilya’s views on Rajdharam.
(4) Explain Taylor’s concept of scientific management.
(5) State Riggs’s features of Sala Model.
(6) State Herbert Simon’s views on Traditional Administration.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words each () :

(1) Explain Kautilya’s views on Administrative Corruption.
(2) Explain the Pandit Nehru’s views on Decentralization.
(3) State Woodrow Wilson’s views on relation between
Administration and Politics.
(4) Explain Chester Barnard’s views on Human Relatives.

[5501]-3075 3
3. Attempt of the following questions in 400 words :
(1) Explain Max Weber of Authority and Legitimacy.
(2) State Rigg’s structural functional approach.

4. Write short notes on () :

(1) Kautilya’s principles of administration.
(2) Taylor’s views on critical evaluation.
(3) Nehru’s views on socialism.
(4) Chester Barnard’s views on organization.
(5) Rigg’s ecological approach.
(6) Herbert Simon’s views on decision-making model.


1. 100

2. 200
3. 400

Maharashtra: A Cultural Region

1. Answer of the following

(1) What is Women’s contribution in political movement of
Maharashtra ?
(2) Describe the work of Godavari Parulekar among the Adivasis.
(3) Explain : Ek Gaon Ek Panawatha.
(4) What is the role of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in Educational Reform
Movement of Maharashtra ?
(5) Write the meaning of Maharashtra Dharma.
(6) What is the cultural importance of Warkari Cult in Maharashtra ?

2. Answer of the following

(1) Explain the importance of Vidarbha and West Maharashtra as
a cultural region in Maharashtra.
(2) Discuss the role of Lokmanya Tilak and Veer Savarkar in
Revolutionary Movement.
(3) Explain the cultural importance of Tamasha, Lavani and Kirtan
in Maharashtra.
(4) Explain the nature of Industrialization in Maharashtra.
3. Answer of the following
(1) Explain the role of Saint Dnyaneshwar and Saint Tukaram
in the cultural life of Maharashtra.
(2) Explain the social reform movement led by Rajarshi Shahu
Maharaj and Mahatma Phule.

4. Write short notes on of the following

(1) Acculturation
(2) Qualitative Research
(3) Warli Painting
(4) Saint Ramdas
(5) Kokan
(6) Peasant Movement.









1. Answer the following questions

(i) Explain the importance of exercise in our day to day life.
(ii) List shot put fouls.
(iii) Write a list of fast food.

2. Answer the following questions in 100 words each () :

(i) Define balance diet and write its importance.
(ii) Define physical fitness and list the factors of skill related physical
(iii) Write the importance of regular health check-up.

3. Answer the following questions

(i) Explain Suryanamaskar.
(ii) How can obesity be prevented ? Explain.

(iii) Explain the types of Pranayama.

4. Answer of the following

(i) Draw and write the measurement of a football ground. Explain
the basic skills.

(ii) Write the importance of Yoga in maintaining good health.


1. 50



2. 100

3. 250

4. 500

T.Y. B.A.

1. List and explain any five factors influencing the web site

2. Write notes on the following :

(a) Debit Card
(b) Operational Level Management

3. Explain B2C and C2B models of E-Commerce.

4. Explain the following elements of web site design :

(a) Site Structure
(b) Site Navigation

5. What is E-Commerce ? Explain the scope of E-Commerce.

6. Explain Table Tag of HTML with example.

7. What is Decision Support System ? Explain its need.

Introduction to Print Media and Writing for Mass Media andKey
Competency Modules

1. Prepare a news item based on the points givenbelow :

 The Hindu
 Mumbai, March 10, 2018 20:54 IST
 An Indian Coast Guard copter makes emergency landing in
near Murud Raigad at 2 pm.
 Chetak helicopter on a routine surveillance with four crew
 Technical difficulties 25 minutes after taking off.
 The pilot, Deputy Commandant Balwinder Singh, managed to
save from total damage.
 No casualties as avoided landing in populated or crowded places,
or at sea.
 Crew shifted to the INHS Ashvini Naval Hospital.
 Assistant Commandant Penny Chaudhary, treated for her injuries.
The others with minor injuries. A Defence spokesperson reports.
 No damage to helicopter
 ‘‘The machinery is intact. The tail rotor is slightly bent and
the right wheel has broken off,’’ the Coast Guard officer said.
 The Chetak - a two-ton, seven-seater helicopter and used for
multiple purposes like transport, casualty evacuation, search
and rescue operations aeriel survey and patrolling, emergency
medical services and off shore operations by forces like the
Indian Coast Guard and the Indian Navy.
 A high level probe to find out the technical glitch.

Prepare an alternative copy of the following so as to

attract the customers by making changes only in its verbal

Parker salutes the stalwarts of Indian Journalism of the

Ramnath Goenka Excellance in Journalism Awards.
16th January 2012, New Delhi.
2. Answer the following questions
(1) Differentiate between the language used in television news and
(2) Give your opinion on ‘Popularity of Newspaper is decreasing
due to the use of Social Media.’
(3) What are the elements of News ?
(4) Prepare a script for a radio talk on the topic of ‘Career
Opportunities for Arts students.’
3. (A) Answer the following questions

(1) How do you explain the term ‘technical writing’ and what
is its scope ?
(2) Usefulness of technical writing
(3) Technical Writing and Career Opportunities
(4) Essentiality of English in Technical Writing
(B) Describe an upcoming Café in Lonavala with the help of the
following details :
 Variety of food- veg/non-veg/bakery/ice-cream
 Different styles and packages
 Party hall, banquet hall, special rooms, play-area
 Special arrangements for birthday party, wedding reception
 Parcel facility available
 Free home delivery
 24 hours open
4. (A) Give Marathi or Hindi words for the English terms given below
(any ten) :
(1) Vocabulary
(2) Administration
(3) Certificate
(4) Receipt
(5) Television
(6) Practical
(7) Workshop
(8) Cheque
(9) Local
(10) License
(11) Art director
(12) Sponsorship
(B) Translate the following passage into Marathi or Hindi : It’s
Saturday morning. You wake up, have your breakfast, and relax
in front of the TV watching cartoons. Have you ever
wondered how those animated cartoons you enjoy are made ?
The process begins with an idea. Artists make sketches and
put them up on a storyboard, to get an outline of the story.
Then writers create the script, and actors record the voices.
The sound needs to be recorded before the real animations,
so that the artists can draw the cartoons to match up with
the actors’ voices. A sound engineer or a computer program
analyzes all the sounds the voices make, what mouth positions
match each sound, and tells the artists how many different
drawings to make. The artists need to draw many pictures
to show how the characters' mouths move while they’re talking,
and how their bodies move. There are usually about 12 to
24 drawings for every second of a cartoon! That means, for
a 20 minute cartoon, artists have to make around 26,000 drawings
- wow! When characters are moving or speaking quickly, the
artist will need more drawings. If the characters are moving
slowly, they won’t need as many drawings. Sometimes artists
draw the background just once, then use transparent sheets
to draw the characters.
(B) Translate the following passage into English :

5. (A) Write short notes in about

(1) Short film and Documentary
(2) Depiction of women in Indian films
(3) Mythological Characters in recent films
(4) Cinema for Social Awareness
(B) Write a review of a cartoon film or acomic film you have
recently watched.

Emerging Concepts of Tourism and Tourism Development

(iii) Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.
(iv) Use of map stencil is allowed.

1. Explain in brief (Around 50 words each) :

(i) Agro tourism
(ii) Carrying capacity
(iii) Negative impacts
(iv) MICE

2. Write short notes on (Around 100 words each) :

(i) Adventure tourism
(ii) Tourism policies
(iii) Conflict management
(iv) Right to information
(v) Destination development
(vi) Recent trends in tourism
3. Answer (200-250 words each) :
(i) What is National Tourism Policy of 2002 ?
(ii) How is medical tourism related to Kerala ?
(iii) Explain the destination life cycle.
(iv) What are the pull factors affecting tourism destinations ?
(v) Mention the positive points of rural tourism.

4. Answer in detail (Around 500 words each) :

(i) Explain in detail sustainable tourism.
(ii) Explain the relation between stress and conflicts.
T.Y. B.A. (Functional Hindi : Vocational)


Permission for carrying on studies

No. 43/1618/Admn. New Delhi, the ......... 2014
With reference to his application dated ........... Shri .............
is informed that he is permitted to appear in/join ..............
provided this does not interfere with his official duties if it
observed that he had been neglecting his duties for the same
of his studies or any other reason, this permission may be
withdrawn at any time without assigning any reason.
Shri ............... Section Officer


(i) Appraiser
(ii) Bearer
(iii) Calculator
(iv) Despatcher.
(i) Please treat this as strictly confidential.
(ii) The matter is under consideration.
(iii) I have to honour to ..............
(iv) Fully agree with the office note.
Development Administration

1. Answer the following questions:

(1) State the features of Development Administration.
(2) Explain district level planning.
(3) State the importance of social welfare in India.
(4) Explain the concept of corruption.
(5) Explain the nature of Bureaucracy.
(6) State the meaning of Globalization.

2. Answer the following questions

(1) Explain the relations between development and public
(2) Explain the new strategy of Central Level Planning.
(3) Write the importance of Sant Gadgebaba Gram Swachhata
(4) Discuss on the District Rural Development Agency.
3. Answer of the following questions :
(1) Write the meaning, nature and scope of Development
(2) State the role of Bureaucracy in Development Administration.

4. Write short notes

(1) Population Explosion
(2) Administrative Neutrality
(3) State Level Planning
(4) Importance of Peoples Participation
(5) Regionalism
(6) Meaning of Bureaucracy.




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