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Formal report

INBM 106
Xeniya Kornilova
Mukul Kashyap
Komalpreet Kaur

Jeevan Jassal

Professor Marziyeh Yousefi

August 3rd, 2022
Anxiety, stress and health issues are one of the main issues people face at the workplace.
Sometimes the issues might be over the top and cause many problems at the workplace and in
everyday life. All that negatively affects productivity and successful work balance. There are
many wellness programs where people can receive the help and provide support needed to
manage everyday work and life activities successfully. A Wellness Program is an organized
program to assist and support workers in establishing healthier lifestyle (Gundu, 2013). Worksite
wellness strategies have been shown to lead to cost savings for a company. A review of 42
studies have demonstrated that worksite health promotion programs can lead to more than 25%
reduction in absenteeism, health care costs and disability/workers compensation costs (Gundu,
2013). Keeping in mind all the positive effects of the programs, this report will focus on two
Wellness programs, such as (1) Wellness factory and (2) Legacies Health Centre, that are pretty
successful in Canada and help people with their problems. We would like you to review the
report and consider implementing one of them at our workplace.

Wellness factory is known as one of the best wellness programs companies in British
Columbia, which helps with the weight loss plan and health care coaching. There are many
reasons for the company being successful. For example:
 First is their personalized meal plan- the main key feature of the program is that it
creates a unique meal plan for them and gives special tips to customers on what they need
to eat or when to eat for weight loss. They also provide meals for their customers. They
first offered a solution to the problem and then provided all the necessary things. The
main key factor to the success of this company is that it recommends no pills or
medicines for weight loss. This company believes in great food, eating a whole variety
without limiting yourself only to a few products but in the correct quantity for weight
 Second is the community support- the Wellness factory believes that community
support is also beneficial for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. Research on Building
and Maintaining Trust in a community (2008) showed that people are five times more
likely to be successful with community support. Therefore, the company has a Facebook
group that provides approved recipes for weight loss and tools for a healthy lifestyle that
helps customers in their journey. They also post real life-stories on their page, and people
comment under posts to show their support and sincerity.
 Third is a personal health coach- Wellness factory provides a personal health coach to
their customers who take special care of them. They help them to burn fat and stay
healthy and fit healthily and efficiently.
 Fourth is education- his wellness program gives Access to hours and hours of
educational materials to teach healthy habits to the customers and lifelong transformation.
The second wellness program that is also focused on promoting well-being and a healthy
lifestyle to its customers is Legacies Health Centre. Legacies Health Centre is considered the
best health Centre in British Columbia. It treats the customers differently, and this wellness
program has unique strategies and techniques to help. Some techniques are:

 Acupuncture- a Chinese technique in which the needles are used to stimulate the
body's balance and the flow of energy. it helps to reduce swelling, relieve pain, and
promote faster healing.
 Dry needling- Dry needling Intramuscular Stimulation is a technique based on
Western medical ideas and research that involves inserting a filament needle into the
skin and muscle at a myofascial trigger. There are not many wellness companies that
use dry needling, and it is pretty popular in Vancouver; that is why many people go
to Legacies to receive that type of treatment.
 Physiotherapies- Legacies Health Centre provides many Physiotherapies such as
oncology Physiotherapy, pelvic health Physiotherapy etc.
 Therapies- This company uses different therapies like Registered Massage Therapy,
Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, Shockwave Therapy etc., to help customers and
relieve many health issues.

Apart from the above-mentioned health benefits, this wellness program provides many other
services such as Personal training and Kinesiology & Active Rehab to help the customers to live
a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of wellness programs:

These wellness programs are beneficial for physical and mental health. These programs are
suitable for both employees and companies and here is why:

1. Wellness Program Enhances Overall Well-Being- These programmes can also focus
on mental wellness; they are not only for physical training. Exercise and meditation,
according to studies, can help people reduce stress and improve focus. Businesses
frequently provide wellness programmes because of this. They offer classes such as yoga,
meditation, and introductory workout sessions.
2. Increases Productivity- According to research conducted in 2014 on workplace wellness
and saving money (Mattke et al., 2014), wellness programs help people adopt healthy
behaviours, such as regularly exercising but also help with saving money.
3. Beneficial for Incorporates Mental Health- There are many methods to incorporate
mental wellness into workplace culture. Employers can support the mental well-being of
their staff by hosting quarterly seminars on how to maintain composure at the office.
Offering these kinds of conference series is a terrific asset to any organization because it's
the simple things that impact staff productivity.
4. It helps to Develop and adopt Good Habits- This involves hiring an on-site health
coach for some organizations. Physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments are a part of
specific health programmes.
5. Reduces the Risk of Diseases- Healthy behaviours keep us in good health. Chronic
diseases are less likely to affect those who practise good practices. All health issues, such
as excessive blood sugar and high blood pressure, are brought on by inactivity and a bad

The photo below from Wellable Website (

productivity-reduced-sick-days ) nicely illustrates the efficiency of wellness programs. 53% of
employees noticed an improvement in their health, 67% reduced body weight, and 56% took a
few sick days. According to the Survey, 73% of employees who do not have access to wellness
programs at their workplace wish they had it.

All the factors above positively affect and increase employees' productivity, and who does not
want their workers to have a productive time, right?
Even though both of these wellness programs are pretty different in their approach and
seem to focus on different areas of problem, we believe that Legacies Health centre will be the
most suitable form of a wellness program for our company. There are many reasons why. First of
all, even though the Wellness factory focuses on weight loss and promotes a healthy lifestyle, we
believe it will be unethical to promote this program in a workplace as every person perceives a
healthy body differently; it might also be offensive to some of the employees. Furthermore, the
Wellness factory has one scope of interest and only focuses on weight loss, while Legacies
Health Centre has a wide variety of programs that might suit many people. For example,
acupuncture treatment has been scientifically proven to be useful in difficult conditions such as
asthenic states (‘tired all the time, low energy”), autonomic dysregulation disorders (anxiety,
sleep disturbance, bowel dysfunction), and immune dysregulation disorders (recurrent infections
and inflammations) (Sierpina, Victor & Frenkel, Moshe. (2005). We agree that different
therapies that Legacies company offers will positively affect the productivity and well-being of
employees. Coming to work after a healthy massage would make employees grateful and respect
and appreciate the workplace even more. They would feel valued and cared about, thus will work
harder for the company.
A company culture that encourages and rewards healthy behaviours is known as a
wellness programme. These programs are not only about physical health; mental health is also
essential to personal well-being. Employers who provide wellness programmes observe an
improvement in the general health and happiness of their workforce and personal life. Employees
who are happier and spend less on healthcare also spend more time working productively.
Therefore, we kindly suggest you consider our proposal and implement wellness programs at our

Sierpina, Victor & Frenkel, Moshe. (2005). Acupuncture: A Clinical Review. Southern medical
journal. 98. 330-7. 10.1097/01.SMJ.0000140834.30654.0F.
Christopher S, Watts V, McCormick AK, Young S. Building and maintaining trust in a
community-based participatory research partnership. Am J Public Health. 2008 Aug;98(8):1398-
406. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.125757. Epub 2008 Jun 12. PMID: 18556605; PMCID:
Rao, Gundu. (2013). Workplace Wellness Programs (A concept Paper with useful notes).
Mattke, S., Liu, H., Caloyeras, J., Huang, C. Y., Van Busum, K. R., Khodyakov, D., ... &
Broderick, M. (2014). Do workplace wellness programs save employers money. Santa Monica,
CA: RAND Corporation.
The Wellable Blog (2021). Survey: Wellness Programs Increased Productivity, Reduced Sick

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