The Aim Is To Build An Android App That Has Three

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The aim is to build an android app that has three features

1. Transportation
2. Food Ordering
3. School Management System


Log-in/Registration Page and Profile Creation of Users:

On the rider side of the transport app, users are required to log-in to the app before booking their
first ride. You may provide an option of “no profile” during the first stages, for your database to grow.
You may want to suggest the completion of profile creation before the first ride’s payment is
You can also choose to use email registration or social media integration to complete the profile
creation process. Ensure that your application does not post anything without the users approval as
users do not like this feature.

The general app performance can be shown in 5 simple steps:

Step #1: Request. The customer requests a car instantly or on schedule via the app. Those requests
are received by drivers nearby.
Step #2: Matching. The driver may either accept or reject the ride. If they reject it, the request is sent
to another driver.
Step #3: Ride. The customer tracks the taxi approach and knows the estimated time of arrival.
Step #4: Payment. The cashless way of payment and the price estimated beforehand make this
process smoother for both parties.
Step #5: Rating. It’s an important component of transport business logic which enhances the service

Basic features to build an app like Uber for customers:

Geolocation and routing.
Payment integration.
Registration and personal data management.
Call or text the driver right from the app.
Push notifications.
Ride cost estimation.
Top-notch UI and UX design.

On the driver app, all important fields are filled before moving forward. For instance, ensure that the
driver-photo is uploaded, the copy of the driver’s license and the car license plate number of the
driver is registered.

You may add a rating system to boost the satisfaction of the customer. Let the customers have the
privilege to comment on the diligence, professionalism, and behavior of the driver. In return, you will
be able to award fines or bonuses based on the driver’s action.

Basic features to create Uber app for drivers:

Driver reports.
Advanced route optimization.
Personal profile editing.
'Active / Inactive' option (active drivers are visible on the map, inactive aren't).
Calling to a passenger from the app.
Generating daily / monthly reports of past bookings and earnings.
How Food ordering Work

Food Delivery Mobile App – User Panel

After the successful download and installation of the app from Google Play Store, the customers need
to go through the registration and login page.

Login: This process can be made simple via social integration of Facebook, Gmail or by just a single
OTP confirmation on the user’s mobile number.

Location: Based on the user’s location, the list of available restaurants is shown with all the minute
details. Users can also browse the map to select their preferred locations.

Homepage: This screen will show all the list of nearby restaurants available. The home screen needs
to be clean as setting up many things/objects and showing in a sophisticated or using hi-fi technology
can confuse the user that can be a huge turn-off.

Menu: This is one of the main features of on-demand food aggregator mobile apps. In this screen
after the selection of any particular restaurant the details of the menus available will be shown to the
user such as names, dish images, contact no, user reviews, expected delivery time, etc in a simple
manner so that the user does not get confused by overlapping sections.

Set pickup on the map – Enable GPS or start typing your address – the app recognizes your exact
location. You may set your pickup location on the map.

Cart Section: This part is for managing the order requests before making the payment. The user
should be able to increase or decrease the food count just by tapping on a plus or minus button
respectively. The total cost with all details of taxes should be shown in a transparent manner, and the
amount should be updated dynamically with the changes in the quantity of the cart.

Payment: After that, the user will be taken to the payment page where he/she needs to confirm the
order by paying via different payment gateways available. One can also keep the option of cash on
delivery for making it more flexible.

Reviews Screen: The App developer can include user reviews and comment sections in each
restaurant detail.

Offers and Discounts: The App owner/restaurant can also keep updating the user about the new
offers and discounts of his/her favorite restaurants via push notifications.

Contact Information: Contact information of the delivery person and the restaurant should also come
handy at times so it should be included.

Search: This section is placed on the upper portion of the home screen of the user part and is
mandatory for on-demand food delivery app. Users can search by the food name and all the
restaurant names where that dish is available and at what price should show up within seconds.
Refine Search –As a firm or an entrepreneur one can also keep an option for filtering things like
delivery time, reviews, offers and sort the list by user’s preference of ascending and descending in
terms of price.
Food Delivery App – Restaurant Panel

Dashboard: After setting up the account, the users of the app are redirected to their home page,
which is the dashboard. Here they can keep track of the pending orders, completed orders and ones,
which are on the way of processing for better insight and summary of what is going on.

Accept or Decline Orders: This is the most important part of on-demand food delivery app
development as delivering the food in time is an important concern. Users may cancel the order if it
takes more than the set deadline or time and it will count such delay as a loss and can leave a
negative impression. Not all of the restaurants can offer home delivery as such the app should have a
slider in the restaurant account page so that the owner can toggle yes or no from there. There must
be an option of confirming the order or cancel from the restaurant side.

Manage Restaurant Account: Every restaurant can set their restaurant pictures, name, logo, food
images, hours of operation, minimum order quantity and add all the menus available along with the
price and expected delivery time. They can also mention discounts from their end for any particular
item. This whole part falls into the profile section of the app.

Payment: In the payment section, the users would have the option to transfer the money to banks or
any other platform like PayPal or Wallet app as per their preference. Showing daily revenue reports
can also be an added feature along with all the history.

School Management

School Administration
School Administration is solely responsible to manage & control entire application by giving different
level of access to different users.

School Staff
The school staff can view different classes assigned to them and check their daily schedules, fill
progress reports of students.

Parents can view their children progress reports and get time to time updates of various related
information about their children.

Students can view their progress reports and get time to time updates of various related information.

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