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November 1969 Fracture Initiaiion. and Crack Propagatioti-in.

Britile Ceramics 601

. . ..-t.\lc.l
Young's modulusileads to a relaxatíon of the 1031 , I 1
stress level" 'Yhiclu"rLturn Aecreases the·. driving--=:-::"'-l;;;:' ~~(i
force for crack -propagation. The same general - ~..'::;O -- CRIT/CAL TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE FOR

---- --approa·chc.-is-"also-:tirke}Firr-the-presen"Ctheory. __~~:> _ -:.I~ IN lHA TiOW-oF-CRt,CK"PRPPA"GATI"O"N- --c. -~I

Thermal stressfracture and crack propagatíon. g ---CRACX LENGTH RE"SULTING FROM

can occurJor ;-aÍÍ'~-iiilinlte~fiúmbér .cof aeometric <, PROPAGATION OF INITIALLY SHORTCRACK

...•.., ..- "'-"~"-'.. "~-.-~'-:: - -,.,- . .._..'":'..•.
- ,.".,,' '. _.b. ..- .. ~ o .' 2
shapes àrid· therrnal environments, For the ",w 10

present theory, the choice of a suitable mechani- .;;

cal model must necessarily be limited to a rela- ~
tívely simple geometry and th~rmal envíron- ~
.-af----asolld body ~unifermiy cceled through '-a -"-.---. ,.....1·· i
U ,-"<:.....,-'
.- .~
___ ~R~>~G~i~O~~_
).~S:TA-·~~·klTy - -- -1 0


temperature difference (",6T), ~t.11 the bcdy ex- .2" '-iI -j

ternal surfaces .rigidly restraíned to índuce a 2;

uniform state of triaxíal stress (S) of magní- :i!
rude':": 2 STABILlTY
S ='aEóT/(l-:2v) ,(1) .~
::;o .. I :, ··IC "

\.vhere a = coefficient of thermal expansion, E'= ~ ': 10-3 10~2 10-1 10

Young's _modulus of eJasticity, and v=Poisson's. "
This mechanical mode! represents the worst Fig. L Minimum· thermaI strain required to Irririate crack pr.opagation as
possíble condition of thermal stress as the body a function of crack length and cr ack density N. (Poisson's ratio=O.25.) ,
as a ~Eóle is stressed to the rnaxímurn value of
thermal stress. As a result, .the calculated values
of the ·~'êh{t.of crack propagation are expected
to be greater than the exten~~ crack propagation for most Simple analytícal expressions for Eq. (4) can be obtained
cases of thermal stress faiIu~e. '. for short and long cracks. For short cracks the terrn
The material of which the rnechanícal model is composed
, is assumed to .be JR~trittle and to mechanical
{\Pa'-Ws ín the form of Griffith microcracks. Any form of. stress
ª~ 16/(1-v')NI'/9(1-2v)
condition óT, becomes:
is small compared to unity. For thís

óTe = [".G(1 - 2v)2/2Eoa'(l - Il) 1]:6 (5)

relaxation, such as dislocation motíon or :viscous flow,· is
I)~",,<'cy> 1 a~sumed ~~'f." The Grifflth microcracks are assumed to be
Equation (5) describes the linear regíon of the left-hand side
d~ circular" and distributed uniformly throughout the material. of the U-~~~ curve ín Fig. 1 and describesthe degreeof
~\Q\"i'N..\ Crack propagatíon is assumed to occur by simultaneous
cooling required to initiate fracture. . . .»~ .
f>.'-- propagatíon of N number of cracks per unit volume. All
For long cracks the term unity is 1feg1ig~ble compared to
!~~ cracks are assumed to be of uniform size and to propagate the term 16(1-v')NN9(1-2v). This approximation may not
radiaI1y. . lnteractions between stress fields of neighboring be valid within the ,~~:;umption that. interaction between the
cracks are assumed absent. The cri teria of crack stability . stress fields of rl'êi~11'Ddringcracks can be neglected, The
can be obtained as f6iiõVts~''''
form of the solution obtained, however, illustrates the relatíve
. ~tt6p The total energy (W,) per unít volume is the sum of the importance of the various material parameters, In this man-
~ ~ elastic energy plus the fracture energy of the cracks. For the ner, for long cracks:
present mechanícal model, usíng the expressíon for the effec-
tive B'ifu("'modulus of brittle soJids containing penny-shaped t:.Te = [1287TG(1 - v~)N'ls/81a'EoJ:6 (6)
cracks" of uniform·size:
Equations (4), (5), and (6), however, do 110t completely
W, = 3(aôTrE~ [1+ 16{1-v')NI' ] -, + 27TNFG describe crack propagatíon behavior.· For -.initíally short
(2) cracks, after initiation of fracture, the rate of elastic energy
2( 1- 21') 9(1- 2v )

where E« is Young's modulusof the crack-free material and

exceeds the surface ,fracture energy. The excess
energy. is transforrned into ~etic energy of tp~r0-E.a~ting
1 is the crack Iength.
crack.":" When the crack reaCh~s the crack iength"ü'r'Eqs.
Following the general approach of, cracks are une (4) and (6) for~ values of sr, required for fracture ínitía-
stable between those limits for which:
tion, the c~'tc,k~tlll ~ses kínetíc energy and continues to
propagate 1Ylltilthe potential energy released equals the total
dWJdl = O (3)
surface fracture energy. This condition is met at a final
Substitution of Eq. (2) in (3), followed by rearrangment, crack length (Ir) expressed by:
results in the critícal temperatura difference ,(t~T,) required
for crack instability: (at:.Te)'Eo{ + 16(1-v')NI.'J 3 ~ + [1 [1
2(1-2v) 9(1-2")
i3.T, = [_:::.~C}- 2v).' ]
2Eoa- (1 - 1'-)
~~[1 + 16!~,-vl~l/J ~' }= 2"NG(l/-lo')
v')NI3 ] [ 1
I" (4)
where 10 is the ínitial crack length. Equatíon (7) is shown by

the dotted curves in Fig. 1.

Equation (4) ís illustrated U; Fig. 1 by solid lines. The critica I
temperature difference (i3.Tc) with increasíng crack length For short cracks (10) wíth 11> >1 0, the final crack length
can be written:
goes through a minímum with the region of crack instability
bounded by two values of crack length. This behavior is in
I; = [3(1- q) /8 (1- v') lo1\l]l-~ (8)
contrast with the Gríffith criterion for constant load, where ,
crack instability is ~U'lli:t~by one value of crack lencgtli;~ Equation (8) indicates that the extent of crack propagation
crack propagation being catastrophic whenever the crack for short initial crack length, but for a S!D~ Q!wendence on
length exceeds thís value.
Poisson's ratio, is independent of any other material property
" ~-~------'._-'_._, _----,_.---, .. -,----- ,-_._._~~, ..-'-- .. ,

602 Joumal=o] TheAmeric'an, Ceramic Society=-Haseelmari 'VôL ·52;·No.~11

. --'----'-~~-~~- ...,.,,:,.~--,- -,-~~---------_._-----~--- --~--
--------.~-~---------- ------
and Ts~funCtjoíi' only ~(thecrack density and original crack propagation is excessive and in most.icases is completely
size.' On the basis of a símpler theory, a similar conclusion catastrophic and quite spectacular. Excessive thermal stress
was reached elsewhere." fracture can be avoided by selecting rnaterialpropertíes such
Equation (8) can also be expressed in terms of the critical that crack propagation is mínimízed. As suggested byFig.v I,

fracture stress (S,) for a penny-shaped crack as derived by thiS can be accomplíshed by two methods: (1) increasíng the ,
Sack": size of the Griffith flaw by íncreasing graín size; or (2) de-
Iíbcrately íntroducíng. czacks Iazge e~Qg~~ ?Ad-;:d~!t_~~_,".enouglt7--
s, = [Gl;:.l2l.(I-vo)'J-% '~(9,>-
~2.-: c==~ç~ J;;rt::2.?-;2.::'O:: cc::-:::;::e~ i::: e. _q~ê~l-stê.tic manner
wrucn wnen suosnrutec fi ..c.q. ,O) resuus ~:-
- • 1- -. - ~.. • •• - /"'" ,...-

oniy. T'l1is is accomplísheri by seiecring a crack size near the

minima inthe crack-stability curves of Fig. 1.' The latteY··
I, = [3(1-2v)S.'I4n-NGEo]'h (10).
approach seems to have been taken by Ficker", to improve
From Eq. (10) it may be noted that the area (A) traversed the thermal shock resistance of ínsulating ceramícs." Also,
by each propagating crack, fi. =7TI/, is inversely proportional to Ford and Whíte" attributed the high spalling Yesistance 'for
the factor : GEIS,'(1-2v), which apart frorn the Poisson's 'chrome~~agnesite bricks to the -formatión' of- êrackS~hich
ratío dependence is identical to the therrnal shock damage-;: , aríse .from internal stresses developed during firing. Figure ,I
resistance parameter': ' also indícates. that introducing cracks larger than the. crack
,(11) -. length at the mínima in the curves of Fíg. 1 offers no advan- ,
R"" = GEIS,z(l-v)
It may be noted from Fig. 1 that I, (Eq. (7)) is now sub- In a previous note, it was suggested that thermal shock
critica I with respect to the critical temperature difference re- resistance 'can also be improved by the deliberate íntroduction
quired for its initiation, and a finite increase in temperature. of therrnal stress concentrators in the Iorm of rnicrostructural
dífference' is required before the crack again becornes un- inhomogeneities in the material. These thermal stress con-
stable, .In contrast to short cracks, cracks of Iength to the centrators initiate fracture Iocallywíthin the material. Con-
right of the minima of the stability curves of Fig. 1 do .not tinued crack propagation, however, is governed by the low
attain kinetic energy and propaga te only in a quasi-statíc average stress in the body. Excessíve crack propagation is
manner." thereby avoided, leading to an increase ín thermal shock Te-
ln' summary, the present approach to thermal stress frac- sistance. To be able to apply the general results of the preserit
ture results in three solutions, namely, the condition for frac- theory to heterog~ne9t!iltl!laterial.~ ~he introduction of the c~n-
ture initiation, the Iength of crack which results, and the cept of an "effectíve \tl:ãW l~' IS suggested. The effectíve
thermal conditíon .required to again propagate the newly fIaw length is that length at which the Griffíth criterion is
formed crack. In principal the same approach can be applied satisfied in terms of the macromechanical elastic behavior,
to other thermal stress geometries, distribution, and envíron- fracture energy, and stress at fracture, without regard t~ the
ments. actual micromechanical aspects~ of fracture initiation. -The
optimurn effective crack length which minimizes kinetíc crack
IIL Discussion propagation occurs at the minima of the curves of Fig. 1 and
may be ilIustrated on the basis of the experimental data of
General aspects of therrnal stress fracture of brittle ceram-
Nakayama and Ishízuka," who correlated experimental results
ics can now be discussed in terms of the results of the present
for the thermal shock resistance of firebrick with data for
theory. Throughout the discussion the use of the term "tem-
strength, Young's modulus, and fracture energy. For a high-
perature difference" refers to the actual temperature díffer-
spalling-resistant clay-bonded high-alumina brick the follow-
ence or degree of cooling of the specimen. By using the theo-
ing data were reported: S,;:::;4:<10' dynes-crrr", E;:::;1.6XI0"
retical results of Carslaw and Jaeger" for numerous georn-
dynes-cm", and G;:::;4.5xI0' ergs-cm", Substitution of these
etries, temperature dífference in the specimen is easily related
values in Eq, (9) results in an effective flaw length, 1.,,;:::;1.1
to the en~8h~~ntal temperature dífference to which the
em. For N = 1 crrr", thís value of crack length lies to the right
specimen is subjected.
of the minimum of the stability curve and crack propagation
The first solution obtained from the theory in the form of
is expected to occur in a quasí-static manner onIy. On the
Eq, (5) can be applied directly to the d~gn with ll,Dttle
,ceraIRlcs ., m th erma I shoc k app I'ications
. fO o" 'li tM"~~t"'f . other hand these same investigators for a hígh-alumina brick
rom tne pom o view
with onIy moderate thermal shock resistance found the values,
of ã'Voiding fracture .initiatinn. In terms of the tensile strength,
S,;:::;1.9X 10' dynes-crrr", E;:::;5.9XIO dynes-crrr", and G;:::;

the general thermoelastic theory for this approach has been

5.2XIO' ergs-cm ", which gives 1.,,;:::;0.2 em. Símilarly, for
weIl deve~ed" a,pd many theoreticat.i'~utions are available
N = 1, for this material crack propagation is expected to occur
for both stea<íY'::Stateand transient heat transfer. For well-
"kínetícally. The difference in thermal shock performance in
known material behavior and well-defined therrnal environ-
this manner can be correlated with the values of I.u and ex-
ments no dífficulty should be found in predicting thermal
plained on the basis of the present theory.
stress fracture. Any discrepancy between theory and experi-
ment can primarily be attributed to the ~ot toa well estab- As suggested by the present theory the extent of quasi-static
lished physical behavior of ceramics as a function of envíron- and kinetic crack propagation is a function of the number of
mental condítions, _..In this respect, strength probably repre- propagating cracks. ~ce, the..Jl.l.lWb!?J;.Df
cracks is ~
sents the largest unknown factor due to its dependence on ~a function of the type af material but is also a function
stress .distr~· ution, specimen volume, and ~ainjrate. of the ~f thermal shock, ~n síze.caad-shape. For
, ~'fI. E.""~
, As õütlined, the a'{rà1dance of thermal stress fracture instance, in the .symmetric heating of solid spherical shapes,
initiation required materiais with high values of strength, fracture is initiilted at the center of the sphere at a single
thermal conductivity, and diffusivity combined with low values point only, Un1rer these conditions fracture is expected to take
of thermal expansion, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and place by the propagation of a few cracks onIy and is expected
emissívity. However, even for the best materiaIs selected on to be quite catastrophic, in agreement with observations of
this basis, it is still relatively easy to initiate thermal stress Crandall and Ging" and Hasselman and Shaffer." In many
fracture especiaIly in specimens of reIativelylarge size. '2\nd, situations of thermal shock, however, the stress is' so dis-
as indicated by Eq, (10), when fracture is initiated in ma- tributed that a large area of the specimen surface is at the
teriais selected on the basis of high strength the extent of crack value of the fracture stress; this is truein the heating of hollow
cylinders or spheres or in quenching solid bodies., For these
"In general, cracks propagate in this manner whenever
specíal cases, the present theory can be expressedinterms of
~NQ~~plber 1969 Fraciure lnitiatioii arui-Crac]z .Propagatiori in: Britile Ceramics 603·

the total number of cracks per specímen ratherthanín terrns .

oCthe'··ciack densíty per unit volume .. The extent of crack"
propagation then is expected to show aispecimen :·size ~de-
pendence, ~which will be a .function of. the fatio oÍ specimeu
-----vulume:-toth'Enotãrnumôer ofcracE per specimen. In this
regard, . caution ís recomrnended in predícting thermal shock
-i -

1/)1 -~...
_. ,._-

perlormance in one environrnent based on therrnal shock data 6 PROPAGATION V : CRACI< PROPAGATION
Z 1
obtained in another environment with another body size and 'j-to~1 I
shape. As an example, the alumina spheres investigated by
Crandall and Ging" on quenching developed many fine cracks '(i INITIATION I' .
in the surface, but the extent of crack propagation was small, u o~_ • .0/- ,+~
se-that the=spheres retained-theirshapE:.." ;Jn~neã':iT<-~Eõwever,
;::~~~;::;;.~~s~;;r· same spneres was entíreíy .carastrophic
-(C; ~ ~~rj=- - .•. 4:1t1-~


( ':l T)

Probably the most significant result of the present theory NO CHANGE

is that to reduce the probability of fracture initiation and 'sub- IN STRENGTH·

sequent changes in physical properties, as suggested by Eq:·

(6), material properties should be selectedso as to maximize
stressc~ack· stability" parametêr;R;",
'.. , .
defined u:


b' ..',

R., = (G/a'Eo)'h (12) t; .' ,--.---,

i5 I
In direct analogy to the derivation of the therrnal stress ~'
1 1
parameters given by Kingery," the role of thermal conductivity , 1
ou crack stability can also be introduced. For mild .heat 1 ,
transfer conditions, the temperature. dífterence in the body DI ,! ,
o (II.T), (II.T)~
(LU) to a good approximation can be related to the externally
applied temperature difference (ó,T') by:
Fig.2. Crack Iength and strength as a function of thermal
si -csrw.o. (13) history. .
where C is a geometric constant, a a size factor (e.g. radíus
of sphere or cylinder), h theheat transfer .coefficient, and
kthe therrnal conductivity. Substitution of Eq. (13) for t>.T 3.0. I

in Eq. (6) suggests the material parameter R',,:

x x
R'" = [k'G/a'Eo]* (14) x x

whích is applicable, for instance, in the case of the therrnal x

x x
stress failure of thin specimens heated or cooled in air by
natural convection. '"'::;
It is of ínterest to compare. the parameter R" with the cal- Z 2.0
culations ·of Goodier and Florence" who derived an expression >-
for the critical ternperature gradíent required to initiate the O>
propagation of a crack in a plate with linear temperature x
Ô I x
gradient. In terms of the fracture energy, the critical tem- xx x
perature gradient, 'TOT, becomes: '"'"w xx. x
>- x~2
'T., = 8 (G/2a'Ef)'h (15) '" .x,
x ~ .x
. x·

Similar to Eq. (12), for a given crack length I, the critical ~ 1.0
temperature gradíent can be maximized by selecting materials u x
with high R" values. Expressing Eq. (15) in terms of the u, x
critical heat flow required to propagate a crack leads directJy
to the material parameter R'" as defined by Eq. (12).
Note thatEq. (15), together with Eqs. (5), (6), and (8),
defines four distinct criteria for the initiation and extent of
crack propagation under thermal shock conditions. In the 01 ! ! I!! ,

proper interpretation of thermal shock data, all four criteria o 200 400 600 BOO 1000
need to be considered.
As a practical application of the present theory, the ex-
Fig. 3. Strength at room temperature of 5 mID diameter
pected relative change in strength of a brittle ceramic is esti- alumina rods subjected to thermal shock by quenching
mated as a function of increasing temperature difference t>.T. fr-om initial temperature into water (Ref. 28).
The material selected is assumed to have cracks to the Ieft of
the minima of the stability curves in Fig. 1 so that on fracture
initiation cracks propagate kinetical1y as well as quasi- length instanteously changes to a new value. As a result, at
statically. Strain rate and cyclic and static fatigue effects are !1T=t>.T" strength also decreases discontinuously. The new
assumed absent. Figures 2 (a) and (b) schematically show crack length is now subcritícal to ó'T" so that. L!:.T must be in-
the expected crack length and the corresponding change in creased to a new value ó'T'" before the cracks again continue
strength as a function of t>.T. As illustrated, a minimum tem- propagating. As a result, in the interval !1Tc<t>.T<t>.T'" no
perature difference (t>.T,) is required to initiate fracture. As change in strength is observed, At ó'T>t>.T', crack growth
a result, over the range O<T<Tc, no change in crack length or occurs quasi-statically, with strength decreasing graduaUy
strength is expected. At t>.T=t>.T" fracture is initiated and with increasing t>.T. In support of the curves shown in Fig. 2,
due to the kinetic behavior of the crack propagation the crack Fig. 3 illustrates data obtained by Davidge and Tappin" for

~~~_-" -::':-c-~-:-C··_··~-·-~"~ -.---'~- O·~~=.-~· =--'-.'

-- -~-~-----'--:"'_-"':"":'----'-----'
.,-'-.-- _.

604.' Journalo] .The AmúicanÇeramicSociety-HasselmCfn VoL 52"No~ 11

'. "
- -:- - '- . . ,~:;-:--=

-'---' ····· strength.of.thin alumjna rod~.c.subjected to mer-' D. P. H. Hasselman, ·':Theory ofThermaL Stress Resistance
mal shock 'by quênchlnCTúito~ater (valuesof.
. ..' b...
refer to the
•. . .'. . .
49[2] 103-104 (1966). .".
Under .•Radiatíen Heilting,'~-ibid-;,-'-
- •. . .
temperature before quenchmg).· The actual temperature dif- • D. P. H. Hasselman, "Approximate TheoryoL'Thermal
Ierence ín the specímens ís-estimated tobe approximately one- StressResístanos of Brittle Ceramics .Involving Creep,".lbid.,
haIf the vaIue of the initial temperature. Due to the rela- 50)9] 454--57(1967). ." .. ..•'
tively few data points and the relatively large scatter the R L.Coble and W. I? .Kmgery, Effect of Porosity on Ther-
. , ;. ...' mal Stress Fracture," ibid., 38 [1]33-37 (1955).
range of AT c-ATe is somewhat diffícult to determine, The . D. P. H. Hasselman and W. B. Crandall, "Therrnal Shock

~~~~~.=,-oJLeJ:all~eneralbeha--Úccof strs!I}gt",lJ.a?ª-f1lgs:!ionof AT is in ... AIlalysis of Spherical Shapes: Il," ibid., 46 [9] 434-37 (1963).

.;~~~~~~~~~~;:i~:~~,~t~:ü~~~~~~~-~~Y~~hr~~~:~.-- -. -~~~r~Sf;J~f!~~~~~:ns;ef~'l~~~;f -=,~

.-' propàgationoccurs prímaríly ína quasí-statíe-manner.rstrength- .-·.:r.,Congl~.tQnandcl'f~J. Retch, "SurfaceEnergy.of a Runníngj,

decreases smoothly wíth increasingAT and does not show the .:Craek in.Al-Os,' MgO, and -Glass frorn Crack-BranchingMea- .
sudden decrease Instrength at,ATc• This isthe general be-. surernents," Iniern. J. F:acture Mech., 1[1] 14-19 (19t;5):
.• ' ;'. .. . • . . • '.' . .-' '. .' 10 Junn Nakayama, "Direct Measurement of Fracture Ener- }irebnck,: well íllustrated by the extensíve gies of Brittle Heterogenous Materíals," J. Am. Ceram .. Soc.,
,data of.Tacvoriau+and.Hennícke and Sturhahn." '. .48 [11] 583-87 (1965). . ....' .' '.: '... '.' ..... .' .' .....
, Asa fínalsuggestíorí, it is recornmendedthat, ín .view of)ts"UF. J: P, 'CI~rke, R'G~TattersaIl, andG::Ta~pin,"Toú~-
ímportant role in the meehanical behavíor ofbríttleceràmícs, . ness of Ceramicsiand The1~ Work of- Fracture, Proc. Brit.
th e fr'racture ·e~ergy. b e d. etermine . d . i b to: Ceram. Soc., 1966, No. 6, pp. 163-72. . ' .
as a. routinea oragry lOJ. 'Nakayama and M.: Ishízuka, "Experimenta] Evídence
measurernent in processing and, developmg refractory ma- for Thermal Shock Damage Resistanee," Am. Cercrm. Soe.
terials. Bull.; 45 [7] 666-69 (1966). , .. .
13 S. M. Wiederhorn, . "Crack Propagation in Polyerystalline
. Ceramics"; inProceedings of XVth Sagamore Army MateriaIs
Research Conference on Fíne-Grained Ceramics, 'Edited by
IV. Summary and. Conclusions .J. J. Burke et al.. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, N. Y.,
1969(in press). . ". . .
Criteria are presented for desígn with brittle materiaIs for ,. D. P. H. Hasselman; "Griffith Criterion and Therrnal Shock
therrnal shock. On the basis of' a simple mechanical rnodel, Resistance of Single-Phase versus Multiphase Brittle Ceram- .
a thermal stress fracture theory is proposed whichpredicts 'ics," J. Am. Ceram. Soe., 52 [5] 288-89 (1969).
10 A. A. Griffith, "Phenomena oi Rupture and Flow in Sol-
the extent of crack propagation in .materials fraetured by íds,' Phil. Trans, Roy. Sac. (London), 221A[4] 163-98 (1920).
thermal shock. . The solutíon of the theory is shown to contain ie A. A. Griflith; 'pp. 55--63 in Proceedings 1st International
the cri teria for fracture initiation as well as for· continued Congress of Applied Mechanics. Edited by J. WaItman, Jr.
Delft, HoIland, 1924.' ..
crack .propagation. . It ís shown that erack propagation can. "J. P. Berry, "Some Kínetic Considerations of the Griffith
occur in either a quasi-static or kinetic rlfa111th, depending on Criterion for Fracture: I," J. Mech. Phys, Solids, 8 [3] 194-206
the length of the cracks before thermal shock. Analytical (1960).
18 J. P. Berry, "Some Kinetic Considerations of the Gsiffith
expressions for' the eriteria for quasí-statíc and kinetíc crack
Criterion for Fracture: rI," ibid., pp. 206-17. . .,
propagation are derived and expressed in terms of appropriate " S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticíty, 2d
thermal shock resistance parameters, The results of the ed.; Chapter 14. McGraw-HilI Book Co., New York, 1951.
theory are discussed in termsof' general thermal shock 20 R 'A. Sack, "Extension of Griffith's Theory of Rupture to
phenomena and recommendations are made for optimum ma- Three Dimensions," Proc, Phys. Soe.. (London), 58A, 729-36
(1946)..' . . .
terial design. To illustrate the theory, the expected change in "J. B. Walsh, "Effect of Cracks on the Compressibility of
strength of a brittle ceramic is estimated as a functíon of Rock," J. Geophys. Res., 70 [2]381-89 (1965).
severity of therrnal shock. Good agreement with literature "H. S. Carslaw and J. C. Jaeger, Conduction of Heat in Sol-
data was obtained. ids, 2d ed. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1959. .'
23 G. Fícker, "Cerarníc Structural Unit Resístant to High Tem-
It is concluded that the theory describes the general be- perature andto Variations in Temperature," Brit. Pato 735,068,
havior of crack propagatíon in brittle ceramics under fuermal November 8, 1955. . . .'
shock conditions. The various aspects of the theory should o. W. F. Ford and J. White, "Meehanical Properties of Basic
.aid in the interpretatíon of thermal shock data and the de- Refractories at High Ternperatures,' Trans. Brit: Ceram. Soc.,
56 [6] 309-30 (1957). ' . . ...
veloprnent of thermal-shock-resistant rnaterials. 2> W. B. Crandall and J. Gíng, "Therrnal Shock Analysis of
Spherieal Shapes," J. Am. Ceram. Soe., 38 [1] 44-54 (1955).
Acknowledg=ents as D. P. H. Hasselman and P. T. B. Shaffer, "Factors Affecting
The writer is indebted to his associates J. J. Gilman, L A. Thermal Shock Resistaace of Polyphase Ceramic Bcdies,"
Davís, and S. Wiederhorn of the National Bureau of Standards Tech. Rept, WADD-TR-60-749, Part rr, Contract AF 33(616)-
and R. C. Rossi of the Aerospace Corporatíon for review of 6806; 155pp., February 1962.
the manuscript and many helpful comments. . Z1 J. N. Goodier and A. L. Florence; pp. 562-68 in Proceedings
XIth International Congress of Applied Mechanics, Munieh,
References 1964.
1 B. A. Boley and J. H. Weíner, Theory of Thermal Stresses. 28 R W. Davidge and G. Tappin, "Thermal Shock and Frac-
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1960. . ture in Ceramics," Trans, Brii. Ceram. Soe., 66 [8] 405-22 (1967).
'W. D. Kingery, "Factors Affecting Thermal Shock Resist- ,. M. S. Tacvorían, "Heat Shock Resistance of Certain Sin-
ance ofCeramic Materials," J. Am. Ceram. Soe., 38 [1] 3-15 tered Refractoríes," Bull. Soe. Eranc. Ceram., 29, 20-40 (1955).
(1955). 30 H. W. Hennicke and H. Sturhahn, "Measurement and Cal-
'D. P. H. Hasselman, "Thermal Shock by Radiation Heat- culation of the Thermal Shock Resistanceof Twin Tíles," Ber.
ing," ibid., 46 [5] 229-34 (1963). . Deui. Keram. Ges. 45 [4] 167-73 (1968).

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