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Introduction of Cricket

Cricket was started in the 16th century and originated in England, it became the country's national
sport in the 18th century and developed in the 19th or 20th centuries.

Cricket is a game played with bat or ball between two teams having eleven players.

There are 4 umpires for giving correct decisions.There are two innings in a game for each team
when one team play the role of fielding two players of another team are on the ground for
playing the role of batting.The game is played by 120 million players world-wide making it the
second most popular sport in the world.The first international cricket was played in 1971 by the
governing International Cricket Council (ICC). Head Quarters of International Cricket Council
was settled in Dubai.

Islam is the name of a religion established by the Prophet Muhammad. One who believes Islam
is called a Muslim.

Muslims pray five times a day, give to charity, fast during the holy month of Ramadan and try to
make a pilgrimage once in their lives to Makkah,.

Islam can be followed by anyone who declares and believes that there is only one God and that
Muhammad was His final Messenger. It sees no difference between people other than in their
deeds, i.e. race, wealth, nationality, etc. grant you no special status.

According to estimates, the total Muslim population in the world today is around 1.6

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