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Spell Engines Furnaces ÆTHERJACK’S

The least obvious and therefore most
obvious of engines as the indicator
that a ship is powered by one is
These consume metals, and are the
most common of engines for plying
the void. There is always a visible
their sails billowing in the æther. exhaust colored by the fuel burnt.
To fuel one of these engines someone The SR is always 2. The amounts
must expend stamina as if they were listed are a week's worth of fuel.
casting a spell. This is enough to Examples are in parentheses.
fuel one day's operation. Iron - 5 TONS
Ship Rating is based on the Lead - 1 TON
Skill + Level of the spell Semiprecious metals (silver) -
being "cast." 8 pounds
For minor helms SR = 1/3 Precious metals (gold) - 1
total Skill rating. ounce
For major helms SR = 1/2 Ultra-rare metals (uranium or other
total Skill rating. radioisotopes) - 1/2 ounce
Elemental Engines
Every ship powered by
elemental engines is
wreathed with one ring of
flames or turbulent clouds per
active engine. It costs
1d3 stamina to fuel one
for one day.
SR is 1/2 the elemental's
relevant piloting Skill

Number One
Engines &
By Ian Woolley
Unemployed Drive Air & Fire Elementals
In those spheres that have developed elementals journey as contracted
Elemental Background
In some savage spheres your kin are 2 Shuttle Pilot the elemental drive the two most pilots. There is usually only 1d3 of
imprisoned in engines, forced to 2 Fritillary Pilot common elementals encountered will them employed on any given ship, one
labor, slowly dying in both body and 2 Spaceship Pilot be those capable of operating sky per shift usually.
soul. Fortunately, you hail from a 2 Dock & Harbor Smooth-talking and spacefaring vessels, air and fire Skill 9
sphere where such atrocities never 1 Elemental Bureaucracy elementals. In pretty much all SR: Lesser Engine 3, Engine 5
happened while still inventing the respects that truly matter, an Stamina 15
Special elemental is a person, even if not a Initiative 3
mechanics of harnessing the power of
elementals. Or at least such Assume you have 2 in any flying craft human person, although the Armor: Fire 1, Air 2
atrocities are so far past Pilot skill, but track the personhood for humans for Damage: Fire as Fire Bolt, Air
as to have been advancement of each the most part is extremely as Maul
and debated by beings Master
unknown to them.
As befits there is A master drive elemental will
every being guilds and mostly be found either
such skill trade unions across maintaining a dockside
long school where they train
forgotten. As separately. (Or the majority of
don't. It's not the spheres that use apprentices and operate
such, you are a local freight and tug
trained and were at my game). elemental
As both your drives, there services, or found on
one time licensed, a mid to long distance
bonded, and insured Drive membership are three
card and work grades of drive training cruise. In
Elemental. both cases they will
permits are elementals:
Possessions expired, you, or apprentice, be employing 1d6
1d3 sixths of a mortal a factor, must journeymental, and apprentices and 1d2
soul negotiate with any master. journeymentals.
Elemental Brethren of sphere's elemental Skill 14
Apprentice SR: Lesser Engine
Drives & Engine court, bureaucracy, guild,
membership card, expired or union to function in the Rarely 5, Engine 7
Intersphere work permit, capacity of a drive elemental encountered Stamina 30
expired within that sphere as well the alone, and most Initiative 3
3d6 unpaid and overdue traffic duration and other such minutia. commonly found Armor: Fire 1,
citations in small groups Air 2
A body of and shrouded with flame of 1d6 Damage: Fire as
(lightly armored & fists as fire bolt) accompanying a master Fire Bolt +2, Air as
or wind (modestly armored & fists as elemental on a training cruise. Maul +2
maul) Skill 5 Mien 1d6
SR: Lesser Engine 2, Engine 3
Advanced Skills Text © 2019 by Ian Woolley Stamina 9 1 Flirtatious
3 Astrology
Orc Head Logo © 2019 by Ian Woolley
Path to the Moon (back cover) by William T. Horton & is in the public Initiative 2 2 Furious
3 Secret Signs - Elemental
Die Halbinsel (front cover) by Fritz Erler & is in the public domain. Armor: Fire 1, Air 2 3 Apathetic
Navigation Buoys
Queen Mab (air elemental) by Willy Pogany & is in the public domain.
"How Loving Laili Became young again" (fire elemental) by John D Batten & Damage: Fire as Fire Bolt -1, Air as 4 High-spirited
2 Human Sexology
is in the public domain.
Troika Compatibility Logo aka Fortle by Hammer 5 Haughty
2 Fist Fighting
Ætherjack’s Almanac: Number One Engines 6 All business
& Elementals is an independent Journeymental
2 Golden Barge Pilot production by Ian Woolley and is not
affiliated with Melsonian Arts Council.
As their title suggests, these

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