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bestiary & before we start

Why go to Lukomorie?
and the tree
other evil Treasure.
The riches of Lukomorie cannot be described in numbers.
Baba Yaga If they survive, adventurers will definitely exit with enough
valuables to sustain their adventure existence.
Stamina: 14 Initiative: 2 Armour: 1
Broom (Damage as Staff -1)
Old lady. Trying her best to make a potion that will cure evil. Power.
Has gone mad several times over. The treasures are not only valuable in gold, but also give
Knows how to cast Poison and 2 random spells. their users unnatural powers (however, what is natural in
this world?). But be cautious, they might be dangerous in
the wrong hands.
Cat that speaks
Skill: 5 Stamina: 10 Initiative: 2 Glory.
Caws (Damage as small Beast) Defeating Koschei, that has been haunting the neighboring
A black cat that wears glasses. lands for centuries, will make the adventurers very
popular. More opportunities might arise from this.
Can cast Languages.

Koschei The cat that speaks, Baba Yaga, and Koschei know a lot
about magic and overall state of the universe. Speaking
Skill: 10 Stamina: 12 Initiative: 3 their advice is beneficial to those looking to gain
Rusty sword (Damage as Sword -1) information about almost anything.
An immortal necromancer. Always searching for new
experiences. Holds a grudge against The Sea Tar. Lukomorie (pronounced lu-ko-mor’-yé) is a fictional place that
Is familiar with Leech, Skeletal Counsel and 3 random spells. belongs to slavic folklore.

This page’s art by: I. Golovin and I. Kramskoy.

Skill: 7 Stamina: 12 Armour: 2 Initiative: 1 Lukomorie and The Tree is an independent
Stomp (Damage as Large Beast.) production of Max Verbludenko and is not
affiliated with Melsonian Arts Council.
A giant, guardian of the woods. Can’t stand metal.

Skill: 5 Stamina: 10 Initiative: 2
Singing high notes (Damage as Modest Beast.)
Woman with a tale of a fish. Lives on The Tree, practicing her
singing. It’s not very good.

Vityaz a Slavic adventure spot for

Skill: 6 Stamina: 12 Armour: 1 Initiative: 1 Troika! Rpg
Spear and Shield (Damage as Spear) by
Once brave warriors, but nowadays undead servants of the Max v
sea. Their armour and weapons are rusty.
the tree by the sea
1 - The Shore
The adventurers start here. They awake on a beach with
their belonging soaking wet. What is their last memory?

As they start collecting themselves, they notice old artefacts

buried in the sand. Treasures of the sea tsar.

After several minutes, they are approached by 3 Vityaz who

ask the party to leave the beach and surrender any treasures
collected. Vityaz will attack if the adventures do not
comply. If the party spends too long on the beach or fights,
more Vityaz come from the sea in groups of 3 until there
are 30 of them.

If all 30 of the Vityaz are somehow defeated or manipulated

into peace, The Sea Tsar rises from the waves. It is a
powerful godlike being, impossible to cast magic against or
harm with weapons. The Sea Tsar will congratulate the
party and offer them infinite life in its domain as its most
trusted guardians. The catch is that they won't be allowed
or be able to live on land ever again.

From the beach a very tall tree can be seen. Some of its
roots are in the water’ some on the sand. A golden chain is
sparkling on the sunlight, hanging from the tree’s branches.

d6 Treasures of The Sea Tsar

1 Sea coin. The best currency to use on the seabed.
2 - The Tree 3 - The Forest
2 Sword of tidal waves. Activated when the moon is It is an old oak tree. The highest branches seemingly reach the The densest and darkest forest the adventurers have ever
directly above the user. sky itself. A golden chain is hanging from the tree wrapped seen. Probably the only way out of this mess.
around its trunk. A cat that speaks is pacing on this chain.
3 A broken echo crown. If worn, gives the user the Baba Yaga resides here in her cabin that stands on two
If the party disturbs the tree in any way a Rusalka sitting on one chicken legs. Only Baba Yaga can control the position of the
ability to speak to dolphins and whales.
of the branches will make herself known by screaming at them. cabin. When the adventurers find her, she is preparing
She is actually trying to get the party listen to her new song. She some potions. She will ask the party to help her by
4 Shield of sand. This shield looks like a mix between
will be very upset if they don’t like her song. She will give her collecting some herbs. If refused, she tries to poison them.
sand and glass. It is fragile but razor sharp. magic mirror to the adventurer who likes the song.
Koschei is lost in the wooods, and would like someone to
5 Glass of water. It’s just a glass of water. The water The cat that speaks will talk to the party any chance it gets. It escort him to the nearest town.
tastes delicious and refills itself after each sip. wrote a lot of poems and would like to read them to everyone.
Leshy is looking after some animals in the forest. He will
6 Fishing rod. Someone must have left it. Could The cat will advise adventurers not to damage the chain, or become become very nervous if he spots the adventurers. If
someone in the nearby village be looking for it? remove it. If that happens, The Tree falls into the sea and the sky they do not follow the forest path, he will cry.
collapses, plunging the world into darkness.

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