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1: Select the most appropriate formal words and write them below

Industrial farming methods are commonplace, but the philosophy of organic farming could
be about to change the way many of us eat. Consumers have (1) dangerous / grave concerns
about eating fruitand vegetables that have been grown with the use of pesticides and
chemical (2) fertilizers / additives. The use of chemicals might make the crops immune to
(3) epidemics / infestations, but consumers have started to worry about the (4) adverse /
modified effects that such farming techniques might have. Organic farming could offer a
solution to this problem. Farmers are able to cultivate (5) abundant / plenty crops using
natural fertilizers. The same is true for farms involved in the meat and (6) dairy / milk
product industries. Farmers can use organic feed for their (7) livestock / meat instead of
giving them harmful processed foods. Organic farming might also avoid some of the (8)
hygiene / wellbeing issues that are connected to industrial farming, as well as giving people
better quality meat to choose from.

_____________________________ __________________________
_____________________________ __________________________
_____________________________ __________________________
_____________________________ __________________________

2: Choose the best word from the list provided below and write them in front of the
relevant explained definitions
a) There are a number of adverse effects which are caused by consuming certain food
b) Additives are components used in the preparation of processed foods. //ingredients
c) Mounting costs were resulting in an unprofitable crop. //Rising
e) There are potential risks involved in using GM technology in food. dangers
f) The government approved the use of genetically-modified crops in food
g) GM foods have only been on the market since 1994. //Avaliabe.

Ingredients rising Available enhanced dangers Consequences


3. Choose the sentence best in meaning and avoids wordiness (5)

1.He found his neighbor who lived next door to be attractive in appearance.

a) He found his neighbor who lived next door to be attractive in appearance.

b) He found him to be attractive in appearance.
c) He found his neighbor who lived to be attractive in appearance.

2.He was really late to his English class due to the fact that he had to finish his math test.

a) He was late to his English class due to the fact that he had to finish his math test.
b) He was really late to his English class due to the fact that he had to finish his math test.
c) He was really late to his English class to finish his math test.
d) He was really late to his English class due to his math test.

. 3.During the time when I lived in South Carolina, it was my intention to go to college in

a) During the time when I lived in South Carolina, it was my intention to go to college in
b) During the period of South Carolina, it was my intention to go to college in Florida.
c) When I lived in South Carolina, then I thought that I wanted to join college in Florida.
d) While I lived in South Carolina, I intended to go to college in Florida.

4. Because a great many of the words in this sentence are basically unnecessary, it would
really be a very good idea to edit somewhat for conciseness.

a) Because many of the words in this sentence are unnecessary, we should edit it.
b) Because many of the added words are really not needed so it needs editing.
c) Due to the reason it has unnecessary words, I guess we need to omit them
d) Due to the known reason of involvement of unnecessary data, we are to delete it.

5. The reason for the failure of the basketball team of the University of North Carolina in
the Final Four game against the team from Kansas was that on that day and at that time,
some players were frequently unable to rebound the ball.

a) UNC’s basketball team lost the Final Four game against Kansas because it could not
consistently rebound the ball.
b) UNC’s basketball team lost the Final Four game against Kansas due to which it could
not consistently rebound the ball.
c) UNC’s basketball team lost the Final Four game against Kansas because it could not in
a constant manner rebound the ball.
d) UNC’s basketball team lost the Final Four game against Kansas and primarily due to
that it could not consistently rebound the ball.

4. Determine the following sentences are parallel in structure. Write (P) if Parallel and
(NP) if not Parallel. (5)

1. Sharon bought a scarf, a teddy bear and a sketchbook.(P)

2. John wanted to travel by car, by train, and then take a bus.(NP)

3. They like playing games, riding bicycles and cooking food.(P)

4. Marianne is a good writer, volleyball player and pianist.(P)

5. The entourage will go to Paris, to London and Chicago.(NP)

6. James sang, performed and then he went outside.(NP)

7. He throws garbage, he grabs wallets, and he runs away.(P)

8. Jenny is in either the classroom or the laboratory.(P)

9. Michael anticipates both to earn a salary and to get a bonus.(P)

10.The weather report was neither accurate nor fair(P)

5. Analysis : Your ability to manage, clarify, and guide understanding is key to

addressing challenging situations while maintaining trust and integrity with
customers, coworkers, managers, the public, and other stakeholders. Keep in mind
these seven goals when delivering bad news in person or in writing: Encircle 6 goals of
sharing bad news in decent manner. Keeping in mind the above situation underline 6
qualities while delivering bad news (3)

1. Be clear and concise to avoid being asked for additional clarification//

2. Help the receiver understand and accept the news.//
3. Reduce the anxiety yet be direct and straight forward with the bad news as much as
possible by expressing no sympathy or empathy.//
4. Maintain trust and respect between you and your audience to do not ensure the possibility
of good future relations but only professionalism.//
5. Deliver the bad news in a timely fashion in the appropriate channel(s).
6. Avoid the legal liability that comes with admitting negligence or guilt.//
7. Achieve the designated business outcome.//
8. Be empathetic yet professional tone is to be maintained to the maximum.

6. Write the differences between cv, resume and cover letter. Each is to be dealt under
different heading (6)

1. Cv

2. Resume

3. Cover letter
7. Write paragraph on ‘’ Drawbacks of online Education system in Pakistan.’’ Your
paragraph should not exceed more than 7 to 8 sentences. Underline topic sentences,
circle supporting details and draw two lines under your concluding line. (4)
8. Using methods of paraphrasing, and summarization reproduce the text taken from
literature review. Copying and lifting would lead to negative marking

In their survey of faculty members of universities of Pakistan, Quraishi and Kalim, (2008)
reported that female faculty experienced gender discrimination, and consequently had lower
job satisfaction. Females are less likely to be included in the decision making process as they
are under-represented on committees and very few hold the position of chair. This situation is
not only an indication of underestimation of female faculty members, but also leads towards
the insufficient flow of information towards them. Consequently, female faculty in Pakistan
face discriminatory barriers in key elements of a gender inequality model; those of a strongly
conservative national culture and the internal structure dynamic of the institution (Acker,
1994; Bond, 1996a; Smulders, 1998).

In terms of the higher education workplace, international research studies of decision

making, defined by the level of the participation of faculty in the instructional, curricular and
managerial areas (Keung, 2008), show that few females are in authority positions (Aikman
&Unterhalter, 2007). In the working world women are considered less capable then men
(Goheer, 2003) and are expected to be primarily house-managers (Alireza, 1987).
Decision making is male dominated, and women have little say in policy making even in
institutions other than higher education, where teaching is carried out mostly by women
(Blackmore & Sachs, 2007; Drudy, Martin, Woods, &O’Flynn, 2005; Lang, 2010). As
experiences and opportunities to refresh knowledge are gained formally through professional
meetings and participating in workshops and conferences, female faculty in Pakistan are
restricted by the nature of the society and find it difficult to build up job-related networks.

Gender discrimination in the allocation and use of resources is not uncommon in the
workplace even in the more developed countries (Crosby, 1984; Ensher, Grant- 112
SadiaShaukat, AishahSıddıquah,& Anthony William Pell Vallone, & Donaldson, 2001;
Greenhouse, 2004). In higher education, females generally have less access to resources
(Bond, 1996a), although where access is available, there is evidence that females will make
use of the opportunities (UNESCO, 2002).
Though women have a measure of success in higher education in the more developed
countries, they are still under-represented in academic affairs and the processes of
administration, especially in the top positions of institutions (Bond, 1996b; NESSE, 2009;
Singh, 2008; UNESCO, 2002). Job satisfaction is considered a strong predictor of overall
individual well-being (Diaz-Serrano & Cabral Vieira, 2005), and as Ensher et al. (2001) point
out, gender discrimination can lead to loss of job satisfaction. In education, there is evidence
of a positive relationship between perceived autonomy within the work setting and the sense
of job satisfaction (Kreis&Brockoff, 1986). In Pakistan, a strongly prescribed working
environment for females might be expected to lead to low job satisfaction.


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