Conversación de Likes y Dislikes en Inglés Con Ejercicio

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Conversación de Likes y Dislikes en inglés con ejercicio

1er. grado

1. Vocabulario

 I can’t stand: no soporto

 That’s a shame: es una lástima
 Husband: esposo
 Wife: esposa
 At all: en absoluto
 Then: entonces

Debera realizar la transcripción de la conversación

Woman: Last night I saw a great movie.

Man: What movie?
Woman: I don’t remember the title but it was a romantic comedy.
Man: I hate romantic comedies. I can’t stand them.
Woman: Really? I love them.
Man: Do you like horror movies?
Woman: No, I don’t. I can’t sleep after watching a horror movie.
Man: That’s a shame. What do you think of action movies?
Woman: I really like them. My husband likes them, too.
Man: My wife doesn’t like watching movies at all.
Woman: What does she like doing then?
Man: She loves watching sports on TV.

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