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Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 33 (2015) 52e58

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A critique of the Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study

Paul Baybutt
Primatech Inc., Columbus, OH, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Conventional wisdom holds that the Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study is the most thorough and
Received 12 August 2014 complete process hazard analysis (PHA) method. Arguably, it is the most commonly-used PHA method in
Received in revised form the world today. However, the HAZOP study is not without its weaknesses, many of which are not
8 October 2014
generally recognized. This article provides a critique of the method to assist study teams in compensating
Accepted 15 November 2014
for them to the extent possible and to help guide the development of improved methods.
Available online 18 November 2014
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Process hazard analysis
Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study
Process safety

1. Introduction this knowledge should help to guide the development of improved

PHA methods.
Hazard scenarios for processes are identified using process
hazard analysis (PHA) methods such as the Hazard and Operability
(HAZOP) study (CCPS, 2008; Baybutt, 2013a). Arguably, the HAZOP 2. The HAZOP study
study is the most commonly-used process hazard analysis (PHA)
method in the world today and is viewed by many practitioners as The HAZOP study is used to identify hazard scenarios that
the most thorough and complete. It has been the topic of books impact receptors such as people, the environment and property, as
(Kletz, 1999; Redmill et al., 1999), guides (CIA, 1977; Crawley et al., well as operability scenarios where the concern is with the capacity
2008) and an international standard (IEC, 2001) and is designated of the process to function properly. It evolved from Work Study and
as an acceptable PHA technique by regulations around the world, Critical Examination (Elliott and Owen, 1968; Lawley, 1974).
for example, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's HAZOP studies focus on investigating deviations from design
(OSHA's) Process Safety Management (PSM) standard (CFR, 1992). It intent. By definition, deviations are potential problems, for
boasts a long history of application. example, lack of flow in a transfer line or overpressuring a storage
Despite its popularity, the HAZOP study suffers from numerous tank. Deviations are generated by applying guide words to process
inherent weaknesses, many of which are not generally recognized. parameters at different locations, called nodes, throughout the
It shares common inherent weaknesses with other PHA methods process, for example, for an inlet line to a vessel, No þ Flow ¼ No
(Baybutt, 2014a) but also has inherent weaknesses of its own. Also, Flow, or for a vessel, High þ Pressure ¼ High Pressure. The process
there can be weaknesses in how PHA methods are practiced but parameters represent aspects of the design intent for the node. The
they are not addressed in this paper. Some limitations in the goal in a HAZOP study is to identify all aspects of design intent for
application of the HAZOP study have been addressed previously which deviations may result in scenarios within the scope and
(Crawley, 1995; Tyler and Simmons, 1995) but this article provides a objectives of the study.
comprehensive critique of the method. No such critique has been A standard list of seven guide words is used: No, More, Less, As
published previously. Knowledge of weaknesses in the HAZOP Well As, Part Of, Reverse, and Other Than. Some practitioners add
study method will enable study teams to compensate for them to Early, Late, Before and After, although other practitioners consider
the extent possible. Specific guidance is provided for doing so. Also, these as variants of Other Than. The HAZOP study team chooses
appropriate parameters for each node, for example, flow, pressure,
temperature, composition, level, addition, cooling, etc. The use of
guide words with parameters provides the opportunity, at least in
E-mail address: principle, to explore deviations from design intent in every
0950-4230/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Baybutt / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 33 (2015) 52e58 53

conceivable way, thus helping to ensure completeness of scenario diminishes creative and imaginative thought that is so important in
identification. hazard analysis.
The HAZOP team brainstorms causes of each deviation within Team leaders must recognize this pitfall and ensure team
each node and identifies the sequence of events that results for members remain aware of the need to make every effort to ensure
each cause including safeguards that may fail and the conse- studies are complete and do not become complacent.
quences. This sequence of events represents a scenario. Usually, a
qualitative estimate is made of the severity and likelihood of the 3.1.4. Complexity
scenario consequence so that a risk estimate may be produced to The many aspects of design intent that must be considered and
help determine the need for risk reduction. the challenges in generating deviations make HAZOP studies
complex, regardless of the complexity of the process on which a
3. Weaknesses in the HAZOP study study is performed. As the scope of a study increases and a high
degree of detail is required, the potential for incompleteness in-
The HAZOP study suffers from various weaknesses that are creases owing to the increase in the number of items that are
specific to the method. They are described below. subject to omission. Thus, HAZOP studies are highly susceptible to
being incomplete. Team leaders must remain vigilant throughout
studies to minimize the problem. Reliance on appropriate check-
3.1. Weaknesses relating to people
lists and a focus on quality assurance is essential. Assignment of
responsibility for quality assurance to a qualified team member is
3.1.1. Heuristic approach
HAZOP studies rely on heuristics rather than algorithms which
is both a strength and a weakness. It is a strength in that study
3.1.5. Meaning of terms
teams use their imagination and creativity to identify scenarios
The HAZOP study employs technical terms that are unfamiliar to
rather than following defined rules. This approach helps in iden-
facility personnel who have not used the method. Terms such as
tifying scenarios that otherwise may not be recognized. However, it
design intent, node, deviation, guide word, parameter, parameter
is a weakness in that study teams still may fail to identify scenarios
intent, and design representation can cause confusion. It is not
and cannot rely on a more prescriptive approach to save the day.
unusual for people, even practitioners, to confound some of the
The weakness can be addressed to some extent by the judicious
incorporation of checklists into HAZOP studies, for example,
Novice practitioners are sometimes confused by the differences
covering important aspects of PHA such as design intent and
between guide words, parameters and deviations. However,
initiating events.
experienced practitioners may have difficulties too. It is not un-
common to see checklists that mix parameters, deviations, causes,
3.1.2. Focus on team brainstorming and other items. For example, along with common process pa-
An essential aspect of HAZOP studies is the brainstorming of rameters such as flow, temperature and pressure, items such as loss
scenarios by study teams that helps to stimulate creative thought of containment (a deviation), loss of utilities (a cause) and startup
by team members. Almost always brainstorming is viewed as a (a mode of operation) may be found. Some practitioners invent
group activity. However, people also think creatively when given deviations. It is poor practice to supplement deviations with ad hoc
time for contemplation and reflection while alone. Sometimes, the items or unnecessarily utilize guide words that are not part of the
human brain needs time to process information and make con- formal framework of HAZOP studies. Either their place in the formal
nections in order to see matters in a new light. Thus, an important framework should be identified or the issues they address should
aspect of human creativity is missed if reliance is placed exclusively be dealt with outside the HAZOP study.
on team brainstorming. Unfortunately, the work of HAZOP team To make matters even more confusing for study practitioners,
members usually is considered complete after each study session some terms may be viewed differently depending on the circum-
has finished. However, study team members may continue to think stances and how they are interpreted. For example, corrosion can
about issues raised in a team session after the session has ended be interpreted as a deviation when the design intent is for no
and they should be encouraged to do so. Time should be allocated corrosion to occur. However, in many cases it is treated as a
for introspection by team members and the team leader should parameter, that is, an aspect of the design intent, and deviations
take time at the beginning of each session to inquire of the team if such as More Corrosion are considered. It is also possible to
anyone has further thoughts on the results of previous sessions. consider corrosion as a cause of equipment failure. The differences
This review should be taken seriously and not viewed as a rote in these interpretations relate to the position that corrosion is
exercise. considered to occupy in the sequence of events that constitutes a
scenario. Such differences register with team members and create a
3.1.3. Structure provides a false sense of security sense of unease when they are not understood. This contributes to
The HAZOP study provides more apparent structure than most the mystique of the HAZOP study but also undermines its effective
PHA methods through its generation of deviations from design use. Such interpretations should be made consistently throughout a
intent using guide words. The formal structure gives practitioners HAZOP study to avoid confusing team members unnecessarily.
the sense that a thorough analysis is being performed. Unfortu- Team leaders should be careful to use HAZOP terms correctly
nately, this sense of security can be deceptive and may mislead throughout studies and be ready to explain their meaning and
practitioners into believing that a thorough analysis has been per- provide examples, particularly with novice teams.
formed when that may not be the case. There are no guarantees
that all important deviations have been identified. Moreover, it is 3.1.6. Studies are lengthy
the identification of initiating events that is truly important and Usually, PHA studies performed with the HAZOP study take
merits a structured approach more than the generation of more time than other methods. Lengthy studies can have an
deviations. adverse impact on team performance as team members can
The structure of the HAZOP study can also lead practitioners into become fatigued and jaded (Baybutt, 2003). HAZOP studies take
the trap of the rote generation of process deviations which longer because they involve a detailed search for scenarios but also
54 P. Baybutt / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 33 (2015) 52e58

because of inefficiencies in the search process. These inefficiencies design intent. Such an individual should have significant experi-
include the identification of operability scenarios when they are not ence and be respected by the team in order to be effective.
desired and the consideration of process deviations that do not
result in scenarios of concern. The HAZOP study is theoretically 3.2.2. Meaning of parameters
attractive but practically limited. Parameters cover not only process variables such as flow, tem-
HAZOP team leaders must monitor the level of interest and perature and pressure but also other aspects of a process such as
energy of team members throughout studies to minimize the activities, for example, operating the process, maintaining equip-
impact of lengthy studies on study quality (Baybutt, 2003, 2013b). ment, and pulling samples (Baybutt, 2014b). Consideration must be
given to all aspects of design intent for a process where deviations
3.2. Weaknesses relating to design intent may result in scenarios within the scope and objectives of the
3.2.1. Coverage of design intent Care must be taken with the meaning of even apparently
Conceptually, the definition of design intent for a process ap- straightforward process parameters such as flow, which should be
pears straightforward but practically it can be challenging (Baybutt, specified as flow rate or flow quantity. Such nuances in parameters
2014b). The full design intent for a process can be complex and it is create pitfalls for the unwary.
not easily defined. Consequently, HAZOP studies often take the easy HAZOP study leaders should ensure team members understand
path and default to a consideration of only those parameters that the full scope of design intent and how parameters are extracted
are part of the process control scheme, plus a few others that are from it in order to generate deviations from design intent.
obvious. Unfortunately, such an approach neglects potentially
important aspects of design intent. 3.2.3. Identification of parameters
Many aspects of process design influence safety and aspects of Aspects of design intent may not be shown explicitly on design
design intent relevant to safety are scattered across multiple representations. For example, piping and instrumentation draw-
different types of design representations. Identifying the set of ings (P&IDs) commonly are used as the principal design repre-
representations that covers those process aspects that could cause sentation in HAZOP studies for processes. However, even common
hazards if they do not achieve the design intent is challenging. process parameters such as flow, temperature, and pressure are not
Furthermore, typically, there are too many design representations readily evident from the drawings. Of course, HAZOP practitioners
for a HAZOP study team to consult, either sequentially or in parallel, are expected to know that these parameters are potentially
so study teams favor those that are commonly used, most familiar, important and common practice is to address them and to deter-
or readily available. Not only is the team's view of the process mine their allowed values from other process documentation.
constrained but also it is fragmented because aspects of the process However, the challenge of identifying important parameters is
design are scattered throughout multiple documents. greater for less-common parameters. The key to parameter iden-
The guide words As Well As and Other Than are applied to pa- tification is to identify those aspects of the design intent that are
rameters that represent aspects of the design intent for a process. subject to variations that may result in scenarios within the scope
As such, they identify deviations from individual aspects of the and objectives of the study. This requires knowledgeable team
design intent that are to be avoided. However, there may be parts of members who have the ability to think creatively. Parameters
the design intent which themselves are aspects to be avoided but should be identified by knowledgeable team members guided by
which are not documented as part of the design intent. Study teams the study leader.
need to be alert to the importance of such undocumented aspects
and address the possibility that deviations from them may occur by 3.3. Weaknesses relating to deviations
applying guide words to the undocumented aspects. For example,
the avoidance of exposing a computer control processor to radio- 3.3.1. Generation of deviations
frequency interference (RFI) may not be addressed in the design There are many aspects of design intent and it is a significant
intent. It may not occur to the study team that the processor may challenge to address all aspects for which deviations will result in
fail from RFI, say from an operator's radio, unless the study team scenarios of concern. Unfortunately, the procedure that commonly
considers the possibility of omitted aspects of design intent. This is employed to generate HAZOP deviations exacerbates the prob-
example emphasizes the importance of process knowledge by team lem. Often, practitioners select parameters from a checklist. Indeed,
members. company PHA procedures may provide the checklist to be used.
Often the focus in HAZOP studies is on the design intent for Practitioners may not consider process parameters that may be
study nodes. However, aspects of design intent that address mul- important but that are not on the checklist. Usually, such checklists
tiple nodes and the overall process also must be considered are short in length and contain only the most common process
(Baybutt, 2014b). Aspects of design intent may be missed for other parameters. Thus, the procedure used to conduct the HAZOP study
reasons including lack of documentation and an emphasis on itself acts to inhibit consideration of other aspects of design intent
physical rather than logical aspects of design intent. that may be important. As a consequence, important scenarios may
These challenges in covering all key aspects of design intent can be missed. HAZOP study teams can try to avoid this pitfall by
be addressed in HAZOP studies by ensuring team members are defining design intents and selecting parameters from them
present who have an intimate understanding of all key aspects of directly rather than using checklists of parameters.
the process. This includes not only design and process engineers However, even if practitioners attempt to address other pa-
and operators but also maintenance and control systems engineers. rameters that represent important aspects of design intent, the
Essentially, any personnel who are involved with the process in process of doing so is like gazing into a crystal ball to predict the
ways that may impact process safety should be represented on the future, that is, which aspects of design intent, if addressed, will
study team. Of course, the team leader will need to prompt the generate scenarios of concern. This is the Achilles heel of the
team to identify key aspects of design intent. HAZOP study which has not been widely recognized. The study
It can be valuable to designate a team member as a devil's team can never be sure when all key aspects of design intent have
advocate with responsibility for challenging unrecognized as- been addressed because it is not clear when a full set of parameters
sumptions made by the team, such as incomplete coverage of has been addressed from the potentially large number to be
P. Baybutt / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 33 (2015) 52e58 55

considered. Certainly, use of experience from prior HAZOP studies 3.3.5. Repeated deviations and scenarios
can assist in ensuring completeness in addressing design intent but The same deviation or interpretation is sometimes possible for
the essence of hazard analysis must be a predictive capability, that different combinations of guide words and parameters. For
is, the ability to identify important scenarios that have not been example, the deviation Contamination can be generated from the
recognized previously. Unfortunately, the HAZOP method provides combinations As Well As þ Composition and As Well As þ Flow.
no assurance in this regard. The method depends entirely on the Similarly, a scenario that is identified for the deviation High Pres-
creativity and judgment of the study team. sure may also be identified for the deviation High Temperature.
This repetition is viewed by some HAZOP study practitioners as an
advantage of the method because it provides more than one op-
3.3.2. Inductive/deductive starting point is counterintuitive portunity to address a deviation and identify scenarios. However,
HAZOP studies begin with the generation of deviations from repetition in a HAZOP study can frustrate team members and lead
design intent implying that deviations are the central element in to lower quality studies (Baybutt, 2013b).
PHA. However, deviations are not an end in themselves but are used HAZOP study leaders should establish and follow a convention
as an aid in identifying initiating events or causes of scenarios. A for how deviations will be generated in a study and be alert to and
deviation from design intent is actually part of the scenario. It avoid unnecessary repetition by the team.
follows from the initiating event or cause and can be considered the
first intermediate event (see Fig. 1). This aspect of the HAZOP study,
which involves jumping to a deviation and then reversing course to
consider causes before proceeding forward again, can be confusing 3.3.6. Propagation of deviations
for novice practitioners and can lead to confounding deviations Small deviations from design intent in one part of the process
with causes or consequences. may not be viewed as significant but they may result in significant
HAZOP study leaders should ensure that team members clearly effects in other parts of the process. For example, a small change in
understand this aspect of HAZOP studies. the composition of a reactant in a charge tank for a process could
result in a runway reaction in the process reactor. With the focus on
3.3.3. Multiple deviations individual nodes in HAZOP studies, the team may not realize the
The combination of some guide words with a process parameter significance of the small deviation in composition and may miss the
may generate more than one deviation. For example, the combi- identification of an important scenario.
nation of As Well As with Flow can produce Chemical Assignment of responsibility for quality assurance to a team
Reaction, Foaming, and possibly other deviations. Sometimes de- member can help to address issues that may be overlooked by other
viations are called interpretations of guide word/parameter team members or by the team leader, such as the propagation of
combinations. Unfortunately, the combinative rule of guide deviations. Of course, the person must be familiar with the types of
word þ parameter ¼ deviation is interpreted by some practitioners issues that may be missed by a team.
as a one-to-one relationship rather than the possibility of a one-to-
many relationship. In such cases, deviations may be missed.
HAZOP study leaders should ensure teams consider multiple
deviations when they are possible for a process. 3.3.7. Focus on deviations
From the perspective of identifying hazard scenarios, the HAZOP
study is inefficient. The work involved in addressing a wide range of
3.3.4. Compound deviations deviations can become exhausting for team members causing
Compound deviations involve potential multiple failures teams to move on before all significant deviations have been
(Baybutt, 2013c). Usually, compound deviations, for example, the considered which leads to an ineffective study. Short of using a
occurrence of the contamination of material in a vessel along with different PHA method, HAZOP study leaders should do their best to
the independent occurrence of high temperature of the contents facilitate studies in ways that avoid burning out team members.
that might cause an explosion, are not considered in HAZOP studies The wisdom of basing a search for hazard scenarios on exam-
owing to the difficulty of doing so. While it can be argued that the ining deviations from the design intent for a process certainly can
occurrence of such compound deviations may be of low likelihood, be questioned. It can be argued that it is more sensible to re-frame
they cannot be dismissed entirely on those grounds. It is possible the task and base the identification of hazard scenarios on a search
that some compound deviations could be addressed using enablers for the starting points of scenarios that produce hazardous events
but it is not common practice. of concern, namely, their initiating events.

Fig. 1. The role of deviations in the HAZOP study.

56 P. Baybutt / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 33 (2015) 52e58

3.4. Weaknesses relating to guide words 3.5.2. Identification of initiating events

The HAZOP study does not provide any guidance on identifying
3.4.1. Limitations of guide words initiating events. HAZOP study teams simply brainstorm what they
In principle, the standard set of seven HAZOP guide words can believe are credible causes of process deviations using engineering
generate every conceivable deviation from design intent for a judgment. A more rigorous process is needed to help ensure
process, if the design intent is defined fully. However, in practice completeness of scenario identification. Checklists of causes can be
some deviations may be missed because the study team does not used but they can be lengthy and teams quickly become discour-
recognize the particular combination of a guide word with a aged from using them. Also, many causes are similar from one node
parameter as a valid deviation. For example, when the guide words to another and teams frequently become fatigued through the re-
As Well As or Other Than are applied to aspects of process intent, petitive nature of HAZOP studies (Baybutt, 2003). This practice
the team must consider a multiplicity of possible additions or wastes the intellectual energy of the team members which is one of
substitutions. Not every team will consider the deviation of Unin- the most valuable resources of the PHA team. The problem can be
tended Chemical Reaction generated by the combination of As Well overcome by automating the generation of common initiating
As with Flow or Installation of an Incorrect Gasket in a flange events to preserve the energy of the team for brainstorming novel
generated by the combination of Other Than with Gasket Specifi- causes (Baybutt, 2014a; Primatech, 2014), although this practice is
cation. The imagination required for the identification of such de- not commonly employed.
viations may be lacking in a team or shelved owing to time
pressures. Missed deviations may lead to missed scenarios. 3.6. Weaknesses relating to operability scenarios
Of course, HAZOP team leaders should prompt team members to
consider a full set of deviations. However, the selection of team 3.6.1. Operability issues are included with hazard scenarios
members with creativity, motivation and stamina is a fundamental At first glance, a hazard analysis technique that is based on
requirement for doing so. identifying deviations from the design intent for a process appears
sound. Logically, a hazard scenario will arise when something does
3.4.2. Use of additional guide words not go as intended. However, there are many deviations from
Part of the appeal of the HAZOP study to experienced practi- design intent for a process that do not result in hazard scenarios.
tioners is the ability to use a small number of guide words to There can be problems with the operability of a process, the quality
generate any parameter deviation whatsoever. However, difficulties of products, etc. and, indeed, the HAZOP study is intended to
in using the seven standard guide words, combined with a lack of identify both hazard and operability scenarios as its name implies.
understanding of the theoretical foundation of the HAZOP study, Some practitioners want to include both types of scenarios in a
can lead to the indiscriminate use of additional guide words. It is study. However, other practitioners desire only to address hazard
not uncommon to encounter such examples as Loss of Contain- scenarios. Unfortunately, it is difficult to exclude operability sce-
ment, Startup, and Maintenance. These are not guide words. Loss of narios and address hazard scenarios exclusively because the con-
Containment can be a deviation from design intent that is gener- sequences of scenarios may not be apparent until causes have been
ated by applying the guide word No to the parameter Containment. identified. At that point, much of the work on scenario identifica-
Startup is a mode of operation and should be subject to a HAZOP tion has been performed. Typically, operability scenarios signifi-
study in its own right. Maintenance consists of various tasks that cantly outnumber hazard scenarios in a HAZOP study and,
are performed to address the reliability of equipment. Deviations consequently, their inclusion can increase the time required for a
from maintenance intent should be considered by applying guide study significantly. Obviously, this is a problem when practitioners
words to the specific content of maintenance procedures and other would prefer to exclude operability scenarios and militates against
aspects of maintenance intent. The addition of key words or the use of the HAZOP study in such cases.
prompts defeats the essence of HAZOP studies, weakens their rigor,
and can cause confusion. It should be avoided.
The standard guide words do require some minor modifications 3.6.2. Hazards of operability scenarios
to clarify their application to some parameters, for example, More Operability scenarios may have hazards associated with them.
may be replaced with Higher, Reverse by Inversion, and Other Than For example, a scenario that results in an off-specification product
by Sooner/Later or Before/After. Most study teams do not have may require the process to be shut down for equipment clean-out.
difficulty with such contextual substitutions. The activities of shutting down the process and cleaning out the
equipment may pose hazards. The hazards may be within or
3.5. Weaknesses relating to initiating events outside the scope and objectives of the study. In either case, HAZOP
study teams are less likely to identify these hazards because they
3.5.1. Causes of deviations occur incidentally to the operability issues. Teams may not look for
Once important parameters have been identified and deviations such secondary hazards or may not be able to identify them. Such
generated, the HAZOP team searches for credible causes of hazards can be addressed by performing hazard analysis on the
parameter deviations. These causes constitute initiating events for states of the process involved, although this is not always done.
scenarios. Each possible deviation is considered in turn. However,
causes do not follow from deviations and are not necessarily 3.7. Weaknesses relating to technical coverage
obvious. Arguably, the most important aspect of PHA is the iden-
tification of initiating events for scenarios because, if initiating 3.7.1. Completeness of scenario identification
events are missed, an entire scenario will be missing from the PHA Completeness for a PHA study means the identification of a full
study. The emphasis on deviations in the HAZOP study distracts set of credible hazard scenarios for a process. Some practitioners
from the more important issue of identifying initiating events for confuse the ability of the HAZOP study to identify, in principle,
scenarios. every conceivable deviation from design intent with completeness
Once pertinent deviations have been identified, HAZOP study of scenario identification, but they are quite different. Deviations
leaders should emphasize to the team the importance of brain- are the starting point in HAZOP studies and identifying a full set
storming to identify a full set of initiating events. does not guarantee that a complete set of scenarios will be
P. Baybutt / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 33 (2015) 52e58 57

identified. Of course, if the identification of deviations is incom- external or internal to the process and not as a reactivity hazard.
plete, so will be the identification of scenarios. Flammable or explosive materials do not necessarily present
Thus, HAZOP study leaders should ensure that team members chemical reactivity hazards. Fires and explosions internal to a
understand the importance of considering not only a full set of process are similar to the second scenario type.
deviations but also a full set of initiating events both of which are Chemical reactivity scenarios can arise from loss of control of
needed to help ensure completeness of scenario identification. intended chemical reactions, self-reacting chemicals, and chemical
incompatibilities arising from the inadvertent mixing of process
3.7.2. Difficulty in focusing on specific hazard types chemicals or the reaction of process chemicals with materials
PHA studies often focus on the so-called major hazards of present in the process such as water, air, materials of construction,
toxicity, flammability, explosivity and reactivity. These hazards are lubricating oils, utility fluids, etc. The need to address loss of control
the only specific ones required to be addressed under OSHA's PSM of intended chemical reactions should be obvious to HAZOP study
standard and some companies may wish to restrict their PHA teams as such reactions are a key part of the design intent for the
studies to consider only those hazards covered by regulations. process. Thus, a HAZOP study will address deviations from inten-
Other companies may choose to address additional specific haz- ded chemical reactions such as More Reaction (Runaway Reaction)
ards. In either case, it would be valuable if PHA methods could be and Other Than Reaction (Different Reaction Than Intended).
tailored to address only those hazards of concern to permit more However, aspects of design intent that relate to self-reacting
efficient studies. The HAZOP study can accommodate various haz- chemicals and chemical incompatibilities often are less obvious to
ard types and it does so by addressing deviations from design intent the study team and, indeed, may not be documented as part of the
that might result in the realization of hazards. However, the HAZOP design intent. Thus, their consideration in HAZOP studies can be
analysis cannot be restricted in advance only to those aspects of challenging without an awareness of chemical reactivity hazards by
design intent for which deviations might result in the realization of the study team and the desire to consider them. Deviations from
the hazards of concern. Thus, the HAZOP study team may address the design intent that result in chemical reactivity scenarios must
aspects of design intent that ultimately do not yield hazards of be considered. Thus, the study team must recognize the importance
concern, although other types of hazards may be identified. For of considering deviations such as Other Than Composition (Mate-
example, a control system failure may result in the release of ni- rial Self-reacts) and As Well As Composition (Inadvertent Mixing of
trogen into a building with the possibility of asphyxiating Materials).
personnel, or a valve misalignment may result in the exposure of The nature of chemical reactivity hazards makes their consid-
operators to a corrosive material. Such hazards are not major haz- eration using the HAZOP study more difficult for practitioners than
ards and may not be part of a study. However, they may arise for other major hazards (Baybutt, 2014c).
incidentally to the consideration of major hazards in a HAZOP
study. Obviously, such hazards must be managed when they are
present in a process but there may be better ways of addressing 3.7.4. Ability to address process changes
them than by using the HAZOP method. In such cases, companies Periodically, PHA studies must be updated to make corrections,
would like to exclude them from consideration but the way in edits, and/or add new content, that is revalidated. Periodic updating
which HAZOP employs design intent to identify deviations and the provides an opportunity to address the impacts of changes to
realization of hazards makes it difficult to do so. The indirect way processes. PHA studies on changes can be conducted as a new study
that hazards of concern are addressed can lead to the consideration or the existing PHA for the process can be updated. However, the
of deviations which do not produce scenarios involving these HAZOP study is not well suited to updating a previous study for
hazards and the consequent waste of time spent addressing them. changes owing to the difficulty of focusing precisely on the effects
Team leaders must be alert to the occurrence of such situations and, of the change. The structure of a HAZOP study inhibits a focus on
as soon as confirmed, quickly move on to consider deviations that changes. For example, the addition of a pump to a line may intro-
involve pertinent hazards. duce new scenarios. Typically, the scenarios will be associated with
multiple different deviations and different aspects of design intent.
3.7.3. Ability to address chemical reactivity hazards Consequently, they must be recorded in different parts of the
Scenarios for chemical reactivity hazards are different in nature HAZOP study worksheets which detracts from the focus on the
than those for the other types of major hazards. Scenarios for the effects of the change. For example, if the pump fails off it will result
hazards of toxicity, flammability and explosivity typically take the in No Flow, if the pump leaks it will result in Low Flow, and if the
form: pump fails on it will result in High Level. This problem is an artifact
Initiating event / Intermediate events / Loss of containment of the HAZOP study and little can be done to address it, other than
/ Hazardous material release / Effects / Impacts on ensuring the team is aware that a single process change may result
receptors. in multiple worksheet changes in different locations so that the
In contrast, scenarios for chemical reactivity hazards take the form: chance of missing any is reduced.
Initiating event / Reactivity excursion / Intermediate events Some changes propagate throughout a process and the modifi-
/ Effects / Impacts on receptors. cation of existing scenarios and recording new scenarios become
In the first scenario type, the hazards are realized after containment even more complex. For example, a change in a reactant specifi-
has failed and receptors are impacted directly by the realized cation will have impacts throughout a process. Scenarios for many
hazards (toxic exposure, fires, explosions); whereas in the second nodes and deviations will be affected but they will be scattered
scenario type the hazard is realized as the proximate result of the throughout the study worksheets thus impeding a focus on the
initiating event which results in effects, including possible loss of effects of a change. Furthermore, there can be a tendency in PHA
containment, that produce impacts on receptors. This difference revalidation studies to focus on the local effects of changes that
affects how chemical reactivity hazards are addressed using the propagate throughout a process at the expense of effects that occur
HAZOP study. in other parts of the process. HAZOP team leaders must ensure
Although fires and some explosions involve chemical reactions team members are aware of this issue to reduce the likelihood of
(usually an oxidation), combustion processes of flammables with omitting needed worksheet modifications during revalidation
air are handled in process safety as a fire or explosion hazard studies.
58 P. Baybutt / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 33 (2015) 52e58

3.8. Weaknesses relating to documentation practitioners; the coverage of design intent and the meaning and
identification of parameters; the generation and role of deviations;
3.8.1. Incomplete identification of scenario elements the consideration of multiple, compound and repeated deviations;
Typically, HAZOP studies are documented in worksheets that the propagation of deviations and the focus on deviations; limita-
record deviations, causes, consequences, safeguards and recom- tions of guide words; use of additional guide words; causes of de-
mendations. Commonly, columns for scenario severity, likelihood viations and the identification of initiating events; the
and risk are also provided so that a risk estimate can be made. consideration of operability scenarios; technical coverage including
However, the inclusion of these columns, and even a safeguards completeness of scenario identification, focus on hazard types,
column, in HAZOP study worksheets dates back only to the early chemical reactivity hazards, and process changes; and documen-
1990's. tation including identification of scenario elements and presenta-
There are other elements of scenarios that may be important tion of results. A number of the weaknesses relate to particular
and often are not recorded in HAZOP study worksheets. Usually, ways in which the HAZOP study is dependent on the knowledge
intermediate events that may occur between a cause and its con- and experience of the participants.
sequences are not recorded in a separate worksheet column. Either Knowledge of weaknesses in the HAZOP study allows practi-
they are omitted or they are included in the Consequences column tioners to compensate for them to the extent possible when per-
of the worksheet. The omission of details on intermediate events forming studies. Guidance was provided on how to do so for each
may make scenarios harder for reviewers to understand and makes issue identified. Knowledge of weaknesses also assists with the
follow-on studies, such as layers of protection analysis, more development of improved PHA methods (Baybutt, 2014a).
difficult to perform. Furthermore, the inclusion of intermediate
events in the Consequences column produces consequence entries
that can be confusing. A solution for this issue is to add an Events
column to the worksheet to provide important scenario details, Baybutt, P., 2003. On the ability of process hazard analysis to identify accidents.
such as the specific location of a release, although this practice is Process Saf. Prog. 22 (3), 191e194.
not yet common. Such a column also can be used to capture process Baybutt, P., 2013a. Analytical methods in process safety management and system
safety engineering e process hazards analysis. In: Haight, J.M. (Ed.), Handbook
states, such as hazardous events, that occur as part of a scenario. of Loss Prevention Engineering. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany.
Usually, enablers have not been addressed in PHA unless they Baybutt, P., 2013b. The role of people and human factors in performing process
are perceived to play a critical role for a scenario, such as the pos- hazard analysis and layers of protection analysis. J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 26,
sibility of a disabled safety system. Of course, enablers play key Baybutt, P., 2013c. Treatment of multiple failures in process hazard analysis. Process
roles in real-world accidents and their inclusion in PHA studies is Saf. Prog. 32, 361e364.
desirable (Baybutt, 2014d). A solution for this issue is to add an Baybutt, P., 2014a. Requirements for improved process hazard analysis (PHA)
methods. J. Loss Prev. Process Ind. 32, 182e191.
Enablers column to the worksheet and record important enablers Baybutt, P., 2014b. Design intent for hazard and operability (HAZOP) studies. Pro-
and contributing causes for scenarios in the column. cess Saf. Prog.
Baybutt, P., 2014c. Process hazard analysis for reactive chemicals. Chem. Eng. Prog.
(in press).
3.8.2. Presentation of results
Baybutt, P., 2014d. Addressing enablers in layers of protection analysis. Process Saf.
Usually, scenarios in HAZOP studies are captured in individual Prog.
worksheets for a particular combination of a node and parameter CCPS, 2008. Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, third ed. Center for
using software or paper. Thus, scenarios for each node are spread Chemical Process Safety/American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York,
across several worksheets. It is preferable for a PHA method to CFR, February 24, 1992. Final rule, process safety management (PSM) of highly
organize all scenarios for a node in a logical order in a single hazardous chemicals, vol. 57, Number 36. Federal Register, pp. 6355e6417, 29
worksheet for ease of use and reference. HAZOP study worksheets CFR 1910.119.
CIA, 1977. A Guide to Hazard and Operability Studies. Chemical Industries Associ-
can be reorganized on the completion of studies but usually this is ation, London, England.
not done owing to the effort involved. Crawley, F.K., 1995. Do hazard and operability studies have their limitations? Loss
Prev. Bull. (121), 3e5.
Crawley, F., Preston, M., Tyler, B., 2008. HAZOP: Guide to Best Practice, second ed.
4. Conclusions Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby, England.
Elliott, D.M., Owen, J.M., 1968. Critical examination in process design. Chem. Eng.
Most practitioners view the HAZOP study as the most thorough 377e383.
IEC, 2001. Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP Studies) e Application Guide. IEC
and comprehensive of the traditional PHA methods. On face value,
61882:2001. International Electrotechnical Commission, Geneva, Switzerland.
the method appears to offer a thorough and comprehensive iden- Kletz, T.A., 1999. Hazop and Hazan: Identifying and Assessing Process Industry
tification of hazard scenarios. However, while theoretically it may Hazards, fourth ed. Taylor and Francis, London, England.
Lawley, H.G., 1974. Operability studies and hazard analysis. Chem. Eng. Prog. 70 (4),
be capable of achieving this goal, practically it is unlikely to do so
for various reasons. The HAZOP study shares weaknesses with Primatech, 2014. PHAWorks®. Primatech Inc.. (last accessed
other PHA methods and also has weaknesses of its own. This paper 09.06.14.).
describes inherent weaknesses in the HAZOP study. Redmill, F., Chudleigh, M., Catmur, J., 1999. System Safety: HAZOP and Software
HAZOP. Wiley, Chichester, England.
Weaknesses that were addressed relate to the coupling of vul- Tyler, B., Simmons, B., 1995. Hazop studies: knowing their limitations. Loss Prev.
nerabilities of the method with the human limitations of Bull. (121), 6e8.

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