Nandopsis Tetracanthus (Cuban Cichlid) : This Fish Other Species

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Nandopsis tetracanthus (Cuban Cichlid)

The Nandopsis tetracanthus (commonly called the Cuban Cichlid) can be

an enjoyable addition to any home aquarium. This fish has evolved over
time to be able to live in both freshwater and brackish water, which
makes it suitable for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums, although
it prefers freshwater to saltwater, and should not be kept with other
species of Nandopsis because of its aggressiveness.

The Nandopsis tetracanthus is commonly found in the freshwater rivers

and lakes of Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. They
are considered freshwater fish and are easily identified by their elongated
body and pronounced forehead that resembles that of the Jewel cichlid or
Jewel-tailed cichlids.

Markets are becoming saturated with beautiful aquarium fish, so it can be

hard to decide which ones to invest in and which ones to ignore. Some,
however, are simply too beautiful to pass up! Nandopsis tetracanthus is
one of these species, offering the aquarist an array of color variations that
would make even the most experienced fish enthusiast want to take it
home and add it to their tank immediately!

Let’s take a look at what makes this species so attractive and why you
may want to consider adding it to your tank!

What are cichlids?

Cichlids are popular freshwater aquarium fish commonly referred to as
African cichlids or simply cichlids. There are over 2,500 different species
of cichlids, with many originating from Central and South America.
However, there are also many more species found in Africa and

Some popular examples include peacocks, convicts, angelfish, zebra fish,

and Oscars – all varying in coloration and size! They vary greatly
depending on where they originate; some being small enough to fit in
your hand while others can grow up to 12 inches long!

Because they come from such a wide range of environments, proper care
will vary according to their habitat. Nandopsis tetracanthus is one of only
two native Cuban freshwater cichlids – quite an unusual sight for most
aquarists around the world!

Origin and descriptions

Nandopsis tetracanthus is referred to as a Mimic because it has a striking
resemblance to other species of fish. In spite of their name, Cuban
cichlids are actually native to South America. The reason they are often
referred to as Cuban is that they can be purchased more readily there
than in most other places around the world.


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They have also been exported from their native habitat and sold at higher
prices. As with many other tropical fish, they do best when kept in water
temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They grow up to 8
inches long and live for approximately 7 years.

Because of its large size, suitable tank mates should also be large enough

that they don’t cause harm by playing too roughly or competing for food
sources or territory. It’s also recommended that you avoid placing them
with smaller community fish such as neon tetras and guppies.
Some ideal large tank mates include angelfish, barbs, larger catfish, red
tail sharks, and plecostomus. These fish thrive when given natural
sunlight rather than artificial lighting. Like all the Tetraodontidae family
members, these carnivores will eat just about anything they can fit into
their mouths!

Species profile
The Nandopsis tetracanthus, or Cuban cichlid, is a species of
freshwater fish in the Cichlidae family. The Cuban cichlid is very closely
related to another commonly known fish, Synspilum cartusi which was
previously classified as its own species.

While both of these fish share similar colors and patterns, many experts
believe that there is enough genetic evidence to determine that they are
genetically different from one another. The most defining feature that
separates these two fishes, however, is their physical appearance.

Cuban cichlids typically have red bodies with yellow tails while synspilum

cartusi have white bodies with black tails.

The Cuban cichlid is a carnivorous fish that can live up to 10 years in

captivity. It prefers an aquarium of at least 300 liters, with plenty of rocks
and driftwood for hiding places and aeration. A minimum pH level of 7.0
should be maintained. The Cuban cichlid thrives in temperatures ranging
from 23-27°C and has a minimum temperature requirement of 22°C. This
species feeds on frozen bloodworms, krill pellets, shrimp pellets, brine
shrimp, and flake food.


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Nandopsis tetracanthus is native to Cuba, where it lives in freshwater
lakes and rivers. It can live in salinity levels as high as 10 ppt, which
makes it more hardy than most freshwater species. However, keep in
mind that like other tropical fish, these fish are happiest when kept
around 78 degrees Fahrenheit — your cichlids might have health
problems if it is below or above these temperatures.
Cuban cichlid size
This species can grow up to 20–25 cm (8-10 inches) in length

Cuban cichlid tank size

The minimum recommended tank size is 100 gallons

Tank set up
Nandopsis tetracanthus should be kept in an aquarium with a capacity of
at least 100 gallons. Provide plenty of hiding places and caves, preferably
on rocks or wood that is not painted with tannins. The pH level should be
around 7.8, and nitrate levels should stay under 20 ppm.

The water temperature should remain between 76-82 degrees

Fahrenheit. Be careful about overstocking your tank – try to keep fish to
under two inches each. A partial water change every week is suggested if
you notice your nitrates rising above 30 ppm, as well as cleaning out
uneaten food every couple of days.

This fish cannot handle salt. It requires weekly feedings of live foods such
as earthworms, tubifex worms, bloodworms, and brine shrimp, along with
weekly feedings of meaty flake food designed for carnivores.

Cuban cichlid tank mates

This species of cichlid can be kept with other cichlids of similar size, with
a maximum limit of one male per tank. Due to its aggressive nature and
territorial behavior, it is not suggested to house them with other cichlids
that cannot withstand more aggressive tank mates. For example, it may
be difficult for an inexperienced aquarist to keep a group of these fish
together in a community tank.

Some good tank mates for Nandopsis tetracanthus are oscars, peacocks,
convicts, and severums. Although they will not harm dwarf puffers or
similar-sized fish, they can easily outcompete them for food and kill them
if they try to eat their fry. They may be able to work together with small-
sized cichlids like other nandopsis species but aggression between
individuals is still likely.
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Nandopsis tetracanthus breeding

The nandopsis tetracanthus is a monogamous cichlid fish, so during

breeding, both males and females will work together to build a nest for
eggs. The female lays her eggs into an urn-shaped nest in which she then
guards them, after being fertilized by the male until they hatch.

After hatching, both parents will continue to guard their young until they
become free-swimming babies. It is common for these nests to have
multiple chambers with separate entrances making it easier for different
generations of fry (babies who have not yet matured fully and developed
reproductive organs), juveniles, subadults, adults, etc., can share housing
areas without issue.

Are cuban cichlid peaceful or aggressive?

Cuban cichlids are generally considered one of the most aggressive of all
cichlids, and for good reason. However, not all individuals will be highly
aggressive and it is possible to find some that can live peacefully with
smaller tank mates. If you intend to keep a multi-species aquarium with
cichlids in it, you should plan on giving each fish its own territory.

Cuban cichlid care

These beautiful fish are pretty easy to care for, but they do have a few
requirements that you’ll need to meet. First, make sure your water
temperature stays between 73 and 84 degrees. Second, these fish like a
lot of space—their ideal tank is about 100 gallons. Finally, provide
these fish with plenty of rocks and caves where they can hide from each
other and watch their domain. They love feeling safe in their
environment. Your tetras will thank you for it!
Nandopsis tetracanthus diet
Nandopsis tetracanthus is an omnivore and will eat almost anything. It’s
recommended that you feed a variety of foods in small portions of five to
six times per day. Good quality flake food, frozen brine shrimp, and
mosquito larvae are excellent. Many people like to add earthworms or
tubifex worms as a supplement. They can also eat some plant matters.


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Water conditions

Nandopsis tetracanthus water should be kept soft and slightly acidic. pH

between 6.0 – 7.2 is preferred, and GH between 2 – 12 dH is ideal. The
temperature should hover around 25-30°C (77-86°F). Nandopsis
tetracanthus are not cold-water fish by any means; they hail from Cuba,
which has a tropical climate year-round. They will not tolerate
temperatures below 20°C (68°F).

Cuban cichlid lifespan

Nandopsis tetracanthus can live up to 12 years with good care.

Parasites and diseases

The Nandopsis tetracanthus can be prone to parasites and bacterial
infections. A mild dose of aquarium salt, in conjunction with ensuring that
all water parameters are correct, is often sufficient in treating most
internal disorders. You can also medicate with an anti-protozoal such as
Metronidazole and an antibiotic like Furanace or Tetracycline depending
on what you suspect it may be suffering from.

Additionally, if your fish’s skin becomes affected by something other

than Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich), a medication such as Maracide will
suffice in dealing with it. In addition to these medications, a fish should
always have clean water; Ich is known for spreading quickly among fish
via unclean conditions and through physical contact between diseased fish
and those who are healthy.

Nandopsis tetracanthus are more vulnerable to predation by larger fish
because of their small size. They can easily be snatched up by large
species and have virtually no defense against these predators. If a Cuban
cichlid is attacked by a bigger fish, it can only avoid injury or death if its
tankmates drive off or kill their attacker.

Some common predators are larger fish such as tilapia, catfish, other
cichlids, and some bottom feeders.

Do Nandopsis tetracanthus make good pets?

Very hardy and easily cared for, Nandopsis tetracanthus make excellent
pets for aquarists who have a large tank and plenty of room to devote to
their care. While it is important to monitor their eating habits closely to
ensure they are getting all of their essential nutrients from their food,
these fish are otherwise very easy to take care of.

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