Sisters Converts

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Sisters converts' stories

What is the BEST way to know how Islam is going to change your life than reading other people stories and to see how Islam changed their lives Start reading NOW...
Below a collection of converts' stories which are enlightening, heart-warming and inspiring in equal measure. These new Muslims come from a variety of backgrounds. They include intellectuals, scientists, priests, and artists, young and old, from around the globe. Most of these converts are former Christians or from a Christian background. These testimonies only represent a drop in the ocean however, since every day hundreds of people convert to Islam all around the world. Amongst the most powerful and thought-provoking testimonies are those of former Christian priests and missionaries who have discovered the one true religion.
Name Home Prior Belief Notes/Quotes "I felt like all along I had been a Muslim". "The trinity was a lingering concern for me.." "I am a 17 year old Caucasian American girl .." "When Islam is practiced accordingly, it is a beautiful sight" "God guides whom He pleases to the right path" "I couldn't be a Muslim! I was American and white!" "..the words "terrorist lover" spray painted..". Her homepage Her website is aimed at women A complete book on her journey to Islam. Also in Deutsch "Muslims are not people to be feared" "..the only religion I have ever been completely sure of.." ".. I found unacceptable, particularly the idea of the Trinity" "..I am truly happy and at peace.." "I felt that my soul had been set free!" "..I now wear Hijab and I am very happy.." "..i found [a belief that Jesus died] illogical and unjust". Homepage "..I had to asked Allah for forgiveness, there is no middle man.."

Akifah Baxter Florida, USA Christian background Amal American Sister Amina USA USA Canada Roman Catholic Catholic Christian Christian Christian Baptist Christian Christian background Catholic Christian Christian Catholic/Presbyterian Christian background Catholic Christian Catholic

Amina Mosler Germany Aminah AssilmiUSA Amirah Amy Lea Reinking Anja Anonymous Asiya Abd Al Zahir Bushra Finch Arkansas, USA USA Germany ? Australia ?

C. Huda Dodge USA Carol Celine Ludic Chahida Zanabi Cheryl Dani Deanne Elizabeth Erin/Sumaya ? ? Norway ? USA Australia ? ?

Catholic/Buddhist/Pent. "..I just knew that there is only ONE GOD" Christian background Catholic Christian "Muslim girls that were somehow more liberated than I felt" "Islam was the missing piece in my life" "I was amazed at the scientific knowledge in the Qur'an"

Evangeline Do Canada eye Lady Evelyn Fathima Fathima Ranshiz ? UK

Protestant (see note) Jehovah's Witness ?

United Church of Canada. See the Vietnamese Muslims' Homepage "And everyday I thank Allah for letting me find Islam" "Islam is the religion of common sense" "I turned to Allah and finally I found peace and tranquillity" "[Listening to] recitation of .. Quran I used to enjoy a kind of solace"

South Africa Pentecostal Philippines Christian ? Roman Catholic Catholic Catholic Protestant ? Lutheran Hindu Catholic Seventh Day Adventist Jewish background Christian ? Catholic background ? Christian Catholic ? Secular Humanist Southern Baptist Atheist Catholic background ? Catholic Catholic Christian None Buddhist background

Fatima Kazue Japan Former Missionary Gabriela Pruneda Hanifa Helena Hudda Droll Iman Indrani Jade Jamilah Jemima Goldsmith Africa Texas, USA Ireland Sweden USA ? Singapore Canada ? UK

This sister was formerly a missionary ! A revealing testimony ! "I never thought I would myself become a Muslim some day"

"I was fed all the propaganda through mass media.." "I cried and I cried, thanking God for this precious gift.." "It didn't take long for me to convert.." Indrana and her husband share their touching story "I began to realize the many contradictions of the Catholic religion" "I had .. intentions of converting Muslims and I became converted" Daughter of billionaire Sir James Goldsmith Her website about Islam, in Finnish "..the best thing I ever did in my life and I never looked back" "..embracing Islam has been the single greatest gift ever.." "What kind of book was this?" "Why would God create himself in human form and die?" "If Jesus is God, then why did he have a conversation with God" "I began to look .. to Islamic culture for moral guidance" "..I have found the door to spiritual and intellectual freedom" " never actually heard the whole Bible - only select verses" "I was once a happy 'speculative atheist'" "I felt really sure that there is no God but Allah" "..God Almighty in His Infinite Mercy answered my prayers" "Teresita converted to Islam? What got into her?" "I am a better person today and I have faith in my Allah" Former pastor, missionary, professor. Master's Degree in Divinity "I find Islam ever-more fascinating, and I enjoy living as a Muslima" "I was afraid to be seriously wounded" "Islam has a very bad image in non-muslim countries.."

Jenni Rauhala Finland Jewellee Joanne Richards K.H. Abdullateef Kareema Karen Flamiano Dr. Kari Ann Owen Karima Karimah Kathy Khadija Khadija Khadija Khadijah Khadijah Watson Lara Laure Leila Raffin USA CA, USA USA Michigan, USA USA USA ? ? Canada Ireland ? Philippines ? Now S. Arabia Canada France

Paris, France Catholic background

Lori Lyla Madonna Johnson Mahasin Mahmuda Malaak Mary Abdalla Maryam Maryam bint Noel Maryam Jameelah Mas'udah

Ohio, USA CA, USA ? ? Australia VA, USA MA, USA Egypt/USA

Christian Quaker background Christian background Jehovah's Witness Catholic Christian/None Catholic Catholic/Buddhism

"If Jesus was God than how could Jesus (God) die on the cross?" "I felt so peaceful and happy" "..all of my turmoil and anxiety was gone.." "..we would knock on doors on Satuarday mornings.." "..I had always been a Muslim without being aware of it" "I knew that the things in the Qur'an had to be from Allah" "I was determined to find something wrong with Islam". Homepage "There is no more conflict within, because I have come home" "I began to find Baha'i theology to be not quite honest". E-Mail her ! Formerly Margaret Marcus. Well known writer. Letter to her parents "No .. religion .. have I found so comprehensible and encouraging" "..influenced by the usual condemnation .. I picked on polygamy" " heart screamed that this is the missing piece to the puzzle!" "I wish all mankind could come to know the truth (haqq) of Islam" "..Islam, is my way of life, my love, my peacefulness, and my hope" "Islam, in contrast to Catholicism, seemed very pure" "You're American? Oh, your husband must be from the Middle East"

Australia/UK Baha'i Faith USA/Pakistan Jew UK ? Church of England Christian Catholic (Jewish origin) ?

Mavis B. Jolly UK Melanie Michelle Michelle AlNasr Monica Texas, USA USA ?

Ecuador/USA Catholic Christian Christian Christian Hindu ? Christian Christian ? Southern Baptist ? None Christian Baptist/Catholic See note Catholic background Christian background Christian

Muslim Sister USA Nadia Natassia M. Kelly Noor Nourallah Nur Habiba Phreddie Qadirah Rehana Rosalina Rukaiya Ruqayyah Ruqqayah S.S. Lai Sabrina C USA USA UK ? ? USA ? USA Philippines Japan USA ? Brunei/UK Sri Lanka

Insights into Women in Islam vs. Women in Hinduism "..i found my happiness in islam.." "I am now 15 and wearing hijab and niqaab, subahaanallah" "I studied Islam quietly, on my own, in secret, for two years" "I stated that all muslims were like the NOI.." "I found the hijab very liberating" "I am now on the right path of life" "[Islam] was simple and logical .. never against human conscience" ".. Islam doesn't teach that Jesus (pbuh) was crucified" "how can three be one and the same?? " Chinese idolatry/ancestor worship

Sabyrah AltaghUSA Safiyah Johnson WI, USA

"After 48 hours I knew .. that I had found what I had searched for"

Sandra Sara Shakira Graham Shannon


Christian Christian background Christian Reformed Christian Christian Christian Christian Evangelical Lutheran Catholic/Protestant Catholic background ? S Baptist background Christian Anglican "They think that we are fundamentalists or terrorists" "My husband read the Qu'ran and then shortly after converted" "I thank Allah(swt) every day for guiding me.." "I now wear my hijab everywhere and no one makes me feel bad" "Jesus(AS) made sense to me as being a Prophet" "I had problems accepting .. "The Trinity", it just didnt make sense" "My husband should be the only man to gaze upon my body.." ''My mother wept and asked me to reconsider" "reading [truth about Jesus] was like having a light bulb turned on" "..I thought Islam was oppressive to women and .. terrorists" ".. viewing Jesus as a Prophet .. makes a lot more sense" Some articles by this sister, on various aspects of Islam "WHY DO I HAVE TO GO THROUGH JESUS?" "I tried .. to find a valid argument for Christianity but I couldn't.." Her homepage about Islam "I was so angry, every time I saw a Muslim woman in the street..." "Accepting Islam was like an awakening of my spirit, my mind.." "[Islam] is widely assumed to be prejudicial to [women]"

Shariffa Carlo USA Sharon CanaanTexas, USA Shellie Perreault Sigrn Valsdttir Michigan, USA Iceland

Sophie Jenkins UK Sumaiya (Kristin) Summaya Susannah USA Canada USA

Themise Cruz USA Tena Tina Um Kalthum Um Luqman Valerie N. Fields Vera Ferrell Yoko Z. Amatullah Zaakira Zahirah Zahra Cox Zahida Zainab Zakiyyah Zehra Canada

Illinois, USA Protestant ? USA NC, USA GA, USA Japan PA, USA ? ? ? USA USA Australia ? ? Roman Catholic Christian ? ? Baptist Christian Catholic Christian Christian Christian ? Christian

"I can't explain how good I feel on the inside as well as the outside" 3 of her siblings also embraced Islam ! "I feel so fortunate and blessed to have been guided " "Allah (S.W.T.) guided me to the path of righteousness" "No a guy did not convert me". An ex-Sunday School teacher "..that one experience of salat [prayer] had a profound effect" "Allah had made the perfect religion, and I'd found it"

Submit your story of conversion to Islam

If you are a convert to Islam, we would really love to hear your story and publish in on this page, insha'Allah. Please email your story to and we will put it up as soon as possible. Remember to include where you are from, the belief system you adhered to before embracing Islam (if any), and how you came to Islam. Try to be as detailed as possible ! * I want to embrace Islam, but ..

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