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Literary Analysis - Rules of The Game

I read a short story of the rules of the game and the story left a strong impression on
me. I found a lot of interesting things in such a short text. Chess is a lifestyle and a
game that can be played by smart and patient people. As a child, my father taught
me to play chess. I admire people who play chess because they are very smart, wise
and patient. In the introductory part of the story, Waverly's mother tells her "Bite back
your tongue" which means to be silent, be wise and keep some words to yourself.

The most important personalities in the story are Waverly and her mother. A mother
is a person who wants to have the main say, with her strict performance she wants
to be dominant in raising children. In the part of the text where Waverly wants to go
to a chess tournament, she tells her mother that she does not want to go knowing
that her mother will do the opposite. We see this in the text section: " I desperately
wanted to go, but I bit back my tongue. I knew she would not let me play among
strangers. So as we walked home I said in a small voice that I didn't want to play in
the local tournament. They would have American rules. If I lost, I would bring shame
on my family. "Is shame you fall down nobody push you," said my mother. “ Waverly
and her mother are similar and have a similar character. That is why they come into
conflict of opinion.
Waverly wants to be independent and her mother is not ready to let her out of her
care. Waverly's parents did a lot to make it easier for her to learn and practice, and
that encouraged her to make herself even more important. Her mother thought she
was the one who gave her the wind in her back. So she expected him to be able to
show it off as a trophy and brag about her success. We can see this in part of the
text: “ But there was one duty I couldn't avoid. I had to accompany my mother on
Saturday market days when I had no tournament to play. My mother would proudly
walk with me, visiting many shops, buying very little. "This my daughter Wave-ly
Jong," she said to whoever looked her way. “ As a mother she is in a way and I
understand. Waverly, on the other hand, didn't like it and started complaining to her
mother. Mother was offended. Yet the two of them were connected in some special
This story is very instructive. And it gives space for everyone to take their own
position and opinion in the relationship between mother and daughter. As a mother I
have a justification for the mother and her behavior but as a daughter I think I have a
right to my independence and attitudes. It is difficult to be objective in the relationship
between parents and children. I think this is a topic we can all and need to think
about a lot more.

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