Task 3 - The Importance of Protecting Nature and Our Environment

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The importance of protecting nature and our environment

The importance of protecting nature and our environment

Environmental protection is a topic that we think very little about in everyday life, and
It is very important and essential for the health and survival of people on the planet.
Busy with daily responsibilities, people think very little about what they can do to
protect the environment. Also, few think about how their actions destroy nature and
everything that is important for the survival of the planet.
In this essay I want to warn what is happening with nature and the environment
today. I also want to show what we as a human species have done to destroy the
planet and what we can do today to repair the damage done. We don't have much
time, but we still have enough if we wake up and we all work for our future and the
future of our children.

In recent years, many scientists and people who care about the future have warned
of the major climate change that is happening. Special Presidential Envoy John
Kerry gave a lecture at the American University of Cairo in February this year on the
topic of Global climate action in 2022. In his presentation, he stated, among other
things: “We know the Antarctic is melting faster than we thought possible. The
Thwaites Glacier, known as the “Doomsday Glacier,” has held the West Antarctic Ice
Sheet in place for thousands of years. Within five years it could fracture, altering the
shape of our world and threatening 250 million people in coastal cities from New
York to Shanghai. ” This is just one of the sentences we need to understand as a
warning of what is happening today.

The consequences of the process of environmental pollution are various. Some of

the most important and dangerous for humans are: global warming, ozone holes,
acid rain and the greenhouse effect
Global warming is the phenomenon of a constant increase in the average
temperature of the planet Earth, caused by the increasing release of harmful gases
into the Earth's atmosphere.The consequences of global warming are rising
temperatures,new diseases,melting glaciers at the North and South Poles, and rising
sea and ocean levels, leading to the disappearance of individual states and cities.

The importance of protecting nature and our environment

Ozone holes are the second most dangerous. The first assumptions about what all
human activities could do to the ozone layer were published in the early 1970s.
Ozone is damaged by an average of 4-5% every ten years. By absorbing ultraviolet
rays from the Sun, ozone in the atmosphere plays a key role in protecting the Earth.
Ozone is formed when the sun's rays split oxygen molecules in the atmosphere.
Acid rain is the next pollutant. Combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and
natural gas produces large amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide. When these
pollutants enter the atmosphere, they react with oxygen and water to form acids.
Acids, primarily sulfuric and nitric, then return to Earth as acid rain. The soil becomes
acidic which negatively affects the plants. Acid rain is the biggest cause of forest
death in some parts of the world. Acids dissolve heavy metals and aluminum from
the soil and carry them to the nearest water. The significant decline in aquatic animal
species is caused by high acid concentrations.
The greenhouse effect is the last one. Combustion of fossil fuels produces
greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane. The release of these gases
increases the Earth's natural greenhouse effect and thus warms the atmosphere.

It is important that people become aware of how important nature is to the planet. As
Emir Massey says in his blog “Without plants there will be no life left on the globe. As
we see on the earth’s globe, there are two prominent colors: blue and green. Blue is
due to water and green is due to plants. A major part of our earth’s natural beauty is
due to plants and trees. “
We still have time and as scientists say, “The science is in: We don’t have to accept
doom and gloom for the Earth. Together,we can slow the dual crises of climate and
biodiversity loss.This is a hopeful wake-up call,but only if we act with great urgency. “

Measures that people should take to protect the Earth and their environment are:
Reducing population growth, Stopping the spread of deserts, Reducing urban
populations, Using renewable energy, Reducing the use of wood as firewood, Saving
acid forests, Saving habitats and endangered species
Some of the ways we can help the environment as individuals are: Using recycled
paper and cardboard, Recycling bottles, glass, cans and waste paper, Avoiding
buying tropical woods e.g. Mahogany, Walking, cycling or public transport instead of
driving whenever possible, Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.

The importance of protecting nature and our environment

Can humans really protect the environment or the Earth? I think that each of us can
contribute to the protection of the environment in any way. Because it is the source
of our health. Every day, people throw more and more waste and in that way pollute
their environment. The conclusion is that all governments of the world should
introduce some laws or improve the recycling of this waste through eco-power
plants. They should try to reduce carbon dioxide emissions because it greatly
destroys the country and at the same time human health. Governments should also
introduce laws that will punish any individual who attempts to pollute the environment
in any way with an appropriate penalty to prevent pollution. Based on all of the
above, the conclusion is that each of us can influence the increase of environmental
protection because it is the future of our health.
If we can save the Earth now, why not do it! Killing nature also means killing yourself!

The importance of protecting nature and our environment

Reference List

1. https://www.state.gov/special-presidential-envoy-for-climate-john-kerry-
implementation-plus-global-climate-action-in-2022/, JOHN KERRY, SPECIAL
PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY FOR CLIMATE, American university Cairo, Egypt,
February 21,2022

2. https://thriveglobal.com/stories/save-nature-for-future/ Save Nature For

Future, By Emir Massey

3. https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/who-we-are/our-science/three-ways-to-
save-our-planet/, September 16, 2020

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