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Wednesday, September 10, 1997 (Third service)

San Salvador, El Salvador
It is our intention to do an exact and faithful transcription of
this message, just as it was preached; therefore, any error in
this writing is strictly an error of hearing, transcription or
printing, and should not be interpreted as an error of the
message. The text contained in this booklet can be verified
with the audio or video recording.
This booklet should be used for personal study purposes only,
until it is formally published.
other continents, so they can receive blessings of God
promised for this Last Day.
We have reached the time when the fullness of the
Gentiles will come in.
Now, who knew that the fullness of the Gentiles would
be completed with Latin American and Caribbean people?
No one knew that; but now there are people who know. THE MYSTERY OF THE FULLNESS
Where are they? Here we are! In Latin America and the OF THE GENTILES
Caribbean. Here in El Salvador, and in all the Latin
American and Caribbean countries, receiving the Message of Dr. William Soto Santiago
Jesus Christ, the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, the Wednesday, September 10, 1997 (Third service)
Gospel of the Kingdom, through the Angel-Messenger of the San Salvador, El Salvador
Lord Jesus Christ.
“THE FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES.” We have ood evening, beloved friends and brethren present. It is
seen this mystery, and it has become clear to all of us.
It has been a great privilege to be with you, having
G a great blessing to be with you on this occasion, to share
some moments of spiritual fellowship around the Word of
fellowship around the Word of God, in the subject we’ve had God, and to see this mystery of the fullness of the Gentiles,
tonight: “THE MYSTERY OF THE FULLNESS OF THE which Saint Paul speaks to us about in his Letter to the
GENTILES.” Romans, chapter 11, verses 25 and on (to 28… or 29), where
May God bless you all, may God keep you. Thank you he says:
for your kind attention, and have a good evening everyone. “For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant
I will leave Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín with us of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits;
again, to continue and conclude our participation tonight. that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness
May God continue to bless you all. of the Gentiles be come in.
“THE MYSTERY OF THE FULLNESS OF THE And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There
GENTILES.” shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away
ungodliness from Jacob:
For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take
away their sins.
As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your
sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the
father’s sakes.
For the gifts and calling of God are without
May God bless our hearts with His Word and allow us pass, at this Last Day; and thus, calling and gathering
to understand It. together all of His elect.
“THE MYSTERY OF THE FULLNESS OF THE Therefore, from where must we be receiving the
GENTILES.” Message? From where do God’s elect of the Last Day receive
The reason why the Hebrew people rejected Christ has the Message? From the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ,
been a mystery; and even after rejecting Christ, their King through Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit manifested in His Angel-
and Messiah, notice, they knew He had risen—the priests and Messenger.
the high priest knew He had risen because the soldiers went The Angel of the Covenant, Jesus Christ, manifested
to them and told them He had risen;1 but notice, the Hebrew in His Angel-Messenger of the Dispensation of the Kingdom,
people still haven’t believed in Christ, they haven’t believed will be speaking to us at this Last Day; where? Well, in the
that Jesus is their King and Messiah. Latin American and Caribbean territory. That is the territory
And this is a great mystery, because the Hebrew for God’s manifestation of the Last Day. And the Work of the
people have been waiting for the Coming of the Messiah, and Last Day, the Work of the Age of the Cornerstone and
He already came two thousand years ago and they did not Dispensation of the Kingdom, has already begun; where? In
receive Him; but in the Second Coming of Christ, they will Latin America and the Caribbean.
receive Him. That is where God’s blessing is, that is where God’s
In the First Coming of Christ, it was as the Lamb of elect would be applying the Blood on the lintel of the doors
God taking away the sin of the world and thus carrying out of their heart and the doorposts of their heart. That is where
His Work of Redemption, paying the price of redemption to the Holy Spirit would be manifested, both in the soul of every
bring everything back to Eternal Life. elect and in the mystical Body of Christ in the Age of the
And now, it was necessary for the Hebrew people to Cornerstone; and He would be manifested in His Angel-
reject Christ in His First Coming, to be blind to the First Messenger of the Age of the Age of the Cornerstone and
Coming of Christ, in order to make way for the fulfillment of Dispensation of the Kingdom, for the fulfillment of the
the death of Christ on Calvary’s Cross and for the price of fullness of the Gentiles, for the fullness of the Gentiles to
redemption to be paid; because if the Hebrew people had come in at this Last Day.
received Christ as their Savior and Christ had not died… Now notice with whom Christ completes His Church,
Christ said: “Unless the Corn of Wheat falls into the ground His mystical Body of believers. And this is a privilege for us,
and dies, He abides alone.”2 Why? Because He couldn’t pay the Latin American and Caribbean people, at this Last Day.
the price of redemption, He couldn’t redeem us; therefore, Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ has given us that privilege, of
every human being would have to die, except Jesus. being the last, but the first in the Kingdom of God.
But when the Hebrew people were blinded, the We are living at the time in which the fullness of the
Hebrew people asked for the death of Christ, and the Roman Gentiles will be completed with Latin American and
Matthew 28:11-15
Caribbean people; and it’s from Latin America and the
John 12:24 Caribbean that the Message spreads to other nations and
his God written there. “And the Name of the City of our God, Empire granted it to them; and the Roman Empire crucified
which comes down out of Heaven from God; and I will write Christ at the request of the Hebrew people. And what seemed
upon him My new Name.” to be a defeat for Jesus Christ was a great victory, because He
So, the only thing we have to find is the Overcomer was carrying out the payment of redemption there on
where God writes, where Christ writes, His new Name and Calvary’s Cross, and thus, He was redeeming all those who
the Eternal Name of God and the Name of the City of our are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, He was carrying out
God. And therefore, well, we have to find the veil of flesh that redemption, without which there is no Eternal Life.
where the Angel of the Covenant is, the Angel of the Lord, Now, we find that the Hebrew people remain blind, as
who is the One that has the Name, to manifest It through His a nation, and they remain under the Hebrew religion called
instrument, meaning that it’s (what?) through the Judaism, given by Moses; and they have not realized that a
Overcomer. new dispensation began in the days of Jesus, called the
So, notice how simple the whole Divine Program is. Dispensation of Grace, and its Messenger was Jesus; but they
And notice how for the Last Day, for the time in which did not notice that great mystery, that overlap—which
the fullness of the Gentiles comes in, the Angel of the happened those days—between a new dispensation: the
Covenant, the Angel of the Lord, will be manifested; no Dispensation of Grace and the Dispensation of *Law.
longer through Saint Paul in the first age, nor through And all of this has been happening, and the Hebrew
Irenaeus in the second age, nor through Martin in the third people have been blind and ignorant of this mystery of the
age, nor through Columba in the fourth age, nor through Kingdom of God that has been taking place on this Earth.
Luther in the fifth age, nor through Wesley in the sixth age, But notice, Saint Paul the Apostle, being a very
nor through Rev. William Marrion Branham in the seventh educated Hebrew, he was also… back when his name was
age; therefore, we don’t have to go to Asia Minor, nor Saul, he was also persecuting all the Christians, without
France, nor Hungary and France, nor Ireland, nor Scotland, realizing that he was persecuting the Way of God and those
nor Germany, nor England, nor North America, to see Christ who were in the Way of God; therefore, he was persecuting
manifested; because He was already manifested in those Christ.
territories through these messengers. And Christ appeared to him and told him: “Saul, Saul,
The only place we have to go and be present to see why do you persecute Me? It is hard for you to kick against
Jesus Christ manifested at the Last Day is the territory where the pricks.”3
He will have His Angel-Messenger, the territory where the Saul, knowing that the Light that appeared to him was
Age of the Cornerstone is being fulfilled. That is where we the same Light that had appeared to the Prophet Moses and
will see Jesus Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, manifested,
had told him: “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,”
carrying out His Work pertaining to the Age of the
he asks Him: “Who are you, Lord?” and He tells him: “I am
Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, and calling
Jesus, whom you persecute.”
and gathering His elect with the Great Voice of Trumpet, and
revealing to them all these things which must shortly come to 3
Acts 9:3-5
Now, Paul here, seeing that now the Pillar of Fire manifested in human flesh in the Person of Jesus, only Jesus
identifies Himself by the Name Jesus, he says to Him: understood that Name, only Jesus knew what that Name
“Lord,” (which is Elohim), “what will You have me do?” He meant according to the Work that He was to carry out.
recognized him; he recognized Jesus as his Lord, as his God, Although many people who were named Jesus had been on
as his King, as his everything: the God of Abraham, Isaac, Earth, in that veil of flesh where the Angel of the Covenant
and Jacob, the Angel of the Lord or Angel of the Covenant. was, that Name fulfilled the meaning It had.
And now, Saint Paul becomes a servant of Christ, for And notice, all of this was reflected in Joshua; because
which he is persecuted. He tried to take the Message of the Jesus means “Joshua.” Joshua (in what?) in Hebrew, and
Gospel of Grace to the Hebrew people and they rejected him; Jesus in Greek. (Is that what it is?) Jesus in Greek and
and he turned to the Gentiles, saying that he had been sent to Joshua in Hebrew.
the Gentiles, and the Jews were very furious with him; but And now, notice, when the Hebrew people were
the Gentiles were very glad when they heard these words restored to their land, in other words, when they were
from Saint Paul the Apostle. redeemed (because to redeem means “to bring something
And the Scripture says in the Book of Acts, chapter back to where it was in the first place”), we find that when
13, verses 46 to 49: they went, they arrived in the promised land, the place where
“Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve patriarchs had lived,
was necessary that the word of God should first have been who did they get there with? With Joshua, which means
spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge “Savior” or “Redeemer.”
yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Notice the reflection of the redemption of God’s elect,
Gentiles. whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, who are
For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set the members of the mystical Body of Christ, which are the
thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for heavenly Israel: it was reflected in the earthly Israel.
salvation unto the ends of the earth. And now, notice how for our restoration to Eternal
And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and Life in an eternal body, and for the dead in Christ to be
glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were restored to Life in an eternal body, and for us to be changed
ordained to eternal life believed. and restored to Eternal Life in an eternal body, the Name of
And the word of the Lord was published throughout the Angel of the Covenant for the Work of the Last Day, the
all the region.” Claiming Work, will be manifested.
Now, notice how as many as were ordained to Eternal “Behold, I will write…” “Him that overcomes will I
Life believed. Why? Because God was putting His elect, His make a pillar in the Temple of My God, and he shall go no
children, among the Gentiles; and from time to time, a son or more out: and I will write upon him the Name of My
daughter of God appeared among the Hebrew people, who God…”13 The Name of My God?! That is what Christ says,
believed in the Gospel and received the Spirit of Christ, and that He will write It upon him; so, He will have the Name of
therefore, came into the mystical Body of Christ, meaning,
Revelation 3:12
manifested in a portion from age to age, in the portion into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; which is
pertaining to each stage, to each age; because this Protector represented in this diagram that Rev. William Marrion
Angel is our Lord Jesus Christ. Branham used in the messages “The Stature Of A Perfect
He is the Protector Angel who was in His theophanic Man” and The Seven Stages or Ages of the Gentile Church
body from age to age; and then, in the Old Testament, from [An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages];4 where we find
age to age and dispensation to dispensation; and then He was the apostolic time here, and then the Apostle Saint Paul in the
made flesh in the Person of Jesus. But He had been first age, then Irenaeus in the second age, then Martin in the
manifested in human flesh in Moses and in these third age, then Columba in the fourth age, then Luther in the
dispensational prophets, and also in the prophets of different fifth age, then Wesley in the sixth age; and then Rev. William
ages, of previous dispensations, in the portion pertaining to Marrion Branham, who is the Elijah that would come with
those ages and those dispensations. the Spirit and power of Elijah. He is the Elijah who would
Then He came in the Messenger of the Dispensation of come forerunning the Second Coming of Christ; now, he is
Grace, manifested in all His fullness; in other words, the also the messenger of the seventh stage or age of the Gentile
Angel of the Covenant manifested in all His fullness came in Church.
Jesus. And the Name Jesus, which the veil of flesh had, is the These stages were fulfilled in different nations and
Name that the Angel of the Covenant used to carry out the continents, such as, for example:
Work of Redemption on Calvary’s Cross; but when He • The first age was fulfilled in Asia Minor and its
ascended to Heaven, He received a new Name. messenger was Saint Paul;
That is why in Revelation chapter 3, verse 12, Jesus • the second was fulfilled in Europe, in the territory of
says: France, and its messenger was Irenaeus;
“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the • the third was fulfilled in Hungary and France, and its
temple of my God, and he shall go no more out,” (meaning, messenger was Martin;
he will never go out of there anymore), “and I will write upon • the fourth was fulfilled in Ireland and Scotland, and
him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, its messenger was Columba;
which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven • the fifth was fulfilled in Germany, and its messenger
from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.” was Luther;
Perhaps to some people it is surprising, it is a surprise, • the sixth was fulfilled in England, and its messenger
that Jesus has a new Name; but He says so Himself. And He was Wesley;
also says: “To him that overcomes will I give a white Stone, • and the seventh was fulfilled in North America, and
and in the Stone a new Name written, which no man knows,” its messenger was Rev. William Marrion Branham,
(a Name that is written, a new Name that is written), “which forerunner of the Second Coming of Christ, and prophet-
no man knows but he that receives It.”12 4
The pyramid diagram can be downloaded at the following
Notice, when the Name of Redemption came
Revelation 2:17 piramide-diptico/
messenger sent in the Spirit and power of Elijah at the Last knowledge of the Eternal Name of the Lord; so, we must find
Day, in the fourth manifestation of the ministry of Elijah. the One who has It: the Angel of the Lord.
And now, notice how for each age there was a territory “...If thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I
where it was fulfilled; and from that territory, the Message speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an
spread to other nations. And notice how God called and adversary unto thine adversaries.
gathered His elect in each of those ages, under the ministry For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in
he manifested through each one of those angel-messengers, unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and
who also typify the dispensational messengers. the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut
The messengers of ages represent the dispensational them off.”
messengers. Now, notice, this is the Angel who goes before the
For example, we have Saint Paul representing—in the Hebrew people, what for? To keep them. It says:
first Gentile Church age, he represents or reflects the prophet- “Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in
messenger of the first dispensation, which was Adam. the way…”
Then we find that, notice, in the time of Adam, the Behold, the Keeper Angel. Behold, the Angel who
first part or the first… part of the Divine Program was keeps the Hebrew people and all of God’s elect. Behold, the
fulfilled. Protector of the Hebrew people and of the Church of the Lord
And in the feasts that the Hebrew people had, the first Jesus Christ. Behold, the Protector Angel.
And the Protector Angel has the Eternal Name of God.
feast was the Feast of Passover; and it was in Genesis that an
He is the Protector of the Hebrew people, the earthly Israel;
animal was first sacrificed, to provide Adam and Eve
He is also the Protector Angel of the heavenly Israel, in other
garments.5 And it was in the Book of Genesis that we find
words, of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
that the different prophets of God used animal sacrifices for
And the Protector Angel, notice, in His First Coming
sin, to cover sin.
in human flesh in all His fullness came with the Name of
Notice, then the second age of the Gentile Church also
Redemption: the Name Jesus. But notice, when Jesus
represents, reflects, the second dispensation.
ascended to Heaven, He received a new Name.
• Now, the first dispensation was Innocence, and The Protector Angel, notice, when He came in His
Adam was its dispensational messenger. First Coming, He came with the Name Jesus, because It
• The second dispensation was Conscience, and Seth means (what?) “Savior.”
was its messenger. And that was also reflected in the Gentile And now, for His Second Coming, the Protector Angel
Church ages (the second Gentile Church age: Smyrna, and its will come with the Eternal Name of God, the Protector Angel
messenger: Irenaeus). will come with the Name related to what He will do at this
Then, notice, in each age there is a reflection of each end time, and with the protection He will provide in favor of
of these feasts. His Gentile Church and the Hebrew people.
5 Now, we can see that this Protector Angel comes
Genesis 3:21
and so all Israel shall be saved. • Then, for the third age, we find Martin in the
In other words, one hundred and forty-four thousand Pergamean Age; and he is reflecting the third dispensational
Hebrews, who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, will be messenger, which was Noah, the messenger of the
saved, and they will be sealed with the Seal of the living God Dispensation of Human Government; and notice, the third
in their foreheads, by the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, who feast is being reflected there.
comes calling and gathering God’s elect. • Then we find the Thyatirean Age, which is the fourth
In Revelation chapter 7, he is sent to call and gather age, its messenger: Columba, who is reflecting the messenger
the elect, and to seal them in their foreheads; and then, in of the fourth dispensation, which is Abraham, and the
Revelation chapter 14, we find them called and gathered and Dispensation of Promise.
sealed in their foreheads already, and with the Seal of the • Then we have the fifth age, which is the Sardisean
living God in their foreheads, and with the Father’s Name Age, and its messenger was Luther, representing or reflecting
and the Name of the Lamb written in their foreheads. the fifth dispensation, which is the Dispensation of Law, and
Let’s see. Revelation chapter 14 says: its messenger was Moses.
“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount There were—notice, just as there are seven
Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, dispensations, there were seven ages during the Dispensation
having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” of Grace and also during the Dispensation of Law.
Now notice, they are sealed with the Seal of the living • And now, notice Wesley and the Philadelphian Age,
God. Which is the Seal of the living God? Ephesians chapter the sixth age, reflecting the *Dispensation of Grace, and its
4, verse 30, says: Messenger: Jesus. And notice how we find the Feast of
“And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are Atonement manifested in the fifth dispensation: because
sealed,” (until or), “unto the day of redemption.” Christ is also our Atonement, just as He is our Passover.6
And now, notice, the Holy Spirit is the One that has • Now, notice how then comes the Laodicean Age, and
the Father’s Name and the Name of the Lamb; because the its messenger: Rev. William Marrion Branham; and he is
Angel of the Lord, the Angel of the Covenant, which is the reflecting the Messenger of the Dispensation of the Kingdom,
Holy Spirit, is the One that is sent to the Hebrew people in which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, where Jesus
Exodus chapter 23. And it says, chapter 23, verses 20 to 23, Christ would be manifested at the Last Day. And in the
says the following: Laodicean Age, the seventh Gentile Church age, the Feast of
“Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in Tabernacles is reflected; because it is the seventh Gentile
the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have Church age and it reflects the seventh dispensation: the
prepared. Dispensation of the Kingdom.
Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; Therefore, all the things that will be in the
for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is Dispensation of the Kingdom are first reflected in that
(where?) in him.” seventh age and in the messenger of that seventh age: Rev.
And we have the promise that we will obtain the 6
1 Corinthians 5:7
William Marrion Branham. Now, we can see that the ministry for the Hebrew
That is why you will find that many things Rev. people is the ministry of the Two Olive Trees, the ministry of
William Marrion Branham said that he would do, or that God Moses and Elijah, through which Christ will be manifested: It
would fulfill under his ministry, then time went on and they will be the Spirit of Jesus Christ manifested in all His fullness
were not fulfilled. And what is happening? Did Rev. William in His Angel-Messenger, in the Messenger of the
Marrion Branham’s prophetic vision fail? No. Dispensation of the Kingdom, preaching the Message of the
It’s like when the Psalmist said [Psalm 22:16-17]: Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the Last Trumpet or Great
“They pierced my hands and my feet. Voice of Trumpet, and revealing the mystery of the Second
I may tell all my bones.” Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of
Did the prophet fail when he said that and it was not kings and Lord of lords.
fulfilled in him? He didn’t fail, rather he was prophesying And that is how the Hebrew people will hear and
about what would come later on and would be fulfilled in the believe in the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, they
Messiah among the Hebrew people. will believe in the Second Coming of Christ as King of kings
And likewise, we find those reflections or those and Lord of lords, in other words, with His face as the sun.
prophecies that were spoken through Rev. William Marrion That is the type and figure or that is the symbolism that will
Branham, and many people thought those things would be be fulfilled; that is the symbolism of the Second Coming of
fulfilled in him, but the seventh dispensation was being Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. Likewise, the Lion
reflected in him; and the things that were reflected in Rev. of the tribe of Judah is the symbolism of the Second Coming
William Marrion Branham would be fulfilled in the of Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords, because the lion
Messenger of the seventh dispensation. is the king of the animals.
For example, the Third Pull and that manifestation of Now notice, we have seen what the fullness of the
the spoken Word, of the spoken creative Word to be gentiles is. Until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in,
manifested, where great things will be taking place; things meaning, the very last elect among the Gentiles, the Hebrew
that were shown only as a sample, it was given as a sample people won’t be able to see, they won’t be able to
through Rev. William Marrion Branham in some cases; but understand, and they won’t be able to receive Christ, they
he says that stage, that Third Pull, will be manifested in all Its won’t be able to turn to Christ; the fullness of the Gentiles
fullness later on. That is for the manifestation of the Spirit of must come in.
Christ, for the manifestation of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit Now, how many of you want the Hebrew people to
through the Prophet of the Dispensation of the Kingdom. receive Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords? Well,
And in the Dispensation of the Kingdom and through everyone! So, we will be working or we will continue
the Prophet of the Dispensation of the Kingdom, which is the working, so that the fullness of the Gentiles comes in, so that
Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ will be fulfilling all the the very last elect of the Gentile Church in the Age of the
things pertaining to the Dispensation of the Kingdom Cornerstone comes in, and thus, the number of God’s elect,
progressively; no one will be able to force the situation so the members of the mystical Body of Christ, is completed;
we will be claimed, and we will have Eternal Life and eternal that something happens beforehand, rather, everything will
bodies, in the Claiming Work of Christ. happen at the time determined by God and in the order
And now, notice where we are in the Divine Program, established by God. What is first comes first, and what is
and notice how the Hebrew people will see all of this being later comes later.
manifested in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; but they Now, some people may say: “I want to see what was
will see it when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, in said to come, that powerful manifestation, where the Word
other words, when the very last elect of God has come in, and will be spoken and even people’s missing body parts will
we who are alive are changed and the dead in Christ are appear at that moment.” That will come, but that is for the
raised. end. Before that, there are certain stages which must be
That is why our work is where? In Latin America and fulfilled, and the elect must be called and gathered and put in
the Caribbean, taking the Message to every place, so that the the mystical Body of Christ, in the Age of the Cornerstone
mystical Body of Christ here in the Age of the Cornerstone is and Dispensation of the Kingdom.
completed, and the fullness of the Gentiles comes in And whoever wants to see those things happening is a
completely; and there are no more elect to be called into the good spectator for that time, but he can’t be a member of
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, no more firstborn to be those who, in that stage, will be part of the mystical Body of
called and put in the mystical Body of Christ; because then Christ and part of the Angel-Messenger of Jesus Christ, and
everyone will have come into the mystical Body of Christ, who will be working with Him in that work. It’s one thing to
and Christ will be able to leave the Place of Intercession in be a spectator, and another to be the actor or actors in the
Heaven and make His Claim; and claim His elect who have play pertaining to that time.
departed, claim them and bring them resurrected in eternal Now, we can see that when that stage takes place, God
bodies; and claim us who are alive and give us the eternal will be shaking the whole world like He had never shaken it
body He has promised for all of us. before; and the dead in Christ will rise, and we who are alive
Now, we are in the most glorious time of all times, the will be changed, and we will be here for thirty to forty days,
time when the fullness of the Gentiles will fully come in, and great things will be happening; and the fullness of the
meaning, it will be completed, the mystical Body of Christ Gentiles will have already come in, the very last of God’s
will be completed; and thus, the fullness of the Gentiles will elect will have already come in.
be complete, it will fully come in, entirely; and we will all be In other words, when that stage, that Third Pull,
changed, and the dead in Christ will be raised. reaches Its peak, there will no longer be an opportunity for
And the Hebrew people, well, they will see that calls to become part of the mystical Body of Christ; because
manifestation of Christ among His Gentile Church, and they the number of the elect will have already been completed and
won’t be able to say anything but: “This is the One we are the fullness of the Gentiles will have already come into the
waiting for!” And they will come to know the history of the mystical Body of Christ; because the fullness of the Gentiles
Second Coming of Christ as well as the First Coming of is: all of God’s elect, written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, the
Christ. members of the mystical Body of Christ, coming into the
mystical Body of Christ. the Kingdom at the Last Day, in the Latin American and
And when the fullness of the Gentiles comes in, then Caribbean continent, Christ comes as the white-horse Rider
all Israel shall be saved; in other words, the Hebrew people’s of Revelation chapter 19, which is the Word incarnate in a
opportunity comes after the number of the elect among the Man: in the Prophet-Messenger of the Dispensation of the
Gentiles is completed; because when the number of the elect Kingdom, which is the Angel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
among the Gentiles is completed, then comes the resurrection And that is why, through His Angel-Messenger, He
of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us who are manifests the ministries promised for the Last Day, which
alive; and we will be here on Earth in eternal bodies and are: the ministry of Elijah for the fifth time, the ministry of
there will be a period of thirty to forty days with God’s elect Moses for the second time, and the ministry of Jesus for the
here on Earth in eternal bodies. second time.
And what won’t happen in those days? If one Person Those three great ministries will be manifested at the
shook all of Israel and the politicians of that time, what will it Last Day in Latin America and the Caribbean, in the Age of
be like with millions of God’s elect, of past ages and of our the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom, to
age, in eternal bodies? There will be no limitations in terms complete the mystical Body of Christ, to call and gather the
of the things that will be happening. elect of the mystical Body of Christ; so that the mystical
The world will be completely shaken, and everyone Body of Christ may be completed, and the dead in Christ may
will be under the direction of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit be raised in incorruptible bodies, and we who are alive may
through the Messenger of the Dispensation of the Kingdom; be changed.
in other words, those great events will come under that And thus, the fullness of the Gentiles will completely
ministry, that is what the forerunner of the Second Coming of come in, and all of God’s elect—the whole mystical Body of
Christ says. Christ, of past ages and also of our time—will have an eternal
He said that the great miracles and signs that many body; and then the fullness will come in… then the Hebrew
people are waiting for take place under Moses and Elijah. people will come in, once the fullness of the Gentiles has
Under the ministries of Moses and Elijah, which will be come in.
manifested in the Angel of Jesus Christ, those great events And just as the First Coming of Christ was seen among
will be fulfilled; and therefore, the great events that were the Hebrew people as the Lamb of God dying on Calvary’s
seen under the Tent Vision will be fulfilled under the Cross, and carrying out the Work of Redemption on
ministry of Moses and Elijah. Calvary’s Cross; the Second Coming of Christ will be seen
And the great events that have been promised to be among the Gentile Church at the Last Day, in the Age of the
manifested by the spoken creative Word will be fulfilled Cornerstone, as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of
under the ministry of Moses and Elijah; because it’s by the kings and Lord of lords, in His Claiming Work.
ministries of Moses and Elijah being fulfilled on Earth, at the And when the dead in Christ are raised in eternal
Last Day, through the Holy Spirit through His Angel- bodies and we who are alive are changed, well, the Claiming
Messenger, that these great things will take place once the Work will have become effective for each one of us; because
come, the fullness of the Gentiles does not take place, the elect have been called and gathered and the fullness of the
fullness of the Gentiles does not come in with people from Gentiles has come in; to then call the attention of the Hebrew
other continents, but from the Latin American and Caribbean people, who, at the Last Day, will see Christ manifested in
continent; because there were already people from those His Church, they will see Him manifested in all His power,
other territories for these Gentile Church stages or ages. they will see the creative Word being spoken and great
And now, well, God left the elect of the Last Day for events taking place.
the end, and He put them (where?) in Latin America and the But notice, that will be once the fullness of the
Caribbean. And why? Because in the temple that God Gentiles has come in, meaning, once all the elect have been
commanded Solomon and Moses to build, we find that the called and gathered; meanwhile, through the spoken creative
holy of holies was in the West; and the Holy of Holies of the Word, God’s elect are being called and gathered, by the
spiritual Temple of Christ cannot be in the North, nor can It preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom reaching all of
be in the East, nor can It be in any other place; It must be in God’s elect.
the West; and the West is the continent of the Americas. Now, we can see that the Hebrew people will believe
And in the continent of the Americas, the seventh in Jesus Christ, because they will believe in the Second
Gentile Church age was already fulfilled in the northern part; Coming of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of
therefore, it’s in the Central American, South American, kings and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work; they will see
and Caribbean part that the Holy of Holies of the spiritual Him coming with His face as the sun, in other words, they
Temple of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ [is fulfilled]. In the will see Him coming as King of kings and Lord of lords;
continent of the Americas, in the West, is where the mystical because the face of the Lord shining as the sun represents the
Body of Christ is completed, and the fullness of the Gentiles Coming of Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords; because
comes in. the sun is the king of the stars, and in His Second Coming
In other words, in the Latin America and Caribbean Jesus Christ comes as King of kings and Lord of lords.
continent is where Christ in Holy Spirit appears manifested Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords, the
through His Angel-Messenger, it’s the white-horse Rider that King of Israel and the King of the whole world; and the King
comes from the West, whom Rev. William Marrion Branham of the sixth dimension, and the King of the seventh
saw and spoke of in the message “God’s Only Provided Place dimension too. He is King of kings, King God, King
Of Worship,” 11 page 1. And he said: “From the west will Theophany, and King Jesus.
come a white-horse Rider. We’ll ride this path, this trail And now, this mystery of the restoration of the
again,” (or one more time or once again).” Why? Because in Hebrew people once the fullness of the Gentiles has come in,
each age Christ comes manifested in the angel-messenger. notice, it is to be fulfilled at this end time. Until the Church
And since Christ comes manifested in His Angel- of the Lord Jesus Christ is complete here, meaning, until
Messenger of the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of every member of the mystical Body of Christ written in the
Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world has
ENG65-1128M “God’s Only Provided Place Of Worship,”
page 1, paragraph 6
been called and gathered together here, in the Age of the
Cornerstone… because the call was already made in these cassavas, or pumpkins in a sack, you can see that they put in
ages, and the elect were gathered, and now the gathering of more and more… but a good businessman, when someone is
the elect here in the Age of the Cornerstone is taking place. going to give him a pumpkin or a potato (depending on what
And once the number pertaining to the Age of the the sack is for, if it’s a sack to fill with potatoes or pumpkins)
Cornerstone is completed: the mystical Body of Christ has and they are going to bring him a big one, he will say: “No,
been completed, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has been no, no; leave me that one for last.” And they keep putting in
completed, that spiritual Temple has been completed; and the more and more and more and more, and once they get to the
fullness of the Holy Spirit will come, bringing the last stage: “Now give me the big ones, the best-looking
resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us ones.” And when people open the sack, they see the best-
who are alive, everyone in eternal bodies. looking potatoes or pumpkins. “Because the end of a thing is
And the manifestation of the sons and daughters of better than the beginning.”10
God will be there—that manifestation will be turned into a And now, notice, there were people from Asia Minor,
reality there, with everyone adopted into the Kingdom of who were very beautiful and everything; Europeans also look
God; because when the mystical Body of Christ is completed, very beautiful, North Americans too; but do you know who
when the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, all the elect are the most beautiful in God’s sight? The Latin American
will all be changed, we who are alive; and those whose and Caribbean people. “Leave Me those, they are the most
physical bodies have died will be raised in eternal bodies; beautiful fruit, set them aside for this portion, for this part up
and thus, we will all be adopted into the Kingdom of God as
sons and daughters of God, in eternal bodies and in eternal
And now, in the Harvest, notice, the most beautiful
theophanic spirits, and with all the power and authority that
fruit to our Lord Jesus Christ is the Latin American and
Adam and Eve lost in the fall, and with all the inheritance
Caribbean fruit.
they lost.
We have reached the greatest and most glorious time
Therefore, we will be adopted as kings, to reign over
of all times, where, being the most beautiful fruit, notice, we
this Earth, and as priests, to reign with Christ in the glorious
are going to be changed while we are still alive.
Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Now notice this mystery of the fullness of the Gentiles: And what European beauty or beauty from other
it is the fullness of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. It countries will compare?! There will be no one like the Latin
must be completed, they must come in, in all fullness, American and Caribbean people, who will be in the Age of
meaning, the very last elect of God must come in, where? the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; people
Into the mystical Body of Jesus Christ; and the last ones who who will reach perfection, in the image and likeness of Jesus
come in are those of the Age of the Cornerstone, because the Christ; and thus, the fullness of the Gentiles will be complete,
ones of the other ages already came in. the fullness of the Gentiles will have come in.
Now, how many are left to come into the Age of the In other words, the fullness of the Gentiles does not
Cornerstone? We do know one thing: many of God’s elect 10
Ecclesiastes 7:8
pertaining to each age; and that is why God sent the have already come in. And where are they? Well, here we
messenger of each age to the relevant territory. are. We are already (where?) in the Age of the Cornerstone,
Because there can’t be an awakening without God under the ministry of Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit through His
sending the messenger of that age, so that through that Angel-Messenger. And we don’t know how many more still
messenger, He may bring that awakening, bring to life the have to come in, but just as we have come in: by hearing the
seed of God that is living in that territory. preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom, they will come in
And now, notice how it is promised for the Last Day, too.
for the end time, that the Thunders will awaken the Bride in a Therefore, let’s take the Message of the Gospel of the
true revival, a true revival of God, a true movement of God Kingdom and “he that is of God will hear God's Voice.”7
for the Eternal Life of those elect who will come into that Those who belong to this mystical Body of Christ will hear
spiritual awakening, that spiritual revival from our beloved the Voice of Christ, they will not harden their hearts; they
Lord Jesus Christ through His Angel-Messenger sent at the will hear His Voice and come into the mystical Body of
Last Day. Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone, and the number of
Just like through each angel-messenger He brought the God’s elect will be completed.
spiritual revival, the spiritual awakening in each age, in the Now, notice something: on one occasion, Paul wanted
territory where God sent each messenger; but it was Christ, in to go to Bithynia and it says that Jesus Christ prevented it, He
each messenger of each age, who brought that awakening, forbade him, and He showed him a vision of a man of
and called and gathered His elect of each age. Macedonia telling him: “Come over into Macedonia, and
And now it is the turn of Latin America and the help us.”8
Caribbean to have the revival, the awakening of the Last Rev. William Marion Branham, explaining the reason
Day, through the Seven Thunders of Revelation chapter 10, why this happened, he says: “Because God’s elect for that
under the anointing of the Spirit of Christ in the Angel- first age were not there, they were not in the East, rather, they
Messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ. were in Asia Minor;”9 and the ones who would hear the
We have seen what the fullness of the Gentiles is, and Voice of Christ were in Asia Minor; and Saint Paul wanted to
we have seen with whom the Church, the mystical Body of head East, and he would reach—if he went in that direction
the Lord Jesus Christ, is completed. We have seen with or that way, he would reach the Chinese.
whom the fullness of the Gentiles comes in and is But for the first age, the elect were in Asia Minor, and
completed. Christ sent His angel-messenger Saint Paul to that territory
In other words, notice something very important. In… for the first Gentile Church age.
since many of us know about farming, how many of you And when he preached to them the Gospel of Jesus
know about farming, how many of you know about potatoes, Christ, the First Coming of Christ, and His Work of
malangas, cassavas, and all those things? Everyone knows
about that. John 8:47
Acts 16:6-10
When someone is putting potatoes, or malangas, or 9
An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages, page 156
Redemption on Calvary’s Cross, and the Coming of the Holy Matthew chapter 24, verse 31).
Spirit, we find that they heard the Voice of Christ, they Notice how Latin America and the Caribbean is the
rejoiced, and as many as were ordained to Eternal Life blessed territory that has God’s sons and daughters of the
believed (as I read to you in the Book of Acts, in chapter 13). Last Day, of the Age of the Cornerstone and Dispensation of
And now, notice how these mysteries of God’s elect in the Kingdom, within it; it has the first ones who would come
the different territories, were opened by Rev. William into the Dispensation of the Kingdom and the first ones with
Marrion Branham; when he preached about the seven ages of whom the Dispensation of the Kingdom would open.
the Gentile Church and about the Seals, he showed how Jesus Within it are the ones who would receive the Angel-
Christ in Holy Spirit was manifested during the seven stages Messenger of Jesus Christ, in whom Jesus Christ would come
or ages of the Gentile Church through the seven angel- manifested in the Age of the Cornerstone and in the
messengers, in the territories where God put them; and from Dispensation of the Kingdom, speaking to us His Last
there, the Message spread to other nations; and the call of Message, the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, and
God, of Jesus Christ, came through the messenger of each through that Message making known to us all these things
age, and the elect of each age were called and gathered. which must shortly come to pass, where? In the Age of the
And now, notice, we had the territory of Asia Minor Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.
for the first age; the territory of Europe for the second, third, And the things which must shortly come to pass in the
fourth, fifth, and sixth ages, and the territory of North Divine Program, among His Church, among His mystical
America for the seventh age. Body of believers, notice, they happen in the Age of the
And now, which is the territory for the Age of the Cornerstone, in the territory of Latin America and the
Cornerstone? Where will God’s elect be located (who will be Caribbean; just like what happened in the Divine Program in
called and gathered by the Message of the Gospel of the each age, happened in the territory where God’s elect and the
Kingdom, which reveals the mystery of the Second Coming angel-messenger of each age were located.
of Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings Now, this is something very important, because this
and Lord of lords in His Claiming Work)? Which is that means that there are great promises to be manifested in Latin
territory? Who are those people that will hear the Voice of America and the Caribbean, great promises of blessings for
Jesus Christ through the Prophet-Messenger of the the Latin American and Caribbean people, to see the
Dispensation of the Kingdom, preaching the Message of the manifestation of Jesus Christ in glory, to see the glory of
Gospel of the Kingdom? Where are those people? Well, here Jesus Christ manifested among His Church, in the Age of the
we are: in Latin America and the Caribbean! Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom.
This is the blessed territory, which would have the Latin America and the Caribbean is the one that has
elect at the Last Day who would be called and gathered with the promise of the awakening, of the revival, of the Age of
the Message of the Great Voice of Trumpet, as Christ said: the Cornerstone and Dispensation of the Kingdom; just as the
“And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a territory of each age in which each age was fulfilled, was the
trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect…” (Saint territory with the promise of the revival, of the awakening,

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