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Denial of Love Jihad by Dumb Hindu Politicians

and Ignorant Telemedia Anchors

- Ram Kumar Ohri, IPS (Retd)


Love jihad by Muslim Romeos is not something new. Nor is the narrative

a canard cooked up by the BJP top brass to win elections, as mischievously

alleged by some dumb politicians (most of whom have Hindu names) and many

ignoramuses among telemedia anchors.

The dangerous phenomenon had found mention at least twice in the US

diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks in the years 2010 and 2011. It is a pity

that some dumb politicians, wearing the green-coloured secularism on their sleeves

have chosen to deny its existence. What is far worse is that many telemedia

anchors and column-writers have started denying that love jihad has already made

deep inroads into several parts of India. Nearly five years ago there was a major

furore across several States of South India due to increased activities of Muslim

youth working overtime to entice Hindu and Christian girls of impressionable age.

Our ignoramus politicians and inadequately read media anchors ought to

know that according to Wikileaks a cable mailed by Andrew T Simkin, US Consul

General in Chennai on February 26, 3010, had alerted his bosses in the USA that

"An alleged conspiracy of "foreign-funded" Muslim men attempting to seduce,

marry, and convert Hindu and Christian women, has led to state-level

investigations and generated  widespread suspicions” in South India. The public at

large dubbed the so-called conspiracy a "Love Jihad," and finally top politicians in

Karnataka and Kerala were forced to confront the issue in public forums.

The same denouement is likely to be repeated in U.P. Bihar and Maharashtra in the

coming months where battalions of love jihadis funded by gulf petro-dollars

have been on rampage for last several years.

The contents of the wiki-cable further highlighted that many Hindu and

Christian groups were outraged at the ongoing Islamic 'plot', while Muslim

groups were trying to  defend their co-religionists against the conspiracy theorists

belonging to Hindu and Christian communities. Though police investigations in

South India have cast doubt on the  existence of an organized campaign of 'Love

Jihad', the recurring assertion of its existence demonstrated “ the suspicion and

intolerance that exist among some of the religious communities in the region."  

Initially the pernicious effects of the origin of Love Jihad had been noticed

in the coastal region of southern Karnataka and northern Kerala, where religious

and communal violence used to occur almost regularly.

While India’s dumb politicians and ill-informed telemedia anchors

continue to cast doubts on the existence of any love jihad campaign sweeping

across many States of India, the stark truth highlighted by many researchers

cannot be rebutted easily. On the one hand, Manish Tiwari of Congress, Naresh

Agarwal of Samajwadi Party and the Chief Minister of U.P., Akhilesh Yadav

were waxing eloquent on 24/7 television channels denying and deriding the

campaign of Love Jihad. On the other hand simultaneously the complaint of a

prominent national shooter, Tara Shahdeo, surfaced in media which shocked the

Hindus. Tara has alleged that a Muslim, Raqibul Hussain had enticed her into

love marriage by pretending that he was Hindu named Ranjit Kohli. She alleged

that she was tortured to force her to accept Islam as her religion. Tara showed her

injuries to Mahua Majhi, Chairperson of the State Women;s Commission. Her

complaint is a complete rebuttal of the lies being trotted by the secular chatterati of

India’s warped political universe!

Incidentally, in a power point circulated by the World Sikh Alliance 4 years

ago it was mentioned that Muslim love- jihadis in the U K were enticing Sikh and

Hindu girls by pretending to be Sikhs by wearing a ‘Karra’ (iron bracelet regularly

worn by Sikhs) and by claiming to have a Sikh surname like ‘Gill’. A copy of the

Power Point circulated by World Sikh Alliance is appended to this article. No

wonder, the modus operandi used by Raqibul Hussain to entice the unsuspecting

Hindu girl Tara Shahdeo was similar to the strategem used by love-jihadis of the

United Kingdom, exposed by Sikh World Alliance.

The wiki-cable sent by Andrew Simkin in February, 2010, to his bosses in

the USA further warned that it will be hugely embarrassing for Hindu parents to

reveal to friends and relatives that their daughter had been seduced by a Muslim

man. The fact that it happened due to machinations of multiple foreign-funded

organizations targeting innocent Hindu girls will make the parents of seduced girl

often feel ashamed to explain to themselves and others what really happened and

how things went wrong.

The cable mailed by the Chennai-based American Consul General further

added, 'Love Jihad' brouhaha also illustrates the perceived threat that many

Hindus in the region feel from 'forced conversions', and the general encroachment

of 'alien' religious forces into what they see as a Hindu religious space. These

perceptions -- and the related tensions -- will likely continue regardless of the

content of Karnataka's official report on the alleged 'Love Jihad'."

It will not be easy for India’s secular chatterati to ridicule the existence of a

vigorous campaign of 'Love Jihad' launched with help of foreign funds to entice

Hindu and Christian girls. The truth is already out and more truth will come before

the public in the months and years ahead to damn the falsehood preching

politicians wearing Hindu names and surnames. Ultimately they will succeed in

further painting themselves as anti-Hindu and anti-Christian mavericks trying to

charm their Muslim votebank by denial of truth. The allegations are not only

true, but the fact that they have gained so much attention in the popular perception

will ensure that growing hostility between religious groups will extensively tear

apart the fabric of social harmony. It will promote greater tensions in the

badly fractured relations between Hindus, Muslims, and Christians all over India.

It is a national shame that platoons of secularism doped Hindu politicians

like Akhilesh Yadav, Gaurav Bhatia and Manish Tiwari are trying to assist the

Jihadis to take over India through a demographic coup. It is not only Hindu girls

who are being seduced and converted. The Christians of Kerala are also angry over

the demeaning antics of jihadi Romeos.

In an incisive article titled ‘Love Jihad: A Myth or a Mission’, posted on the

website of Uday India an honest Muslim scholar, Syed Wazid Ali, has given some
startling facts based on the statistics of a survey conducted by the Crime Record
Bureau of Kerala Police and Kochi’s University of Advanced Law Studies. The
survey revealed that the number of girls missing from Kerala was 2127 in 2006
and 2560 in 2008. The police is said to have no information in respect of nearly
600 girls out of a total of 4,687 girls trapped in two successive years by love-
jihadis. It is only dumb Hindu leaders and “possibly paid media analysts” who are
trying to rescue the fundamentalist fraudsters!

It is time for Hindu leaders to speak out openly instead of trying to evade

this dangerously deceptive demographic challenge to the Hindu identity of India.


Copyright @ Ram Kumar Ohri

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