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Buy – catch – work – cost – invite – fall – hurt – sell – decide – study – spend – teach - throw –
write – pass – stop

1. Dave fell down the stairs this morning and hurt his leg.
2. We invited them to our party. But they decided not to come.
3. The police stopped me on my way home last night.
4. Laura passed her examination because she studied very hard.
5. Ann spent a lot of money yesterday. She bought a dress which cost £ 100.
6. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
7. “How did you learn to drive?” My father taught me.
8. Jim threw the ball to Sue, who caught it.
9. I work in a hospital now. Before that I worked in a department store.
10. We couldn’t afford to keep our car, so we sold it.


1. She finished the reports yesterday. (R)

2. Did you had time to write the e-mail? (W) – Did you have time to write the e-mail?
3. Was Paul in the library when you went there? (R)
4. I didn’t have enough money to pay those scissors. (R)
5. You knew that the new hospital was in the centre town? (W) – You knew that the new
hospital is in the centre town?
6. We heard a noise in the middle of the night. (R)
7. My parents wasn’t very happy with my exam results. (W) – My parents weren’t very
happy with my exam results.
8. The teacher told the students to sit down. (R)
9. They never didn’t receive the money that they needed (W) – They didn’t receive the
money that they needed.
10. She didn’t ate her breakfast this morning (W) – She didn’t eat her breakfast this
11. Where bought this hammer? (W) – Where did you buy this hammer?
12. What time did you left home? (W) – What time did you leave home?


1. My sister was cooking something delicious when the oven broke.

2. They were smoking during the break.
3. My brother was riding a bike all afternoon.
4. Susan was talking to her teacher when I met her.
5. Mark and Tim were playing basketball when they were in New York.
6. John was working in the hospital all the morning.
7. At 8 pm I was eating a delicious cake.
8. Brad was trying to solve his problems.
9. The students were running around the field.
10. I asked you to help me while you were watching TV.
11. The clients were waiting for a shop assistant.
12. My sister was reading a book.

1. You were driving home at 3 o´clock. – Were you driving home at 3 o´clock?
2. My father was resting all evening. – Was my father resting all evening?
3. Helen Was still watching a movie when I came. – Was Helen still watching a movie
when I came?
4. They were cycling home yesterday when Mary saw them. – Were they cycling home
yesterday when Mary saw them?
5. Tom was finishing his lunch when I was starting mine. – Was Tom finishing his lunch
when I was starting mine?
6. It was snowing all night two days ago. Was it snowing all night two days ago?
7. My friends were still travelling to Warsaw at 5 o´clock. – Were my friends still
travelling to Warsaw at 5 o´clock?
8. I was helping my mother in the kitchen all morning. - Was I helping my mother in the
kitchen all morning?
9. The telephone was ringing when we were dancing. – Was the telephone ringing when
we were dancing?
10. Joe was waiting for sunny weather all summer. – Was Joe waiting for sunny weather all

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