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Logan2 | The go-to guide for the Logan Square Neighborhood in Chicago

June 30, 2022 [Han Lue]

Next time you’re in Logan Square, don’t just have brunch at Lula Cafe, or buy a dozen wood-
fired bagels from Reno: be sure to check out this gem of a neighborhood record store with a
professional studio attached to it–Right Round Records and Production.

Right Round also pays homage to Chicago, an underrated music city, by showcasing different
“homegrown” musicians each month. This month, the shop features a large display dedicated
to Hyde Park High’s own Herbie Hancock who is currently on tour (but as yet has not
announced a homecoming).

Right Round is run by three friends, Mo Daniel, Dre Hinojosa and Jamila Sharma, who share a
passion for the music business and a love for our neighborhood. The trio are no doubt pros in
music, but they make sure no one feels intimidated by their collection or the studio. I mean,
who doesn’t know the Pitbull and Ke$ha song! Mo, Dre and Jamila seem like siblings with all of
the inside jokes… but they seem eager to bring the customers in on the fun. We engaged in an
impromptu karaoke party while I was there, with Right Round’s intern Zander Lewis leading the
store in a rousing rendition of Metallica’s “Enter Sandman.” Customers—and the Right Round
leadership team—gave him a standing ovation.

It’s impossible to walk out of Right Round without a smile on your face—and some new or
vintage records in your tote. At least we didn’t. Where else can you buy the Beastie Boys’
Paul’s Boutique and Olivia Rodrigo’s Sour at the same time!? Not to mention a whole shelf
dedicated to Motown classics for the nostalgic ones. In the store’s basement, there are shelves
of records not yet alphabetized—if you know what to look for, this is your treasure trove!
According to a customer scouring the racks the afternoon of my visit, one patron unearthed a
mint 1966 Meet the Beatles record last month. “Yeah, that’s true.” Dre confirmed. We have
*got* to get around to alphabetizing those!”

(Don’t miss the unalphabetized basement collection!)

In the back of the record store down a narrow hallway, Right Round also has a professional
studio with top tier equipment. The studio works closely with local artists, such as DJ Lazy
Susan and Domestic Shoe; they have also recently collabed with radio station 85.7 Music for
the Independent Mind. Mo and Dre are running an incubator to discover new artists in the Asian
community in the Midwest and beyond, to help launch their music career. “I met [guitar
sensation] Poppy Patel on my SECOND DAY OF WORK.” Zander gushed.

You can keep up with Right Round’s studio work (and latest jokes) on their weekly podcast. “It’s
kind of our irreverent version of Tiny Desk Concert—our guests have to have a thick skin.”
explains Jamila. “We’re hilarious. You should definitely tune in.” “Did you just RHYME Slow
Jam?” Mo jibes, elbowing her playfully. “Yeah. Untapped talents Mo.” Jamila laughs.

Right Round Records and Production is located just south of the Logan Square Park, off West
Fullerton. You can take the Blue Line to Logan Square and it will be a short walk to the store.

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