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PURPOSES the impact of technology

S.Y. 2021-2022 is great on a given
Answer Sheet  Another way to look at
Name: R CHELLIE MAE B. ROA the matter is in relation
to thinking about the
Section: ZEUS internet as a tool for
free advertising.

 Read and understand the lessons in your CONCLUSION Sharon Housley focussed on
module. how politicians use technology
in order to gain the interest of
 Answer only what is asked in this answer
people. They used social media
platforms to campaign,
 Write your answers on the provided answer advertising and others since it's
sheet, not on any other paper. more faster and easier to access
 Write legibly with blue or black ballpen. and spread to the public.
 If you need more space for writing, utilize the
back of this answer sheet.
 Answer honestly.
Let’s Do It! Read carefully the article, “The Future
LESSON 1: ACADEMIC TEXT STRUCTURES Gender Equality”, page 11 of lesson 1. Respond to
the article by writing an essay. Use the Three-part
Let’s Practice! Read the article, "Impact of
structure you have learned in the lesson. Use the
Technology on Politics" written by Sharon Housley in
back of this sheet for your essay.
2012, page 8-9 of lesson 1. Extract the essential
statements of the Introduction, Body and Conclusion. "THE FUTURE GENDER EQUALITY"
Write your answer below.
Having the right people when it comes to business is
STRUCTURE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON crucial to improve its performance. However, given
POLITICS the challenges of gender equality, it is a great
INTRODUCTION The article Impact of responsibility of any selected employer to prioritize
Technology on Politics attempts diversity as a business goal.
to analyze how these two
spheres of modern life, Tracking diversity means employers can correct any
technology and politics, discrepancies. For example, women are more skilled
interrelate and what the than men in banking while men are more skilled in
outcomes are of this the digital industry than women. In order for the
interrelationship. companies to stay on track, employees need to follow
the guiding principles of inclusion, but companies
BODY  Political candidates use need to have systems in place to support in order to
technology in many continue the development for the value of diversity
ways. Different of the company. They must also improve their staff
communication channels
in strengths-based leadership roles and use a
provided by the internet
strengths-based approach in hiring.
have the power to
influence the growth of Only by investing in equity and partnering with clients
different individuals. can gender issues be explored with a problem-solving
 One of the ways in approach. As what Robert Grant said, "Recruiters are
which technology key to the gender solution." That's true, gender
influences politics is the
equality can really begin to materialize, and
financial side.
employers are key to solve it.
 The internet enables
politicians to use
POST-ASSESSMENT lecturer lesson with full of fun in
order to catch the
Let’s Answer! Choose the letter that best answers the attention of the students.
given questions on page 12-13. Write the letter of
your answer.
Let’s Practice! What do you think is the most correct
1. B 6. C answer in the following instances. Underline the
2. C 7. A word/s of your answer.
3. B 8. B
4. C 9. D 1. Instead of the informal 'I have read', use (I think,
5. B 10. A The essay has)
2. The phrase 'turn out to be' is informal. Instead, use:
Directions: Use the given subject and verb in 3. Instead of 'paid for', use (given, funded)
constructing your own sentence. Observe subject- 4. ‘Job' is a little too informal. Instead write (role, gig)
verb agreement in your sentences. You may add “s” 5. Instead of ‘funny’, use (laughable, ironic)
or “es” to the verb. 6. Instead of 'picked out', use(selected, taken)
7. Rather than “stand for” write (be, represent)
SUBJECT VERB SENTENCE 8. The term 'music fans' is informal. Instead, use
United Make (audience, goers)
States The United States makes an
9. As a substitute for 'killing', use (assassination,
agreement to the other
country. political murder)
The Excel The students excel in their 10. Instead of 'given off', use (created, done)
students group performance and POST-ASSESSMENT
they won 1st place.
Let’s Answer! Choose the word that best answers the
English Help English language helps us given questions on page 21-22. Write the letter of
language to understand different your answer.
people in different
countries. 1. C 6. B
2. D 7. D
The books Improve The books improve my 3. A 8. A
reading comprehension. 4. C 9. B
5. B 10. A
The Enhance The journey enhances our
journey abilities and strengthens
our emotional, mental,
spiritual and physical

The Cry The patient cries for help LESSON 3: ACADEMIC READING STRATEGIES
patient due to his condition. What’s your Purpose for Reading?

Mrs. Cruz Appeal Mrs. Cruz appeals an Let’s Practice! Complete these tasks. Match your
annulment to her husband. Purpose in Reading with your Activity. Suppose your
Filipino Provide Filipino people provide purpose is in the 1st Column. Fill in the activity
people kindness and hospitality to that you will do to achieve your purpose. The first
their visitors and guests. one is done for you.

A child Love A child loves to play PURPOSE ACTIVITY

outside no matter how long Get an overview of the I will look at headings,
it takes. text subheadings,
introduction, abstract,
The Explain The lecturer explains the etc.
Search for a specific fact I will apply scanning to
skimming in order to get
the important facts and
details. Choose the best strategy to use in the following
Check what theory the I will first analyze and conditions on page 30-31. Write the letter of your
author is using understand the theory answer.
by using headings and
transition words, making 1. B 6. B
annotation, creating 2. B 7. B
vocabulary list for the 3. C 8. C
unfamiliar words, etc. 4. D 9. D
Understand a concept I will split the text into 5. A 10. B
segments and create
vocabulary lists for the
unfamiliar words.
Analyze the steps in an I will reread the difficult
argument parts in an argrument
until I understand the Let’s Practice! Identify which of the following supports
steps. the principle of summarizing. Write the letter of your
Compare ideas with I will summarize first the choice.
what the author says ideas of the text and talk
to someone in order to 1. We use summarizing to:
check my understanding
A. Retell a story
and comprehension.
B. Reduce information to essential ideas
C. Get through an article more quickly
Let’s Do It! Read the excerpt of an article critique D. Understand easily
on page 29-30 of Lesson 3. Answer the questions
2. When summarizing, we want to _____ unimportant
that follow. Use the reading strategies you have
learned from the previous discussion.
A. Summarize
1. Is there a statement of the Problem? If so,
B. Highlight
write it.
- Yes/ English language learners (ELL) students’ low C. Disregard
science achievement in the context of national D. Include
standards and accountability in the 2006-2007 3. The main idea is __________.
school year.
A. All the information provided
2. What is the background information of the B. The most important information
problem? State it. C. Nothing to worry about
- Several studies have examined the influence of D. Unimportant information
professional development interventions on
students’ science achievement. 4. Basic Signal words are Who, What, When, Where,
3. Is the educational significance of the problem Why, How
discussed? What is it? A. True
- Yes, it is the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 in B. False
which all students expect to achieve proficient
levels of knowledge in core subject areas and 5. The _________ gives the reader an idea about what
focused on science achievement, literacy, and the paragraph is going to be about.
math skills.
4. What is your impression about the article? A. Concluding sentence
- I'm happy and thankful because there are people B. Summary
who cares for students by finding ways to not let C. Topic sentence
them behind and believes that children are the D. Body
hope for a brighter future.
WRITING ACTIVITY Let’s Practice! Write true if the statement supports
the principle of thesis statement; write false if
Try to recall one of the novels or short stories you
have read. Choose one selection out of the several
you tackled throughout your school life. On a False 1. Thesis Statement is the first sentence at the
separate sheet of paper, try to rewrite the story beginning of each paragraph.
using your own words (use the rubric in the module). True 2. It makes a claim that other people may
Then, answer the following below: dispute, challenge, or oppose.
False 3. It is a question in response to the writing
"Romeo & Juliet"
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare tells True 4. It is a road map for a paper; it tells the reader
about a tragic love story between two lovers. The magic of what the paper will focus on.
love started in the ball, they met and fell in love instantly False 5. It is a simple statement of fact.
and hid it due to the long enmity of their families. There
False 6. The first thing you should do after receiving
are many challenges and struggles until Juliet came up with
your writing prompt is write your thesis statement.
an idea. Juliet took the medicine and everyone thinks Juliet
is dead. Then, Romeo saw Juliet unconscious so he drank
False 7. A good thesis statement is a broad
the poison that he had brought with him and lost his life generalization about your topic.
and suddenly, Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo next to her. True 8. "Blue printed" thesis statement is a
After she found out that Romeo was dead, she stabbed statement that includes the main areas of support in
herself because she couldn't live without Romeo out of the order you will introduce them in your essay and
love for him. After that incident, the family dispute ended thus acts as a blue print for the essay.
and both families lived in peace. True 9. The Yankee Doodle Restaurant is a great
Did you find the retelling of the story difficult? Why or place to eat, because the staff is friendly, the food is
why not? delicious, and the atmosphere is relaxing is an
example of blue printed thesis statement.
- No, because Romeo and Juliet is one of the famous True 10. A thesis statement should reflect the main
story in which many students including me, play idea of an essay.
different roles when we perform that story back in
junior high school.
What strategies did you employ in order to retell the POST-ASSESSMENT
story? Did you find these strategies helpful? Why or Read the following statements very carefully on page
why not? 53-54. Select only one more effective thesis in the
- I used the SAAC technique in order to retell the introductory paragraph of a short essay. Keep in mind
story. Yes, I find this strategy helpful because there that an effective thesis statement should be sharply
has a process or steps on how to summarize the story focused and specific, not just a general statement of
without skipping any important details and they can fact. Write the letter of your answer.
also recognize the author since the name of the 1. B 6. A
author is included in the summary. 2. B 7. A
4. A 9. A
Write the letter of your answer. 5. B 10. B
1. D 6. C
2. B 7. A
3. B 8. D
4. A 9. C
5. D 10. C



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