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Nombre: Fernanda Guadalupe Juárez Ramírez

Matrícula: 21001680

Nombre del Módulo: INGLES IV

Nombre de la Assignment 4 Gay Families

Evidencia de
Fecha de elaboración: 19 junio 2022

Reported speech conversational

Direct Speech # Reported Speech

Who does she think she is? (18) Mrs. Valle asked who she thought she was

Mrs. Madrid said definitely that the girl could not

"she cannot definitely stay here" (47)
stay there.

“We needed this  Mrs. Madrid said that needed thisextraordinary

extraordinarymeeting” meetin

Mrs. Madrid said that could open thedoors to hell

“this can open the door tohell”
“this can open the door tohell”
(4) Mrs. Madrid said that could open thedoors to hel

“we haveto do something to repairthis

situation" Mrs. Madrid said they had to dosomething
(5) torepair the situation
“we haveto do something to repairthis

“I still don’t understand the Mr. Lopez said he did not understandtheurgent
reasonforthis urgent meeting" reason for the meeting

“As you know Ihave two daughtersin Mrs. Madrid said she had twodaughters at
this school” school

“I want her to explain to us,rightnow Mrs. Valle said she wanted anexplanationabout
about her marriage” her marriage.

“Is this the mediaeval era?” (17) Mrs. Valle said this is the medieval era.

Mrs. Valle said how could that lady talk to her

How can this lady talk to me thisway? (19)
like that
“She is nobody toquestion
Mrs. Valle said she was nobody to question her
mypreferences” (20)
"I am married to a woman”

“ I am married to a woman” (22) Mrs. Valle said he was married to woman

“Yes, I am a lesbian mother” (24) Mrs. Valle said that if she was a lesbian mom

“my daughter, my wife and I forma Mrs. Valle said that her daughter, his wife and she
gay family” formed a gay family

Mrs. Valle said she didn't know what the problem

“I just can’t see what the problem is" (27)

Mr. Lopez said to himself, I'm in trouble with these

“I am in trouble with these ladies” (28)

“I do not want to lose my job” (29) Mr. Lopez said I don't want to lose my job

Mrs. Gonzalez said Lucy was her daughter's best

“Lucy is my daughter’s best friend” (34)

“Lucy is growing up on values Mrs. Valle said Lucy was growing with values and
andprinciples” principles

“I request respect for me and my Mrs. Valle said she asked for respect for her and
family her family

“I demand that you respect Mrs. Valle demands that her daughter be
mydaughter respected

“Lucy is a perfect‘ normal’ girl” (51) Mrs. Valley said Lucy was a normal girl

“She is not a lesbian” (55) Mrs. Valle said she wasn't a lesbian

“She was raised in a safe andloving Mrs. Valle said she had been raised in a safe and
ambience” loving environment

“my marital status or

Mrs. Valle told Mrs. Madrid that her marital status
sexualitypreference is not of your (64)
or sexual preference was none of her business

Copy and paste the following table

# Direct Speech Reported Speech

Mr. Lopez said "I need discretion Mr. Lopez said that he needed discretion for
Ex. for this situation" that situation.

Mr. Lopez said "The rules of Mr. Lopez said that the rules of the school
1 school are..." were ...

 Mrs. Valle said that who was believed to

Mrs. Valle said "“Who does she
2 speak to her like that Mrs. Valle said that
think sheis?”
who was believed to speak to herlike that

Mrs. Madrid “I want her to explain  Mrs. Madrid asks Mrs. Valle for
3 to us, riht now about her marriage explanations about her marriage.

Mrs. Valle “She is nobody  Mrs. Valle tells Mrs. Madrid that she is
4 toquestion my preferences” nobody to question her preferences

 Mr . Lopez “I need to think quickly

 Mr. Lopez said I need to think quickly of a
5 of a convenient solution for
convenient solution for everyone

 Ms. Lopez “Why not starting in  Mr. Lopez said why gay families do not start
Mexico?” in Mexico

 Mrs. Gonzalez “Mrs. Valle and

 Mrs. Gonzalez said Mrs. Valle and his wife
7 her wife aredoing a great job with
are doing a great job with Lucy

 Mrs Gonzalez “Lucy and her two

 Mrs. Gonzalez said she had no problem
8 moms respect all people”...“I have
with Lucy
no problem with Lucy

 Mrs. Valle “I request respect for  Mrs. Valle said that she and her daughter
me and my family” be respected

 Ms. Lopez “She is one of the Mr. Lopez said Lucy was one of the smartest
10 girls in school
most intelligent girls inschool

Nowadays the homosexuality is more normal that some year ago, and every day more
homosexual people show on your feelings in public. I think every person in this world have
the right to make a decision about your sexual preference, Ionly consider that this situation
are maybe can difficult for the children, because when they grow up and they have to go to
the school perhaps there are many children what they could make bowling, since
nowadays until existing many
traditional families.

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