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science or is simply an ideology masquer- Mental health experts have used dif-
ading as science in the gender war over ferent terms to describe parental alien-
the children has so often been repeated ation. In their book, Children Held Hostage,
that people assume it to be true. No more. published by the ABA Section of Family
A review of recent legal opinions from the Law, Stanley Clawar, a sociologist, and
family courts around the country, together Brynne Rivlin, a social worker, used the
with the professional, scientific literature, terms “programming,” “brainwashing,”
debunks this myth. Family court judges and “indoctrination” when describing
have held not only that “there is no doubt the behaviors that cause the children to
F A M I L Y L A W that parental alienation exists” but also reject a parent without a legitimate jus-

that it is “not a new phenomenon” and that tification. There are two key features of
“[a]nybody old enough to drink coffee the phenomenon of parental alienation.

Alienation Is
knows that embittered parties to divorce First, it can be conceptualized as a men-
can and do manipulate their children.” J.F. tal condition present in the child, i.e., the

Real: Exposing
v. D.F., 61 Misc. 3d 1226(A), 2018 N.Y. slip child has a distorted or false belief that
op. 51829(U), at *8 (2018). the rejected or disfavored parent is “evil,”

the Myth of
Hacking away at the cobwebs of need- “dangerous,” or somehow unworthy of love
less psychobabble, family courts have or affection. Second, the child’s rejection

the Woozle
determined that “whether or not a psy- of the alienated or target parent is without
chological ‘syndrome’ exists, parental legitimate justification. And this is the key
alienation clearly does.” Judges—the tri- distinction: If there is documented history
ASHISH JOSHI ers of fact in domestic relations litigation— of the rejected parent being abusive or se-
The author is a senior editor of Litigation and a
have found that it is far more important verely neglectful, the child’s rejection of
contributing author to the book Litigating Paren-
and effective to focus on a parent’s behav- that parent could be legitimate, and if so, it
tal Alienation: Evaluating and Presenting an
ior rather than to go down the rabbit hole would not be a case of parental alienation.
Effective Case in Court (ABA 2021).
chasing esoteric theories of a syndrome As to how parental alienation takes
that may or may not exist. The devil is in place, the research conducted by Dr. Amy
American family courts have exposed the details and “there is no reasonable dis- Baker and her colleagues describing the 17
the myth of the much-dreaded Woozles— pute that high-conflict custody disputes alienating strategies is widely used and ac-
the honey-stealing villains living in cold, frequently involve acts by one parent de- cepted by the courts and the mental health
snowy places that Winnie-the-Pooh has signed to obstruct or sabotage the oppos- community. They include bad-mouthing,
long warned us about. The myth that ing parent’s relationship with the child.” limiting contact, confiding in the child,
the phenomenon of parental alienation Martin v. Martin, No. 349261, slip op. at 7 asking the child to spy on the target par-
doesn’t exist or has no underpinning in n.2 (Mich. Ct. App. Jan. 28, 2020). ent, referring to the target parent by first

Headnote illustration by Sean Kane

Published in Litigation, Volume 47, Number 3, Spring 2021. © 2021 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be 1
copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.
name, withholding important information App. 2d 1063, at *2 (2018). alienation has been described, discussed,
from the target parent, and undermining It should not come as a surprise that and debated in the legal and scientific
the authority of the target parent. Take courts have agreed that parental alien- literature by numerous writers all over
for instance the behavior of a father who ation “is a form of emotional abuse that the world. It is addressed in thousands
was found to have engaged in severe pa- should not be tolerated.” McClain, 539 of court rulings in Canada, the United
rental alienation. His modus operandi S.W.3d at 200. And to remedy such abuse, Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico, Israel, France,
included sending text messages to his they have realized that it is necessary to Spain, India, Australia, New Zealand, and
son telling him that he had “a right to be jettison the “conservative” approach of Hong Kong, and in the European Court
ugly to [his mother],” that the mother was taking baby steps and ordering traditional of Human Rights and other jurisdictions
“mentally ill” and “can’t help the way [she psychotherapy while keeping the abused around the world. This is not surprising,
was] born and created by God,” that he child in the custody of the alienator. To given that it is an expression of human
had to visit his mother “because the law do so will only result in a litigious “merry- behavior, albeit pathological, that oc-
forces you to go,” and that he “will never go-round” that has neither worked in the curs worldwide with similar patterns. A
like her. Nobody likes her. It is impossi- past, nor will “work in the future.” Courts parent who violates the boundaries by
ble.” McClain v. McClain, 539 S.W.3d 170, have increasingly taken seemingly drastic treating the child as a weapon in a di-
194–95 (Tenn. Ct. App. 2017). Subjected but ultimately necessary steps of chang- vorce or custody litigation undoubtedly
to such indoctrination, children may turn ing custody, ordering psycho-educational causes his or her child serious emotional
on the targeted parents, vilify them, reject counseling for the alienating parent, or- harm. In lamenting such sad behavior in
them, and show no ambivalence or guilt dering a specialized reunification program a case involving toxic family dysfunction,
in treating them in a most cruel fashion. for the targeted parent and the child, to- England’s Lord Justice Wall aptly quoted
The trauma is suffered not just by the re- gether with financial sanctions, realloca- the first four lines of Philip Larkin’s poem
jected parent; the brainwashed children tion of attorney fees and litigation costs, “This Be the Verse”:
too are robbed of “a normal childhood, and, in severe cases, incarceration for re- They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
normal sibling relationships, and a normal peated violation of court orders. They may not mean to, but they do.
relationship with [the targeted parent].” This unfortunate phenomenon is by They fill you with the faults they had
Matter of Marriage of Reichert, 2 Wash. no means unique to America. Parental And add some extra, just for you. q

Published in Litigation, Volume 47, Number 3, Spring 2021. © 2021 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be 2
copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.

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