Unit 2

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CCITT 1 Actpt or dnne anit 2. tape eaters and ie rr A Tk soo manal one Going Out PREVIEW ° My Tunes Store MyTunes store Boomerang ice a GENRES Rock Pe Hip-Hop eee ced DOWNLOADS Albuns Singles / Songs Musee Video FEATURES, Shar MPs QUICK LINKS Movie Soundtracks Folk Show Tunes A Do you download a lot of music from the internet? € PAIR WORK Which genres of music do you like? Why or why not? ‘Are there genres that you hate? Tell your partner. EB» ys vocasutary Then listen and t Se fram the ings of whole albums? Look at the web page D- DISCUSSION internet, Explain your sn! 14 uN? E19 PHOTO STORY Read and listen to a conversation Meg: Hey. What's up? Mog: Klepto’s playing at midnight Meg; Perfect! Moot you tn tront of Sara: Not much lust downloading ‘atthe Spot. Would oulte to go? the cat 7457 Some new songs Sara: At rtnght? Sorry. That's Sara: See you thece! Meg: Downloading? That's not for past ny bedtime. me! Too much trodbie! How about Meg: Wel, River T's there, too somo ve musc tonight? They're playing at 8:06 Sara: Sounds good. where? Sara: River T—the R & B group? ow that’s mare my syle. 'm a REE FOCUS ON LANGUAGE Find and write an underlines word of expression from the Photo Story with the same meaning: 1 The 4 What ate you doing? 2 Creat! 5 1 like tha ter. 3 music in aconcet pits 6 Idon’t tke that G THINK AND EXPLAIN. C se an answer. Use a quotation to explain your answer, 1 What’s Sara doing? 3 Which woman doesn’t Bke to go to sleep late? peach + Sept anenioting "4 Sara from the Internet b Mea buying tickets for a concert on the Internet 4 When are they going to meet? 2 What does Meg want to do? at midnight 2 Ri atthe club before the show a download musk. from the int b net SPEAKING CLASS SURVEY What kinds of music do you like? Number the genres in order, making wumber | your favorite. Then survey the class. Which are the most popular genes in your class? lassical musi wane [ALE salsa fotk music Ree show tunes hip-hop {L.. rock # pop other movie soundtracks an electne guitar FIDE (2000 Accept or dectine an invitation CONVERSATION MODEL A» 120 Read and listen to an invitat 10.2 mow A: Ate you free on Saturday? The Pilots is at the Mowle Center. would you like to go? Bs The Plots? I'd lave tc A: Ate What time? B: Great! See you there To decline B: Sorry. I'd love but ’m busy on Saturday A: Too bad, Maybe some other time P12 RHYTHIE AND INTONATION Listen again ar repeat Then practice the ¢ fersation Made! with a partner. GRAMMAR Prepositions of time and place: Questions with Review Contractions Be careful Dent contract are with Whee, Whatsime or Woece Prepositions ot place GRANWAR PRACTICE Complete the mess ee Hi, Bonnie: Are you busy Tuesday evening? a There's a salsa concent your neighborhood, fight near your office al. the Melion Theater. Sounds lke something realy specis with dancers from allover the world. It starts 330.111 be fork until 6:00, but! could meet you infroat ofthe theater. hhave something toeat befor youthink? LC 1e with prepositions of time and place. fe cous e the concen. What do 16 UN? VOCABULARY Entertainment and cultural events A »122 Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat BEEKMAN GALLERY “ART OF THE SIXTIES" ‘ose aLcerEN "Team seam a movie /afiim a play 8 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about the events in the pictures above. Use When, Where, and What tme.. © )-120 LISTEN FOR DETAILS Listen to the conversations. Match the event and the place. a atthe Cinema Center 1 Agamemnon 2 the Boston Symphony Orchestra b at the City Nights Bookstore ue 3 BUS Stop «© atthe Theater in the Circle 14 Nick Homby atthe Festival 1D» 128 LISTEN TO DRAW CONCLUSIONS Listen to the conversations again. Complete the chat [OCTET] accept or dectine an invitation A CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conversation Model. Use these events or other events. This Week's Entertainment @ decide to acceptor dectine: Then change oles. AD meyou free Faron 8 non aasen Would you like to go? Cre Lax, Sauna : B85 oy Bens «Ti love tog, ONT STOP! The Seu 40 The Supecrarker Fr Magy John Grishom, writer Romeo ond Juliet The Bridge Theater Every ght 730m 8 CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the Conversation again. Use different events uta 17 tr [EIT xpress tocations and give directions i CONVERSATION MODEL A 125 Re yet ditections. ask for and 1d listen to sor A: Excuse me. 'm looking for the National Bank. The National Bank? Do you know the 5 A: Yes. I's 205 Holly Avenue B: Oh, Walk to the comer of First and Holly. it's right around the comer, across from the museum A: Thank you Or if you don't know B: The National Bank? I'm sorry. I'm not from around here A; Thanks, anyway 8 126 RHYTHW AND INTONATION Listen again and re Then practice the Conversation Mode! with TEVOCABULARY Locations and directo A» 137 Read and listen, Then listen again and repeat Locations Where Is (the)? 20% a > we : | came > aij * we ried] "i sar Aer som the right ’sacross from \'sdown the street_'saround the corner I's between Main (siet shade ot te eet ‘hepark ‘rom the ms from thetheatr and Netcer (en Directions How do I get to (the) __? aes es Yan Sron nh sical 2 @ Ww Miroe Aver Turn eft atthe corner at Go / Walk! Dre two blocks Go Wak Drive to the corner of thon on king Stee and turn right Sirah Strect)amd Bond (avenue 18 wT? 8 128 LISTEN FOR LOCATIONS Listen to the conversations about places. OCEAN CITY \Write the number of each place in a box on the map. (Be caretu: There ate three places but seven be 8) CPRIR WORK Use the Vocabulary from page 18 to tell your partner where you live. 2 ny he Dade etiveen ‘ae PRONUNCIATION Rising intonation to confirm information A © 129 Repeat information with rising intonation to be sure y understand. Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat 1 A here's the Hoary? 2 & Let's meet athe mal 8 The 8 The > @ PAIR WORK Talk about two other places. Practice confirming information with rising intonation, CELTLIET express ocations and give directions BEA CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR Use the Vocabulary and the Piermont map (or a map of your ‘own town or neighborhood) to change the Conversation Model. Then change roles @ Ak: Beuse me. t'mlooking for “is... (oe B: "2 Do you know the address? DONTSTOP! 8 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask about other locations and give directions, unr? 19 BEFORE YOU LISTEN PREVIEW Look at the tickets below, Name two kinds of events you can go to at the Kingston Culturefest. LISTENING COMPREHENSION A 190 LISTEN FOR DETAILS Listen to people calling the Kingston Cuhurefest. Look at the tickets Then listen again and complete the information in the boxes, 2 1 ; a a Pp = ee Ts " ( Pate: Noy i rm Cassie Film Series ect: itl iy Mine 0Cenesy Date: stay Time: me Price: tree nf Location: Lamon Meier eah Since Wee yen Heyl Lath Mat achesComct Prive: S is Bvemt: Nice os Mew You amt rhe 80 steer / lime ee a Tae eee 7 a (acer Kinga Cone a (eno: King Oy » rest et | arc ea sent ret wa Se fon s 7am ee | _ (eae Tay tele Tis. en pata on ieee — | [=e Rvemts Pesssor His Haile amd ant - WESTWAY sear : Tit 2 151 LISTEN FOR LOCATIONS Look at the map of the entertainment district of Kingston, Listen write the number of each place in its location an the map. (Be careful: There are five places but ten boxes.) i freer aut "CENTRAL AVENUE + rir e a3 5 Fw 20 WNT? CECI) make pians to see an event A NOTEPADDING Read about ail the events for the week of May 6-12 below and on the tickets on page 20. Choose events you want to see. Write those events, times, and places on the notepad, — ekNGsTON GR BES concerts - ‘TALKS! LECTURES Joshua Bell Vi Bruno Mar Kingston Gallary 2 B PAIR WORK Compare the events you want to see, Make plans to see one ‘oF mote of the events together, Use the map on page 20. una 2 Hi [ETT rate about musica tastes BEFORE YOU READ WARM-UP _In what ways is music impon READING » 192 Korea lesteoni. and ip Fan hoved, when Fi celasing ll de tim. 1 poe streaming services. I's sant phone and hi Wma bap asic fan, Ms fase a. when mp. = iy donc C299. anit dest s ve hve msi af Bp con car can meet hts AMP sme ott oan Vay Rok otha ea Sa ab 36 there and Rave a oo fun —") GEE sf, Folera, Beal 1 uaustal Fora sixteen-searold guy. Unlike most of my wslian music —sumba and buss goss. especialy fom artists saxophge ta th ¢ Washinstom Junior and Kenny G. can’ Vimiasine my he nus. | isten to music every eas on my phone oF oH # so sen mes at ool and, an P92 eal fan oF Me mpwes Fm very 1 Hiten a ll ewe ali fatio, Online ad is Imps you don’t Hike! I muy music enime to esi aro by the how att | sem here YoU CaN’ E see te Msicians. I peter sh 2 wie A. CONFIRM CONTENT Read the following statements. Circe T (true), F (false), or NI for each, based on information in the Reading. Explain your answer. T) FINI 1 Wayne Seok isa fan of live music > NI_2 Hedoosn't ike folk music F NI 3 Matheus Rocha usually listens to music on CDs. Ni 4 His friends all ike samba and bossa nova, NI 5 Katherine Baldwin doesn’t like big concerts, NI 6 She likes music videos. 8 MAKE PERSONAL COMPARISONS Who are you like: Mr. Seok, Mr. Rocha, or Ms. Baldwin? Explain how. | Sibel prec shed musi nhile de ether tings 7 FTCTTIRT tate about musical tastes [A FRAME YOUR IDEAS Fill out the survey about your musical tastes. MUSIC IN YOU Pero 1. Aeyouamusictar? @ we gm 5. Doyo gotoconcers? omen qsorstimes —_grever ca ees Yom forrhe dl ose liso, what's yout fava end of concert? tekpop—jolasscal—_ moe soundtracks eo a eee. a < emer ae Ener ome te v Myc Jon the radio yon music videos: 2 Who oyu tote gee Jon WP2¢ Jon IW music channals groups? Vy eu Meso 0 am cama ‘aes 7 How mary songs in you itary? > © A spambots emteoeiens Bie oer nate once Canna tourer Baciave: Senses Sentens - B PAIR WORK Compare surveys with a partner. Summarize your answers on the notepad. aout oe Azout my paren ma hip-hop Fan, Her favorite music x hip-hop, too. DISCUSSION. Now use the notepad to tell the class about your musical tastes, 44 My panner and owe music (efor hip-top fans! fi) A 1a Listen to the conversations al entertsinment and cultural events. Complete the chart with the kind of event and the time of the event B13 Look atthe chart and listen again, Circle the event if the person accepis the invitation. © Complete each conversation, based on the picture, There's 3 great a2 A: I'm sorry 'm late. This atthe City Theater Coan. isawesome, What wal 1.3 the show? Ptime did't stan? Eight o'clock B: Js, 6:30. Don’t worry ‘You didn’ miss much. Hello? 4 Ac Are you free ..20.. Monday Hi. Ate you busy? I'm at the exehing? Dr Benson Is giving Beekman Gallery, There's an 4 Sue om the native ASANTE cs OF plants of the desert paintings fram France, ‘want to go? As Sounds great! Meet you B: That depends. Vi" there fifteen AWS win 7200, minutes? 10 Unscramble the sentences, Then match the sentences with the pictures. Write the number on the picture. 1 on / Martine Avenue / The bookstore /s the comer ol ! and Bank Street t 1 + Las, Baabilatsnais.on. Abs .chanes...05, Hedin uense, 28:00 PM. / Saturday, es exhibits on / August 3 at Decal ke. 3 around / the street / The movie theater (ts / the comer / and dens ahe,_masie, «. Buwed The canes. 2aA.Agwn. the. thes “7, WRITING white at asi five sentences about yoursell and your tastes in musk My name i Farw $a y Tim From Nagoya. I'm a 24 nT? ORAL REVIEW CONTEST Form minute, Then cl eal the ks. With your nls you can remem gets one point for each correct PAIR WORK 2 Discuss the ads. Make plans, sug fe pe ae Do You I lave, Any cea Ht dahl a er Liquid? Law 2 es ae eT PLAYS Wicked 40 North asa Siar, Ths China Philharmonic Orchestra inca SMM Opera Howse Chorus uwT2 25,

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