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COTE ts How many calories can you burn in one hour? play basketball 6 i go running (jeveeusnenemeninees ge owinming Gi pases play soccer e go bike riding GB wo do aerobics we play gol! i sx gedancing ff. oy go walking (jf me, take a chower {if ” iit woights fg cook dinner dleanthe hour ff go shopping sudy English fl unnng on a tlkontho phone ene vatchTV slop fa cauones: | ¢ 100 300 a sat Zin ‘ae A e328 vocaBuLaRy +, tes_Look atthe graph, Then lsten and repeat 2 class suRvEY bburn every day wwe ing to the graph, approximately how many calories do you ind out who in your class burns more than 1,500 calories 3 day © #325 PHOTO STORY Read and hsten to people alk about playing tennis, Lynn: Joy What are you upto? yn: Notas much as'd Wheto, tyro: Ken? No way, He's a total couch Joy: Lynn How ate you? 'm playing oy: Well sy dom te meet atthe potato, He jst watches TV a ats errs, actualy In the pat. patho Sai? nk ood. He's 50 out of shape. lynn: You play tenn? ie" knosw yn: This corang Saturday Sorry, ‘ba. My husbands "hat “an't [have to work What about spout tens Joy: o_About three mesa week Sunday? {yn ston. rm en my way nome you play? Joy, Pete. Hey, how about your i now. Let's talk fomorrow. OK? husband? Can te come, 120? Joy: Terme FOCUS ON LANGUAGE. Look at the undetline exptessions in the Photo Story. Use the ontext to help you choose the cartert meaning of the felling sentences 1 hat are you up to? 4 Himcrazy about tennis 3 Wht are you doing? 2 {hate tennis 1b Where are you qoing? Bi love tennis 2 Why don't we play tennis semetin 5 'mon my way to the park 2 Can you explain why we don’t play tennis? ‘)t'm going to tre park ight now D))Wovld you hike to play tennis sometima? Bm going to go to the park ths alternoan 3M 2” My husband doesn’t exercise husbands really out of shape. b My hustond exercises a SPEAKING A PERSONALIZE Look atthe activities on age 62. List the activities you de erie eee. PAIR WORK Compare activities with a partner: wire 62 Hl FELD pian an activity with someone GRAMMAR Can and have to Use can + the base form of a verb for possibility fe can stay out late tonight. There are no caste Irs te busy this atternoan | can® play gal. Mona can meet ub ttre park Out her sand cant Questions ‘Can you go running tomorow tomorrow morning 30079 ean. /No, Lean) have c have: hage Use have to oF has to - the base form of & verb for obligation aise 1 27 sant ave to ork 28 have to work ate trig VT donthave ro Work ats tonght She RS. mest her cousin atthe airport 63:00, Questions Do they have to work marrow? (Yas, tay 00. / No, thay don't} Does Me have to 20 f9 cass now? (Ves, ne does. / No, ne doesnt) [A FIND THE GRAMMAR Look atthe Photo Story on page 63 again. Find one statement using can’t to decline {an invitation. Find one example of have toto provide a reason. Find one question using can for possibilty 1B GRAWMAR PRACTICE Read the sentences carefully. Then complete each sentence with can oF 8 form of have to 1 Fd te wo go ot tnigh, but we have ates tomorrow. 2 Audrey CRO. ‘s stor hunch today, she hele.. her boss white a report. 3 Good news! | dain AMR LR late tonight. We ...6.2....£)0...F¥hiits,.. together at 6:00. adetnge atthe malftody. She AB. io tothe doco sa. « to Toronto next week, so he Cai). @\@ 0+ golf with us 4 My sister 6 5 Henry «sn 6 Sorry, 30... toaerobies class tonight... haise....'9..msgh with my boss co © GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write three questions using can and three questions using 3 form of have Then practice asking and answering the questions with a partner ‘2 PRONUNCIATION Can can't A» 226 Read and listen tothe pronunciation and stress of can and can't Then listen again and repeat oo EAM you today 08 IAN you tomorrow B haar List to the statements grid check can or cantt. Ther listen again and repeat each statement idan Geant 30an Can't sQan Caant 2Uan Cant 40.can Oan't 6Uan Geant 64 UNE CONVERSATION MODEL tem to two people plan an Hey, Cary. Why don’t we go tunning sometime? ‘Great tdea, When's good for you? Friday morning at 9.00? Sorry, can't, | have to work on Friday. how about Sunday alterneon at 2:007 a 8 A ce A 8 That's goad for me, See you then repeat Then 2 part INO METONATION. Listen again and ractice the Conversstion Model with [OCTET pian an activity wth someone TEA noreeso0ive Write your schedule forthis weekend 8 CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR Now personalize the inthe daly planner, (se page 62 Fores ) Conversation Moc with a partner, using your © ats planners. suggest an actwity day, and a aah | tr, time. Then change 1 Hey, Te why don't we ds..$° Sometime? Brnvee When tae Bs Sorry can't. Ihave to $e Sede? Daly Pranner C CHANGE PARTNERS. Practice the conversation again. Plan other activities. Use your daily planner track ‘tennis court park partner what you do at these places, GRAMMAR The present continuous and the simple present tense: Review The present continuous Tu He's meeting is tena maya ploy time ave you playing! Hon atten 20 you ‘Don tuse the present corsnzous with frequency adverb, Devtha) teeeemerperepe' ‘Don use the presert cont mous with A VOCABULARY / GRAMMAR PRACTICE Tella partner how tre exeretse atthe plo ently you play sports or 5 from the Vocabulary une 2 GRAM sent PRACTICE Complete thy Use the simple 1 Bran n't answer the phone right now 5 tennis this weekend. (C82 USTEN TO ACTIVATE GRAMMAR. Listen to the conversations. Circle the frequency adverb 1 She (otter hy plays gol 4 He (always often fre 2 Hosoi es “always) goes tothe gym § She Galway four times a in weekend 3 She (olten “sometp plays tennis in the park CONVERSATION MODEL. A Hey, Nancy. Where are you of to? Be HT 1'm ging to the gym A: Really? Don't you usualy go thereon weckends? B: Yes, But noth ween A: How come? B Because this weekend going tothe be Bp 38 RRvTHE AND MONATION Lien agin Model again. Undetine one ithe snp CECI tai about habituat activities and plans TR A CONVERSATION ACTIVATOR With a partner, change the Conve lace trom the Vocabulary. Then change roles. A: He Whete are you off to? BE Hi, an’ .1'm going to the <3 A: Really? Don't you ususlly qo there 8%). ? B: Yes. But not this ‘A: How com , B: Because th vm £2, 1B CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the conversation again. Use a cif 6 How often ONT STOP! rent place and plan he ng tonight goes swimming wre a Discus fitness and eating habits BEFORE YOU LISTEN WARM-UP In your opinion, is itimpo have todo to stay in shape? 1 for paople to stay in shagse? Why? What do people LISTENING COMPREHENSION A» 29 LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS. Listen to people talk about thei fitness and eating habits, Check the box rest to the name if the person exercises requlaty > 6 LISTEN FOR DETAILS. Now listen agin and check each person's habits <2 =< = 1 goes to aqym 2 takes exorcise classes 3 exercises outside 4 avoids grains 5 avoids desserts 6 avoids faty foods 7 cats smaller portions 8 cats alot of sealood 9 cats domly © iscussion 1 In your opinion, whieh af the three peaple have good litness and eating hatats? Explan 2 Whose habits ae like your own? Explain [TE PRONUNCIATION Thiro-person singular -= Review ‘A © 137 Read and listen tothe thre third-person sleeps goes matches singular endings. Then listen again and repeat. eats plays exareises works avoids munches 2 PAIR WORK Take turns making statements about the three propl's habits Use the intarmation i the chart in Listening Comprehension Exercise B, third p s0n singular endings ewe. COIL piscas ness and eating habits A FRAME YOUR IDEAS. Take the health survey O12 lexersze ey, Oa thay ever wath 1 HAE lfacyer cxrtce. OAD Isomekns wach Scere — 00+ tetra score octane, | tame fckere | teow paces fe FB lsomedmes est a paktont ‘He (estat oun fod Ua Ihara ever eat : weet Bb (somes ext ects Te leat too many eweet, as @ PAIR WORK Compare your survey answers and scores © GROUP WORK Waikaoundtheclasroom and askquesion, _OATSTHP as aero Lda oer orirecian ha ns armen sees ee ever sleeps mare than four hours, | DISCUSSION Now discuss fitness and eating habits. rom ayn gm Tell our classmates about the pcople on your chat Sie Sent NTs 69 FETT vescrine your routines BEFORE YOU READ PREVIEW Look only at rat do you think the d captions. Wat d lr to pac READING rus When You Think You Cant. Mark Zupan MEW be mas cichtewt years okt, eed eat nach Mark Zag 4 asin ag isle forever, A fst ee cokd ary tno hicarne st oe moras, Hoseser, lor bt Ii hieeltair ane esd even sal fora sont tie at take at aw stops. pun Zp iret terme ual rah chai be team uit asa it de Paral " we ete” he ays “ta ae the Hide, agen Urge. ves lk atl oe arin rvs aed TY Jigen abe spt une with in ort hat Tacit iis igs at the en Zupanb 2 quad rugby champion Bethany Hamilton Ace age of arte, sone Bethany Ha tram, Si marl ws be achat n We 9p Dat eft here ara when be was attri fy asa, A Viet pede mal empties ler he iste, Hara protien eve Lay at ae Ura, Sie fa jeer a, Da sti ath Hawi tie agers oct TY. Ste ams 0 te ante dae rere ete ite ey gre is rs “Pepe vat de whatever try wat i dey Harton was attacked by 2 ger shatk eect aca ou Ua net aela) Beats hs ayy apart 7 wuts Aten WroRMatON Complete he pura shout Mik 2upa. he a, 2upan bas, pend oo tie a wher bathe 9 and take afew stops fora short ume He 62.) stand up {go walking or running, but he £20... play quad rugby. He Jn, le. be careful about his diet s0 he doesnt get out of shape. He doesnt have complete use of his hands, but he 0. He 6.4. deve a car using is feet, but he think quadriplegis do anything, but Zupan proves that they ft weights "Dou use his hands, A lot of people i 8 SUMMARIZE First, complete the paragraph about Bethany Hamilton. Use the simple present tense or the present continuous. Then write a similar paragraph, summarizing Mark Zupan's routines When she sus Hamilon She Sescnee aprosthetic arm, But she hardly ever a! her legs to help her go inthe right direction, She... $p50,4.8.2% regularly with the work's top professional women surfers, fe In the photo on page 70, she AS... Shes 4 Tshirt and , COTTE oescrite your routines .- to help other people with dificult experionces follow their dreams against other surfers with two arms. fs, on hee surfboard, Hamilton [A NOTEPAODING Write some notes about your daly routines Ust some things you usually do + in the morning, I eal be-whil dun my Shoe Lttke 2 At siete dernoon. 2 lune 5 PAIR WORK Interview your partner about his of ther daily routines. Then describe your panes daily routines to your classmates, Ust some things you + can't da every day. Explain why. becouse 2 cod roan cer “have 10 do every ay. Explain why. cee L wren lye healt becauce YL need money + don't have to do every day Explain why Ws ooh necesziy breve dienes L ta fed oF e 1 cold, o Henan 464 Mypantnr usu get up at 7.00 But Guindy ane cart have tage peat 9 i [A 359 Liston to the conversations, Check the statements that are true. foes ee Siecee ares Seca Eee eee ager Pa icone asm oye eee Bonenenycnt ac © Change each statement to a yes no question. Begin each questlon with a capital leter and end ‘with a question mark 1 You have to qo home early, Re x2v. hres teaehems sata, 2 Magda has to see a doctor this afternoon, ..22@'».. Maga 3 Jonah can meet us at the mall at 600. Ss 4 Thave to exercise every 489. en nila 5 My trends can come to the park after school 6 Your husband has to wotk late tonight. 7 Lance's sisters have to avoid sweets, 2086.28 1D Answer the questions with real information. Use the simple present tense of the present continuous Inyour answer 1 How often do you goto English clas? wD. Tawar ap.tons, Coalisa. oo 2 What do you usually do.on weekends? BD...5.USvally.. take, 800) clase. 3 What are you doing this weekend? . GD. Sion acing lo. cook. di ncec WRITING Describe your exercise and health habits | ternotinvery good shag I. © | cctmeoachon Seoevey EAE. ss | earful abos the foods Tea re wis ORAL REVIEW CONTEST Form teams. Create questions about the people's activities far another team to ansiver. (Teams {get one point for each correct questian and one paint for each correct answer.) For example ilies afte domtAndjpeat jusk fined A. Hardly e AWE. Make fase statements about the activites in the planners. Your partner corrects your statements, For example Saturday, ROLE PLAY Create conversation for Andy and Karen Using the two planners, make plans to gel together to ddo something, Use this language: Why don't we...? Sorry, can't. Thave ta sual on weekend anos PLANNER | — ___I LANNER } 8 beraktast wth Greig | soc pone I Pan ar acta with secs Brot ator nati! ates a pln, Bocas tines and eating nbs 1 beste my rates,

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