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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © LonesomeTheBlue
study("Renko Chart", overlay=true, max_bars_back = 4900)
mode =input(title = "Method", defval = 'ATR', options=['Traditional', 'ATR'])
modevalue = input(title ="[ATR] Atr Period", defval = 14, minval = 1)
boxsize = input(title ="[Traditional] Brick Size", defval = 10.0, minval =
source =input(defval = "hl", title = "Source", options=['close', 'hl'])
showstyle =input(title = "Chart Style As", defval = 'Area', options=['Candle',
'Area', 'Dont Show'])
breakoutcolor = input(defval = 'Blue/Red', title = "Color Theme", options
=['Green/Red', 'Yellow/Blue', 'White/Yellow', 'Orange/Blue', 'Lime/Red',
changebarcol = input(true, title = "Change Bar Colors")

//calc atr val

a = 0
num = syminfo.mintick
s = valu
if na(s)
s := syminfo.mintick
if num < 1
for i = 1 to 20
num := num * 10
if num > 1
a := a +1
for x = 1 to a
s := s * 10
s := round(s)
for x = 1 to a
s := s / 10
s := s < syminfo.mintick ? syminfo.mintick : s

//ATR box size calculation

atrboxsize = conv_atr(atr(modevalue))

float box = na
box := na(box[1]) ? mode == 'ATR' ? atrboxsize : boxsize : box[1]

reversal = 2
top = 0.0, bottom = 0.0
trend = 0
trend := barstate.isfirst ? 0 : nz(trend[1])
currentprice = 0.0
currentprice := source == 'close' ? close : trend == 1 ? high : low
float beginprice = na
beginprice := barstate.isfirst ? floor(open / box) * box : nz(beginprice[1])
iopenprice = 0.0
icloseprice = 0.0

if trend == 0 and box * reversal <= abs(beginprice - currentprice)

if beginprice > currentprice
numcell = floor(abs(beginprice - currentprice) / box)
iopenprice := beginprice
icloseprice := beginprice - numcell * box
trend := -1
if beginprice < currentprice
numcell = floor(abs(beginprice - currentprice) / box)
iopenprice := beginprice
icloseprice := beginprice + numcell * box
trend := 1

if trend == -1
nok = true
if beginprice > currentprice and box <= abs(beginprice - currentprice)
numcell = floor(abs(beginprice - currentprice) / box)
icloseprice := beginprice - numcell * box
trend := -1
beginprice := icloseprice
nok := false
iopenprice := iopenprice == 0 ? nz(iopenprice[1]) : iopenprice
icloseprice := icloseprice == 0 ? nz(icloseprice[1]) : icloseprice

tempcurrentprice = source == 'close' ? close : high

if beginprice < tempcurrentprice and box * reversal <= abs(beginprice -
tempcurrentprice) and nok //new column
numcell = floor(abs(beginprice - tempcurrentprice) / box)
iopenprice := beginprice + box
icloseprice := beginprice + numcell * box
trend := 1
beginprice := icloseprice
iopenprice := iopenprice == 0 ? nz(iopenprice[1]) : iopenprice
icloseprice := icloseprice == 0 ? nz(icloseprice[1]) : icloseprice
if trend == 1
nok = true
if beginprice < currentprice and box <= abs(beginprice - currentprice)
numcell = floor(abs(beginprice - currentprice) / box)
icloseprice := beginprice + numcell * box
trend := 1
beginprice := icloseprice
nok := false
iopenprice := iopenprice == 0 ? nz(iopenprice[1]) : iopenprice
icloseprice := icloseprice == 0 ? nz(icloseprice[1]) : icloseprice

tempcurrentprice = source == 'close' ? close : low

if beginprice > tempcurrentprice and box * reversal <= abs(beginprice -
tempcurrentprice) and nok //new column
numcell = floor(abs(beginprice - tempcurrentprice) / box)
iopenprice := beginprice - box
icloseprice := beginprice - numcell * box
trend := -1
beginprice := icloseprice
iopenprice := iopenprice == 0 ? nz(iopenprice[1]) : iopenprice
icloseprice := icloseprice == 0 ? nz(icloseprice[1]) : icloseprice
//if icloseprice changed then recalculate box size
box := change(icloseprice) ? mode == 'ATR' ? atrboxsize : boxsize : box

upcolor = breakoutcolor == 'Green/Red' ? : breakoutcolor ==

'White/Yellow' ? color.white : breakoutcolor == 'Lime/Red' ? color.lime :
breakoutcolor == 'Blue/Red' ? : breakoutcolor == 'Yellow/Blue' ?
color.yellow :
downcolor = breakoutcolor == 'Yellow/Blue' or breakoutcolor == 'Orange/Blue' ? : breakoutcolor == 'Green/Red' or breakoutcolor == 'Lime/Red' or
breakoutcolor == 'Blue/Red'? : color.yellow

oprice =
trend == 1 ? nz(trend[1]) == 1 ? nz(icloseprice[1]) - nz(box[1]) :
nz(icloseprice[1]) + nz(box[1]) :
trend == -1 ? nz(trend[1]) == -1 ? nz(icloseprice[1]) + nz(box[1]) :
nz(icloseprice[1]) - nz(box[1]) :
oprice := oprice < 0 ? 0 : oprice

openline = plot(showstyle == 'Area' and oprice > 0? oprice : na, title = "Renko
Open", color = oprice < 0 or oprice[1] < 0 ? na : color.gray, editable = false)
closeline = plot(showstyle == 'Area' and icloseprice > 0 ? icloseprice : na, title
= "Renko Close", color = icloseprice <= 0 or icloseprice[1] <= 0 ? na : color.gray,
editable = false)
fill(openline, closeline, color = oprice <= 0 and icloseprice <=0 ? na : trend == 1
? upcolor : downcolor, transp = 70, editable = false)
plotcandle(showstyle == 'Candle' ? oprice : na, showstyle == 'Candle' ? max(oprice,
icloseprice) : na, showstyle == 'Candle' ? min(oprice , icloseprice) : na,
showstyle == 'Candle'? icloseprice : na, title='Renko Candles', color = trend ==
1 ? upcolor : downcolor, editable = false)

barcolor(changebarcol ? trend == 1 ? upcolor : downcolor : na, editable = false)

//keep last close/open price

float lasticloseprice = na
lasticloseprice := change(icloseprice) ? icloseprice[1] : nz(lasticloseprice[1])

// keep old columns

float chigh = na
float clow = na
ctrend = 0
chigh := change(trend) ? max(iopenprice[1], icloseprice[1]) : na
clow := change(trend) ? min(iopenprice[1], icloseprice[1]) : na
ctrend := change(trend) ? trend[1] : na

// ============== breakout strategy ============== added by user request

Length = input(title = "Length for Breakout", type = input.integer, minval = 1,
defval = 1)
showbreakout = input(title = "Show Breakout Trend", defval = true)

_ret = false
if trend == 1
_l = floor((icloseprice - iopenprice) / box) - 1
_ret := true
if _l < Length
for x = 0 to 3000
if na(trend[x+1])
_ret := false
if trend[x] != trend[x+1]
if trend[x+1] == 1
if icloseprice[x+1] >= icloseprice
_ret := false
_l := _l + (floor((icloseprice[x+1] - iopenprice[x+1]) /

if trend[x+1] == -1
start = icloseprice[x+1] + box[x+1]
forlen = floor((iopenprice[x+1] - icloseprice[x+1]) / box)
- 1
for i = 0 to forlen
if start < icloseprice
_l := _l + 1
start := start + box[x+1]
if _l >= Length
_ret := true

_ret = false
if trend == -1
_l = floor((iopenprice - icloseprice) / box) - 1
_ret := true
if _l < Length
for x = 0 to 3000
if na(trend[x+1])
_ret := false
if trend[x] != trend[x+1]
if trend[x+1] == -1
if icloseprice[x+1] <= icloseprice
_ret := false
_l := _l + (floor((iopenprice[x+1] - icloseprice[x+1]) /

if trend[x+1] == 1
start = icloseprice[x+1] - box[x+1]
forlen = floor((icloseprice[x+1] - iopenprice[x+1]) / box)
- 1
for i = 0 to forlen
if start > icloseprice
_l := _l + 1
start := start - box[x+1]
if _l >= Length
_ret := true

Brickhigh = f_Brickhigh()
Bricklow = f_Bricklow()

switch = 0
setA = 0
setB = 0

if Brickhigh and switch[1] == 0

switch := 1
setA := 1
setB := 0
if Bricklow and switch[1] == 1
switch := 0
setA := 0
setB := 1
switch := nz(switch[1], 0)
setA := 0
setB := 0

botrend = 0
botrend := setA == 1 ? 1 : setB == 1 ? -1 : nz(botrend[1])

boline = showbreakout ? botrend == 1 ? trend == 1 ? icloseprice : oprice : trend

== 1 ? oprice : icloseprice : na

plot(boline, title = "Renko breakout", color = showbreakout ? botrend == 1 ?

color.lime : botrend == -1 ? : na : na, linewidth = 3, editable = false,
transp = 0)
alertcondition(setA == 1, title='Breakout Uptrend started', message='Breakout
Uptrend started')
alertcondition(setB == 1, title='Breakout Downtrend started', message='Breakout
Downtrend started')

//============= enf of breakout strategy ===================

// Trend
showtrend = input(true, title="Show Trend")
showtrhold = input(true, title="Show Threshold")
tremalen = input(defval = 34, title="Trend EMA Length", minval = 1)
barcountwhip = input(defval = 3, title="Wait # Bars for Reversal", minval = 0)
thsreversal = input(defval = 3.0, title="Trend Threshold", minval = 0, step = 0.1)
thsreversal2 = input(defval = 1.5, title="Trend Threshold for Reversal", minval =
0, step = 0.1)

trcnt1 = 0
trcnt1 := change(icloseprice) ? 1 : nz(trcnt1[1]) + 1
trcnt1 := trcnt1 > 4000 ? 4000 : trcnt1
countch = 0
countch := change(icloseprice) ? nz(countch[1]) + 1 : nz(countch[1])
trch = false
trch := change(trend) and change(icloseprice) ? true : change(trend)==0 and
change(icloseprice) ? false : nz(trch,false)

mysma(ser, len) =>

sum = ser
nn = 1
if len > 1
for i = 0 to 4000
if nz(ser[i]) ==0 or nz(ser[i+1]) ==0
if ser[i] != nz(ser[i+1])
nn := nn + 1
sum := sum + nz(ser[i+1])
if nn == len
_ret = nn == len ? sum / len : na

myema(ser, len, trcnt, obox)=>

float em = na
if countch <= len
em := mysma(ser, len)
if countch > len and not na(ser[trcnt]) and ser != nz(ser[trcnt])
float alpha = 2 / (len + 1)
bb = ser > nz(ser[trcnt]) ? 1 : -1
kats = trch ? reversal : 1
st = nz(ser[trcnt]) + bb * obox * kats
em := alpha * st + (1 - alpha) * nz(em[trcnt]) // for the first one
st := st + bb * obox
for x = 0 to 4000
if st > ser and bb > 0 or st < ser and bb < 0
em := alpha * st + (1 - alpha) * nz(em) // for other boxes
st := st + bb * obox
em := na(em) ? em[1] : em

float tema = na
float obox = na
obox := change(icloseprice) != 0 ? nz(box[1]) : nz(obox[1])
tmp = myema(icloseprice, tremalen, trcnt1, obox)
tema := icloseprice - floor((icloseprice - tmp) / obox) * obox

Upt = tema - thsreversal * box

Upt := Upt > icloseprice - reversal * box ? icloseprice - reversal * box : Upt
Dnt = tema + thsreversal * box
Dnt := Dnt < icloseprice + reversal * box ? icloseprice + reversal * box : Dnt

float TrendUp = na, float TrendDown = na

waitit = 0
waitit := nz(waitit[1])
mtrend = 0
mtrend := nz(mtrend[1],1)
TrendUp := change(icloseprice) and waitit == 0 ? icloseprice[1] > TrendUp[1] ?
max(Upt, TrendUp[1]) : Upt : nz(TrendUp[1])
TrendUp := mtrend == 1 and change(TrendUp) < 0 ? nz(TrendUp[1]) : TrendUp
TrendDown:= change(icloseprice) and waitit == 0 ? icloseprice[1] < TrendDown[1] ?
min(Dnt, TrendDown[1]) : Dnt : TrendDown[1]
TrendDown := mtrend == -1 and change(TrendDown) > 0 ? nz(TrendDown[1]) : TrendDown

mtrend := waitit == 0 ? icloseprice > TrendDown[1] ? 1 : icloseprice < TrendUp[1]?

-1 : mtrend : mtrend

if change(mtrend) != 0 and waitit == 0 and nz(waitit[2]) == 0

waitit := 1
waitit := waitit != 0 ? waitit + 1 : waitit

if waitit > 0
mtrend := nz(mtrend[1])
if waitit > barcountwhip
if mtrend == 1
if icloseprice >= TrendUp + thsreversal2 * box
waitit := 0
if icloseprice <= TrendUp - thsreversal2 * box
waitit := 0
mtrend := -1
TrendDown:= icloseprice[1] < TrendDown[1] ? min(Dnt, TrendDown[1]) :
if icloseprice <= TrendDown - thsreversal2 * box
waitit := 0
if icloseprice >= TrendDown + thsreversal2 * box
waitit := 0
mtrend := 1
TrendUp := icloseprice[1] > TrendUp[1] ? max(Upt, TrendUp[1]) : Upt

Tsl = mtrend==1 ? TrendUp : TrendDown

Tsl2 = mtrend==1 ? TrendUp + thsreversal * box: TrendDown - thsreversal * box
Tsl2 := (mtrend==1 and Tsl2 > icloseprice) or (mtrend==-1 and Tsl2 < icloseprice)?
icloseprice : Tsl2
Tsl2 :=Tsl2 < 0 ? 0 : Tsl2

trendcol = mtrend == 1 and nz(mtrend[1]) == 1 ? waitit == 0 ? :

color.silver : mtrend == -1 and nz(mtrend[1]) == -1 ? waitit == 0 ? :
color.silver : na

trendline = plot(Tsl, linewidth = 3, color = showtrend and Tsl !=0 and nz(Tsl[1]) !
=0 ? trendcol : na, transp = 0, editable = false)
trcol = showtrend and showtrhold and mtrend == nz(mtrend[1]) and Tsl !=0 and
nz(Tsl[1]) !=0 ? waitit == 0 ? mtrend == 1 ?, 80) :, 80) :, 80) :,
trcol1 = showtrend and showtrhold and Tsl !=0 and nz(Tsl[1]) !=0 ?, 30) :, 100)
trline = plot(Tsl2, linewidth = 1, style = plot.style_circles, color = na, editable
= false)
fill(trendline, trline, color =trcol, editable = false)

// trend reversal threshold line

plot(waitit > barcountwhip? mtrend == 1 ? TrendUp - thsreversal2 * box : TrendDown
+ thsreversal2 * box : na, color = waitit > barcountwhip ? color.maroon : na, style
= plot.style_circles, editable = false)

plot(change(mtrend) > 0 and showtrend or change(mtrend) < 0 and showtrend ? Tsl :

na, linewidth = 6, color = change(mtrend) > 0 and showtrend ? :, style = plot.style_circles, editable = false)

//alertcondition(change(mtrend) > 0, title='Main Trend is Up', message='Main Trend

is Up')
//alertcondition(change(mtrend) < 0, title='Main Trend is Down', message='Main
Trend is Down')
//alertcondition(change(trend) > 0, title='Renko Trend is Up', message='Renko Trend
is Up')
//alertcondition(change(trend) < 0, title='Renko Trend is Down', message='Renko
Trend is Down')
len1 = input(5, minval=1, title="EMA 1")
src1 = input(close, title="Source One")
out1 = ema(src1, len1)
plot(out1, title="EMA 1",,transp=0, linewidth=2)
len2 = input(30, minval=1, title="EMA 2")
src2 = input(close, title="Source Two")
out2 = ema(src2, len2)
plot(out2, title="EMA 2",, transp=0, linewidth=2)

alertcondition(crossover(out1, out2) and mtrend < 0, title='↗️ Micro de alta e

Macro de baixa', message='↗️ Micro de alta e Macro de baixa')
alertcondition(crossunder(out1, out2) and mtrend < 0, title='↘️ Micro e Macro de
baixa', message='↘️ Micro e Macro de baixaa')

if (crossover(out1, out2) and mtrend < 0)

//if (crossover(out1, out2))
lbl =, low, "↗️ Micro de alta e Macro de baixa" )
label.set_yloc(lbl, yloc.belowbar)
label.set_style(lbl, label.style_label_up)

if (crossunder(out1, out2) and mtrend < 0)

//if (crossover(out1, out2))
lbl =, low, "↘️ Micro e Macro de baixa" )
label.set_yloc(lbl, yloc.abovebar)
label.set_style(lbl, label.style_label_down)

if (crossover(out1, out2) and mtrend > 0)

//if (crossover(out1, out2))
lbl =, low, "↗️ Micro e Macro de alta" )
label.set_yloc(lbl, yloc.belowbar)
label.set_style(lbl, label.style_label_up)

if (crossunder(out1, out2) and mtrend > 0)

//if (crossover(out1, out2))
lbl =, low, "↘️ Micro de baixa e Macro de alta" )
label.set_yloc(lbl, yloc.abovebar)
label.set_style(lbl, label.style_label_down)

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