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Activity 12 Technical Report

Name: Nuñez, Prince Eugene F.

Name: Dato-on, John Isaiah P.

Title Page
Hot Work Accidents Situation in Maritime Career
“Hot Work Accidents” Several large fires and explosions on ships have occurred
throughout the years, resulting in countless fatalities and serious injuries. Too often,
these incidents happened as a result of employees failing to follow guidelines or
believing that safety precautions were the responsibility of someone else. Hot work in
enclosed areas aboard ships exposes marine time workers to the risk of fire produced
by the ignition of flammable or combustible materials or by flammable gas escapes
from hot work equipment. Regular safety inspections and staff training, as well as
suitable fire safety equipment and regulations (such as assigning a dedicated "fire
watch" to look out for possible threats), are critical to keeping marine hot work
personnel safe. Proper ventilation also helps to lessen the risks of fire.

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