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Toni : can you tell me about the time, Edi?

Edi : Sure, it is……..
a. Half past five
b. Half past six
c. A quarter past eighteen
d. Eighteen past thirty

When will Hilman move to Lampung?
a. In march
b. In april
c. In may
d. In june

What time will they study together?
a. At 3:05
b. At 4:45
c. At 4:15
d. At5:15

Janu : when will the robot competition be?
Kikan : please remember it. It is………
a. In two thousand twenty-two
b. On Friday
c. On November fifth
d. In the first week

When will Dita record her performance?
a. On Friday
b. On Sunday
c. On December 12
d. On December 11

Why does Dita change the date to borrow the guitar?
a. Adam will use the guitar on December 11
b. Dita will record Adam’s performance on December 11
c. Adam needs to record his performance on December 11
d. Dita will submit her assignment on December 11

Andi : when will the movie start, rara?
Rara : it will start at……..
a. Ten past four
b. Forty to eleven
c. Forty to ten
d. Twenty to eleven

Andi : what is your seat number?
Rara : I get the ……. Seat on the G now.
a. Tenth
b. Eleventh
c. Twelfth
d. Thirteenth

Andi :………?
Rara : on Saturday, july 7.
a. When will we watch the movie
b. What is the date today
c. Do you know when the movie will end
d. Can you tell me abouth the time

Where are Tristan and jene probably?
a. In the speakers’house
b. In a classroom
c. At school
d. In an office
What time is shown by the clock?
a. 5:08
b. 7:55
c. 8:00
d. 8:05

“ we don’t’t want people to get the wrong time”
The underlined word can be replaced……..
a. Spare
b. Extra
c. Precise
d. Incorrect
13. Mrs Hanifa : seto, you should go to bed? Now, we have to leave very early in the
morning tomorrow.
Seto : what time will we go, mom?
Mrs Hanifa : we have to depart at half past five.
Seto : why should we go that early? Grandpa’s house is not that far
Mrs Hanifa : we will pick yuncle didin first. His car is being repaired, so he’ll join us
Seto : great! I miss uncle didin.
Mrs Hanifa : now you go to bed. It’s already a quarter to ten
Seto : all right, mom
What time does the conversation occur?
a. At 5:30 am
b. At 3:10 am
c. At 9:45 am
d. At 10:15 am
14. Mrs Hanifa : Seto, you should go to bed? Now, we have to leave very early in the
morning tomorrow.
Seto : what time will we go, mom?
Mrs Hanifa : we have to depart at half past five.
Seto : why should we go that early? Grandpa’s house is not that far
Mrs Hanifa : we will pick yuncle didin first. His car is being repaired, so he’ll join us
Seto : great! I miss uncle didin.
Mrs Hanifa : now you go to bed. It’s already a quarter to ten
Seto : all right, mom
What are the speakers going to do tomorrow?
a. Visit seto’s uncle
b. Visit seto’s grandpa
c. Play with seto’s uncle
d. Pick up seto’s grandpa
15. Mrs Hanifa : seto, you should go to bed? Now, we have to leave very early in the
morning tomorrow.
Seto : what time will we go, mom?
Mrs Hanifa : we have to depart at half past five.
Seto : why should we go that early? Grandpa’s house is not that far
Mrs Hanifa : we will pick yuncle didin first. His car is being repaired, so he’ll join us
Seto : great! I miss uncle didin.
Mrs Hanifa : now you go to bed. It’s already a quarter to ten
Seto : all right, mom
a. Before half past five
b. After five thirty
c. After a quarter to ten
d. Before ten o’clock

How much is the bag?
a. Rp. 300.058
b. Rp. 300.580
c. Rp. 305.800
d. Rp. 358.000
From the dialog, we can infer that…….
a. Wibi has enough saving to buy the bag
b. Gina pays the bag for a half price
c. Wibi thinks that the bag’s price is high
d. Gina wants to save money to buy a bag

When will doni have free time?

a. On Sunday at 1 pm
b. On Monday at 7:00 pm
c. On Thursday at 9:15 am
d. On Saturday at 11 am

What does Doni mostly do in the evening?

a. Practice karate
b. Eat with his family
c. Make a video
d. Relax at home

From the schedule we know that…….

a. Doni practices karate twice a week
b. Doni makes a video three times a week
c. Doni always submits his assigments in the morning
d. Doni will check his teeth in the afternoon

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