Psychedelic Healing Summit Day 3

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Ceremony — Exploration Practices, Rituals and Music

Opening Ceremony
Broadcast on April 30, 2022
With Carmen Vicente & Dream Mullick
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Welcome the day by breathing in the prayers of a living light of psychedelic consciousness.

Carmen Vicente

Medicine Woman, Sun and Spirit Dance Chief, Carrier of the Sacred Art of Altars

Carmen Vicente is a revered medicine woman who has been sharing indigenous wisdom
traditions around the globe for over 30 years. She has decades of experience working with the
altar, the fire, the ancestors, the medicines, the Vision Quest, the Sundance, the Spirit Dance, and
the School of Secrets. With her presence and words, she shares the inheritance she learned from
the secret practices of women in her community. 

Carmen was born in 1956 in the Province of Loja, Ecuador, and she is heir to a traditional
spiritual lineage. Since birth, Carmen has been recognized by her community for her healing
abilities. As a bearer of the sacred art of the altars, she has held countless ceremonial circles in
Europe, Australia, and the Americas. She brings people together to revitalize the memory of the
ancient cultures of the Earth and renew awareness of the relationship of Spirit and life.

Dream Mullick

Entheowheel Founder, Ceremony of Living & Dying Teacher, Interconnected Producer,

Dreamweaver and Bridge Builder

Dream Mullick is a writer, teacher, producer, death coach, and dreamer whose work focuses on
the evolution of consciousness and a return to love. She curates programs that combine the
world-views of ceremony and science with sacred plant medicines and psychedelics, including
the exploration of death as a pathway to liberation. In her practices, Dream explores the profound
transformative power of death, grief, joy, and love. Her latest creation, Entheowheel, launched in
collaboration with the Esalen Institute, focuses on the ceremony, science, and somatics of sacred
plants and psychedelics.
Discover the Spirit of Ancestral Plant Medicines and Altars
Broadcast on April 30, 2022
With Carmen Vicente
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Join Carmen Vicente in her huachuma altar to touch the living spirit of an ancestral plant

Carmen Vicente

Medicine Woman, Sun and Spirit Dance Chief, Carrier of the Sacred Art of Altars

Carmen Vicente is a revered medicine woman who has been sharing indigenous wisdom
traditions around the globe for over 30 years. She has decades of experience working with the
altar, the fire, the ancestors, the medicines, the Vision Quest, the Sundance, the Spirit Dance, and
the School of Secrets. With her presence and words, she shares the inheritance she learned from
the secret practices of women in her community. 

Carmen was born in 1956 in the Province of Loja, Ecuador, and she is heir to a traditional
spiritual lineage. Since birth, Carmen has been recognized by her community for her healing
abilities. As a bearer of the sacred art of the altars, she has held countless ceremonial circles in
Europe, Australia, and the Americas. She brings people together to revitalize the memory of the
ancient cultures of the Earth and renew awareness of the relationship of Spirit and life.

Embody the Sounds of the Jungle

Broadcast on April 30, 2022
With Aya Shakti
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Explore the art and science of ikaros — indigenous songs that guide, inspire, and sanctify sacred
psychedelic healing ceremonies. 

Aya Shakti

Medicine Carrier, Founder of AyaShakti

Born to a native mother along a river in northeast Brazil, Aya Shakti descends through a long
line of healers from the Tupi-Guarani tribe. Unfortunately, as a child, she was separated from her
parents and indigenous roots only to experience a traumatizing upbringing. Shielded from her
past, she grew up knowing something was not right. Life had a plan through pain and suffering,
where she would discover her true purpose.

During the past decade, she has been studying in the Ashaninka lineage of the Peruvian Amazon
under the tutelage of Maestro Juan Flores. 

She spends her time forging deep relationships with the plants and spirits of the Earth and
beyond. She is also involved with the Yawanawa tribe of Brazil and supports their community as
she learns from their leaders.

In her pursuit of truth, she has drawn from the wisdom of indigenous cultures worldwide. She
has also studied at the Omega Institute in New York, is a trained meditation teacher through the
Art of Living Foundation, and is a certified Yoga Alliance instructor.

Using her knowledge of indigenous and western culture, she builds bridges of understanding that
support her vision of unity and peace. Her loving presence truly speaks for itself.

Somatic Movement Break

Broadcast on April 30, 2022
With Sitaramaya Sita
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Breathe, move, and come home into your body with a somatic movement practice guided
by Sitaramaya Sita.

Sitaramaya Sita

Somatic Experiencing SEP, PlantWisdom Practitioner, HeartMath Certified Mentor

Sitaramaya Sita, has traveled, worked and studied extensively in the Amazon for over 20 years.
She is a spiritual herbalist, pusangera and plant wisdom practitioner formally trained in the
Shipibo ayahuasca tradition. She is the Founder of PlantTeachers, dedicated to cultivating
entheogenic awareness, and producer of the Visionary Convergence conference. Sita stewards a
70 acre land conservation project in the Peruvian Amazon – Fundo Sitaramaya which is directed
by the One Acre Project. She lectures, teaches, and works with individuals and groups in
ceremonies and guides plant dietas. Sita currently trains, teaches and practices to heal personal,
institutional and cultural trauma. Sita firmly believes that our wounds can become wisdom. She
is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, has trained with the HeartMath Institute and blends her
training in multiple modalities in the services and teaching she offers. She is an art curator and
organizer of Ayahuasca & Visionary Art: A Coming Together of Cultures, showing over 300
pieces of visionary art at AYA2019 – The World Ayahuasca Conference in Girona, Spain.

Using Psychedelic Somatic Therapy to Connect With the

Wisdom of the Body
Broadcast on April 30, 2022
With Annie King LMT, CST, PSI & Saj Razvi, LPC
Hosted by Dream Mullick

When it comes to trauma, we know that the body keeps the score — and leading psychedelic
somatic therapists Annie King, LMT, and Saj Razvi, LPC, show how psychedelic medicines can
invite healing to settle that score.

Annie King LMT, CST, PSI

Annie King, brings 35 years of experience as a therapist to her work. She practices multiple
integrated therapies to treat chronic and acute pain, head injuries, and structural misalignment
issues, as well as relational and single-event traumas. Annie is in private practice working with
combat veterans, individuals journeying through the grief process, and those seeking to expand
their consciousness. 

She studied dance kinesiology at the University of Texas and the University of Utah and she
holds a BA in psychology from the Union Institute. She has done advanced training in
craniosacral therapy, neuromuscular therapy, and lymphatic drainage therapy with the Upledger
Institute and she is a certified therapeutic yoga instructor with the Yoga Alliance. She has trained
with and facilitated trainings for the Psychedelic Somatic Institute, where her bodywork
background brings a unique skill set and perspective to this research and work.

Saj Razvi, LPC

Founder & Director of Education

Saj Razvi is the Director of Education at PSI. He is a psychotherapist and former clinical
researcher in the MAPS Phase 2 trial of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. He is faculty at Mind
Medicine Australia and taught PTSD studies at the University of Denver. He is one of the
primary developers of the Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy (PSIP) modality
which is a next generation, primary consciousness oriented psychotherapy. The focus of PSIP is
to maximize the relational and autonomic healing capacity of psychedelic medicine to treat
complex, childhood developmental trauma.
Connecting with the Spirit, Wisdom & Intelligence of Plants
 May 1, 12:15am-1am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Puma Fredy Quispe Singona
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Join a celebrated and beloved ancestral teacher for a practical exploration of sacred medicines as
living, conscious entities with their own wisdom to share.

Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

Andean Medicine Man

Puma Quispe Singona began training with his grandfather, the late Don Maximo, after an
initiation by lightning at the age of six — learning and mastering the Andean traditions
and rituals by connecting with ancestral spirits, cosmic forces, and natural elementals.

He has worked deeply with direct lineages of the Huachuma plant from the coast of Peru, and
with Ayahuasca, the sacred plant of the Amazonian Shipibo people. Puma conveys a passion for
the ancestral Incan teachings with a profound respect for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and plant
medicine supporting our global consciousness awakening. 

As a young adult, he attended and facilitated international gatherings of spiritual leaders and
young leaders with YES (Youth for Environmental Sanity), and has been featured in books
and films about the Andean Medicine Path. Along with the team from his tour company,
Pumadventures, he gathers groups from around the world for spiritual pilgrimages to visit sacred
sites for self-transformation and rebirth processes. 

He created and built Noqan Kani Global Community Center in his hometown village of
Chinchero, where the local people, as well as our greater global community, can study and learn
about these ancient teachings, keeping the timeless Andean ways, culture, and nature-based
wisdom alive for generations to come. Puma’s mission is to continue his grandfather’s legacy by
sharing the wisdom and the medicine of his ancestral Indigenous culture in his own unique,
inspiring, and heartfelt way.

Meditation & Breathwork Break

 May 1, 1am-1:15am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Angel Grant
Hosted by Dream Mullick
Pause and allow yourself to reconnect to your breath and soul, clearing your mind for ingesting
the essence of all the teachings being brought forth. 

Angel Grant

Co-Founder of DrugsOverDinner + DeathOverDinner, Meditation + Yoga Instructor

Angel Grant is the co-founder of Drugs Over Dinner and Death Over Dinner. She is on the
teaching faculty at Where Is My Guru and is part of the Convivium Collective. She's been
traveling the globe for over a decade treaching yoga and meditation practices and sharing talks
on how to reduce the many ways we suffer. 

Angel has served as co-founder of Yoga in Common and Yoga in the Forest in coastal South
Carolina, and has been leading teacher trainings since 2010 that interweave non-duality with the
physical-reality work of deepening somatic and emotional intelligence. She facilitates workshops
and retreats, and works one-on-one with people to rewire mental patterns that limit their

Healing Through the Sound & Song of Ceremony

 May 1, 1:15am-2am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Claudia Cuentas
Hosted by Dream Mullick

What song does the universe sing within you? Join Claudia Cuentas for a profound and joyful
journey of healing through sound and song.

Claudia Cuentas

Artist, Researcher, Educator, & Therapist

Claudia Cuentas is a Peruvian artist, a researcher, an educator, and a therapist (LMFT),

specializing in the treatment of healing trauma, cultural identity, and decolonization of healing.
She is trained in somatic experiencing, drama therapy and expressive arts therapy, and holds an
MA in counseling psychology. She also has extensive studies in Indigenous healing practices
from her native Aymara and Quechua lineages of South America.

Claudia started her journey as an educator and advocate of art as a tool for healing and liberation.
In becoming a therapist at the California Institute of Integral Studies, she focused on serving
immigrant communities, families, and children. She has worked with undocumented families,
refugees, homeless populations, and female survivors of violence, especially dealing with PTSD.
She has completed parts A and B of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
(MAPS) MDMA Therapy Training Program and is also trained in the use of Ketamine for
trauma recovery. She continues to participate in ongoing training and education on the
intersectionality of generational trauma, plant medicine science, eco-informed therapy,
somatic/nervous system healing, and Indigenous knowledge.

Claudia currently has a private practice in Portland, Oregon, and is the Cultural Director of Alma
Institute, focusing on providing psilocybin-assisted therapy training programs to underserved and
underrepresented communities in the field. She is also on the guest faculty at Lewis &
Clark University. Claudia is committed to providing ethical, educational, and integrated work to
support indigenous, black, brown, and immigrant communities to heal and thrive. She is also a
recording musician, a singer-songwriter, and the founder of the Canta Colibrí Project.

Relating With Sacred Plants As a Way of Life

 May 1, 2:15am-3am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Manari Ushigua
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Discover the pathway sacred plants create to access your dreams and remember your true nature.

Manari Ushigua

Forest Defender, Spiritual Leader, Founder of Naku

Manari Ushigua is a traditional healer and leader of the Sápara Nation in the Ecuadorian
Amazon. The Sápara Nation is recognized by UNESCO as an “Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Humanity.” Manari has been a key figure in the indigenous movement of Ecuador as the Vice
President of CONAIE (The National Indigenous Organization of Ecuador) from 2013-2016, and
as the President of the Sápara Indigenous Federation from 1999 to 2012. Manari has participated
in international events, like COP21 UN Climate Summit and the UN Universal Periodic Review
of human rights, raising awareness about the threat to his homeland. As a defender of indigenous
rights, he has managed to conserve more than 276,000 hectares of primary forest threatened by
extractive industries.

Manari is the co-founder of the Naku Center, creating a new economic model in the Amazon that
is based around cultural and forest preservation.

He has also recently launched an education initiative. Shimaka was born to create curriculums of
the forest knowledge to share with the outside world.
Yoga Movement Break
 May 1, 3am-3:30am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Marisa Radha Weppner, MA, ERYT500
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Ease into the evening was a gentle flow. Allow these movements to set the stage for the body to
receive a healing evening with East Forest. 

Marisa Radha Weppner, MA, ERYT500

Psychedelic Consultant, Sitter, Integration Coach, Yoga and Meditation Teacher

Marisa Radha Weppner (Radha), MA is a Co-Founder of Journey Space and is a 1000 hr

Nosara Yoga Master Educator. She has been facilitating transformation and self-awakening for
nearly two decades through a variety of settings including classes, retreats, community
organizing, guiding psychedelic journeys, and private coaching. She is the co-owner of Source
Meditation Space, and a therapist at the Boise Ketamine Clinic.

Her meditation album Guidance, with music by East Forest, is available on all streaming

Merging ancient wisdom with direct experience, she creates a grounded, safe, and expansive
environment in which to explore one's inner world. She has extensive experience working with
groups and individuals to help them heal core wounds, release limiting beliefs, and create a life
of depth, meaning, and purpose.

Bridging Worlds - Journey Space

 May 1, 3:30am-5:40am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With East Forest
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Sit within your inner truth during a deeply moving experience facilitated by musician and
psychedelic luminary East Forest.

East Forest

Teacher / Composer / Producer

East Forest is an international wellness leader, teacher, and producer who has inspired millions
of people of all ages around the world to dive deeper into their inner life. He has trail-blazed a
grounded and inclusive path in the wellness movement by building connections between the
digital and natural worlds. His work cross-pollinates technology, nature, and the human
experience with a non-religious, yet deeply spiritual, brain-body approach aimed toward personal
development; his methodology. A regular speaker and performer at festivals and conferences,
East Forest also leads sold-out in-person retreats for deeper immersive experiences at the Esalen
Institute — where he is a faculty member — as well as at his adopted home in the high desert in
Southern Utah. He has collaborated with Johns Hopkins’ neuroaesthetics program, Google, the
silicon-valley based Consciousness Hacking group, the Science and Nonduality (SAND)
conference, TED, Imperial College London, Wavepaths, and more.

East Forest has been featured on the likes of NPR (“Just blissful”), Wired (“Immersive and
vivid”), Huffington Post (“He creates narrative”), and Paste Magazine (“Beautiful”), among
many other publications. He tours regularly across the U.S., Canada, China, Australia, and
Europe, with a diverse catalog of 30 releases and counting. He has a B.A. from Vassar College
and an M.F.A. from the IATT at Harvard University/Moscow Art Theater.

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