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Integration — Growth, Healing, and Embodiment Practices

Opening Ceremony
Broadcast on May 01, 2022
With Dream Mullick & Jyoti Ma
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Dance with the wisdom of the universe that's within and beyond you through a prayerful
transmission from Jyoti Ma.

Dream Mullick

Entheowheel Founder, Ceremony of Living & Dying Teacher, Interconnected Producer,

Dreamweaver and Bridge Builder

Dream Mullick is a writer, teacher, producer, death coach, and dreamer whose work focuses on
the evolution of consciousness and a return to love. She curates programs that combine the
world-views of ceremony and science with sacred plant medicines and psychedelics, including
the exploration of death as a pathway to liberation. In her practices, Dream explores the profound
transformative power of death, grief, joy, and love. Her latest creation, Entheowheel, launched in
collaboration with the Esalen Institute, focuses on the ceremony, science, and somatics of sacred
plants and psychedelics.

Jyoti Ma

Founder, The Fountain and Vision Keeper & Co-Founder, Center for Sacred Studies

Jyoti Ma is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that
demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all peoples. As the Grandmother Vision
Keeper of the Center for Sacred Studies, she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities
both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International
Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert. She is also the founder of
The Fountain. Its mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and
collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred. She serves as a delegate of the Mother Earth
Delegation of United Indigenous Nations. And it is through this current work in collaboration
with the Fountain that a global Sacred Territories Initiative is evolving to protect Mother Earth’s
sacred sites and Her Original Peoples. 

Jyoti has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of
alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional
medicine ways. Through this work, collaborative relationships with organizations that are
focused on economic, social, and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing
the global challenges of our times.

Integration As Medicine: Ketamine and Beyond

Broadcast on May 01, 2022
With Elias Dakwar, MD & Hannah McLane, MD, MA, MPH
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Integration is the medicine — and as Dr. Hannah McLane and Dr. Elias Dakwar explore in this
conversation, integration of the experiences we have in ketamine- and other medically-assisted
therapies can deeply transform both the individual and their community.

Elias Dakwar, MD

Dr. Elias Dakwar researches novel treatments for addictions with the support of several grants
from NIDA and NIAAA. A special focus of his research has been evaluating sub-anesthetic
ketamine infusions for cocaine use disorders in both laboratory and clinical settings, as well as
investigating ketamine infusions as an adjunct to mindfulness-based treatment, motivational
interviewing, and other behavioral frameworks for alcohol, cannabis, and opioid use disorders.
He has a more general interest in the impact of non-ordinary experiences, and of the
interventions that might occasion them, in psychiatric treatment.

Hannah McLane, MD, MA, MPH

Hannah C. McLane MD, MA, MPH

Hannah McLane, MD, MA, MPH, is a physician, psychotherapist, and entrepreneur. She is the
founder of SoundMind, an initiative dedicated to bringing equity, ethics, and innovation to the
psychedelic ecosystem. She is the medical director of Soundmind Center, a flagship psychedelic
therapy center in Philadelphia, PA. She is originally from New Hampshire, a proud dyslexic, and
mother of one rambunctious toddler.

Dr. McLane holds degrees from McGill University (BA, International Development Studies),
Temple University (MA, Communication Sciences), Brown University (MD, Doctor of
Medicine), and Harvard School of Public Health (MPH, Global health and Bioethics). Her
residency experiences include neurology and occupational and environmental medicine
(University of Pennsylvania). Her post-residency training includes postdoc fellowship in patient
safety (VA Medical Center, Philadelphia), psychoanalytic training (PCOP), and MDMA-
assisted-psychotherapy training (MAPS).

Dreams as a Pathway to Connect to Spirit

Broadcast on May 01, 2022
With Manari Ushigua
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Revel in a direct transmission from a generational lineage-holder and expand your consciousness
through a deeper relationship with the reality of the dreaming world.

Manari Ushigua

Forest Defender, Spiritual Leader, Founder of Naku

Manari Ushigua is a traditional healer and leader of the Sápara Nation in the Ecuadorian
Amazon. The Sápara Nation is recognized by UNESCO as an “Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Humanity.” Manari has been a key figure in the indigenous movement of Ecuador as the Vice
President of CONAIE (The National Indigenous Organization of Ecuador) from 2013-2016, and
as the President of the Sápara Indigenous Federation from 1999 to 2012. Manari has participated
in international events, like COP21 UN Climate Summit and the UN Universal Periodic Review
of human rights, raising awareness about the threat to his homeland. As a defender of indigenous
rights, he has managed to conserve more than 276,000 hectares of primary forest threatened by
extractive industries.

Manari is the co-founder of the Naku Center, creating a new economic model in the Amazon that
is based around cultural and forest preservation.

He has also recently launched an education initiative. Shimaka was born to create curriculums of
the forest knowledge to share with the outside world.

Somatic Movement Break

Broadcast on May 01, 2022
With Sitaramaya Sita
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Breathe, move, and come home into your body with a somatic movement practice guided
by Sitaramaya Sita.
Sitaramaya Sita

Somatic Experiencing SEP, PlantWisdom Practitioner, HeartMath Certified Mentor

Sitaramaya Sita, has traveled, worked and studied extensively in the Amazon for over 20 years.
She is a spiritual herbalist, pusangera and plant wisdom practitioner formally trained in the
Shipibo ayahuasca tradition. She is the Founder of PlantTeachers, dedicated to cultivating
entheogenic awareness, and producer of the Visionary Convergence conference. Sita stewards a
70 acre land conservation project in the Peruvian Amazon – Fundo Sitaramaya which is directed
by the One Acre Project. She lectures, teaches, and works with individuals and groups in
ceremonies and guides plant dietas. Sita currently trains, teaches and practices to heal personal,
institutional and cultural trauma. Sita firmly believes that our wounds can become wisdom. She
is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, has trained with the HeartMath Institute and blends her
training in multiple modalities in the services and teaching she offers. She is an art curator and
organizer of Ayahuasca & Visionary Art: A Coming Together of Cultures, showing over 300
pieces of visionary art at AYA2019 – The World Ayahuasca Conference in Girona, Spain.

Integration of Expanded States of Consciousness

Broadcast on May 01, 2022
With Mireya Alejo Marcet, MA, MFT
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Ground the transcendental into your being and take the gifts from your journey into your life
with wisdom from Mireya Alejo Marcet, MA, on how to integrate the lessons from your
expanded experiences.

Mireya Alejo Marcet, MA, MFT

Artist, Teacher, Breathwork Facilitator & Expressive Arts Psychotherapist

Mireya A. Marcet, MA, MFT, is an artist, expressive arts psychotherapist, astrologer, and
certified holotropic breathwork facilitator. Her therapeutic and teaching work is informed by her
experiences and training with “curanderas” (medicine women) in Mexico as a social
anthropologist, almost three decades of work with expanded states of consciousness, as well as
the expressive arts, ceremonial practices, and the astrological chart as tools for our soul’s
birthing, healing, and authentic expression. For the past 28 years she has facilitated groups and
worked with individuals (both in English and Spanish) in person and online worldwide.

Mireya is the creator of “Altar Creation – A Canvas in Movement,” a practice that offers diverse
applications to connect with one's interior life and the sacred through the creation of altar spaces.
She offers a weeklong residential retreat called “The Art and Practice of Integration” that is an
integrative weaving of holotropic breathwork, its practice and theory, expressive arts, sacred
practices, and work with the natural world, for the purpose of integration of expanded states of
consciousness. Mireya is also deeply committed to the empowerment of women, and regularly
offers women’s expressive arts and ceremonial circles online.

She's an adjunct professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies in the expressive arts
program, and a mentor for the Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Research. She
also was a senior staff member at Grof Transpersonal Training for more than a decade. Mireya
strongly believes in the power of offering sacred, creative, and permission-giving environments
to bring about personal, collective, and spiritual transformation.

How Psychedelics Can Help Heal & Integrate Ancestral and

Intergenerational Trauma
 May 2, 12:15am-1am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Akua Ofosuhene & Hanifa Nayo Washington
Hosted by Dream Mullick

How can we connect with the deepest roots of our human experience — and heal the trauma that
our bloodlines carry? Join Akua Ofosuhene and Hanifa Nayo Washington for a profound and
soulful exploration of how psychedelics serve to resolve intergenerational, ancestral, and
personal trauma.

Akua Ofosuhene

Founder of African Spiritual Practices Events

Akua Ofosuhene found out four years ago that her teenage son had been groomed into county
lines drug dealing — a practice where young people are pressed into drug dealing far from home
for up to two weeks at a time. The shame and guilt brought on depression, high blood pressure,
and a cancer scare. Although the police and social and youth services agencies were "doing their
best," Akua realized that outdated practices were not working, and she had to find a different
way. Akua learned about psychedelic medicines, alternative healing modalities, and African
spirituality. By putting these together, she was able to treat her depression and eventually get her
son out of the drug dealing ring.

Last year, Akua founded the African Spiritual Practices event in London as a platform to share
all that she has learned. She advises parents dealing with the effects of gang activity and helps
ex-cult members escaping coercive control. She also advises on intentions and integration while
working with psychedelic medicines.

Hanifa Nayo Washington

Hanifa Nayo Washington (she/her/hers) is a social entrepreneur, cultural producer, and healing

justice practitioner with 20 years in nonprofit leadership. Hanifa, a facilitator, reiki master
practitioner, and creative, works at the intersection of mindfulness, place making, and social
justice to create organizations, gatherings, spaces, and experiences rooted in the values of
beloved community. 

As the co-founder and the chief strategy officer for fireside project, Hanifa supports the design,
facilitation, and communication of Fireside Project’s mission, vision, strategic initiatives, and
future goals.

Hanifa Nayo is also the co-founder and organizing principal of One Village Healing, an online
BIPOC-centered healing, resilience, and psychedelic wellness space. She is in her fourth year as
a lead facilitator of the New Haven Community Leadership Program, whose mission is to equip,
support, and inspire the practice of values-based collaborative leadership.

Meditation & Breathwork Break

 May 2, 1:05am-1:20am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Angel Grant
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Pause and allow yourself to reconnect to your breath and soul, clearing your mind for ingesting
the essence of all the teachings being brought forth. 

Angel Grant

Co-Founder of DrugsOverDinner + DeathOverDinner, Meditation + Yoga Instructor

Angel Grant is the co-founder of Drugs Over Dinner and Death Over Dinner. She is on the
teaching faculty at Where Is My Guru and is part of the Convivium Collective. She's been
traveling the globe for over a decade treaching yoga and meditation practices and sharing talks
on how to reduce the many ways we suffer. 

Angel has served as co-founder of Yoga in Common and Yoga in the Forest in coastal South
Carolina, and has been leading teacher trainings since 2010 that interweave non-duality with the
physical-reality work of deepening somatic and emotional intelligence. She facilitates workshops
and retreats, and works one-on-one with people to rewire mental patterns that limit their

Integration With Nature

 May 2, 1:15am-2am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Rosalind Watts, MD
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Explore a cornerstone of mindfulness by learning to immerse yourself and be healed by nature. 

Rosalind Watts, MD

Clinical psychologist and founder of ACER Integration

Dr. Rosalind Watts is a clinical psychologist and the founder of ACER Integration. As the
former clinical lead on the Psilocybin for Depression trial at Imperial College London, Dr. Watts
led a clinical team which facilitated over a hundred psilocybin treatment sessions. Having
recognised that safe and effective use of psychedelics requires substantial integration support,
Rosalind co-founded the UK's first psychedelic integration group, and is now launching a global
online integration community, ‘Accept, Connect, Embody, Restore’ (ACER) where members
will follow a 12 month process together.

Her contributions to the field of psychedelic therapy are numerous and include the development
of the the ACE model, which has been used in clinical trials of both psilocybin and DMT, as well
as the Watts Connectedness Scale, which is a psychometric tool for measuring outcomes of
psychedelic therapy. Dr. Watts is the clinical track lead on the Synthesis Institute’s psychedelic
practitioner training, and sits on the clinical advisory board of the Usona Institute.

Live Q&A Session With Dream Mullick and Special Guests

 May 2, 2:15am-3:15am (Eastern European Summer Time)
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Get support, insights, and deep wisdom in response to your own questions during this live Q&A
with speakers from throughout the latter half of our Summit.

Closing Ceremony
 May 2, 3:30am-4:55am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Dream Mullick
Hosted by Dream Mullick

Psychedelics bridge the worlds of the ancestral and the contemporary, the scientific and the
intuitive — and in this closing ceremony, discover how this bridge lives within your own being.

Dream Mullick

Entheowheel Founder, Ceremony of Living & Dying Teacher, Interconnected Producer,

Dreamweaver and Bridge Builder

Dream Mullick is a writer, teacher, producer, death coach, and dreamer whose work focuses on
the evolution of consciousness and a return to love. She curates programs that combine the
world-views of ceremony and science with sacred plant medicines and psychedelics, including
the exploration of death as a pathway to liberation. In her practices, Dream explores the profound
transformative power of death, grief, joy, and love. Her latest creation, Entheowheel, launched in
collaboration with the Esalen Institute, focuses on the ceremony, science, and somatics of sacred
plants and psychedelics.

Impact Spotlight
A selection of non-profit organizations we'd like to highlight who are working to support
this ecosystem
The Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines promotes reciprocity in the psychedelic
community, supports the protection of sacred plants and cultural traditions, and uplifts the voices
of queer, Indigenous, and people of color, women, and the Global South in the psychedelic
science field.

Fireside Project helps people minimize the risks and fulfill the potential of their psychedelic
experiences through compassionate, accessible, and culturally responsive peer support, public
education and research, while embracing practices that increase equity, power sharing, and

The Center for Sacred Studies is dedicated to sustaining ways of life based on collaboration and
reciprocity with the Earth and all Her beings, through educational and community initiatives that
holistically deepen spiritual and energetic knowledge on the path of dreaming a new world into

SoundMind Institute is a Philadelphia and Oregon-based training program for psychedelic

facilitators dedicated to bringing equity, ethics, and innovation to the psychedelic ecosystem.

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a research and educational
organization whose mission, since 1986, has been to create a world where psychedelics and
cannabis become available for safe, legal and beneficial uses, and governed by rigorous scientific
Alma Institute is an Oregon-based psychedelic training and mentorship program whose mission
is to strengthen and diversify the network of legal psychedelic facilitators by offering prioritized
enrollment and certification opportunities to members of marginalized and low-income

Kene Rao is a Peruvian non-profit that protects the intellectual property of the Amazonian
Shipibo-Konibo tribe. This includes kené, abstract geometric patterns that express esoteric
knowledge about consciousness that become visible in hallucinations from traditional
ethnobotanical extracts.
The International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service is a non-profit
organization dedicated to transforming society’s relationship with psychoactive plants by
engaging with fundamental issues resulting from the globalization of ayahuasca, iboga, and other

The Psychedelic Liberation Collective is working for the healing and liberation for Black,
Indigenous and people of color (BI&POC), 2SLGBTQIA+ people, and all who are oppressed by
structural inequality, through the mind-manifesting aspects of psychedelics, in an approach
grounded in social justice.
Reconsider’s mission is to create a more conscious, connected way of life by supporting the
emergence and integration of transformational medicines, including psychedelics, to address
mental health and collective challenges, focused on veterans, first responders, healthcare workers
and their families.

Pachamama Alliance works in partnership with the Indigenous people of the Sacred Headwaters
of the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador to defend their land and culture and offers transformational
trainings designed to shift the dominant culture of consumption to one that honors and sustains
all of life.
North Star is a nonprofit shaping psychedelic business around psychedelic wisdom to develop a
baseline commitment toward integrity, and through the North Star Pledge gathers stakeholders
across the field in dialogue about integrity, ethics and transformational business models for

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