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Olympus Mons
Class and Reid Fleming Class

Mons class 5 views Olympus
class in UFP markings Different

Olympus Mons
deck plans, part Olympus Mons
deck plans, part
1 2
created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes) created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes)

ship plans, part 1 Munitions
ship plans, part 2
created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes) created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes)

transport plans, part 1 Troop
transport plans, part 2
created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes) created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes)

Fleming side view Reid Fleming
deck plans, part 1 Reid Fleming
deck plans, part 2
created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes) created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes)
ship Mercy deck plans, part 1 Mercy deck plans,
part 2
created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes) created by Allen
Rolfes (see notes)


Olympus Mons 3D model Reid Fleming 3D model

created by Fabio
Passaro created by Fabio
© 3D Gladiators © 3D Gladiators

created by Dávid


Even before the UE went on the offensive in 2158, a fast, reliable logistical trail was needed to
prosecute the war. With the successful introduction of M/AM reactors aboard the Krechet- and
Tannhäuser-class cruisers, faster transports were needed to move personnel and materiel from the
core worlds to the front lines. The Olympus Mons-class combat transports (APM-50) marked a
return to the original cargo-carrying configurations of the Bison hull.

The M/AM reactor presented a clear advantage in logistics: faster delivery, more cargo as a
percentage of weight, and lower deuterium requirements. Ships equipped with the SSWR-III-C
M/AM reactor had greatly reduced transit times compared with fusion-powered ships, enabling the
full capacity of Earth's industrial base to reach the front lines in a timely manner. Rather than a high
burst speed of the previous reactors, the SSWR-III-C was built to provide sustained, moderately
high speeds.


Like its Bison predecessors, the Olympus Mons was highly configurable. Hulls could be customized
to carry personnel, bulk cargo, replacement parts, munitions, and assault troops and landing craft.
Specialized variants of Olympus Mons—the Reid Fleming-class deuterium tankers (ADM-21) and the
Mercy-class hospital ships (AHM-5)— were also constructed. A single Olympus Mons transport
could carry enough cargo to resupply an entire task force, or a full battalion of ground soldiers with
their equipment and vehicles. A Reid Fleming tanker carried enough deuterium to refuel 2 Yorktown-
class carriers and their escorts.

After the war, when the UESN transformed into the more peaceful Federation Starfleet, a large
number of surplus ships were sold off to private interests. Marketed as the Baby Bison, these new,
fast transports started an economic boom as worlds previously out of reach were settled, and
existing colonies grew rapidly as more ships brought people and equipment from the core worlds.
Olympus Mons also continued to serve with the new Starfleet's Transport Command. They were
used to set up the new common infrastructure of the Federation—starbases, border monitors, fuel
stations, and spacelane marker buoys. However, as newer ships entered service (most notably the
Constellation class of 2180), Olympus Mons was gradually relegated to lower-priority roles. With
reactor and nacelle upgrades, Olympus Mons remained in service with Starfleet until the 2230s.

The Olympus Mons-class combat transport UES Ishtar Terra (APM-59) and the Reid Fleming-class
deuterium tanker UES DeMarco (ADM-35) are on display at the Starfleet Museum.

Commissioned Ships

UES Olympus Mons APM-50 UES Agiocochook APM-80

UES Chomolungma APM-51 UES Qogir APM-81
UES Denali APM-52 UES Eros APM-82
UES Kilamanjaro APM-53 UES Aonia Terra APM-83
UES Mauna Loa APM-54 UES Montes Alpes APM-84
UES Suribachi APM-55 UES Aconcagua APM-85
UES Galaxius Mons APM-56 UES Erebus APM-86
UES Fuji APM-57 UES Apis Tholus APM-87
UES Matterhorn APM-58 UES Echion Linea APM-88
UES Ishtar Terra APM-59 UES Annapurna II APM-89
UES Mount Etna APM-60 UES Stromboli APM-90
UES Eiger APM-61 UES Tharsis Montes APM-91
UES Ra Patera APM-62 UES Himalchuli APM-92
UES Pavonis Mons APM-63 UES Golem Korab APM-93
UES Xanthe Terra APM-64 UES Pico del Teide APM-94
UES Mount Cuba APM-65 UES Elbrus APM-95
UES Krakatoa APM-66 UES Vesuvius APM-96
UES Ascraeus Mons APM-67 UES Theia Mons APM-97
UES Aphrodite Terra APM-68 UES Kamet APM-98
UES Coprates APM-69 UES Anala Mons APM-99
UES Thera Macula APM-70 UES Makalu APM-100
UES Ceres APM-71 UES Ben Nevis APM-101
UES Syria Planum APM-72 UES Zugspitze APM-102
UES Montes Haemus APM-73 UES Gibraltar APM-103
UES Mont Blanc APM-74 UES Rainier APM-104
UES Cho Oyu APM-75 UES St. Helens APM-105
UES Elysium Montes APM-76 UES Var Mons APM-106
UES Vesta APM-77 UES Sinai APM-107
UES Guallatiri APM-78 UES Kungur APM-108
UES Colima APM-79 UES Grossglockner APM-109
UES Reid Fleming ADM-21 UES Payne ADM-29
UES Baker ADM-22 UES Evans ADM-30
UES Davis ADM-23 UES Robinson ADM-31
UES Gillam ADM-24 UES Tucker ADM-32
UES Graham-Lees ADM-25 UES Williams ADM-33
UES Gaines ADM-26 UES Leyburn ADM-34
UES Woods ADM-27 UES DeMarco ADM-35
UES Newcomb ADM-28
UES Mercy AHM-4 UES Consolation AHM-8
UES Solace AHM-5 UES Refuge AHM-9
UES Comfort AHM-6 UES Hope AHM-10
UES Sanctuary AHM-7 UES Tranquility AHM-11


Standard displacement: 411,337 t

  Overall 1°
Hull 2°
Hull Nacelles
[m] 182.19 91.36 90.83 112.64
[m] 113.81 54.09 59.74 17.96
[m] 64.32 54.09 64.35 17.96

Crew complement: 806 (80 officers +

726 crew)
Weapons: 2 missile launchers with 16 Viper area-defense missiles, 2 Type VII laser cannons (1 × 2
Embarked craft: 12 cargo/personnel shuttlecraft, 4 heavy cargo shuttlecraft
Warp drive: SSWR-III-C spherical cavity M/AM reactor with 2 Jaguar IIIa warp nacelles
Velocity: wf 2.9, cruise; wf 3.3, supercruise; wf 3.4, maximum
Units commissioned: 83 (all types)

Last modified: 04.06.15

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