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Public Relations - An Overview

PR or public relations is nothing but the practice of protecting as well as enhancing the
reputation of any particular organization/firm or for that matter any individual. In today’s
world of fierce competition, where every organization strives hard to work toward its
brand image, public relations has become the need of the hour. It is essential for every
organization to communicate well with its public/target audience. The correct flow of
information is essential. Here comes the importance of public relations.

What is Public Relations ?

The practice of maintaining a healthy relationship between organization and its

public/employees/stakeholders/investors/partners is called public relations. Public
relation activities ensure the correct flow of information between the organization and its
public also called its target audience. Public relations goes a long way in maintaining the
brand image of an organization in the eyes of its audience, stake holders, investors and all
others who are associated with it.
For schools, the target audience would be students and their parents/guardians, for
retailers the target audience would be customers and so on.
In the above examples, Public Relations ensures a smooth two way communication
between the school authorities and its target audiences (students and their
parents).Retailers must address their customers well for a positive word of mouth and a
strong brand positioning. It is really important to create a positive image of any particular
brand in the minds of consumers for it do well. Public relations experts not only help in
the flow of information from the organization to its public but also from the public to the
organization.(Two way communication).The flow of information from the public to the
organization is generally in the form of reviews, feedback(positive/negative),appreciation
and so on. Public relations strengthens the relationship between the organization and
its target audience, employees, stakeholders, investors etc.
Public Relation Activities
Here are some ways of enhancing an organization’s brand image:

1. Addressing the media

2. Speaking at various press conferences, seminars.
3. Advertisements to correctly position the brand, Pamphlets, Brochures, magazines
notices, newsletters and so on.
4. Corporate Social responsibility(CSR Activities)
5. Introducing various loyalty schemes for customers like membership cards, premium
clubs so as to retain the customers.
6. Various events, shows and activities.

Public relation experts sometimes turn a bad situation into the organization’s favour.Such
a situation is called as spin. Spin refers to a situation where public relation experts
tactfully utilize an unfavourable situation for company’s benefits and publicity.

Negative PR

In cases of negative PR, public relation experts instead of focussing on enhancing their
organization’s image,concentrate on tarnishing the reputation of business rivals. Negative
PR also called as dirty tricks involves extensive research and information gathering.

Effective Public Relations

Public Relations is said to be effective under all the below circumstances:

 Awareness: To create a positive image of an organization, the message must reach

the public. Information must reach in its desired form for effective public relation.
 Acceptance: The audience must understand what the message intends to
communicate. They ought to agree with the message.
 Action: The audience ought to give feedback to the organization accordingly.

To conclude public relations is nothing but an effort to present one’s organization in the
best light.
Communication and Public Relations
Communication plays an essential role in effective public relations. Two way
communication between both the parties is essential and information must flow in its
desired form between the organization and public. The receiver must understand what the
sender intends to communicate for an effective public relation. The receivers (public,
target audience, stakeholders, employees, investors) must clearly understand the sender’s
message. (organization in this case).
The message/information needs to create an impact in the minds of customers for an
effective brand positioning. Communication needs to have a strong influence on the
target audience for them to remain loyal towards the organization.
In public relations, the receivers play a crucial role than the sender. The sender
(organization) must ensure that the receivers interpret the information correctly and also
give necessary feedbacks and reviews. It is really essential for the sender to understand
its target audience. Public relations experts must do extensive research and gather as much
information as they can before planning any public relation activity. Public relation
activities would go unnoticed if receivers to not understand it well. Public relation
activities must be designed keeping in mind the benefits of the target audience for a better
brand positioning.

In cases of hospitals, public relation activities would ensure a smooth flow of information
between the hospital authorities or management and the patients and their immediate
family members or relatives. Public relations experts from a hospital in a rural area must
plan and design their activities in the local language for receivers to interpret and respond
well. If the hospital authorities interact in a language not understood by the patients, no
real communication takes place and eventually the effect of public relation activities get
Further the needs of the target audience must be understood well. Remember public
relation activities are designed to position an organization in the best light. This happens
only when the target audiences are fully satisfied with its services/products. Understand
what your target audiences expect from you to design public relations activities for the
maximum and desired impact. Make sure your target audiences understand what you
intend to communicate.
Let us understand the role of communication in public relations through a simple example.
Peter planned for a vacation with his family to an unexplored destination. He made sure
he had map of the particular place which would help him with the directions and roads of
the place.

What is the map doing in the above example ?

It is just guiding Peter about this new place. In other words, the map is communicating in
an effective manner so that Peter does not get lost.

What if Peter does not understand the map ?

Communication is incomplete

What if Peter understands the map ?

This is a case of two way communication where Peter is able to interpret what the map
intends to communicate. A simple example of two way communication.

Public relation experts must ensure:

 Message reaches the receiver (public) in its correct form.

 Audiences agree to the message
 They respond accordingly and give necessary feedbacks.


Public relations refers to the practice of enhancing an organization’s reputation and image
in the minds of target audience through ethical means. Public Relations experts strive hard
to maintain a cordial relation between the organization (key members) and stakeholders,
investors, employees,partners and so on. It is the public relations manager’s key
responsibility to ensure that free flow of information takes place between both the
parties(organization and its target audience).
Importance of Public Relations
In the current scenario of cut throat competition, every organization struggles to stay a
step ahead of its competitors. It is essential for every organization to communicate well
with its stake holders, partners and each and every individual associated with it.
Here comes the importance of public relations experts:
Public relations experts are hired to present one’s organization in the best light.
Public Relations experts create a positive image of a particular brand in the minds of target
customers through regular interaction, press release, newsletters, interviews, events,
functions, hiring a celebrity as a brand ambassador or even through charitable functions.
Public Relations is essential for effective brand positioning. In a layman’s language,
public relations experts are hired to make an organization and its products/brands popular
among the masses. (Target audiences)
Public relations experts strive hard to reach to the maximum people (potential
customers) and eventually gain maximum exposure for their organization/brand.
More and more people relate to their brand and automatically revenue of the organization
goes up.
In today’s world, it is really essential for every organization to understand the needs and
expectations of its target audiences. Public relations experts ensure free flow of
information between the organization and its target audiences, necessary for the survival
of every business. Correct information must reach the customers for them to be loyal
towards your brand. (Products and services).Public relations experts help an organization
stand apart from the crowd.
Public relations department gives the customers and infact the whole world a better
understanding of how their organization functions, policies, products, services and so on.
Public relations experts focus not only on information flow from organization to its
public but also vice a versa. Proper feedback is being taken from potential customers as
to how they feel about the organization and its products. These reviews and feedbacks
(positive or negative) help an organization to grow to its full potential. Positive feedback
definitely calls for a celebration but negative reviews are also taken seriously and
necessary changes are incorporated in the system to meet the expectations of the
The role of public relations expert becomes critical under any kind of crisis or
unfavourable circumstance. It is the role of the public relations manager to save the
reputation of his/her organization. He needs to be on his toes to face questions from the
media/public and handle all the criticism with a smile. It is the public relations manager’s
role to take immediate charge of any adverse situation and turn negative situations also
into the company’s favour.
Public relations experts in true sense are the face of every organization who work hard
towards saving and maintaining an organization’s reputation ad image. It is a new and
highly successful way of staying connected with the target audiences for a better brand


Public Relations experts ought to possess the following skills for a highly successful
and rewarding career.
1. Excellent Writing Skills
A Public Relations expert needs to write well. He ought to be creative and should
master the art of putting thoughts into meaningful words. Your words need to create
the desired impact and influence the customers. Make sure whatever you write is
relevant and puts your organization in the best light.
2. Creative
A public relations expert needs to be extremely creative and should be able to think
out of the box. He/She should be able to come out with innovative ideas to promote
the organization and its products among the target audience. In today’s world of
fierce competition, it is really essential for marketers and public relations experts to
experiment with new ideas /concepts and develop something which would benefit
the end-users.
3. Good Communication Skills
Public Relations experts must master the art of effective communication skills. It is
really essential to speak well. Don’t just speak for the sake of it. Public relations
experts must ensure the recipients have understood what they intend to communicate.
Two way communication is the essence of effective public relations. Whatever you
communicate ought to make sense and well understood by target customers.
4. Focussed
Stay focussed and take care of even the minutest details. Do not ignore even the
slightest doubt. Even a single detail left unattended can become a major cause of
concern in the future. Crosscheck every single detail and observation before jumping
to the final conclusion.
5. Study a lot
Public relations experts ought to study a lot and do extensive research before
designing public relations activities.
6. Proactive
A public relation professional ought to be proactive and on his toes always. He needs
to have a strong grasping power with an eagerness to learn. Lazy individuals
generally do not make good public relations professionals.
7. Competitors research
Keep your eyes and ears open. Find out what your competitors are upto.It is really
important to keep a close watch on competitor’s activities and initiatives. You may
draw inspiration from them but following them blindly would do no benefit and in
turn tarnish your organization’s image.
8. Be Friendly
A Public relations expert needs to have strong networking skills. As a Public relations
representative one needs to have a strong association with people from media
industry(TV, Radio, Print - Newspapers/Magazines), employees, investors,
shareholders, partners etc. Sometimes it really becomes essential to flash your smile
and get your work done. Never ever spoil your relationship with anyone. Don’t fight
with anyone. If you do not like someone, the best way is to ignore. You never know
when you might need the other person.
9. Loyal towards your Job
Be loyal towards your job. Remember a public relations job is not only a nine to six
job. You need to stay back sometimes even at odd hours and you can’t just complain.
At times you need to meet lots of people in a single day but one can’t crib. One needs
to be a little flexible. Make that little extra effort to satisfy your clients.
10.Pleasing Personality
Public Relations Professionals need to have a pleasing personality. Make sure you
dress smartly. Public relations experts need to be extroverts.
11.Tech savvy
Be a little tech savvy. Depend on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter
Organizations hire public relations experts to position themselves strongly in the minds
of target audiences, investors, stakeholders, employees and all others associated with it.
Public relations activities are designed specially to create a strong brand image. Public
relations experts should ensure their target audiences agree to what they intend to sell and
thus in a way enhance as well as maintain the reputation of their organization through
ethical means.
There are various ways public relations activities take place:
Media Relations
Public relations experts create awareness and market their organization and its
products/services to various media sources which include TV, Radio, internet,
newspapers, magazines and so on. Public relations experts develop and design various
interesting and creative stories about their organization and products and pitch it to
various media people. Organizations bank on their relations with media channels to
enhance the reputation of their brand.
Following are the tools used in media relations:

 Press Kits

Press kits include written material about the organization and its top people.

 Audio Releases

Audio releases or video releases are prerecorded messages distributed to various

media channels.

 Matte Releases

Small local newspapers accept articles written by organizations when they do not
have sufficient articles or stories to publish. Such releases are called as matte releases.

 Website Press Room

Public relations experts promote their organization and its products/services through
online press rooms.

 Media Tour

Public relations experts publicize their organization and its products through media
tour where key people of the organization travel to important places and locations
and promote their products through various interviews to media people. They interact
and share the benefits and USPs of their products/services with people from various
news channels, radio channels and even print media. Organizations also hire
celebrities or other people popular among the masses to promote and publicize their

 Newsletters

Newsletters are nothing but publications which are distributed on a regular basis
(monthly, quarterly) among target audiences. Public relations experts collect
complete information (name, address, agegroup) of their target customers and
distribute newsletters to create awareness about their products. Newsletters should
include information about the organization, interview from key people, product
information, testimonials from clients and so on.

 Events/Functions

Public relations experts organize special events, gatherings, parties, to target their
customers and promote their organization and its products among them. People from
media are also invited for coverage.

 Speaking Engagements

One of indirect ways of publicizing an organization and its products is through

interacting with potential customers and target audience. Company officials address
the target audience and do not only discuss about their products and services. They
generally prefer any topic which would interest the target audiences.

 Employee interactions on a regular basis

It is really essential for employers to stay in constant touch with employees and keep
them abreast with the latest developments and happenings within the organization.
Management or public relations experts should circulate latest events, new product
launches among employees through emails, circulars, notices or simply
communicating with them.

 Charity/Corporate social responsibility

Public relations experts engage in various social and charitable activities to publicize
their organization and its products. Organizations distribute products among target
audiences to create a goodwill of their organization.
Models of public relations were proposed by James E. Grunig, a noted public relations
theorist who has to his credit several books, articles, chapters and awards in the field of
public relations.
According to James E.Grunig, there are four models of public Relations:
 Press Agentry/Publicity
Press Agentry Publicity model is also called P.T Barnum model. Press Agentry
Publicity model follows one way communication where the flow of information is
only from the sender to the receiver. The sender is not much concerned about the
second party’s feedback, reviews and so on.
In Press Agentry publicity model, public relations experts enhance the reputation of
the organization among the target audiences, stakeholders, employees, partners,
investors and all others associated with it through manipulation. According to this
model, organizations hire public relations experts who create a positive image of their
brand in the minds of target audiences through arguments and reasoning. They
influence their potential customers by simply imposing their ideas, thoughts, creative
stories of their brand, USPs of the products and so on. Flow of information takes
place only from the public relations experts to the target audiences. (One way
 Public Information Model
As the names suggests public information model, emphasizes on maintaining and
enhancing the image of an organization simply by circulating relevant and
meaningful information among the target audience/public. Public relations experts
depend on press release, news release, video release or any other recorded
communication often directed at the media to circulate information about their brand
among the public. Newsletters, brochures, magazines with information about the
organization, its key people, products, benefits of the products, testimonials, success
stories are distributed at regular intervals among target audiences for brand
positioning. In such a model, public relations experts need to be creative and ought
to have a flair for writing. They should be really good at putting their thoughts into
meaningful words which influence the customers and end-users. Public information
model also revolves around one way communication where information primarily
flows from sender(organization and public relations experts) to the receiver(target
audience, employees, stake holders, employees, investors and so on).
 Two Way Asymmetrical Model
Two way asymmetrical model of public relations revolves around two way
communication between both the parties but the communication is somewhat not
balanced. In this type of model, public relations experts position their organization
and brand on the whole in the minds of their target audiences through manipulation
and force the public to behave the same way they would want them to do. In two way
asymmetrical model of public relations, organizations do not utilize much of their
manpower and resources to find out the reaction of the stakeholders, investors or for
that matter public.
 Two way Symmetrical Model
Two way symmetrical model of public relations is an ideal way of enhancing an
organization’s reputation among the target audience. According to two way
symmetrical model, public relations experts depend on two way communication to
position their brand among end-users. Free flow of information takes place between
the organization and its stake holders, employees, investors and vice-a-versa.
Conflicts and misunderstandings are resolved through mutual discussions and
communication. A two way communication takes place between both the parties and
information flows in its desired form. The feedback from stakeholders and target
audiences are also taken into consideration.


Advertising and public relations are two different industries altogether.
Let us carefully examine the difference between advertisements and public relations:
Organizations need to pay for every single advertisement aired on television/radio.
Organizations need to buy space/slots in various newspapers, TV Channels, radio
channels to advertise about their organization/product/service. Public relations experts
strive hard to gain publicity for their organization without spending much. Public relations
experts organize various events, functions, shows, give interviews to media people in
order to create awareness about their organization and its products and services among
stakeholders, investors, partners, and target audience. Organizations even hire celebrities
or famous personalities who are popular among the crowd to enhance their reputation.
Organizations have to pay for every advertisement and thus have a control over its
content. The Creative team of every organization has a full control of what goes into the
advertisement. This however does not happen in case of public relations. As a public
relations expert, you might give an impressive interview highlighting the USPs of your
organization’s products and services, but it entirely depends on media people whether
they telecast the complete interview or not. They have no obligation towards you and your
Advertisements generally have a longer shelf life as compared to press release. A
magazine can’t publish your interview or article daily or three or four times in a row
whereas consumers can view advertisements several times in a day. They can recall a
product immediately when they see the advertisement. People can relate more with the
advertisements as compared to newsletters, press releases, video releases and so on.
Advertisements make a product as well as organization popular among the end-users.
Public relations experts need to be extremely creative and always on their toes. They must
master the art of putting thoughts into meaningful words which create desired impact in
the minds of potential customers. Public relations experts are the face of an organization
and it is really essential for them to be prepared to face several questions from the media,
stakeholders and end-users with a smile. Remember as a Public relations expert you need
to meet several people in a single day and you just can’t complain. The exposure is more
in case of public relations than in advertising.
Public relations is more cost effective as compared to advertisements. Organizations
need to shell out handsome money for a simple advertisement on billboard or for an
advertisement aired during prime slots. You have to pay irrespective of whether your
advertisement gets noticed or not. Public relations methods are more cost effective as
compared to advertising. Public relations activities, if planned carefully go a long way in
creating a buzz among potential customers. Plan out an event where you have the chance
of addressing a large gathering. This way a public relations expert gets a better
opportunity to directly interact with the potential customers and promote his
products/services. You reach to a wider audience in much lesser costs in public relations
as compared to a television or radio advertisement. Smaller organizations thus largely
depend on public relations activities for maintaining and enhancing the reputation.

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