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TS 825
May 2008

ICS 91.120.10


Thermal insulation requirements for buildings


Necatibey Caddesi No.112 Bakanlıklar/ANKARA
 As this standard prepared as by being based on the today`s techniques and applications is possible to be
adopted to the developments and changes that will arise in due time, we kindly request from the
concerned people to follow the publications and notify our Institute of the problems that they encounter in
the application of the standard.

 We thankfully remember the labors of the valuable experts who are the members of the Preparation
Group establishing this standard and valuable contributions of the science, public and private sector
institutions and people who help by declaring their opinions about the drafts.

Quality System Certificate

It is the certificate given by the TSE in case the institutions which are active in the production and service
sectors establish their systems in accordance with the TS EN ISO 9000 Q u a l i t y Standards.

Mark of Compliance to the Turkish Standards (TSE Mark)

TSE Mark means that the products and services to whose over or package it is placed are appropriate to the
related Turkish Standard and they are under the guarantee of the Turkish Standards Institute when a problem
related to the products or services arises.

Quality Compliance Mark (TSEK Mark)
TSEK Mark means that as the products and services to whose over or package it is placed do not have
Turkish Standard yet, they are appropriate to the related international or other countries` standards or
technical characteristics accepted by the Institute and they are under the guarantee of the Turkish Standards
Institute when a problem related to the products or services arises.

TS m a r k a n d t h e n u m b e r a l o n e t a k i n g p l a c e n e x t t o i t ( s u c h a s T S 4 6 0 0 )
mean the producer`s declaration that the product is produced in
a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e T u r k i s h S t a n d a r d . There is not any guarantee at issue by the
Turkish Standards Institute.

Detailed information regarding the standards and standardization can be obtained from our Institute.


ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

 This standard has been prepared as the revision of TS 825:1998 by the Engineering Service Expertise
Group of the Turkish Standards Institute and it has been accepted and decided to be published at the
meeting dated 22 May 2008 of the TSE Technical Board.

 The previously published editions of this standard are invalid.

 In the preparation of this standard, our national needs and possibilities are in the foreground and by also
considering the principles in the international standards and standards of the foreign countries with
which we have economical relations, in the conditions deemed to be beneficial, it has been tried to
ensure the possible familiarities and similarities and to make these principles associated with the
conditions of our country.

 Before this standard takes its final form, the required cooperations have been made with the scientific
corporations, and the concerned parts of the issues in the situations of producer/manufacturer and the
consumer, it has been developed according to the opinions received.

 Some words and/or expressions used in this standard can be subjects of the patent rights. In case of
determination of such a patent right TSE cannot be held responsible.
ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Table of Contents
0 Issue, definition, scope , aim and implementation field .........................................................................1
Issue .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Definitions, symbols and units .............................................................................................................. 1
Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Aim ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Implementation field ............................................................................................................................ 4
1 General explanations ............................................................................................................................... 4
Factors affecting the heating energy need of the building ..................................................................5
Annual heating energy need limit values..............................................................................................5
Special verdicts ................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Calculation method .................................................................................................................................. 6
Basic information .................................................................................................................................. 6
General information .......................................................................................................................... 10
3 Calculation report .................................................................................................................................. 16
Units ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Calculation report. ........................................................................................................................... 16
Annex A ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Annex B ......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Annex C – Monthly average solar radiation intensity values to be used in the calculations for all degree
day regions [W/m2]…………….………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
Annex D - Degree day regions according to the provinces ...................................................................... 34
Annex E - Unit volume mass of the construction material and components, thermal conductivity
calculation value ( ∗ .................................................. 35
Annex F – Investigation and limitation of the vapour transition from the construction elements
....................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Annex G - Monthly average relative humidity rates of the provinces and some districts (%) .............. 68
Continuation of Annex G ............................................................................................................................ 69
Continuation of Annex G ............................................................................................................................ 70
Annex H ........................................................................................................................................................ 71
Annex I (For information) - Specific heat loss calculation chart of the building ..................................... 73
Annex J (For information) - Annual heating energy need calculation chart ............................................ 74
Annex K (For information) - Our provinces according to the degree day regions ................................. 75
Resources .................................................................................................................................................... 76
ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Thermal insulation requirements for buildings

0 Issue, definition, scope, aim and implementation field

This standard is about the determination of the highest heating energy values allowed in the buildings and the
calculation rules of the net heating energy needs in the buildings.

Definitions, symbols and units

Monthly heating energy need (Qı,ay)
The heat energy amount required to be given within one month to the heated environment from the heating
system. Its unit is "Joule".

Annual heating energy need (Qı,yıl)

The heat energy amount required to be given within one year to the heated environment from the heating
system. Its unit is "Joule".

Specific heat loss of the building (H)

In case there is 1 K temperature difference between the internal and external environments, it is the heat
energy amount lost in the unit time via ventilation and transmission from the external shell of the
building. Its unit is "Watt/Kelvin".

Monthly average external environment temperature (e)

Monthly average value of the external temperature. Its unit is "°C".

Monthly average internal environment temperature (i)

Monthly average value of the internal temperature. Its unit is "°C".

Internal heat gains of the building (i)

It is the heat energy amount expanded to the heated environment from the heat resources located in the heated
environment other than the heating system of the building. Its unit is "Watt".

Heat energy gains (s)

It is the amount of the solar energy directly reaching to the heated environment in the unit time. Its unit is "Watt".

Gain usage factor ()

The rate of contribution of the total of the internal heat gains and solar energy gain to the heating of the
environment. It is unitless.

Building usage rate (An)

It is the net usage area of the building. Its unit is “m ”.

Heated gross volume of the building (Vbrüt)

Volume surrounding the heat losing surfaces of the building ad calculated according to the external shell. Its
unit is “m ”.

Total area of the heat losing surfaces of the building (Atop)

Total of the heat losing surface areas of the construction components such as external wall, ceiling,
floor/flooring, window, door etc. found according to the external measures. Its unit is “m ”.
Atop / Vbrüt rate
He rate of heat losing total surface area (Atop) to the structure`s heated gross volume (Vbrüt). Its unit is “m ”.

Single volume building

Definition of building used in case the calculation is made by taking single average internal temperature for the
whole building.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Building with more than one volume

The definition of building used for the situation of finding the internal temperature averages of more than one
section of the building used with the different aims and making separate heating energy need calculation for
each building section. Ri Re

0.2.2 Symbols and units

Symbol Explanation Unit

 Density of air kg/m
 Ratio of the time in which the fans operate -
 Water vapour diffusion resistance coefficient -
 Relative humidity -
 Productivity, gain usage factor -
 Thermal conductivity calculation value W/m.K
s,ay Monthly average solar energy gain W

i,ay Monthly average internal heat gain W

v Productivity of the heat recovery system from air to air -
1/ U Total thermal permeability resistance of the construction component m .K/W
R,1/ Thermal permeability resistance m .K/W
External surface thermal transmission resistance (thermal convection coefficient in the external surface) 2
Re Internal surface thermal transmission resistance (thermal convection coefficient in the internal surface m .K/W
Ri Total area of the construction elements m .K/W
A m2
AD External wall area m2
Ad Area of the floor/flooring contacting with the external air m2
Adsıc Area of the construction elements contacting with the internal environments at the low temperatures
Ai Total window area in the direction of i m2
An Building usage area m2
AP Window area m2
AT Ceiling area m2
At Floor/flooring area sitting on the ground m2
Atop Total area of the heat losing surfaces of the building m2
c Specific heat of the air J/kgK
d Thickness of the construction component m
e Building situation coefficient to be used in the mechanical ventilation calculation -
f Surface coefficient to be used in the mechanical ventilation calculation -
g Solar energy permeance factor for the beam measured in the laboratory conditions and coming perpendicularly to the surface -

gi,ay Solar energy permeance factor of the transparent elements in the direction of i -
H Specific heat loss of the building W/K
Hv Heat loss realized via the ventilation W/K
HT Heat loss realized via the transmission and convection W/K
İ Diffusion flow density kg/m h
Ii,ay Monthly average solar radiation intensity coming to the perpendicular surfaces in the direction of i W/m
KKOay Gain / loss ratio -
n50 Air exchange rate while there is 50 Pa pressure difference between the internal and external environments -
nh Air exchange rate
p Partial water vapour pressure Pa
pd Water vapour partial pressure of the air contacting with the external surface of the construction component Pa

pi Water vapour partial pressure of the air contacting with the external surface of the construction component inside the room Pa

ps Saturated water vapour pressure at the T temperature Pa

psw Saturated water vapour pressure Pa
q Heat flow density W/m
Qay Monthly heating energy need Joule
Qyıl Annual heating energy need Joule
ri,ay Monthly average ghosting factor of the transparent surfaces in the direction of i -
t Time, (one month as seconds = 86400 x 30) s

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Symbol Explanation Unit

e Monthly average external environment temperature °C
i Monthly average internal environment temperature °C
 External surface temperature °C
yi Internal surface temperature °C
yi,en düşük Acceptable lowest internal surface temperature °C
U Thermal permeability coefficient of the construction component W/m .K
Thermal permeability coefficient of the floor contacting with the external air 2
Ud W/m K
Thermal permeability coefficient of the external wall 2
UD Thermal permeability coefficient of the construction elements contacting with the internal environments at the low temperatures
W/m K
Udsıc W/m K
UP Thermal permeability coefficient of the window W/m K
UT Thermal permeability coefficient of the ceiling W/m K
Ut Thermal permeability coefficient of the floor/flooring sitting on the ground W/m K
V0 Air exchange flow rate in volume for the situation in which the ventilators do not work m /h
Vbrüt Heated gross volume of the building m3
VE Air exit flow rate m /h
Vf Air exchange flow rate as average volume in the ventilators m /h
Vh Ventilated volume m33
Vı Total air exchange flow rate as volume m /h
VS Fresh air entry flow rate m /h
g Amount of water vapour passing from the unit area kg/(m .s)
Sd Water vapour diffusion –equivalent air layer thickness -
p Water vapour permeability of the material depending on the partial vapour pressure kg/(m s Pa)
o Water vapour permeability of the air depending on the partial vapour pressure kg/(m s Pa)
 Humidity amount in the unit volume of the air kg/m
v Excess humidity of the internal environment, vi - ve kg/m
p Excess vapour pressure of the internal environment, pi – pd Pa
Buildings to be constructed newly: This standard covers the calculation rules of the heating energy need of the buildings to be
constructed newly and the allowed highest heat loss values and way of presenting the information related to the calculation . These
rules cannot be used in the buildings containing passive solar energy systems.

Current buildings: T h e t h e rm a l p e rm e a b i l i t y c o ef f i c i e nt s ( A n ne x A . 3 ) s h oul d be obs e r v ed i n t erm s of p r ov i d i ng

t h e v a l u e s e q u a l o r s m a l l e r t h a n t h e s e f o r t h e s ec t i ons i n whi c h t he a p pl i c at i on wi l l b e r ea l i ze d i n t h e
s u b s t a n t i a l re p a i r, a m e n d m e n t a n d a d d i t i o n s t o b e m ad e t o t h e wh ol e o r i nd ep end e nt s ec t i ons of t h e c u r re nt
Some information required to be used during the usage of the calculation method defined in the standard (including the condensation
calculation) has been added to the end of the standard as annexes (Annex A – Annex J).
This standard is determining a method oriented for the calculation of the heating energy need in the buildings. The
energy needs with the other aims is out of the scope of this standard.

The aim of this standard is to limit the energy amounts used in the heating of the buildings in our country, therefore to
increase the savings and to determine the standard calculation method and values to be used during the calculation of the
energy need. This standard can also be used for the below objectives:

- By applying the calculation method and values explained in this standard to the various design options
belonging to the building to be constructed newly, determining the design option that will provide the
ideal energy performance,

- Determining the net heating energy consumptions of the current buildings,

- Before applying a renovation project to a current building, determining the saving amounts that the
energy saving precautions that can be applied will provide,

- By calculating the energy need of the various buildings that will represent the building sector, estimating
the energy need in the future in the building sector at the national level.
ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Implementation field
This standard is applied in the below mentioned buildings:

- Residences,
- Management buildings,
- Business and service buildings,
- Hotel, motel and restaurants,
- Education buildings,
- Theatres and concert halls,
- Quarters ,
- Prisons and detention houses,
- Museum and galleries,
- Airports,
- Hospitals,
- Swimming pools,
- Production and atelier areas,
- Working place and industrial and industry buildings heated as their internal temperatures are minimum
15C due to their general usage aims,
- Buildings oriented for some of the above mentioned objectives or used for the aims similar to these.
Note - The internal temperature values of the buildings to be used in the annual heat need calculation in
this standard have been given in the Article B.1 and the external temperature values in the Article
B.2 and the degree day regions in which the provinces are available in the Annex D.

1 General explanations
In the buildings in which the people take shelter or work, the protection of the temperature effects is important in
terms of the human health, repair costs, fuel economy and the first construction expenses.

- Adequate protection from the temperature effects is the fundamental condition of ensuring of an internal
climatic environment which is appropriate to the health.
- The heating energy need of the volumes and the heating costs made to ensure this depend on the
thermal insulation and heat storage characteristics of the component surrounding the volume.
- The adequate protection from the temperature effects prevents the condensation of the water vapour on
the construction components surrounding the volume. It makes smaller the movements that the
temperature changes form on the components and therefore, it prevents the losses that will arise from
this event on the structure and decreases the fuel costs and it also decreases the maintenance and
repair costs of the building.
- The precautions to be taken in the projecting period of the building (for example, the correct selection of
the building place) can affect the need of the heating energy. The heat loss in a building under the wind
effect is more relative to the neighbor buildings and the ones protected with the plants and trees.
- That the getting bigger of the external surfaces of the building can also increase the heat loss in that rate
should be considered in the projecting period.
- The heat loss in a split building is more according to another building in the row housing constructed in
the same size and construction form.
- The relations of the rooms in a building with each other (for example, placement of the heated volumes
as side by side or one on the top of the other one) have a great importance.
- The windbreak should be constructed at the building entrances to prevent the heat loss (a second door
mechanism which closes automatically as separate from the external door).
- The big window surfaces increase the heat loss (even if double surfaced window, adjacent window,
specially combined multi glazing glassed window). That they are located at the corner rooms and only
on one of the external walls of the building is more correct in terms of protection from the heat effects.
- The chimneys and installation pipes should not be on the external walls. This precaution is important in
terms of fully utilization of the fuel, prevention of the cooling of the chimney gases, having soot by the
chimney and freezing of the installation pipes.
- The heat storage characteristic of the wall and flooring is required to prevent the fast cooling in case the
heating stops in winter and to prevent the excessive increasing of the internal environment air
temperature at the daytime hours in the volumes being under the sun effect especially in summer. The
heat storage characteristic is directly proportional to the mass of the construction component and the
specific heat of the material from which it is made.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Factors affecting the heating energy need of the building

The factors affecting the heating energy need of the building have been explained below:

- Building characteristics: Heat losses realized via the transmission, convection and ventilation (if any heat recovery) and thermal

- Characteristics of the heating system: Duration of responding to the changes in the heating energy need by especially the
control systems and heating system,

- Internal climate conditions: Temperature value that the ones using the building want, changes in these temperature changes at
the different sections of the building and the different times of the day,
- External climate conditions: External air temperature, direction and magnitude of the
prevailing wind,

- Internal heat gain resources: Various devices and people expanding heat to the environment and used with the aims of internal
heat resources having contribution to the heating, food cooking, obtaining hot water, illumination other than the heating system,

- Solar energy: S o l a r e n e r g y a m o u n t d i r e c t l y r e a c h i n g t o t h e h e a t e d place from the transparent

building materials such as window.

In the calculation method mentioned in this standard, the heat losses realized via the transmission, convection and ventilation and the
internal heat gains and the solar energy gains have been considered.

In this standard, as there is an opportunity of changing into the liquid form from the gas form, namely the condensation of the water
vapour depending on the resistance that the materials forming the construction elements show to the transition of the water vapour and
the sequence of the materials, the worsening in the thermal conductivity values of the materials should be investigated with the method
defined in the Annex F and if there is condensation, it should remain the limits defined in the Annex F and Article 2.5.7.

With the heating energy need, the net output of the heating system is mentioned. As the transformation efficiency of the heating system is
less than 1,00 and a little heat loss can happen during the distribution, the energy input of the system is bigger than this value.

In the calculation method, the net internal heat gains and the net solar energy gains have been considered. For this reason, the total of
the gains is multiplied with the `heat gain usage factor`.

Annual heating energy need limit values

This standard mentions a method in which the heating energy need of the buildings is calculated with the addition of the factors in the
Article 1.1 to the calculation. According to the annual heating energy need Atop/Vbrüt rate of the building calculated with this
method; t h e v a l u e s g i v e n i n t h e A r t i c l e A.1 and A r t i c l e A.2 should not be exceeded.

In the stage of design of the new buildings, the calculation method given in this standard is used and the energy need of the building should be
calculated in a way that will not exceed the limits given in this standard and a thermal insulation project in which the material selection, element
sizing and detailed solutions are also mentioned should be prepared.

Special case 1 :

In the new buildings which are in the proximity of the village settlement areas other than the ones registered to
the village population and the ones permanent residing in the village other out of the municipality and adjacent
area borders and in the arable fields and being up to 2 times and whose total flooring area is less than 100 m
(balcony open to the external air, terrace, stairs, passage, skylight etc.), in case ;

a) The thermal permeability coefficients of the construction components (U) are equal to or less than U
values belonging to the construction components mentioned in the Article A.3,
b) That the total window area is equal to or less than 12% of the heat losing external wall area,
c) That the constructions and details ensuring these conditions are shown in the
architectural project,

the condition of making “thermal insulation project” is not sought. In this case, it will sufficient to issue a
`thermal insulation report` showing that the above conditions are ensured. However, in case any `U` values
are bigger than the values given in the Annex A.3, the calculations should be made by using the
calculation method given in this standard, it should be proved that the value of Qyıl is smaller than the Q
value given in the Article A.1 and Article A.2 and the thermal insulation project should be prepared.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

In the substantial repair, amendment and additions to be made in the current buildings, the thermal
permeability coefficients (U) given as the recommended value in this standard should be regarded as limit
value for the sections on which the implementation will be made in the current building. A thermal insulation
report including the material selection related to the insulation application, element sizing and detailed
solutions should be prepared and mentioned.

Special situation 2 :

In case the thermal permeability coefficient (Up) of the window system in the buildings on which glassing is made in the rates of 60% or
more of the total area of the heat losing vertical external surfaces is designed to be as 2,1 W/m K a n d i t i s e ns u r e d t h a t t h e
t h e rm a l permeability c o e f f i c i e n t s o f t h e o t h e r h e a t l os i ng s ec t i o n s a r e 2 5% l es s t ha n t h e v a l u es g i v e n i n t he
A r t i c l e A . 3 , t h e s e b u i l d i n g s a r e a c c e p t e d a s a p p r o p r i at e t o t h e s t a n d a r d .

The thermal insulation project and calculations will be made exactly the same for the mentioned buildings
and it should be separately shown that the above mentioned conditions are fulfilled within these calculations.
Together with this, it is appropriate to also consider the unwanted solar energy gains in the summer months
during the design.

Special verdicts
 By considering the independent intermediate floorings of the buildings to be constructed as multi storey and the neighbor walls as
the floor and wall adjacent to the unheated internal volume, R resistance should be calculated and insulated as being at least 0,8
m .K/W. This calculation will be evaluated within the content of the internal heat exchange of the building and it is not considered in
the calculation of the heating energy need.

 In the new buildings whose heating insulation calculation is made; in case the any one or a couple of U values to be taken for the
wall, flooring and/or floor separating the heated volumes and ceiling and/or roofs is 25% bigger than the values recommended in the
Article A.3, the value/values to be selected for one or a couple of other U values should not be less than 25% of the value/values
recommended in the standard. T h i s s i t u a t i o n is not an obstacle for the selection and application of the values which are
less than 25% of the recommended values. However, due to the special situation mentioned in this paragraph, even in case any
one or a couple of the mentioned heat losing construction components of the building is applied as being less than 25% of the
recommended value/values, for the value to be used in the calculation method given in the standard, it should be reflected to the
calculation as being assumed that it is designed as being less in the rate of 25% according to the recommended value.

 The main distribution (installation) pipes transmitting the hot fluid in the buildings heated with the central system should be insulated
appropriately by calculating the economic insulation thickness.

 As the reinforced concrete thickness in the place where it connects with the girder to which the column is connected will also be
taken as the column thickness in the calculation of the column thicknesses (d), it is not considered that the column thickness is
greater than the girder thickness.

 All reinforced concrete elements taking place in the external surfaces (column, g i r d e r , beam a n d c u r t a i n w a l l e t c .)
should definitely be insulated.

2 Calculation method
Fundamental information

Calculation of thermal permeability resistance (R)

Single layered construction components

As mentioned in the equation 1, the thermal permeability resistance (R) is calculated with the division of the
construction component thickness (d) v a l u e w i t h t h e t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y c a l c u l a t i o n
v a l u e (h). “h” values have been given as a list in the Annex E.
R  ..................................................................................................................................... (1)
Here as
R : thermal permeability resistance (m .K/W),
d : construction component thickness (m),
h : t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i v i t y c a l c u l a t i o n v a l u e (W/m.K).

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Multi layered construction components

In the multi layered construction components, the thermal permeability resistance (R) is calculated with the
equation 2 by using the construction element thicknessesas one by one (d1,d2....dn) and the therm al
c onductivity c alc ulation values of thes e c onstruc tion elem ents
(  h1, h2
... ).

d1 dn
R  d
h1  2 L   ............................................................................................................ (2)
h2 hn

Calculation of total thermal permeability resistance (1/U)

The total thermal permeability resistance of a construction component (1/U) is calculated according to the
equation 3 by adding the thermal permeability resistances of the construction components (R) to the surface
thermal transmission values Ri , Re .
Ri R Re ............................................................................................................................ (3)
Here as follows;
1/ U : Total thermal permeability resistance of the construction
component (m .K/W),
Ri : Surface thermal transmission resistance of the internal
surface (m .K/W),
R : Surface thermal transmission resistance of the external surface (m .K/W)
e .

Calculation of the Total thermal permeability coefficient (U) Singlelayeredandmultilayeredconstructioncomponents
The total thermal permeability coefficient of a construction component (U) is calculated according to the
equation 4 by taking the arithmetical reverse of the equation in the equation 3.

U ........................................................................................................................... (4)
Ri R Re
Here as follows;
U : Total thermal permeability coefficient of the construction component (W/m .K).

Surface thermal transmission resistance (convection)

For the surface thermal transmission resistance values in the internal and external surfaces of the construction
elements, the values of Ri and Re given in the Chart 1 should be used.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Chart 1 – Calculated surface thermal transmission (convection) resistance values

Seq Type of the construction component Surface thermal transmission
1) 2)
uen resistance
ce Ri Re
2 2
No (m K / W) (m K / W)
1 External wall ( External walls other than the ones given in the Sequence no 2) 0,04
Back ventilated curtain walling external walls, l o w w a l l s
2 separating the in between the ceiling on which 0,13 0,08
thermal insulation is not made
Separative walls between the flats, s tair s wa ll , wall s se pa ra ting t he s t ud y r oo ms h a vi ng dif fe re nt
u s ag e ai ms , p a r t i t i o n wall adjacent to the places which are not continuously
3 heated, a d ja c e n t l o w wa l l in between the thermal insulated ceiling

4 Soli contacted external wall 0

Above mentioned (non-ventilated roof) horizontal or inclined ceiling or roof forming the border of a living place with the
5 external air 0,13 0,04
Unused attic or ceiling under a ventilated place ( ventilated roof shell)
6 0,08
7 Separating floor between the flats or floor separating the study rooms having different usage aims

7.1 In case of heat flow from down to up 0,13

7.2 In case of heat flow from up to down 0,17
8 Basement ceiling

9 Added floors forming the border of a living place with the external air 0,17 0,04
10 Floor of a living place under which there is not basement sitting on the ground 0
1) With the aim of simplification, in all situations, the value of R =0,13 m K/W can be used and except for the situations in the 4 and 10 sequence, the value of R = 0,04 m K/W can be used in the calculations.
2 2
th th
i e

2) For the internal and external surface thermal transmission resistance to be used in the calculations related to the investigation and limitation of the vapour transition from the construction elements, refer to the
Article 2.4.6.

3) For the locations of the construction components on the building, refer to the Figure 1.
4) In the air spaced sandwich walls, the values given in the Sequence 1 are used.
5) In case the construction component takes place in the internal place, the internal and external thermal
transmission resistance values are accepted as the same in the calculations.

Used roof space Unused roof space

Basement Living space

Figure 1 – Design and placement of the construction components (numbers have been given according to the
sequence numbers on the Chart 1)

Hollow-tile and similar hollowed adjacent surfaced construction components

When a construction component forming from a couple of adjacent layers having different thermal
permeability resistances is at issue, unless a more certain verification is realized , the average
thermal permeability resistance (R) is calculated by using the equation 5 according to the length ratios of
the construction elements (L /L, L /L,.....L /L).
1 2 n

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Important Note : W h i l e t h e c o n d e n s a t i o n i n v e s t i g a t i o n c a l c u l a t i o n s a r e m a d e f o r t h i s
t y p e o f m a t e r i a l s (Annex F), t h e a v e r a g e t h e r m a l p e r m e a b i l i t y r e s i s t a n c e c a l c u l a t e d
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e f o l l o w i n g e q u a t i o n n u m b e r e d 5 c a n n o t b e u s e d . In this case, the smaller
one of the
R1 , R2 , R3 ...Rn resistances found according to the equation numbered 1 should be considered and
included to the calculation.

R R1 L 1 R 2 L 2 L R n .................................................................................................. (5)
 

Here as follows ;
R : Thermal permeability resistance (m .K/W),
L : Total length of the construction elements (m),
L1...Ln : Length of the construction elements from 1 to n (m),
(L1...Ln)/L : Length ratio (unitless).


In this example, 3 different thermal permeability resistances occurring by neglecting the small
deviations arising from the slope of the material can be calculated as follows.
d1 d1 2.d 2.d  d1
R1  d6 d5 R2  d R3  d6 d5
h1 h 2 h3 h1   3.Rh   5 h1 h 4  h3
2 4
 h2 h3

The thermal permeability resistance of the construction element to be used in the heating energy calculation is
obtained with the equation of,

2.L1 5L3 6.L2 L4

RR.  R2 .  R3 . . In the condensation investigation calculations
the smallest thermal permeability resistance (in this example R3) should be used.

The average thermal permeability resistance of a construction component composed of several adjacent layers
(R), i s c a l c u l a t e d a c c o r d i n g t o t h e e q u a t i o n 6 w i t h t h e t o t a l t h e r m a l p e r m e a b i l i t y
c o e f f i c i e n t t a k e n f r o m t h e e q u a t i o n n u m b e r e d 4 (U).

R   Ri  Re ........................................................................................................................ (6)

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Chart 2 – Thermal permeability calculation values of the air layers

Air layer`s
Seq Situation Thickness (d) Thermal conductivity
ue mm resistance (R) m K/W
nc < 10 0,14
e 11 – 20 0,16
1 Vertical 21 – 50 0,18
51 – 100 0,17
100 > 0,16
< 10 0,14
2 Horizontal (heat flow from down to 11 – 20 0,15
up) 20 > 0,16
Horizontal (heat flow from up to < 10 0,15
3 down) 11 – 20 0,18
20 > 0,21

Heat loss calculation of the

construction component
A heat flow density in a stable state (q) is calculated according to the
equation 7.

q U   i   e  .............................................................................................................................

Here as follows;
q : heat flow density (W/m2),
i : Internal environment temperature (°C),
e : External environment temperature (°C),
U : Total thermal permeability coefficient of the construction component (W/m .K).

2.2 General information

In a building whose thermal insulation has been ensured in the adequate level, in the heating period, a part of the
heat energy required to provide a certain internal temperature (i) in the internal environment is provided from
the internal resources and solar energy. It is required that the remaining amount should be given to the
internal environment from the heating system. By using the below defined method, the heat energy amount
that the heating system is required to give to the internal environment is determined. This amount defined
as the annual heating energy need is calculated by deducting the solar energy gains and internal heat
gains from the total losses.

In the defined calculation method, t h e a n n u a l h e a t i n g e n e r g y n e e d i s f o u n d w i t h t h e a d d i t i o n

of the m onthly heating energy needs covering the heating period. By this way, it
will be possible to evaluate the thermal performance of the building in a way that
is near er to the r ealit y. Als o, it will p r ovide to the des igner the pos s ibilit y of
evaluating the capacity of utilization of the solar energy by the design s/he
The borders of the heated environment in the calculation method is composed of wall, flooring, roof, door and window separating this environment from the external environment and if any from the non-heated environments.
In the calculations, the measures from the exterior to the exterior are used. If whole building is heated to the same temperature or if the temperature difference between the environments is not more than 4 K, an average
internal temperature value is calculated for the whole building and the building is dealt with as having single volume and the heating energy need is calculated by applying the method explained in the Article 2.2.1.
O t herwi se, t he limit s of t he dif f erent heating regi ons shoul d be det ermi ned and t he calcul ati ons shoul d be m ade accordi ng t o t he Articl e 2. 2. 2. As t he av erage i nt ernal
t em perat ures t o be used i n t he heati ng energy need f or t he di f f erent buil di ng types in t hi s st andard has been giv en i n t he Annex B, Art icl e B. 1, t he secti ons i nsi de t he
buil di ng (bat hroom, kit chen, off ice et c. ) are not consi dered i n t he av erage t em perat ure cal cul ati on .

2.2.1 Calculation of the annual heating energy need for the

single volume building
The annual heating energy need for the single building section in the buildings is
calculated with the following equation.

Q yıı Qay ............................................................................................................................... (8)

Qay  H (i  e )   ay (i,ay s,ay ) t ............................................................................. (9)

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Here as follows;
Qyıl : Annual heating energy need........................................ (Joule),
Qay : Monthly heating energy need ........................................ (Joule),
H : Specific heat loss of the building............................................... (W/K),
i : Monthly average internal temperature .......................................... (°C),
e : Monthly average external temperature........................................ (°C),
ay : Monthly average usage factor for the gains............ (unitless),
i,ay : Monthly average internal gains (it can be taken as fixed) ............... (W),
s,ay : Monthly average solar energy gain......................... (W),
t : Time, (one month as seconds = 86400 x 30)................ (s).

Note - For the months for which the expression in the square brackets in the equation numbered 9 is positive,
the addition will be made. The negative months are not considered.

The calculations should be made according to the below given operation sequence:
a) The borders of the heated environment and if required, the borders of the regions at the different
temperatures or of the environments which are not heated are determined.
b) In a single volume building, the specific heat loss of the building (H) should be calculated (Article
c) The monthly average internal temperatures (i) should be taken from the Annex B, Article B.1.
d) The monthly average external temperatures (e) should be taken from the Annex B, Article B.2.
e) The monthly transmission and ventilation and heat loss should be calculated by using the equation of
f) The monthly average internal gains (i,ay) should be calculated (Article
g) The monthly average solar energy gains (s,ay) should be calculated (Article The (Ii,ay) values to
be used during the calculation should be taken from the Annex C.
h) By using the monthly average external temperature values, the monthly gain/loss rate (KKO) and
heat gain utilization factor (ay) s h o u l d b e c a l c u l a t e d (Article
i) By using the monthly average values, the useful gains should be calculated in the unit of “W” with the
equation of “[ay (i,ay + s,ay)]”.
j) The monthly heating energy need should be calculated according to the equation (9).
k) The annual heating energy need should be calculated according to the equation (8) .

If the different temperatures are requested in the sections of the heated building, t h e c a l c u l a t i o n s h o u l d
b e m a d e a c c o r d i n g t o o n e o f t h e m e t h o d s g i v e n i n t h e A r t i c l e 2.2.3.

Calculation of the specific heat loss of the building

The specific heat loss of the building (H) is found with the addition of the heat loss realized via the transmission
and convection (HT) and heat loss realized via the ventilation (Hv).

H = HT + Hv ...............................................................................................................................(10)

Calculation of the heat loss realized via transmission and convection

The heat loss realized via the transmission and convection is calculated with the equation numbered (11). In this equation, the heat loss transmitted from the
heat bridges, if any, is added to the heat loss transmitted from the body of the construction elements. T h e h e a t b r i d g e i s t h e s e c t i o n w h o s e
composition is different when compared to the adjacent surface and whose heat loss is higher than the average heat
loss of the building and whose internal surface temperature is lower for the stable situation in winter .

HT = AU + l Ul ...........................................................................................................................(11)
AU = UDAD + Up.Ap + Uk.Ak + 0.8 UT.AT + 0.5 UtAt + UdAd + 0.5UdsAds …...…….……..………..(12)

Here as follows;
UD : Thermal permeability coefficient of the external wall............................................................................. W/m K,
UP : Thermal permeability coefficient of the window.............................................................................. W/m K,
Uk : Thermal permeability coefficient of the external door.............................................................................. W/m K,
U T : Thermal permeability coefficient of the ceiling................................................................................... W/m K,
Ut : Thermal permeability coefficient of the floor/flooring sitting on the ground........................................ W/m K,
Ud : Thermal permeability coefficient of the floor contacting with the external air............................................ W/m K,
Uds : Thermal permeability coefficient of the construction elements contacting with the internal environments at the low
temperatures................................................................................................. W/m K,
AD : Area of the external wall............................................................................................................ m ,
AP : Area of the window............................................................................................................ m ,
ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Ak : Area of the external door............................................................................................................

AT : Ceiling area..................................................................................................................... m ,
At : Area of floor/flooring sitting on the ground............................................................................... m ,
Ad : Area of floor/flooring contacting with the external air........................................................ m ,
Ads : Area of the construction elements contacting with the internal environments at the low
temperatures................... m .

WARNING : If the roof flooring directly contacts with the external air, the coefficient of 0,8 in
front of the UT taking place in the equation is taken as 1.

The calculation of the U v a l u e i s m a d e w i t h t h e c a l c u l a t i o n m e t h o d m e n t i o n e d i n t h e

A r t i c l e 2 . 1 . h values which are required to be used while making calculation and showing the thermal
conductivity of the materials have been given in the Annex E for the materials having national or international

In the equation numbered (11) “l” shows the length of the heat bridge (in unit of m) “Ul”, a n d l i n e a r
p e r m e a b i l i t y o f t h e h e a t b r i d g e (in the unit of W/mK).

In case it is heat bridge, the related sizes should be calculated according to the TS EN ISO 10211-1, TS EN
ISO 10211-2 and TS EN ISO 14683 or with the method given in the TS EN ISO 6946.

Note - In the detailed cases in which the direct thermal permeability coefficient is calculated as; i,e
<0,1 W/m.K, the effect of the heat bridges can be neglected. In this case, the “Ul” value in the equation
numbered 11 is taken as “zero”.
Calculation of the heat loss realized via the ventilation
The heat loss realized via the ventilation is calculated with the equation numbered (13).
Hv = .c.V ..............................................................………… ....................................... .(13)
The natural ventilation:
Hv = .c.V = .c.nh Vh = 0.33 nh.Vh
Here as follows;
: Unit volume mass of the air................................... (kg/m ),

c : Specific heat of the air............................................... (J/kgK),

V : Air exchange flow rate as volume................................
(m /h),
nh : Air exchange rate............................................... (h ),
Vh : Ventilated volume (Vh = 0,8 x Vbrüt) ................. (m ).

“” and “c” change even just a bit as depending on the temperature and pressure, but this situation has been neglected in the following equation. T h e
v a l u e s t a k e n a r e f o r 20 °C and 100 kPa. T h e e n t h a l p y i n c r e a s e b e t w e e n t h e e n t e r i n g a n d e x i t i n g a i r
h a s b e e n n e g l e c t e d . The equation used in the calculation of the coefficient of 0,33 has been given below.

3 3
0,33 = (.c/3600) = (1,184 . 1006 / 3600) = 0,33 Jh/m Ks = Wh/m K

In the heat loss calculation realized via ventilation in the buildings in which natural ventilation is realized, the
ventilation number “nh” values has been taken as 0,8 (h ).
Mechanical ventilation:
If the mechanical ventilation is applied in the building, the air exchange flow rate as volume is calculated by using the following equations
and it is put in its place in the equation numbered 13 and the heat loss realized via ventilation is calculated.

The total air exchange flow rate as volume is equal to the total of the air exchange flow rate as average volume in the ventilators while the
system ventilators operate and the air exchange flow rate as additional volume formed with the air leakage:
V = V + V ....................................................................................................................................... (14)
f x

Here as follows;
I 3
V : Total air exchange flow rate as volume (m /h),
Vf : Air exchange flow rate as average volume in the ventilators while the system ventilators operate (m /h),
Vx : Air exchange flow rate as additional volume formed with the air leakage (m /h).

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

If the system is working in the continuous and stable situation; the air exchange flow rate (Vf) is
taken as the one bigger of the fresh air entry flow rate (VS) and exit flow rate (VE). F o r t h e
a p p r o x i m a t e c a l c u l a t i o n o f “Vx”, t h e f o l l o w i n g e q u a t i o n i s u s e d :

V x  Vh n50 .............................................................................................................. (15)

1  VS VE
 Vh n50

Here as follows;
Vh : Ventilated volume (m ),
n50 : While there is 50 Pa pressure difference between the internal and external environments, air
exchange rate (it is taken from the Chart 3),
f : If there is a surface open to the external environment in the building, it is taken as 15, if there
are more than one surface, it is taken as 20,
e : coefficient to be taken from the Chart 4,
Vs : fresh air entry flow rate taken from the external environment (m /h),
VE : Air exit flow rate (m /h).

Chart 3 – While there is 50 Pascal pressure difference between the internal and external environments, air
exchange rate formed

Multi flat building on the floor Single flat building on the floor Impermeability situation of the building envelope

n50 2 n50 4 High

2 n50 5 4 n50 10 Medium

5 n50 10 n50 Low

Chart 4 – Building class and “e” values

Building class “e” value

More than one surface One surface open
open to exterior to exterior
Buildings on the open field or buildings having more than 10 0,10 0,03
storeys at the city centrum
Buildings in the rural area 0,07 0,02
Buildings having less than 10 storeys at the city centrums 0,04 0,01
If the ventilation system in the building is turned off from time to time; the following equation is used for the air
exchange flow rate as volume:
V = V0 (1-) + (Vf + Vx).

Here as follows;
V0 : For the situation in which the ventilators do not work, the air exchange flow rate as volume,
: Rate of time in which the ventilators operate.

If the mechanical system has been designed for different “Vf” ‘s‘, the average value is used as
If the mechanical ventilation system has the heat exchanger (exchanger) and recycling system using the heat energy in the air discharged to outside with the
aim of ensuring the pre-heating of the air sent to the environment; i t i s r e q u i r e d t o u s e a r e d u c t i o n f a c t o r i n
t h e c a l c u l a t i o n o f t h e h e a t l o s s e s t h a t w i l l a r i s e w i t h t h e m e c h a n i c a l
v e n t i l a t i o n . For this purpose, the following equation is used in the calculation of the air exchange flow rate as volume.
V = V (1-) + V
f v x

Here as follows;
v : It is the efficiency of the heat recycling system from air to air.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

The above equation is not used if the heat recovery system transmits the heat energy taken from the air
discharged to outside to the hot water system or to the heating system via another system such as heat pump.
In these cases, the reduction should be considered during the calculation of the energy consumption of the
related system.

Note – W h e n t h e r e a r e n o t c a l c u l a t e d d e f i n i t e v a l u e s f o r t h e t h e r m a l p e r m e a b i l i t y
coefficients belonging to the building shell while the calculations related
to the mechanical ventilation installation and ventilation need are realized,
the U values given in the Article A.3 are used.

Monthly average internal gains (i,ay)

The internal gains cover the below
given ones:

- Metabolic heat gains arising from the humans,

- Heat gains arising from the hot water system,
- Heat gains arising from the food cooking operation,
- Heat gains arising from the illumination system,
- Heat gains from the various devices used in the buildings.

In case it is operated with the average values, the average values other than the illumination is almost
foxed during the year. In this standard, even the gains arising from the illumination are also
accepted to be fixed and the values to be taken for each resource have been given below .

While in the residences, schools and normal equipped (bureau buildings etc.) buildings, the internal gains
are taken at most 5 W/m per the unit usage area, in the buildings in which the cooking operation is prevailing
such as food factories, in the buildings in which more than normal electrical devices are operated (buildings in
which the illumination is only provided with the electricity, textile ateliers, etc.) or in the buildings in which the
industrial devices giving heat to the environment are used, the value of at most 10 W/m is taken per the unit
flooring area for the internal gains.

In the residences, schools and normal equipped buildings............i,ay  5 x An (W)

In Buildings having high internal energy gains.........................................i,ay 10 x An (W)

An : Building usage area

(m )

An = 0,32 x Vbrüt ................................................................................................................................ (16)

Vbrüt : Gross heated volume of the building (m )

Monthly average solar energy gains (s,ay)

This article defines the calculation of the direct solar radiation provided from the windows. The gains to be
provided from the passive solar energy systems have been neglected.

The monthly average solar energy gains (s,ay) can be calculated by applying the detailed calculation method
given in TS EN 832 and it can also be calculated by using the equation numbered 17 by directly getting
the ghosting factor (ri,ay) values given in the Chart 5 by depending on the situation of the building.

The monthly average solar energy gain (s,ay) is calculated in the below equality.

s,ay = ri,ay x gi,ay x Ii,ay x Ai ............................................................................................................ (17)

Here as follows;
ri,ay : monthly average ghosting factor of the transparent surfaces in the direction of “i”,
gi,ay : solar energy permeance factor of the transparent elements in the direction of “i”,
Ii,ay : monthly average solar radiation intensity coming to the perpendicular surfaces in the direction of “i” (W/m ),
Ai : Total window area in the direction of “i” (m ).

Ii,ay values are taken from the Annex C.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Chart 5 – Monthly average ghosting factor of the transparent surfaces (ri,ay )

In the directions where there are split (independent) and /or fewer storey (up to 3 storeys) buildings 0,8
In the directions where there is ghosting arising from the trees and and/or where there are
buildings with heights up to 10 storeys
In the directions where there are attached buildings and/or buildings higher than 10 storeys 0,5

Solar energy permeance factor:

gi,ay = Fw.g ............................................................................................................................... (18)

Here as follows;
Fw : It is the correction factor the glasses. It is taken as Fw = 0,8
g: It is the solar energy permeance factor for the beam measured in the laboratory conditions and
coming perpendicularly to the surface. In case there are not measurement values, t h e f o l l o w i n g
v a l u e s c a n b e u s e d f o r “g”.
Chart 6 - solar energy permeance factor for the beam measured in the laboratory conditions and coming perpendicularly to the surface

Glass type g

For colorless single glass 0,85
For colorless insulation glass unit 0,75
* For the other thermal insulation units whose thermal permeability coefficient is less
2 0,50
than 2 W/m K
* If there is permeance factor (g) which has been certified by the producer firm for the other thermal insulation units
whose thermal permanence coefficient is less than 2 W/m K, this declared value is taken and included to the calculation.

Gain usage factor ()

It is not all the time appropriate to accept the total of the internal gains and solar energy gains as the useful
energy in terms of the decreasing of the heating energy need. Because in the durations in which the heat
gains are high, the gains can be more than the instant losses or the gains can come in the times in which the
heating is not required. The internal environment temperature control system is not perfect and a sum
of heat is stored within the body of the construction elements. For this reason, the internal gains
and solar energy gains can be decreased with a utilization factor; the size of this factor is
dependent on the relative size of the gains and losses and thermal mass of the building.

The monthly average gain usage factor should be calculated as given below.

ay = 1 - e
(-1/KKO ay)
........................................................................................................................ (19)
Here as follows;
As KKOay is Gain / loss rate, it should be calculated as given below.

KKOay = (i,ay + s,ay) / H(i,ay - e,ay) ............................................................................................... (20)

Here as follows;
i,ay : Monthly average internal environment temperature [It is taken from the Annex B, Article B.1 (°C)],
e,ay : Monthly average external environment temperature It is taken from the Annex B, Article B.2 (°C),
i,ay : Monthly internal gains It is calculated according to the Article (W),
s,ay : Monthly average solar energy gain  It is calculated according to the Article (W).

When the KKOay rate is 2,5 and over, it is accepted that there is not heat loss for that month.

Calculation of annual heating energy need for more than one volume building
If there are environments in which the temperature difference is more than 4 K within the units to be used for
the different aims in the building, the borders of the different heating sections are determined and the
calculation method given for the single volume building should be separately applied for each building section at
different temperatures and the heating energy need calculated for each building volume should be added.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Calculation of the annual heating energy need by using average

If there are environments in which the temperature difference is equal to or less than 4 K within the units to be used for the different aims in the building, the
borders of the different heating sections are determined and the calculation method given for the buildings having more than one volume can be used and also
the calculation method in the Article 2.2.1 can be used by using the average internal temperature value (equation 21) to be found by considering the specific
heat losses and the internal temperature values of the sections of these buildings used with the different aims in the calculation method given for the single
volume building.

As the average internal temperatures to be used in the heating energy need for the different building types
have been given in the Article B.1, the sections in the buildings (bathroom, kitchen, office, etc.) are not
considered in the average temperature calculation.

The average internal temperature values are calculated

with the following equation.

H z   i,z
H1  i1 H 2   i 2  ................................................... (21)
  
H z   iz
H1 H 2 H z
Here as follows;
i,ortalama : Average internal temperature to be used in the calculations for whole building sections..
i1, i2 : Internal temperature of the each building volume at the different
temperatures........................................ ................ (°C),
Hz : Specific heat loss of the section of the building having z
volume........................................................ (W/K),
H1,H2 : Specific heat loss of every building volume at the different
temperature............................................... (W/K).

3 Calculation report
In the calculations to be made according to this standard and in the preparation of the report, SI units are used. According to this, the
temperature should be mentioned as K o r °C, t h e en e rg y as Joule an d po we r as Watt. U which s the total therm al
perm eability val ue sho uld b e sho wn with the unit of W/m K. The transformation coefficients between the units have been
shown below.

1 kCal 4,187 kJ
1 kCal 1,163 x 10 kWh
1 kWh 860 kcal
2 2
1 kCal/m h°C 1,163 W/m K
2 2
1 m h°C/kCal 0,86 m K/W
1 kJ 0,278 x 10 kWh

Calculation report
The aim of this standard, as mentioned in the Article 0.4, is to provide thermal insulation in the buildings in a way which is long lasting and whose energy
savings it has provided is permanent with the aim of increasing the energy efficiencies of the buildings. For this aim, a calculation method in which the current
insulation materials and techniques in the sector are compared and the most appropriate one of them will be chosen for that project has been proposed and
as a result, the preparation of a thermal insulation project is required. In this project, it is required to mention the material selection, element sizing and detailed
solutions in a way that will ensure that the energy need of the building should remain under the limit values given in this standard with the calculation
mentioned in the standard. The maximum annual heating energy need values associated with the volume of the construction to be heated (Vbrüt)
and the usage area of the building (An) have been given in the Article A.2 as depending on the (Atop/Vbrüt) rates.

The annual heating energy need limit values (Q’) given as being associated with the usage area of the
building (An) can only be used in the buildings whose room heights are 2,60 m or less when clear
measures are given. I n c a s e t h e r o o m h e i g h t s a r e m o r e t h a n 2,60 m, the calculation will
be made by considering the annual heating energy need limit value (Q’) given as associated with the
construction volume to be heated.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

The below mentioned information should take place in the thermal insulation project:

a) The heat losses, heat gains, gain/loss rate, gain usage factor, the sizes of monthly and annual heating
energy needs should be given as charts as in the examples in the charts of the `specific heat loss of the
building` and `annual heating energy need` given in this standard and the it should be shown that the
calculated annual heating energy need (Q) is not bigger than the annual heating energy (Q ) limit value
given in the Annex A.
b) In the calculations to be made in the buildings used with the different aims other than the residences, if
the temperature difference between the different sections in the building is 4 K, in the heating energy
need calculation to be made for more than one section in this building, the borders f the building sections
should be drawn schematically and the measures of the borders and the temperature values of the
sections should be shown on it.
c) The materials used in the external wall, ceiling and floor/flooring on the heat losing surfaces of the
building, the sequence and thickness of these materials in the elements, the areas of the wall, ceiling
and floor/flooring elements and “U” values should be mentioned.
d) The type of the glass and frame used in the window system, separately window areas for all directions
and “U” values and the air exchange rate required for the frame system (nh) should be mentioned.
e) The details of the wall-window, wall-ceiling, floor/flooring-wall joins should be shown with the drawings.
f) The ventilation type should be mentioned, if there is mechanical ventilation, the calculations and results
should be mentioned.
g) The condensation that can happen on the heat losing surfaces of the building should be examined in the
way mentioned in the Annex F and the required drawing and calculations should be made.


Example 1
By taking a residence built as two storey load-bearing construction having width of 9 m, length of 10 m and height to 5.5 m
from exterior to exterior and being located in the 3 degree day region as an example, the annual heating energy
need is calculated in the following way as an example to the single volume building mentioned in the
Article 2.2.
Primarily, the areas such as the external wall, window, ceiling, floor/flooring, the area of the flooring contacting with the external
environment etc. in the building are calculated. In our example building, these areas have been calculated as below.

Window area, AP = 20 m

Reinforced concrete area, Abet= ((10 x 2 + 9 x 2)x(0,12 x 3)) =

13,7 m External wall area, AD = (9 x 5,5 x 2 + 10 x 5,5 x 2 ) -

AP – Abet
AD = 173,3 m

Ceiling area, AT = 9 x 10 = 90 m 2
Flooring area, At = 9 x 10 = 90 m .
External door area, Ak = 2 m
2 3
Atop = 389 m , Vbrüt = 9 x 10 x 5,5 = 495 m
An = 0,32 x Vbrüt = 0,32 x 495 = 158,4 m
Figure 2
Then, the separate U values of the construction elements are calculated. In our example building, it has been aimed that the insulation is appropriate to the standard. The thickness of insulation material which is = 0,035 W/mK from the external side on the brick and
reinforced concrete on the walls i s 5 cm. T h e wi n d o ws a r e mu l t i g l a zi n g g l a ss . T h e thickness of insulation material which is  = 0,040 W/mK on the ceiling is 12 cm. O n t h e f l o o r i n g ,
the thickness of insulation material which is = 0,030 W/mK is 6 cm. The calculations mentioned here have been shown as examples in the Chart 7 and Chart 8.
Also, it has been accepted that the precautions are taken in a way that there will not be
c o n d e n s a t i o n o n t h e e l e m e n t s a n d t h e h e a t b r i d g e w i l l n o t h a p p e n , the reinforced concrete in between the
floor has been insulated as its R resistance being 0,8 in a way mentioned in the Article 1.3. T h e r e f o r e , ` U `
values of the construction elements are as follows according to the classical
calculation method,
2 2 2 2 2
UD= 0,471 W/m K, UDbet = 0,575 W/m K, Up= 2,4 W/m K, UT= 0,305 W/m K, Ut=0,432 W/m K.
Uk= 4 W/m K

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

The heat loss from the transmission and convection from the building “HT” is
as follows according to the equation numbered 11,

HT = 173,3 x 0,471 + 13,7 x 0,575 + 20 x 2,4 + 0,8 x 90 x 0,305 + 0,5 x 90 x 0,432 + 2 x 4 = 186,9 W/K.

While the heat loss calculation from the transmission is made above, as in the building selected as an example,
all reinforced concrete sections are insulated in a way that will not cause heat bridge, the contribution of l x UI
in the equation numbered 11 has been neglected.

As it is not mechanical ventilation, for the losses from ventilation from the building, the equation of 0,33.nh.Vn
is used. A s i t i s n a t u r a l v e n t i l a t i o n “nh” = 0,8 h is taken. The volume of the building
to be used in the v e n t i l a t i o n c a l c u l a t i o3 n (Vh ) i s f o u n d a s
0,8 x Vbrüt = 0,8 x 495 = 396 m .

In this case;
Hv = 0,33 x 0,8 x 396 = 104,54 W/K.

Therefore the building`s specific heat loss (H);

H = HT + Hv = 186,9 + 104,53 = 291,43 W/K.

As the building will be used as residence, the internal heat gains can be taken as 5 W/m (Article 2.2.2). I n t h i s
c a s e , t h e i n t e r n a l g a i n s f o r t h e e x a m p l e b u i l d i n g i s ; An x 5 =158,4 x 5 = 792 W.

For the ghosting factor to be used during the calculation of the solar energy gains, b y c o n s i d e r i n g t h a t t h e
b u i l d i n g h a s l e s s t h a n 3 s t o r e y s a n d i t s s u r r o u n d i n g s a r e o p e n , t h e v a l u e o f “ri,ay“ = 0,8 is
selected (Chart 5).
As in the window system, the multi glazing glass has been used, the value of g  has taken as 0,75 (Chart 6) and gi,ay =
Fw.g is calculated with this equation. In this example gi,ay = 0,80 x 0,75 = 0,60.

“Ai” v a l u e s , n a m e l y t h e t o t a l w i n d o w a r e a s f o r a l l d i r e c t i o n s a r e c a l c u l a t e d . I n t h e
building selected as an example, the below given window area have been calculated.
2 2 2 2
Agüney = 8 m , Akuzey = 4 m , Adoğu = 4 m , Abatı = 4 m

“Ii,ay” values are taken from the Annex C for each month . To be an example for the month of January, the
monthly solar radiation intensity values obtained from the Annex C are as follows.

Igüney,ocak = 72 W/m 2
Ikuzey,ocak = 26 W/m
Ibatı/doğu,ocak = 43 W/m

“s,ocak“ value is calculated as follows according to the equation numbered 16.

s,ocak = 0,8 x 0,6 x 72 x 8 + 0,8 x 0,6 x 26 x 4 + 0,8 x 0,6 x 43 x 4 + 0,8 x 0,6 x 43 x 4 = 492 W.

To calculate the gain usage factor, firstly the “KKOocak“ is calculated according to the equation numbered 20. The
“I“ and “s,ocak” values and H values require in this equation have been calculated before.

As the building will be used as residence i , is taken as 19C from the Annex B.1.
“e,ocak” is taken from the Annex B.2. This value for the third degree day regions is -0,3 C.

KKOocak = (792+492) / 291,44 x (19-(-0,3)) = 0,23

The gain usage factor “ocak” is calculated as follows according to the equation 18;

ocak = 1 - e-1/KKOocak =1-e-0,23= 0,99

In this case, the heat gains for the month of January are found as follows

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

ocak (I + s,ocak) = 0,99 x (792 + 492) = 0,99 x 1284= 1271,2 W.

When the values found are put in the following equation, it is

found as follows;

Qay = [H (i - e) - (i,ay + s,ay)] . t

Qay = [ 291,44 x (19 –(-0,3)) – 1271,2] x 86400 x 30 x 10

Qay = 11.284.510 kJ.

The calculations made till here are repeated for every month and the total heat loss is found and by making
comparison, the compliance to the standard is controlled. For following thes e c alc ulations m ore
eas ily, the Char t 7 ( building`s s pec if ic heat loss) and the Chart 8 (annual heating energy
need) have been given as ex am ple .

Note – The room height of the building whose external measures have been given in the
calculation example is less than 2,60 m.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Chart 7 – Specific heat loss of the building

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Heat losing surface Constructio Thermal Thermal Thermal Heat losing Heat
Construction elements on the building n element conductivity conductivity permeability surface loss
thickness calculation value resistance coefficient
d h A AxU
2 2
(m) (W/mK) U (W/m K) (m ) W/K
R, (m K/W)
RI ) 0,130
Plaster ) 0,02 1 0,02
Wall surfaces DD bearing brick ) 0,24 0,5 0,48
Thermal insulation material ) 0,05 0,035 1,429
Plaster ) 0,008 0,35 0,023
Re ) 0,040
Total 2,122 0,471 173,3 81,62
RI ) 0,130
Plaster ) 0,02 1 0,02
Wall Reinforced concrete ) 0,24 2,5 0,096
surfaces Thermal insulation material ) 0,05 0,035 1,429
(reinforced Plaster ) 0,008 0,35 0,023
concrete) Re ) 0,040
Total 1,738 0,575 13,7 7,88

RI ) 0,130
Plaster ) 0,02 1 0,02
Ceiling Reinforced concrete ) 0,12 2,5 0,048
Thermal insulation material ) 0,12 0,04 3,000
Re ) 0,080
Total 3,278 0,305 x 0,8 90 21,96

RI ) 0,170
PVC flooring ) 0,005 0,23 0,022
Screed ) 0,030 1,40 0,021
Thermal insulation material ) 0,060 0,03 2
Floor/Flooring Leveling screed ) 0,020 1,40 0,014
Light concrete ) 0,100 1,10 0,091
Re ) 0

Total 2,318 0,432 x 0,5 90 19,44

External door 4 2 8

Window 2,4 20 48

Total of heat loss realized via the transmission and convection from the construction elements = 186,9

It will be taken from the Chart 1. AU = UDAD + Up.Ap + 0,8 UT.AT + 0,5 UtAt + UdAd +....
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 4. AU = 186,9 W/K
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 7.
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 10. Specific heat loss ; H = HT + Hv
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 5.
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 9. Heat loss realized via the transmission and convection; HT = AU + l Ul
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 4.
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 5. Heat loss realized via the ventilation
Hv = 0,33 . nh . Vh = 0,33 x 0,8 x 396 = 104,54 W/K
H = HT + Hv = 186,9 + 104,54 = 291,44 W/K

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Chart 8 – Annual heating energy need

Heat loss Heat gains

Gain Heating
Solar KKO usage energy
Specific Temperature Heat Internal heat energy factor need
Heat loss difference losses gain Total
Months gain

H = HT+Hv i-e H(i-e) i s T =i +s  ay Qay

(W/K) (K,C) (W) (W) (W) (W) (-) (-) (kJ)

January 19,3 5.625 492 1.284 0,23 0,99 11.285.153

February 19,1 5.567 612 1.404 0,25 0,98 10.863.279

March 14,9 4.342 760 1.552 0,36 0,94 7.473.047

April 8,9 2.594 791 1.583 0,61 0,81 3.400.108

May 4,6 1.341 943 1.735 1,29 0,54 1.047.427

June 291,44 0,5 146 792 993 1.785 12,23 0 0

July e yüksek 0 966 1.758 0,00 0 0

August e yüksek 0 904 1.696 0,00 0 0

September 1,8 525 762 1.554 2,96 0 0

October 7,4 2.157 618 1.410 0,65 0,79 2.703.715

November 13,4 3.905 467 1.259 0,32 0,96 6.988.965

December 17,7 5.158 430 1.222 0,24 0,98 10.265.460

-3 Qyıl = Qay = 54.027.154

Qay = [H (i - e) - (i,ay + g,ay)] . t (J) (1k J = 0.278 x 10 kWh)
Total heat loss Q = 0,278 x 10 x 54.027.154 (kj) = 15.020 kWh
Internal heat gains for residences i,ay  5 . An (W)

Solar energy gain s,ay = ri,ay x gi,ay x Ii,ay x Ai

Gain loss rate KKOay = (i,ay + s,ay) / H(i,ay - e,ay)
Gain usage factor ay = 1 - e
Annual heating energy need per An usage area in the example building; Q = Qyıl/An =
2 2
94,82 kWh/m An = 0,32 Vbrüt = 158,4 m

When the rate of Atop/Vbrüt = 0,785 i s p l a c e d i n t h e e q u a t i o n o f Q = 76,3 A/V + 36,4 taken from the Annex A for the 3rd
ı 2
region, the highest heat loss required to be for the example building is found as Q = 96,30 kWh/m and it is compared with the calculated Q
and the appropriateness of the project in terms of the heat loss is defined.

As in the example it is as Q < Q (94,82 < 96,30), i t i s o b s e r v e d t h a t t h e a n n u a l h e a t i n g e n e r g y n e e d
c a l c u l a t e d f o r t h i s b u i l d i n g i s l e s s t h a n t h e h i g h e s t v a l u e r e q u i r e d t o b e . For this reason, this
project is appropriate to the calculation method given in this standard.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Example 2
In this example, as in the first one, the calculations are made in the similar way by deducting the
areas of the heat losing building envelope separately. In this example, it has been accepted that
the building is in the 2 degree day region.

Flooring areas
Ataban = 326,21 m Soil contacted floor area
Ad = 42,15 m Addition area

Window areas door areas

2 2
AP,Kuzey = 15,30 m Akapı 1 = 2 m Basement floor door area
2 2
AP,Güney = 70,78 m Akapı 2 = 7 m Entrance door area
2 2
AP,Doğu = 46,17 m Akapı,iç 2 = 2 m Area of door being opened to the non-heated internal volume

AP,Batı = 41,85 m

AP  174,10 m2

Wall + reinforced concrete areas

AD,kol-kiriş = 305,45 m (Total girder – column area)
2 2
Adsıc,kol-kiriş= 18,84 m (Total girder – column area adjacent to the volume with the low temperature) m
(Unfilled wall area)
AD,dolgu = 442,60 2 (
m Unfilled wall area adjacent to the volume at the low temperature)
Adsıc,dolgu = 28,24

Roof areas 2
m (Roof space )
Atavan = 236,81 2
m (Roof area)
Açatı = 130,16
Total area
Atoplam = 1715,56 m

Gross volume
Vbrüt = 4312 m

Net usage area

An = 1379,84 m

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008







ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008



ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008



ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008


ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Chart 9 – Specific heat loss of the building

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Heat losing surface Constructio Thermal Thermal Thermal Heat losing Heat loss
Construction elements on the building n element conductivity conductivity permeability surface
thickness calculation value resistance coefficient A x U W/K
d h A
2 2
(m) (W/mK) U (W/m K) (m )
R, (m K/W)

Ri 1) 0,13
Wall Plaster 0,02 1 0,02
surfaces Horizontal hollowed brick 0,19 0,36 0,528
(open to 4)
Thermal insulation material 0,04 0,035 1,143
external Plaster
0,008 0,35 0,023
fill) Re 1) 0,04
Total 0,53 442,6 234,58

Ri 1) 0,13
Wall surfaces 2)
(open to Plaster 0,02 1 0,02
external reinforced concrete 0,25 2,5 0,1
environment, 4)
reinforced Thermal insulation material 0,04 0,035 1,143
concrete) Plaster 0,008 0,35 0,023
Re 1) 0,04
Total 1,456 0,687 305,45 209,84

Ri 1) 0,13
Wall surfaces Plaster 0,02 1 0,02
(with low Horizontal hollowed brick 0,19 0,36 0,528
temperature, 4)
Thermal insulation material 0,04 0,035 1,143
fill) Plaster
0,008 0,35 0,023
Re 1) 0,13
Total 1,974 0,5 x 0,507 28,24 7,16

Ri 1) 0,13
Wall surfaces Plaster 0,02 1 0,02
(with low reinforced concrete 0,25 2,5 0,1
temperature, Thermal insulation material 0,04 0,035 1,143
reinforced Plaster
0,008 0,35 0,023
Re 1) 0,13
Total 1,54 0,5 x 0,649 18,84 1,546

RI 1) 0,130
Gypsum plaster 0,002 0,70 0,003
Gypsum carton plate 0,008 0,21 0,038
Ceiling Reinforced concrete 0,12 2,5 0,048
(having 4)
Thermal insulation material 0,06 0,03 2,000
open top) Screed
0,02 1,4 0,014
Mosaics 0,010 3,5 0,003
Re 1) 0,040
Total 2,276 0,439 130,16 57,14

RI 1) 0,130
Plaster 0,02 1 0,02
Ceiling (with Reinforced concrete 0,12 2,5 0,048
roof) 4)
Thermal insulation material 0,08 0,04 2,000
Re 1) 0,080
Total 2,278 0,8 x 0,439 236,81 83,17

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Heat losing surface Constructio Thermal Thermal Thermal Heat losing Heat loss
Construction elements on the building n element conductivity conductivity permeability surface
thickness calculation value resistance coefficient A x U W/K
d h A
2 2
(m) (W/mK) U (W/m K) (m )
R, (m K/W)

RI 1) 0,170
Hard wood fiber plate 0,005 0,13 0,038
Screed 0,030 1,40 0,021
Floor (having 4)
soil contact) Thermal insulation material 0,040 0,030 1,333
Leveling screed 0,020 1,40 0,014
Light concrete 0,100 1,10 0,091
Re 1) 0
Total 1,667 0,5 x 0,6 326,21 97,86

RI 1) 0,170
Coniferous wood 0,01 0,13 0,077
Floor (on Screed 0,020 1,40 0,014
open Reinforced concrete 0,120 2,5 0,048
passage Thermal insulation material
0,040 0,035 1,143
/addition) 2)
Plaster 0,008 0,35 0,023
Re 1) 0,04
Total 1,515 0,66 42,15 27,82

External door 4 7 28

External door 4 2 8

Internal door 0,5 x 2 2 2

Window 2,4 174 417,6

Total of heat loss realized via the transmission and convection from the construction elements = 1179,26

It will be taken from the ANNEX F, Chart 7. AU = UDAD + Up.Ap + 0,8 UT.AT + 0,5 UtAt + UdAd +....
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 4. AU = 1179,26 W/K
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 7.
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 10. Specific heat loss; H = HT + Hv
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 5.
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 8. Heat loss realized via the transmission and convection; HT = AU + l Ul
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 6.
It has been taken from the Annex E Sequence no 1. Heat loss realized via the ventilation
Hv = 0,33 . nh . Vh = 0,33 x 0,8 x (0,8 x 4312) = 910,7 W/K

H = HT + Hv = 1179,26 + 910,7 = 2089,96 W/K

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Chart 10 – Annual heating energy need

Heat loss Heat gains

Gain Heating
Solar KKO usage energy
Specific Temperature Heat Internal heat energy factor need
Heat loss difference losses gain Total
Months gain

H=HT+Hv i-e H(i-e) i s T =i +s  ay Qay

(W/K) (K,C) (W) (W) (W) (W) (-) (-) (kJ)
January 16,1 33.648 4.454 11.353 0,34 0,95 59.259.989

February 14,6 30.513 5.534 12.433 0,41 0,91 49.763.730

March 11,7 24.453 6.591 13.490 0,55 0,84 34.010.669

April 6,2 12.958 7.345 14.244 1,10 0,60 11.434.867

May 1,0 2.090 8.522 15.421 7,38 0,13 0

June 2.089,96 e yüksek 0 6.899 8.992 15.891 0 0 0

July e yüksek 0 8.740 15.639 0 0 0

August e yüksek 0 8.174 15.073 0 0 0

September e yüksek 0 6.865 13.764 0 0 0

October 4,9 10.241 5.572 12.471 1,22 0,56 8.442.766

November 10,5 21.945 4.207 11.106 0,51 0,86 32.124.833

December 15,2 31.767 3.899 10.798 0,34 0,95 55.751.069

Qay = [H (i - e) - (i,ay + s,ay)] . t (J) (1k J = 0,278 x 10 kWh)

-3 Qyıl = Qay = 250.787.923

Total heat loss Qyıl = 0,278x10 x 250.787.923 (kj) = 69.719 kWh
Internal heat gains for residences i,ay 5 . An (W)
Solar energy gain g,ay = ri,ay x gi,ay x Ii,ay x Ai Gain
loss rate KKOay = (i,ay + s,ay) / H(i,ay - e,ay)
Atoplam = 1715,56 m
Vbrüt = 4312 m
Gain usage factor
=1- e

Annual heating energy need per An usage area in the example building; Q = Qyıl/
Vbrüt = 16,17 kWh/m
When the rate of Atop/Vbrüt = 0,4 is put in the equation of Q = 22,4 x A/V + 7,8 taken from the Article A.2 from the
nd ı 3
2 region, the highest heat loss required to be for the example building is found as Q = 16,69 kWh/m and it is
compared with the calculated Q and the compliance of the project in terms of the heat loss is defined.

As in the example it is as Q < Q (16,17 < 16,69), i t i s o b s e r v e d t h a t t h e a n n u a l h e a t i n g e n e r g y n e e d
c a l c u l a t e d f o r t h i s b u i l d i n g i s l e s s t h a n t h e h i g h e s t v a l u e r e q u i r e d t o b e . For this reason, this
project is appropriate to the calculation method given in this standard .

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Annex A

Heating energy values for the highest and lowest Atop/Vbrüt rates

For A/V < 0,2 For A/V > 1,05

ı Related to An = 19,2 56,7 kWh/m²,year

1. Region
ı Related to Vbrüt = 6,2 18,2 3
Q kWh/m , year

ı Related to An = 38,4 97,9 kWh/m², year

2. Region
ı Related to Vbrüt = 12,3 31,3 3
Q kWh/m , year

ı Related to An = 51,7 116,5 kWh/m², year

3. Region
ı Related to Vbrüt = 16,6 37,3 3
Q kWh/m , year

ı Related to An = 67,3 137,6 kWh/m², year

4. Region
ı Related to Vbrüt = 21,6 44,1 3
Q kWh/m , year

Calculation of QI being limited depending on the regions and intermediate

value Atop/Vbrüt rates

ı related to An = 44,1 x A/V + 10,4 [kWh/m²,year]

1. Region
ı related to Vbrüt = 14,1 x A/V + 3,4 3
Q [kWh/m ,year]

ı related to An = 70 x A/V + 24,4 [kWh/m²,year]

2. Region
ı related to Vbrüt = 22,4 x A/V + 7,8 3
Q [kWh/m ,year]

ı related to An = 76,3 x A/V + 36,4 [kWh/m²,year]

3. Region
ı related to Vbrüt = 24,4 x A/V + 11,7 3
Q [kWh/m ,year]

ı related to An = 82,8 x A/V + 50,7 [kWh/m²,year]

4. Region
ı related to Vbrüt = 26,5 x A/V + 16,3 3
Q [kWh/m ,year]

U values recommended to be accepted as the maximum value according to the


(W/m²K) (W/m²K) (W/m²K) (W/m²K)

1. Region 0,70 0,45 0,70 2,4

2. Region 0,60 0,40 0,60 2,4
3. Region 0,50 0,30 0,45 2,4
4. Region 0,40 0,25 0,40 2,4

* : As the thermal conductivity coefficients ( Up) o f th e w i n d o w s a r e g i v e n i n t h e A r t i c l e A.3 and

Article A.4, it is recommended to design in a way that the Up will be decreased down to 1,8 W/m K by
using coated glass in terms of minimizing the heat losses from the windows. F o r t h e o t h e r d o o r
and window types, the Chart 6a and Chart 6b having revision date of
1 1 . 0 5 . 2000 given in TS 2164 are used and the heat conductivity coefficients are found and included to
the calculation. For some window types, the Up values found by using TS 2164 have been given in the
Article A.4.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Up values of some window system


Window heat conductivity (Up) GLASSE WINDOW LOW-E C O A T E D
coefficients prepared to be used in D (uncoated glass) WINDOW
the selection of the glass WINDO
appropriate to the heat regions in W INTERSTITIAL SPACES (mm) INTERSTITIAL SPACES (mm)
W/m²K 6 9 12 16 6 9 12 16

UNPROCESSED 5,7 3,3 3,0 2,9 2,7 2,6 2,1 1,8 1,6

5,1 3,3 3,1 3,0 2,8 2,8 2,3 2,2 2,0
P (oak, ash tree/hard woods)
4,9 3,1 2,9 2,8 2,6 2,6 2,2 2,0 1,8
C (coniferous soft trees)
5,2 3,4 3,2 3,0 2,9 2,9 2,4 2,3 2,1
S (having 2 compartments)

T 5,0 3,2 3,0 2,8 2,7 2,7 2,2 2,1 1,9
(having 3 compartments)
P ALUMINUM PROCESSING 5,9 4,0 3,9 3,7 3,6 3,6 3,1 3,0 2,8
5,2 3,4 3,2 3,0 2,9 2,9 2,4 2,3 2,1
insulation bridge)


 This chart has been prepared by being based on the TS 2164 C h art 6a a n d C h a r t 6b revised at
the date of 11 May 2000.

 The heat conductivity coefficients belonging to the other window systems not taking place in this
chart can be found by benefiting from the Ch art 6a a n d C h a r t 6b given in the TS 2164.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Annex B
Monthly average internal temperature values to be used in the calculations for the
building used for different aims [i (C)]

Name of the building to be heated Temperature (C)

1 Residences
2 Management buildings 19
3 Work and service buildings
4 Hotel, motel and restaurants
5 Education buildings
6 Theatres and concert halls
7 Quarters 20
8 Prisons and detention houses
9 Museum and galleries
10 Airports
11 Hospitals 22
12 Swimming pools 26
13 Production and atelier areas 16

Monthly average external temperature values to the used in the heat loss and
condensation calculations for the different degree day (dg) r e g i o n [e (oC) ]

1. region 2. region 3. region 4. region

JANUARY 8,4 2,9 -0,3 -5,4
FEBRUARY 9,0 4,4 0,1 -4,7
MARCH 11,6 7,3 4,1 0,3
APRIL 15,8 12,8 10,1 7,9
MAY 21,2 18,0 14,4 12,8
JUNE 26,3 22,5 18,5 17,3
JULY 28,7 24,9 21,7 21,4
AUGUST 27,6 24,3 21,2 21,1
SEPTEMBER 23,5 19,9 17,2 16,5
OCTOBER 18,5 14,1 11,6 10,3

NOVEMBER 13,0 8,5 5,6 3,1

DECEMBER 9,3 3,8 1,3 -2,8

ICS 91.120.10 TÜRK STANDARDI TS 825/May 2008

Annex C

Monthly average solar radiation intensity values to be used in the calculations for all degree day
regions [W/m2]

January February March April May June July August Septem October Novemb Decemb
ber er er

I south = 72 84 87 90 92 95 93 93 89 82 67 64

I north = 26 37 52 66 79 83 81 73 57 40 27 22

I west/east = 43 57 77 90 114 122 118 106 81 59 41 37

Note – As the monthly average solar radiation intensity values of the intercardinal points, the values of the dominant directions are taken and in the horizontal glazing,
the values given for the south direction are taken.

Annex D
Degree day regions according to the provinces
st nd
The municipalities which are in the 1 Region and whose provinces are in the 2 region

AYVALIK (Balıkesir) DALAMAN (Muğla) FETHİYE (Muğla) MARMARİS(Muğla)

BODRUM (Muğla) DATÇA (Muğla) KÖYCEĞİZ (Muğla) MİLAS (Muğla)
GÖKOVA (Muğla)


nd rd
The municipalities which are in the 2 Region and whose provinces are in the 3 region
HOPA (Artvin) ARHAVİ (Artvin)
nd th
The municipalities which are in the 2 Region and whose provinces are in the 4 region
ABANA(Kastamonu) BOZKURT (Kastamonu) ÇATALZEYTİN (Kastamonu)
İNEBOLU (Kastamonu) CİDE (Kastamonu) DOĞANYURT (Kastamonu)


rd st
The municipalities which are in the 3 Region and whose provinces are in the 1 region


rd nd
The municipalities which are in the 3 Region and whose provinces are in the 2 region

MERZİFON (Amasya) DURSUNBEY (Balıkesir) ULUS (Bartın)

rd th
The municipalities which are in the 3 Region and whose provinces are in the 4 region
TOSYA (Kastamonu)


th nd
The municipalities which are in the 4 Region and whose provinces are in the 2 region


ULUDAĞ (Bursa) AFŞİN (K.Maraş) GÖKSUN (K.Maraş)
th rd
The municipalities which are in the 4 Region and whose provinces are in the 3 region
KIĞI (Bingöl) PÜLÜMÜR (Tunceli) SOLHAN (Bingöl)
Note – The residential areas whose names are not mentioned in the Annex are regarded to be included on the
region of the municipality to which they are affiliated.

Annex E
Unit volume mass of the construction material and components, thermal
conductivity calculation value (h) and water vapour diffusion resistance
factor ()
Sequence No Type of the material or component Unit volume mass Thermal conductivity Water vapour
1,2) 3 calculation value 3) diffusion
kg/m h resistance
W/mK factor


1.1 Crystal structured igneous and metamorphic stones (mosaics etc.) > 2800 3,5 10000
2600 2,3 200 / 250
1.2 Terrigenous, sedimentary stones (sandstone, travertine, 2600 2,3 200 / 250
conglomerates etc.)
1.3 Porous igneous stones < 1600 0,55 15 / 20

1.4 Granite 2500-2700 2,8 10000

1.5 Basalt 2700-3000 3,5 10000

1.6 Marble 2800 3,5 10000

1.7 Gypsum < 2600 2,3 200 / 250

1.8 Artificial stones 1750 1,3 40 / 50

1.9 Slate 2000-2800 2,2 800 / 1000

2 NATURAL GROUNDS (in the natural humidity)

2.1 Sand, sand-gravel 1700-2200 2,0 50

2.2 Clay, alluvium 1200-1800 1,5 50

3 BULK MATERIALS (as air-dried, a s i t s t o p b e i n g c o v e r e d

3.1 Sand, gravel, crushed stone (stone chips) 1800 0,70 3

3.2 Pumice gravel (TS 3234) < 1000 0,19 3

3.3 Blast furnace cinder < 600 0,13 3

3.4 Coal cinder < 1000 0,23 3

3.5 Porous natural stone chips < 1200 0,22 3

< 1500 0,27 3
3.6 Expanded perlite aggregate (TS EN 14316-1) < 100 0,060 3
100 < 400 0,16 3

Note: As in this annex, the thermal conductivity calculation values of the construction and insulation
materials depending on the thermal conductivity groups and/or unit volume mass and water vapour
diffusion resistance factors take place to be used in the calculations defined in TS 825 standard, the
construction project will be calculated according to the design thermal conductivity values given here.
However, as long as the design thermal value declaration documented by a compliance evaluation
institution authorized by the Ministry of Public Works and Settlement does not affect the conditions
foreseen with another fundamental requirement and does not harm the legal requirements to which
the property owner is subjected such as Tender Law or privates agreements, it can be used in the
construction project in case its responsibility is undertaken by the product producer.

Unit volume mass Thermal conductivity
Sequence No Type of the material or component 1,2) 3 Water vapour
calculation value 3)
kg/m h


3.7 Expanded cork particles < 200 0,055 3

3.8 Polystyrene, rigid foam particles 15 0,050 3

3.9 Saw and planer shavings 200 0,070 2

3.10 Straw 150 0,058 3


4.1 Lime mortar, lime-cement mortar 1800 1,0 15 / 35

4.2 Cement mortar 2000 1,60 15 / 35

4.3 Gypsum mortar, lime-based gypsum mortar 1400 0,70 10

4.4 Plaster made by using only gypsum (with aggregate) 1200 0,51 10

4.5 Gypsum mortar screed 2100 1,20 15 / 35

4.6 Cement mortar screed 2000 1,40 15 / 35

4.7 Cast asphalt coating 2100 0,70 50000

4.8 Plaster mortars made of inorganic based light aggregates 800 0,30
900 0,35
1000 0,38
4.9 Plasters and mortar made of expanded perlite aggregate and their layers 400 0,14
500 0,16
600 0,20
700 0,24
800 0,29


(The elements taking place in this section express a structure
element at alone. In case the construction element is applied
by using a masonry mortar λh v a l u e s should be taken from the
Sequence no: 7.)

5.1 Normal concrete (appropriate to TS 500), concretes made by

using natural aggregate or stone chips
2400 2,50 80 - 130
Non-reinforced 2200 1,65 70 / 120
5.2 Dense-textured light concretes, (having no space between the
aggregates) reinforced or non-reinforced

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
5.2.1 Concretes made by using porous light aggregates and 800 0,39 70 / 150
not including quartz sand (with aggregates appropriate
to TS 1114 EN 13055-1
6) 900 0,44 70 / 150
1000 0,49 70 / 150
1100 0,55 70 / 150
1200 0,62 70 / 150
1300 0,70 70 / 150
1400 0,79 70 / 150
1500 0,89 70 / 150
1600 1,00 70 / 150
1800 1,30 70 / 150
2000 1,60 70 / 150
5.2.2 Concretes made by using only expanded perlite and not
including quartz sand (appropriate to TS 364)
300 0,10 70 / 150
400 0,13 70 / 150
500 0,15 70 / 150
600 0,19 70 / 150
700 0,21 70 / 150
800 0,24 70 / 150
900 0,27 70 / 150
1000 0,30 70 / 150
1200 0,35 70 / 150
1400 0,42 70 / 150
1600 0,49 70 / 150
5.3 Light concretes made of light aggregates in the form of
all-in (having spaces between aggregates)
5.3.1 Concretes made by using non-porous aggregates 1600 0,81 3-10
1800 1,10 3-10
2000 1,40 5-10
5.3.2 Concretes made without adding quartz sand and by 600 0,22 5-15
using porous light aggregates
700 0,26 5-15
800 0,28 5-15
1000 0,36 5-15
1200 0,46 5-15
1400 0,57 5-15
1600 0,75 5-15
1800 0,92 5-15
2000 1,20 5-15

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
5.3.3 Concretes made by using only natural pumice and not 400 0,12 5-15
including quartz sand
450 0,13 5-15
500 0,15 5-15
550 0,16 5-15
600 0,18 5-15
650 0,19 5-15
700 0,20 5-15
750 0,22 5-15
800 0,24 5-15
900 0,27 5-15
1000 0,32 5-15
1100 0,37 5-15
1200 0,41 5-15
1300 0,47 5-15
5.4 Light concretes made with the organic based aggregates

5.4.1 Wood saw or planer shaving concrete 400 0,14 5-15

600 0,19 5-15
800 0,25 5-15
1000 0,35 5-15
1200 0,44 5-15
5.4.2 Paddy shell concrete 600 0,14 5-15
700 0,17 5-15
5.5 Gas concretes hardened with vapour (including the
350 0,11 5 / 10
construction elements appropriate to TS EN 771-4)
400 0,13 5 / 10
450 0,15 5 / 10
500 0,15 5 / 10
550 0,18 5 / 10
600 0,19 5 / 10
650 0,21 5 / 10
700 0,22 5 / 10
750 0,24 5 / 10
800 0,25 5 / 10
900 0,29 5 / 10
1000 0,31 5 / 10

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor

6.1 Gas concrete construction plates (plates appropriate to

TS EN 771-4)
6.1.1 Plates having the normal joint thickness and placed with
the normal mortar 400 0,20 5 / 10
500 0,22 5 / 10
600 0,24 5 / 10
700 0,27 5 / 10
800 0,29 5 / 10

6.1.2 Plates having thin joint or being placed by using special

350 0,11 5 / 10
400 0,13 5 / 10
450 0,15 5 / 10
500 0,16 5 / 10
550 0,18 5 / 10
600 0,19 5 / 10
650 0,21 5 / 10
700 0,22 5 / 10
750 0,24 5 / 10
800 0,25 5 / 10
6.2 Wall plates made of light concrete
800 0,29 5 / 10
900 0,32 5 / 10
1000 0,37 5 / 10
1200 0,47 5 / 10
1400 0,58 5 / 10
6.3 Wall sheets and blocks made of gypsum (including the ones which are
750 0,35 5 / 10
porous, perforated, having filled or aggregate) (appropriate to TS 451
EN 12859, TS EN 520, TS 1474) 900 0,41 5 / 10
1000 0,47 5 / 10
1200 0,58 5 / 10
6.4 Gypsum wall plates to which the expanded perlite
600 0,29 5 / 10
aggregate is added (appropriate to TS EN 13169)
750 0,35 5 / 10
900 0,41 5 / 10
6.5 Gypsum carton plates (appropriate to TS EN 520)
800 0,25 8 / 25

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
7 MASONRY WALLS (including mortar joint gaps – joints)

7.1 Brick walls

7.1.1 Masonry walls made of the bricks appropriate to TS EN

1800 0,81 5 / 10
771-1, filled clinker, vertical perforated clinker,
(TS 4562) ceramics clinker (TS 2902) 2000 0,96 5 / 10
2200 1,20 5 / 10
2400 1,40 5 / 10
7.1.2 Walls filled as appropriate to TS EN 771-1 or with the vertical perforated bricks
1200 0,50 5 / 10
1400 0,58 5 / 10
1600 0,68 5 / 10
1800 0,81 5 / 10
2000 0,96 5 / 10
2200 1,20 5 / 10
2400 1,40 5 / 10
Walls with the vertical perforated bricks (with EU class bricks appropriate to TS EN 771-1
, with normal joint or mortar pocket) Walls made with the EU class bricks by using mortar
550 0,32 5 / 10
600 0,33 5 / 10
650 0,35 5 / 10
700 0,36 5 / 10
750 0,38 5 / 10
800 0,39 5 / 10
850 0,41 5 / 10
900 0,42 5 / 10
950 0,44 5 / 10
1000 0,45 5 / 10 Walls made with the EU class bricks by using mortar appropriate to TS
EN 998-2 and having density less than 1000 kg/m
3 550 0,27 5 / 10
600 0,28 5 / 10
650 0,30 5 / 10
700 0,31 5 / 10
750 0,33 5 / 10
800 0,34 5 / 10
850 0,36 5 / 10
900 0,37 5 / 10
950 0,38 5 / 10
1000 0,40 5 / 10

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
7.1.4 Walls with the vertical perforated light bricks (with the W class bricks
appropriate to TS EN 771-1, with normal joint or mortar pocket) Walls made with W class bricks by using normal m o r t a r
550 0,22 5 / 10
600 0,23 5 / 10
650 0,23 5 / 10
700 0,24 5 / 10
750 0,25 5 / 10
800 0,26 5 / 10
850 0,26 5 / 10
900 0,27 5 / 10
950 0,28 5 / 10
1000 0,29 5 / 10 Walls made of W class bricks by using mortar appropriate to TS EN
998-2 and whose density is less than 1000 kg/m
3 550 0,19 5 / 10
600 0,20 5 / 10
650 0,20 5 / 10
700 0,21 5 / 10
750 0,22 5 / 10
800 0,23 5 / 10
850 0,23 5 / 10
900 0,24 5 / 10
950 0,25 5 / 10
1000 0,26 5 / 10
7.1.5 Walls made with the horizontal perforated bricks (TS EN
600 0,33 5 / 10
700 0,36 5 / 10
800 0,39 5 / 10
900 0,42 5 / 10
1000 0,45 5 / 10
7.2 Lime sandstone walls (appropriate to TS 808 EN 771-2) 700 0,35 5 / 10
800 0,40 5 / 10
900 0,44 5 / 10
1000 0,50 5 / 10
1200 0,56 5 / 10
1400 0,70 5 / 10
1600 0,79 15 / 25
1800 0,99 15 / 25
2000 1,10 15 / 25
2200 1,30 15 / 25

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
7.3 Walls made of gas concrete wall blocks (appropriate to
TS EN 771-4)
7.3.1 Walls made with the blocks having the normal joint
thickness and placed with the normal mortar 400 0,20 5 / 10
450 0,21 5 / 10
500 0,22 5 / 10
550 0,23 5 / 10
600 0,24 5 / 10
650 0,25 5 / 10
700 0,27 5 / 10
800 0,29 5 / 10
7.3.2 Walls made of the gas concrete blocks placed with the special
adhesive (on the condition that the block length is at least 500 350 0,11 5 / 10
mm) and whose density is less than 1000 kg/m and appropriate 400 0,13 5 / 10
to TS EN 998-2
450 0,15 5 / 10
500 0,16 5 / 10
550 0,18 5 / 10
600 0,19 5 / 10
650 0,21 5 / 10
700 0,22 5 / 10
750 0,24 5 / 10
800 0,25 5 / 10
7.4 Walls made with the concrete briquette or wall blocks

7.4.1 Walls made with the briquette or filled blocks made of

450 0,31 5 / 10
light concrete (with briquette and blocks appropriate
to TS 406 and made without adding quartz sand) 500 0,32 5 / 10
550 0,33 5 / 10
600 0,34 5 / 10
650 0,35 5 / 10
700 0,37 5 / 10
800 0,40 5 / 10
900 0,43 5 / 10
1000 0,46 5 / 10
1200 0,54 5 / 10
1400 0,63 5 / 10
1600 0,74 10 / 15
1800 0,87 10 / 15
2000 0,99 10 / 15

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
7.4.2 Walls made with the filled blocks made of natural pumice concrete (with
450 0,28 5 / 10
DDB type blocks appropriate to TS EN 771-3, without adding
quartz sand) 500 0,29 5 / 10
550 0,30 5 / 10
600 0,31 5 / 10
650 0,32 5 / 10
700 0,33 5 / 10
800 0,36 5 / 10
900 0,39 5 / 10
1000 0,42 5 / 10
1200 0,49 5 / 10
1400 0,57 5 / 10
1600 0,62 10 / 15
1800 0,68 10 / 15
2000 0,74 10 / 15
7.4.3 Walls made with the filled blocks made of natural pumice concrete by
450 0,23 5 / 10
using mortar appropriate to TS EN 998-2 and whose density is less
than 1000 kg/m (made with the DDB type blocks appropriate to TS EN 500 0,24 5 / 10
771-3, without adding quartz sand)
550 0,25 5 / 10
600 0,26 5 / 10
650 0,27 5 / 10
700 0,28 5 / 10
800 0,30 5 / 10
900 0,32 5 / 10
1000 0,35 5 / 10
7.4.4 Walls made with the special slotted filled wall block made of natural
450 0,18 5 / 10
pumice without adding quartz sand (with the SW type blocks appropriate
to TS EN 771-3) 500 0,20 5 / 10
550 0,21 5 / 10
600 0,22 5 / 10
650 0,23 5 / 10
700 0,25 5 / 10
800 0,27 5 / 10
900 0,30 5 / 10
1000 0,32 5 / 10

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
7.4.5 Walls made with the special slotted filled wall blocks
450 0,16 5 / 10
made of concrete made with the natural pumice without
adding quartz sand by using mortar appropriate to TS 500 0,17 5 / 10
EN 998-2 and whose density is less than 1000 kg/m
550 0,18 5 / 10
(with the SW type blocks appropriate to TS EN 771-3)
600 0,19 5 / 10
650 0,20 5 / 10
700 0,21 5 / 10
800 0,23 5 / 10
900 0,26 5 / 10
1000 0,29 5 / 10
7.4.6 Walls made with the filled blocks made of expanded
500 0,26 5 / 10
perlite concrete (with blocks made without adding quartz
sand) 600 0,29 5 / 10
(With the block made as appropriate to TS 406 with the
aggregate appropriate to TS EN 14316-1 )
6 700 0,32 5 / 10
800 0,35 5 / 10
7.5 Walls made with the hollow briquettes or
Walls made with the hollow blocks made of light concrete
(wit h BDB t y p e b l o c k s appropriate to TS EN 771-3 without adding quartz sand)
450 0,28 5 / 10
Walls made with the hollow blocks made of light concrete
(wit h BDB t y p e b l o c k s appropriate to TS EN 771-3 500 0,29 5 / 10
without adding quartz sand)
On the following blocks 550 0,31 5 / 10
1 sequence hollow; w i d t h 115 mm, 600 0,32 5 / 10

1 sequence hollow; w i d t h 150 mm, 650 0,34 5 / 10

700 0,36 5 / 10
1 sequence hollow; w i d t h 175 mm,
800 0,41 5 / 10
< 2 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 240 mm, 900 0,46 5 / 10

< 3 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 300 mm, 1000 0,52 5 / 10

1200 0,60 5 / 10
< 4 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 365 mm,
1400 0,72 5 / 10
< 5 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 425 mm, 1600 0,76 5 / 10
6 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 490 mm

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
4) Walls with the hollow blocks made of light concrete by
using mortar appropriate to TS EN 998-2 and whose
density is less than 1000 kg/m (with BDB type blocks
appropriate to TS EN 771-3 without adding quartz sand)
On the following blocks
< 2 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 240 mm , 450 0,23 5 / 10

< 3 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 300 mm, 500 0,25 5 / 10

550 0,27 5 / 10
< 4 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 365 mm,
600 0,28 5 / 10
< 5 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 490 mm, 650 0,30 5 / 10

6 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 490 mm 700 0,32 5 / 10

800 0,36 5 / 10
900 0,40 5 / 10
1000 0,52 5 / 10
1200 0,60 5 / 10
1400 0,72 5 / 10
1600 0,75 5 / 10
7.5.2 Walls made of hollow briquettes made of normal
concrete and blocks (appropriate to TS 406) On the following blocks
2 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 240 mm ,
4 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 300 mm,
5 4 sequence hollow; w i d t h < 365 mm, <1800 0,92 20 - 30

On the following rights 2 sequence hollow; w i d t h = 300 mm,
3 sequence hollow; w i d t h = 365 mm

<1800 1,3 20 - 30

Rubble stone walls bound with the natural stones
Unit volume mass of the stone; 0,81
< 1600 kg/m 1,16
> 1600,< 2000 kg/m 1,74
> 2000,< 2600 kg/m 2,56
> 2600 kg/m

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor

8.1 Wood

8.1.1 The ones obtained from the coniferous trees

600 0,13 40
8.1.2 Beech, oak, ash tree
800 0,20 40
8.2 Wooden products

8.2.1 Plywood (TS 4645 EN 636), blockboard (TS 1047)

800 0,13 50 - 400

8.2.2 Wood particle boards Inclined particle boards (TS EN 309, TS EN 12369-1)

700 0,13 50 / 100 Perpendicular particle boards (TS 3482)
700 0,17 20
8.2.3 Wood fiber boards Hard and medium-hard wood fiber boards (TS 64)

600 0,13 70
800 0,15 70
1000 0,17 70 Light wood fiber boards
< 200 0,046 5
< 300 0,058 5

9.1 Floor coatings

9.1.1 Linoleum
1200 0,17 800-1000
9.1.2 Cork linoleum 700 0,08

9.1.3 Coatings made of synthetic

1500 0,23
material (for example PVC)
9.1.4 Carpet etc. coatings 200 0,06

9.2 Insulation coatings against water

9.2.1 Mastic asphalt coating > 7 mm

2000 0,70
9.2.2 Bitumen and bitumen-impregnated coatings

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
Bituminous armature pulps (membranes)
Bituminous carton 1100 0,19 2000
Fiberglass armature bituminous pulp 1200 0,19 14000
0,01 mm aluminum foil bituminous pulp 900 0,19 100000
Fiberglass armature polymer bitumen membrane 2000 0,19 14000
Polymer bitumen water insulation membranes 2000-5000 0,19 20000
9.2.3 Plastic pulp and foils with and without armature
Polyethylene foil 1000 0,19 80000
PVC cover 1200 0,19 42000
PIB polyisobutylene cover 1600 0,26 300000
ECB ethylene copolymer cover 1000 0,19 80000
EPDM ethylene propylene rubber cover 1200 0,30 100000


10.1 Wood wool plates TS EN 13171 16)

Thickness d < 25 mm 460-650 0,150 2-5

Thickness d ≥ 25 mm
Thermal conductivity groups

065 0,065
070 0,070
075 360-460 0,075 2-5
080 0,080
085 0,085
090 0,090

10.2 Field produced foam materials

10.2.1 Polyurethane (PUR) - (appropriate to DIN 18159-1)

Thermal conductivity groups

035 0,035

040 (>45) 0,040 30-100

Resin - formaldehyde foam (UF) – (appropriate to DIN
Thermal conductivity groups 0,035
035 (≥10) 0,040 1-3

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
10.3 Synthetic foam materials

10.3.1 Expanded polystyrene foam (PS) plates Polystyrene – Particulate foam – appropriate to TS
7316 EN 13163
Thermal conductivity groups
≥ 15 0,040 20-50
≥ 20 30-70
≥ 30 40-100

10.3.2 Extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) plates Extruded polystyrene foam – appropriate to TS 11989 EN 13164
Thermal conductivity groups
030 (≥ 25) 0,030 80-250
035 0,035
040 0,040 Extruded polystyrene foam – appropriate to TS 11989 EN
- on the outer part of the building water
insulation 8) for example of roof covering 9)
Thermal conductivity groups
(≥ 30) 0,030 80-250
Polyurethane hard foam (PUR) plates
Polyurethane hard foam appropriate to TS 2193, TS
10981 and TS EN 13165
Thermal conductivity groups 15)
(≥ 30) 0,025 30-100

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
10.4 Hard foam (PF) plates made of phenol resin
10.4.1 Phenolic hard foam – appropriate to TS EN 13166
Thermal conductivity groups
030 0,030 10-50
035 (≥ 30) 0,035
040 0,040
045 0,045

10.5 Mineral and vegetable fibered thermal insulation materials

(glass wool, s t o n e w o o l etc.) appropriate to TS 901 EN
13162 10

Thermal conductivity groups

(8-500) 0,040 1
10.6 Glass foam
Glass foam appropriate to TS EN 13167
Thermal conductivity groups
045 0,045
050 0,050
055 (100-150) 0,055 11)

060 0,060

10.6.2 Glass foam – on the other side of the building water insulation
Thermal conductivity groups

050 (110-150) 0,045

055 0,050

10.7 Wood fibered thermal insulation plates – appropriate to TS EN 13168

Thermal conductivity groups
035 0,035
040 0,040
045 (110-450) 0,045 5
050 0,050
055 0,055
060 0,060
065 0,065
070 0,070

Sequenc Type of material or component Unit volume Thermal Water vapour
1,2) conductivity
e No mass diffusion
3 calculation Resistance
value 3)
h factor
10.8 Cork insulation materials
Cork plates – appropriate to TS 304 EN 13170
Thermal conductivity groups
(80-500) 0,045 5-10

1) The unit volume masses given in this Annex can be different from the real unit volume mass of a construction material or
component. By considering such situations, the thermal conductivity calculation value is the value given for the unit
volume mass which is the closest to the unit volume mass (unit volume mass including the spaces and hollows in it if any)
in the dry situation of the main material (for example, brick on the brick wall) but which is higher than it. If smaller or same
thermal conductivity calculation value is given for a material or component depending only on one unit volume mass, even if
the real unit volume mass of the material or component is different, the value which is not less than the other one in this
annex is valid. When required, also in the calculation of the unit area masses of the construction material or components,
the unit volume masses in this annex are considered according to the above principles.

2) The density values given in parentheses in the section of `thermal insulation materials` having sequence
number of 10 have been given only for the determination of the mass corresponding to the unit area (for
example, in case of verification of the thermal protection made in the summer conditions).

3) Some loose textured materials can be squeezed on the places where they are used as a result of the loads
on them (for example, loose textured insulation layers on the flooring coating). In such situations, if the unit
volume mass of the material as being squeezed is not bigger than the unit volume mass given in this annex
for this material, the given thermal conductivity calculation values are valid as exactly the same. However, in
the thermal conductivity resistance calculations to be made, the thickness of the material in the squeezed
situation is required to be considered. Also, it should be cared that the coatings to be made over the loose
textured or compressible materials should be selected and applied in a way that will carry the fixed and
moving loads that will come onto them in a way that they will not be damaged.

4) If the material producer does not have declaration as TSE certified single value regarding the usage of Mü () val u es ,
the smaller one of the interval values given in each situation for the construction components is taken and included to the
calculation. In addition, as the “”s v a l u e for the materials taking place on the outer side of the building shell, the big
value can be taken. The values which are not appropriate for the building construction are disregarded at each time.
5) In case the light masonry mortar appropriate to TS EN 998-2 and whose density is lower than 1000 kg/m is used, the
thermal conductivity calculation values given for the walls made with the briquette and blocks taking place in the content of
TS 406 in this annex can be decreased down to 0,06 W/mK.

6) The thermal conductivity calculation values given for the concrete elements made by not adding quartz sand is applied as
being increased in the rate of 20% in case the quartz sand is added.

7) If a construction component or element is composed of material having more than one different thermal conductivity
calculation value, the thermal conductivity calculation value of that construction component or element is done as follows,
by considering the thicknesses or area/lengths of every material, their thermal permeability resistances are calculated,
therefore their average thermal conductivity values are found according to the surface percentage (%) or length
percentage (%) rates and it is calculated by also considering their joint situations according to the dimensions of the
component or element.

8) In addition to the characteristics mentioned in TS 11989 EN 13164, in the soil contacted curtain wall
12) 13)
insulation, in the WD or WS type applications, the following features are required:
 Both sides of the thermal insulation plates should be armored.
 The compression strength should be > 0,30 N/mm (300 kPa) in %10 shape deformation.

 According to TS EN 12088, the rate of water absorption with the diffusion should be less than 3% between
50°C and 1°C.

9) In addition to the characteristics mentioned in TS 11989 EN 13164, in the reverse terrace roof insulation, in
12) 13)
the WD or WS type a p p l i c a t i o n s , t h e f o l l o w i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e r e q u i r e d .
 The compression strength should be > 0,30 N/mm (300 kPa) in %10 shape deformation.

 According to TS EN 12088, the rate of water absorption with the diffusion should be less than 3% between
50°C and 1°C.
 The edge profile of the thermal insulation plates should be mounted (having lamp).

10) On the packages of the sound insulation materials, the thermal conductivity group values should be given.

11) The practical vapour impermeability value Sd is 1500 m (TS EN 12086 or TS EN ISO 12572).

12) WD: Thermal insulation materials used under the water insulation membrane breathing on the hot roofs or on
the floorings exposed to the load for which the impact sound insulation is not sought.

13) WS: Thermal insulation materials having higher resistance values when being exposed to the load for the
special applications (for example on the auto-park floors).

14) In case the thermal conductivity calculation value of the materials to be determined with the thermal
conductivity group determination given in the 10 article of this Annex is at the intermediate values, it is
assumed to be in the first group which is higher than it and it is included to the calculation.

15) It is only used for the application made with the spraying method between two layers.

16) The wood wool plates whose thickness is less than 15 mm are not considered in the thermal conductivity

Annex F

Investigation and limitation of the vapour transition from the construction

Between two sides of a construction element, the different partial vapour pressures happen due to the fact that the temperatures and
relative humidity are different. The vapour molecules in the air pass through the pores of the construction element by moving in the same
direction with the heat flow due to this pressure difference and try to reach to the external environment. During this transition, if the water
vapour contacts with a surface which is at saturation temperature or at a less temperature inside the construction element, some part of it
condenses and becomes liquid and accumulates inside or on the surface of the construction element and gives damages to the
The condensation on the surface of the construction element shows itself with the formation of black spots, mould, fungus etc. organisms and
negatively affects the human health and comfort conditions of the environment and causes the formation of damages in the construction
material. T h e c o n d e n s a t i o n h a p p e n i n g b e t w e e n t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n e l e m e n t s c a u s e s t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n l i f e
and earthquake resistance to be negatively affected especially as a result of the corrosion of the
installations on the bearing parts of the constructions and gradual decreasing of their functions
a n d r e s i s t a n c e s in time. Also, the condensation also causes the construction elements to rust and deformation of
their integrity and increasing of the heat losses .

For the elimination of the above mentioned negative results, it is required that the vapour transition from the
construction elements should be investigated, limited and their results should be reported according to the
calculation method defined in this standard. By this way, in addition to the healthy and comfortable life and long
life buildings, the significant amount of energy savings will also be obtained.

Calculation method
The calculation method used in this section determines the method related to the evaluation of the
condensation risk between the construction elements due to the diffusion of the water vapour.

The method used accepts that the water at the construction stage gets dried a n d d o e s n o t c o n s i d e r a
group of physical facts given below:

a) Dependence of the thermal conductivity with the humidity amount,

b) Released and absorbed latent heat,
c) Change of the material characteristics depending on the humidity amount,
d) Capillary absorption and liquid humidity (water) transition from the inside of the material,
e) Air movements between the cracks or air divisions,
f) Hygroscopic humidity capacities of the materials.

The thicknesses of the construction materials, the resistance that they show to the water vapour diffusion heat transition and
material’s sequence, temperature distribution formed inside the construction materials, usage objective of the construction and
climatic conditions of the region where the construction is located are the fundamental factors affecting the formation of
condensation. The entrance data used in the calculations have been defined below.

Material and finished product characteristics

While the thermal conductivity calculation value “h" and water vapour diffusion resistance factor”“ can be used for
homogenous materials, t h e t h e r m a l r e s i s t a n c e “R” and water vapour diffusion– e q u i v a l e n t a i r l a y e r
t h i c k n e s s “Sd”, are used primarily in the composite finished product or systems. Th e t h e r m a l c o n d u c t i vi t y
c a l c u l a t i o n va l u e s a n d w a t e r va p o u r d i f f u s i o n r e s i s t a n c e f a c t o r s o f a l l c o n s t r u c t i o n m a t e r i a l s
s h o u l d b e t a k e n f r o m t h e Annex E.

For the air layers R is taken from the Chart 2. Sd value of the air layer is accepted as 0,01 m as being
independent from the thickness and slope.

Internal and external environment conditions

For the calculations, the following temperate and relative humidity values should be used.

a) External air temperatures: The external air temperatures have been given in the Article B.2.

b) Temperature of the soil contacting to the construction components: The average temperature values
given in the Article B.2 are used.

c) Internal air temperature: As being appropriate to the usage objective of the building, the internal
temperature values given in the Article B.1 are used as being increased by 1°C. For ex am pl e ; in the
residence, office or other buildings having the similar conditions, the temperature of the internal
environment air will be taken as 20°C (19+1).

d) Relative humidity:
- The relative humidity of the internal environment is taken as 65%in the buildings in which the natural
ventilation is realized, a n d a s 5 5 % i n t h e b u i l d i n g s i n w h i c h m e c h a n i c a l
ventilation is realized.
- The relative humidity of the external environment and the values belonging to the provinces and districts
have been given in the Annex G (the municipalities not taking place in the annex will use the relative
humidity values of the districts or provinces to which they are affiliated).
- In the condensation investigations made in the soil contacted construction sections, their relative humidity
of the soil (external environment) will be taken asi=%100.

Special cases
In the constructions requiring special conditions as appropriate to the usage objective of the building and
operating conditions (swimming pools, production sections of the textile factories, e t c . buildings), the above
given acceptances should not be used for the internal environment conditions. In this case, the design values
determined as appropriate to the construction should be used.


Acceptable lowest temperature value

For the mould f o r m a t i o n n o t t o s t a r t a n d f o r t h e c o m f o r t c o n d i t i o n s n o t t o b e r u i n e d , t h e
i n t e r n a l s u r f a c e t e m p e r a t u r e yi,en düşük, s h o u l d b e d e s i g n e d a s b e i n g l o w e r t h a n t h e i n t e r n a l
environment temperature values (for all surfaces such as roof, wall etc.) accepted
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e a r t i c l e 2 . 2 . c ) g i v e n i n t h e A n n e x F b y a t m o s t 3 C. That this condition is
ensured should be shown in the temperature table of the construction element in a way given in the example.

Water vapour diffusion– equivalent air layer thickness

It is defined as the thickness of non-moving air layer showing resistance equivalent to the resistance that a structure
element layer shows to the transition of the water vapour and it is calculated with the following equation.
s d .d ........................................................................................ (F.1)
Here as follows;
Sd : Water vapour diffusion equivalent air layer thickness (m),
 : Water vapour diffusion resistance coefficient (unitless),
d : Thickness of the construction material layer (m).

Relative humidity
It is defined as the rate of partial water vapour pressure in the same temperature in the air to the water
vapour partial pressure in the saturated situation and it is calculated with the following equation.

p .......................................................................................... (F.2)
Here as follows;
p : Partial water vapour pressure (Pa),
: Relative humidity (unitless),
ps : saturated water vapour pressure at the temperature of “”, (Pa),
(chart F.1 ).

The relative humidity () should take place in the equation as a decimal fraction.

Surface’s critical humidity

It is defined as the relative humidity on the surface causing the deformation of the surface and especially the
formation of mould. In case the relative humidity value is high as being in the rate of 80% or more even
for short durations, there is risk of formation of mould on the surfaces.

The saturated water vapour pressure (p ) can be calculated approximately by using the equation 5 and equation 6 at the same time.

Saturated vapour pressure and temperature
As a function of saturated vapour pressure, the temperature can be found with the below given equations.

 p 
237,3loge  s 
 610,5 p  610,5Pa (F.3)
 

 p 
17,269 log  s 
610,5 

 p 
265,5 loge  s 
 610,5 p 610,5Pa (F.4)
 

 p 
21,875 log  s 
610,5 

Another option is the preparation of a table or graph showing the relation between the ps (saturation pressure)
and (temperature) to find the temperature from the saturated vapour pressure value according to the equation
5 and equation 6.

17.269. for
p s 610,5e 237.3
 ≥ 0 °C (F.5)

21.875. for
p s 610,5e 265.5
 < 0 °C (F.6)

The equation 5 and equation 6 are empirical equations giving the saturated vapour pressure of the water as the
function of the temperature. Instead of these equations, the saturated water vapour tables can also be used. In
the Chart 1, the saturated water vapour pressure values have been given as a table at the temperatures
between 30,9 C and (- 20,9°C).

Surface thermal transmission resistance

In the condensation investigation calculations, for the surface thermal transmission resistance values on the
2 2
internal and external surfaces of the construction elements, the values of Ri = 0,25 m K/W and Re = 0,04 m K/W
should be used.

Chart F.1 – Saturated water vapour pressure at the temperatures between (30,9 C) and (- 20,9 °C)
Saturated water vapour pressure (Pa)
Temperature °C ,0 ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9
30 4241 4265 4289 4314 4339 4364 4389 4414 4439 4464
29 4003 4026 4050 4073 4097 4120 4144 4168 4192 4216
28 3778 3800 3822 3844 3867 3889 3912 3934 3957 3980
27 3563 3584 3605 3626 3648 3669 3691 3712 3734 3756
26 3359 3379 3399 3419 3440 3460 3480 3501 3522 3542
25 3166 3185 3204 3223 3242 3261 3281 3300 3320 3340
24 2982 3000 3018 3036 3055 3073 3091 3110 3128 3147
23 2808 2825 2842 2859 2876 2894 2911 2929 2947 2964
22 2642 2659 2675 2691 2708 2724 2741 2757 2774 2791
21 2486 2501 2516 2532 2547 2563 2579 2594 2610 2626
20 2337 2351 2366 2381 2395 2410 2425 2440 2455 2470
19 2196 2210 2224 2238 2252 2266 2280 2294 2308 2323
18 2063 2076 2089 2102 2115 2129 2142 2155 2169 2182
17 1937 1949 1961 1974 1986 1999 2012 2024 2037 2050
16 1817 1829 1841 1852 1864 1876 1888 1900 1912 1924
15 1704 1715 1726 1738 1749 1760 1771 1783 1794 1806
14 1598 1608 1619 1629 1640 1650 1661 1672 1683 1693
13 1497 1507 1517 1527 1537 1547 1557 1567 1577 1587
12 1402 1411 1420 1430 1439 1449 1458 1468 1477 1487
11 1312 1321 1330 1338 1347 1356 1365 1374 1383 1393
10 1227 1236 1244 1252 1261 1269 1278 1286 1295 1303
9 1147 1155 1163 1171 1179 1187 1195 1203 1211 1219
8 1072 1080 1087 1094 1102 1109 1117 1124 1132 1140
7 1001 1008 1015 1022 1029 1036 1043 1050 1058 1065
6 935 941 948 954 961 967 974 981 988 994
5 872 878 884 890 897 903 909 915 922 928
4 813 819 824 830 836 842 848 854 860 866
3 757 763 768 774 779 785 790 796 801 807
2 705 710 715 721 726 731 736 741 747 752
1 656 661 666 671 676 680 685 690 695 700
0 611 615 619 624 629 633 638 642 647 652
0 611 616 621 626 631 636 641 647 652 657
-1 562 567 571 576 581 586 591 596 601 605
-2 517 521 526 530 535 539 544 548 553 557
-3 475 479 484 488 492 496 500 504 509 513
-4 437 441 444 448 452 456 460 464 468 471
-5 401 405 408 412 415 419 422 426 430 433
-6 368 371 375 378 381 384 388 391 394 398
-7 338 341 344 347 350 353 356 359 362 365
-8 309 312 315 318 320 323 326 329 332 335
-9 283 286 288 291 294 296 299 301 304 307
-10 259 262 264 266 269 271 274 276 278 281
-11 237 239 241 244 246 248 250 252 255 257
-12 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 231 233 235
-13 198 200 202 203 205 207 209 211 213 215
-14 181 182 184 186 187 189 191 193 194 196
-15 165 166 168 169 171 173 174 176 177 179
-16 150 152 153 154 156 157 159 160 162 163
-17 137 138 139 141 142 143 145 146 147 149
-18 124 126 127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135
-19 113 114 115 116 117 119 120 121 122 123
-20 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112

Calculation of condensation inside the construction elements

Between two sides of a construction element, the different vapour pressures arising due to the fact that the temperatures and relative
humidity are different happen. When we consider the winter season which is heating period, generally there is high vapour pressure on the
internal side and the water vapour being available in the form of gas in the internal environment moves in the same direction with the heat
flow and tries to reach to the external environment. In case the water vapour reaches to the external environment as gas, there is no
problem in terms of both the usage life and thermal performance of the construction element. However, depending on the resistance that
the materials forming the construction element show to the transition of the water vapour and sequence of the materials, the possibility
that the water vapour is changed into the liquid form from the gas form while passing through the construction element, namely its
condensation is available. These calculations methods are generally called as “Glaser dları”.

The risk of happening of condensation which is an unwanted situation should be investigated with the below
defined method and in case the condensation happens, the conditions given in the Article F.2.5.7 should be

By starting from the first month in which the condensation is estimated, the average monthly external conditions are used in the calculation of
the condensation or evaporation amount for each month of the year. The condensation water amount accumulating at the end of this month in
which the condensation happens and the evaporation amount in the remaining part of the year is compared. The single dimensional,
stable regime conditions are accepted. The air movements from the inside of the construction elements are not considered.
With the equation given below, it is accepted that the humidity transition is only from the water vapour diffusion.

0 p p
g   ....................................................................... (F.7)
 x sd

0 2x10 10 kg/(m.s.Pa).

Here, o, is water vapour diffusion resistance and shows very small changes depending on the temperature
and barometric pressure. In this standard, the effects of these variables have been omitted.

The heat flow amount in the unit area has been given with the below equation

q    ......................................................................... (F.8)

d R

Here as  Is temperature difference, it is accepted that the values of the thermal conductivity “" and thermal
resistance “R” are fixed.
For the parallel placed homogenous materials, R = d/.


Material characteristics
Some materials such as metal plates effectively prevent the transition of the water vapour and therefore they
have infinite  v a l u e . W ith this, as the material is required to have a finite  value for the
calculation operation, value will be taken as 100.000 for such type of materials.

The accumulative water vapour diffusion – equivalent air layer thickness of the `n` units of intermediate surfaces
from the outside to inside i s c a l c u l a t e d .
R  Re  R j
n (F.9)
j 1

sId,n 
s ,
d j (F.10)

The total thermal resistance and water vapour diffusion– equivalent air layer thickness have been given with the
equation (11) and equation (12)


R IT R i R j Re (F.11)

j 1

s Id,T  s
d,j (F.12)

Heat flow density, temperature and saturated vapour pressure distribution

Heat flow density

The heat flow density of a construction element (q), is calculated according to the equation 13.

q U .(i  e )............................................................................................................................... (F.13)

Here as follows;
U : Thermal permeability coefficient (W/m K),
i : Internal environment temperature (°C),
e : External environment temperature (°C).

Internal surface temperature

The internal surface temperature of a construction component (yi), is calculated according to the equation 14.

yi  i Ri .q ............................................................................................................................ (F.14)

Here as follows;
yi : Internal surface temperature (°C),
Ri : Surface thermal permeability resistance of the internal surface,
q : Heat flow density (W/m2).

External surface temperature

The external surface temperature of a construction component ( ), is calculated according to the equation 14.

 yd  e Re .q ............................................................................................................................. (F.15)

Here as follows;
yd : External surface temperature (°C),
Re : Surface thermal permeability resistance of the external surface.

Intermediate surface temperatures

The temperature value for each intermediate surface between the materials is calculated according to the
following equation.

n  e  '  i  e 

1 yi R1.q

2 1 R2 .q

: : :
: : :
n n1 Rn .q ............................................................................................................................ (F.16)

1 d
R   ................................................................................................................................... (F.17)
 h

Here as follows;
R : Thermal permeability resistance of the construction component (m .K/W),
d : Thickness of the construction component (m),
h : Thermal conductivity calculation value of the construction component (W/m.K).

The temperature distribution for each layer has been given as linear due to the acceptance of the continuous
regime conditions (Figure F.1). External Surface Internal Surface

External Environment Internal Environment

(Room inside the building)
st nd rd
1 layer 2 layer 3 layer

Figure F.1 – Temperature distribution in the multi layered construction element

According to the temperature in the intermediate surface between every material layer, the water vapour
saturation pressure is calculated.

Note - As the function of temperature, the saturation pressure of the water vapour is calculated according
to the equation 5 and /or the equation 6’.

Starting month
In case the condensation happens within the year at any place of the construction component, the starting
month is the first month in which the condensation starts. By starting from the starting month, the calculations
are started from the starting month by finding the temperature, water vapour saturation pressure and vapour
distributions inside the component. In case the condensation is determ ined in the construction
com ponent which is calculated, the m ass of the condens ing water is calculated in a way
that will be appr opr iate to the criteria m entioned in the Article 2.5.7. and according to the
m ethods m entioned in this article . The determ ination of the starting month and the
calculations are made according to the one which is appropriate from the below given ones .

a) If there is not condensation in any one of 12 months, it is reported that there is no condensation in
the component.

b) If condensation is found in any one or several of 12 months, the first month in which the condensation is
observed within the year is taken as the starting month and the calculations are made for each month
after this month and the mass of the condensing water is found.

c) If the condensation has been determined in all of 12 m o n t h s , t h e m a s s o f t h e c o n d e n s i n g

water inside the construction component is calculated by starting from
any month.

Vapour pressure distribution

According to the vapour diffusion – equivalent air layer thickness Sd of each layer, the section of the
construction element is drawn (Figure F.2). T h e s a t u r a t e d v a p o u r p r e s s u r e s a t e a c h
i n t e r m e d i a t e s u r f a c e b e t w e e n t h e m a t e r i a l s are drawn by being combined with straight lines.

`p` water vapour pressure
External environment
Saturated Water Vapour Pressure
Water vapour partial pressure
Internal environment

Diffusion equivalent air layer thickness

Figure F.2 – Vapour pressure distribution in the multi layered construction element

Condensation calculation
If there is no condensation accumulation in the previous month, the vapour pressure profile is drawn in the
shape of straight line between the internal and external vapour pressure (pi and pd). If this line does not
exceed the saturation pressure in any intermediate surface, the condensation does not happen.

Situation in which the water vapour saturation pressure in the construction component is less than the vapour
saturation pressure at every point in the component (Figure F3).

The vapour flow amount (flow rate) in the construction component is calculated with the equation 18 .

p p
g ox
i d (F.18)
 s 'd.T

Figure F.3 –Vapour diffusion in the multi layered construction element in which there is no condensation

If the vapour pressure exceeds the saturation pressure at any intermediate surface, the vapour pressure
lines are drawn again as series (string) and as being tangent at a couple of points as much as possible in the
water vapour saturation pressure profile, b u t n o t e x c e e d i n g i t (Figure F.4 and Figure F.5). These
points are condensation intermediate surfaces.

Figure F.4 - Water vapour diffusion in case there is condensation on one intermediate surface plane inside the construction element

The condensation amount is the difference between the carried humidity amount and the amount of humidity
carried from the intermediate surface on which the condensation happens:

 
gsw  pi  psw p d  ................................................................................................ (F.19)
o   
 psw
sd.T s
' '
s ' d,sw 

In the construction having more than one condensation intermediate surface, the record (value) of the
condensation amount for each intermediate surface is kept.

Figure F.5 – Water vapour diffusion in case there is condensation on two intermediate surfaces inside the construction element
In case two condensation intermediate surfaces are formed, the condensation amount is calculated from the slope
difference between the straight lines following each other for each condensation intermediate surface (Figure F.5).

 p p sw1 p sw1 p d 

 sw 2 
Intermediate surface 1: gsw1  o ' ...................................................................... (F.20)
   ' 
sd.sw 2 s d,sw1 s d,sw1 

 p p p psw1 

 sw 2  .................................................................... (F.21)
surface 2: gsw 2   i sw 2
o  
 ' s
d,sw s'd.sw 2 s'd,sw1 
s d.T

Figure F.6 – Water vapour diffusion in case there is condensation along the surface inside the construction element

In case the condensation is formed along the intermediate surface in the construction element, the condensation
amount is calculated with the following equation (Figure 6):

 
gsw1  o p sw1  p d p i  sw 2  ............................................................................................ (F.22)
 p S
 S'  S' dT 
 d.sw1 d,sw 2 

Important Note : As the equations given from 18 to 22 give the condensation amount in 1 second, it is
required to multiply the amount obtained with the 1 month period in seconds to find the monthly condensation
amount. This duration is the same with the time used in the thermal insulation calculations before (t = 86400
x 30).
my = g x t (kg/m ) ............................................................................................................................ (F.23)

Here as follows;
my : Amount of the water condensing and/or evaporating (mass),
g : Amount of the water condensing and/or evaporating in 1 second (mass),
t : 1 month period in seconds (86400 x 30).

When there is condensation accumulating from the previous months on more or more intermediate surface,
the water vapour pressure should be equal to the saturation pressure and the vapour pressure profile should
be drawn as straight line between the values representing the condensation intermediate surfaces, external
vapour pressure and internal vapour pressure (Figure F.7). If the vapour pressure values exceed the
saturation values on any intermediate surfaces, the vapour pressure curves are drawn again according to the
Article F.2.5.4.

Figure F.7 –Evaporation on an intermediate surface of the construction component
T h e e v a p o r a t i o n amount is calculated with the following equation:
  p d 
gev  p i  psw  psw' ........................................................................................................... (F.24)
o  '
 '
 d.T
s s s d.sw 

Note - The expressions are the same for the evaporation and condensation amounts. If the expression is
positive (+), the condensation happens, if it is negative (-) the evaporation happens.

In case more than one condensation intermediate surface occurs in one construction component, the
evaporation amount is calculated separately for each intermediate surface (Figure 8).

Figure F.8 – Evaporation when the condensation happens on 2 intermediate surfaces in a construction component

For two evaporation intermediate surface, the evaporation amount is calculated as follows (Figure 8).

 p p sw1 p sw1 p d 

 sw 2 
On the intermediate surface 1: gev1 o ............................................................................ (F.25)
 ' 
sd.sw 2 
' '
s d,sw1 s d,sw1 

 p p p psw1 

On the intermediate surface i2: gevsw22  sw 2 .......................................................................... (F.26)
o  
 s'd,sw 2 s'd.sw 2  s'd,sw1 
 d.T
If the condensation amount accumulating on an intermediate surface at the end of the calculated month is
negative, this value is taken as 0 “zero”.

Evaporation and condensation
In a construction component in which there are more than one condensation intermediate surface, there can
be months in which there is condensation on an intermediate surface and there is evaporation on the other
intermediate surface (Figure 9).

Figure F.9 – Situation in which the evaporation happens on one intermediate surface and condensation happens on two intermediate surfaces

The condensation amount gsw or evaporation amount gev are calculated separately for the intermediate surface:

 p sw 2 p sw1 p p d 

 
Condensation between the Layer 1 and Layer 2: sw  0  sw1
........................... (F.27)
g s'
 d.sw 2 s'd.sw1 

 p psw 2 psw1 pd 

Condensation between the Layer 3 and Layer 4: ev 0  i  
s' s' s' ......................... (F.28)
g  d.T d.sw d.sw 2 d.sw1 
2 s'

Criteria used in the evaluation of the constructions

The calculation results according to the a), b), c), d) and e) articles are reported.

a) Situation in which there is not condensation on any intermediate surface in any month
In this case, it is reported that there is not condensation between the construction elements of the construction.

b) Situation of happening of condensation on one or more intermediate surface

For the stability of the construction components and for the thermal insulation material used in this construction
component not to get weak or not to be ruined due to the increase in the humidity content in their bodies, the
following conditions should be realized.

It should be ensured that the amount of water accumulating in the related construction component during the
condensation should be evaporated along the evaporation duration and should be released to the surrounding
atmosphere again. In case all condensing water amount is not removed from the system during the evaporation
duration, the construction component should be redesigned and the condensation investigation should be
repeated till the compliance is ensured.
The amount of the mass f the condensation water formed in the ceiling, wall and construction components
should not exceed 1,0 kg/m in total. This condition is not valid for the following b.3) and b.4) articles.
In case the insulation is made to the reinforced concrete walls from the inside, the amount of the
allowed condensation water mass should not exceed 0,5 kg/m .
In case the humidity content in the wooden materials is expresses in mass, the increasing of the mass
of the wooden materials by more than 5% due to the humidity is not allowed. I t s h o u l d n o t
i n c r e a s e b y m o r e t h a n 3 % i n t h e p r o c e s s e d w o o d e n p r o d u c t s (particle board vb.).

c) Situation of happening of the condensation on the internal surface of the construction element
The construction element in this situation is not appropriate to the standard and the condensation investigation
should be repeated till the compliance is ensured by being redesigned.

d) Reporting of graphs
Even though the condensation is not realized in any months in the construction component for which the
condensation calculation is made, the diffusion for at least the months of December and January should take
place in the report. If the condensation is not realized in one or more than one month of the year, in this case, the
diffusion flow graphs should be given place as starting from the month before the month in which the
condensation starts and also including the month after the month in which the condensation is realized lastly (for
example, if the condensation is realized in the months of November, December and January in a construction
element, totally 5 units of graphs will be given for the mentioned construction element in a way that will also
cover the month of the October and February).

e) Reporting of the charts

All charts given in the Annex H for each calculated construction element should be reported by being issued in
accordance with the project made.

Condensation example
With the aim of also showing the limitation in the materials made of especially wood, the example building wall
has been selected from the prefabricated construction. All other calculations have been also made in the
similar way. It has been assumed that the example building wall has been constructed in the province of
Ankara which is in the 3 degree-day region and for the condensation calculations, Ankara`s relative humidity
values have been used and to be used in the condensation calculations for the 3 region, the external
temperature values given in the Article B.2 have been used.

19 mm inclined particle board given in the Annex E sequence No

Polystyrene hard foam plate given in the Annex E sequence No 10

19 mm inclined particle board given in the Annex E sequence No

30 mm air layer (air-conditioned)

20 mm curtain wall outer coating

The external temperature values given in the Annex 2 B for the 3 region, the relative humidity values of the
external environment belonging to the province of Ankara given in the Annex 7 and the internal environment
temperature to be taken for all months and the relative humidity values of the internal environment are as
External environment External environment Internal environment Internal environment relative
temperature (C) relative humidity (%) temperature humidity (%)

January -0,3 0,76

February 0,1 0,71
March 4,1 0,65
April 10,1 0,62
May 14,4 0,59
June 18,5 0,55 20 65
July 21,7 0,49
August 21,2 0,48
September 17,2 0,52
October 11,6 0,62
November 5,6 0,72
December 1,3 0,78

Chart F.2 – Chart of thermophysical characteristics of the construction component

Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

No. Layer Layer Water Diffusion Diffusion Thermal Surface thermal Surface thermal
thicknes vapour equivalent equivalent conductivity conductivity conductivity
s diffusion air layer air layer calculation resistance, material’s resistance, material’s
resistance thickness Sd thickness value thermal resistance thermal resistance
coefficient (cumulative) (cumulative) RT
d SdT

 2 2
- - m - m M W/(m.K) m .K/W m .K/W
1 Surface thermal conductivity -
resistance of the external surface - - - - 0,04 0,04

2 19 mm inclined particle
board given in the Annex E 0,019 50 0,95 0,95 0,13 0,15 0,186
sequence no

3 polystyrene hard foam

plate given in the Annex E 0,10 20 2,00 2,95 0,04 2,50 2,686
sequence no

4 19 mm inclined particle
board given in the Annex E
sequence no
0,019 50 0,95 3,9 0,13 0,15 2,832

5 Surface thermal conductivity

resistance of the internal surface - - - - - 0,25 3,082

SdT = 3,9 m 1/U = 3,082

U = 1/3,082 = 0,324 W/m K

By using the Article B.2 and the related equations, the temperature and pressure distributions of
this construction component, condensation and evaporation amounts are calculated separately
for every month. Also, the required graphs will also be drawn in the way mentioned in this annex.
From the equation of q U .(i  e ), heat flow density changing for every month,
From the equations of
yi i  Ri .q and  yd  d Re .q internal and external surface temperatures,

From the equations of

1 yi  R1 .q and 2 1 R2 .q , the intermediate temperatures are calculated and the saturated vapour pressures corresponding to
the temperatures are read from the Chart 1 and the graphs are drawn.

Chart F3 – Chart of pressure and temperature distribution of the construction component

November December January February March
Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
Temperature distribution Temperature distribution Temperature distribution Temperature distribution Temperature distribution
distribution (Pa) distribution (Pa) distribution (Pa) distribution (Pa) distribution (Pa)

(C) (C) (C) (C) (C)

5,6 909 1,3 671 -0,3 596 0,1 615 4,1 819
5,8 921 1,5 683 0,0 609 0,4 627 4,3 831
1. Intermediate

6,5 965 2,4 727 0,9 653 1,3 671 5,1 876
2. Intermediate
18,1 2082 17,6 2011 17,4 1985 17,4 1992 18,0 2057
18,8 2173 18,5 2126 18,4 2109 18,4 2113 18,7 2157

20,0 2337 20,0 2337 20,0 2337 20,0 2337 20,0 2337

In the dealt construction component, the condensation is realized in the single point. As the condensation is realized in the
months of December, January and February, due to the fact that it is a requirement mentioned in this standard, the graphs should also be
given for the month of November which is the one month before and month of March which is the one month after.

2500 2500

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000

500 500
surface on which
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 5

2 3 4
Diffusion graph of the month of November Diffusion graph of the month of December

2500 2500

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 1000

Intermediate Intermediate
500 500
surface on ey surface on which
which condensation
condensation 0 happens
0 1 happens 4 5 0 1 5

2 3 2 3 4
Diffusion graph of the month of January Diffusion graph of the month of February





0 1 2 3 4 5

Diffusion graph of the month of March

With the below given equation, the condensation and evaporation are calculated and have been given
below. The values which are positive show condensation and the negative values show evaporation.

 p sw  p d 
g   pi p  (F.29)
o sw
 '
d.T s '
s ' d,sw 
s d,sw

pi i .psi = 0,65 x 2337 =1519,0 Pa

If an example calculation is made for the month of January, the mass of the condensing water;
pd,ocak  d .psd = 0,76 x 596 = 452,6 Pa

psw = 653 Pa

1519  653  653 452,6 

gsw,ocak 2x1010 
 3,9  0,95 
gsw,ocak 1,656x10

my = g x t (kg/m ) t = 86400 x 30 (1 month as seconds)
-8 2
my =1,656 x 10 x (86400 x 30) = 0,0429 kg/m

is found. When a similar calculation is also applied to the other months, the results given on the Chart F.4 are

Chart F.4 – Chart of condensation and evaporation amount in the construction components
Months e (°C) d (%) 2 my (kg/m )
my (kg/m )
December 1,3 0,78 0,0278 0,0278
January -0,3 0,76 0,0429 0,0707
February 0,1 0,71 0,0213 0,0920
March 4,1 0,65 -0,0743 0,0176
April 10,1 0,62 -0,2427 -0,2251
May 14,4 0,59 -0,4142 0,000
June 18,5 0,55 -0,6385 0,000
July 21,7 0,49 -0,8993 0,000
August 21,2 0,48 -0,8812 0,000
September 17,2 0,52 -0,6067 0,000
October 11,6 0,62 -0,2896 0,000
November 5,6 0,72 -0,0724 0,000
The total mass of the water in 3 months in which the condensation is realized is 0,092 kg/m . The water
accumulating in the construction element starts to evaporate as of the month of March and there is no water left
in the system after the month of April.
Result :
1. As the internal surface temperatures are yi > 17°C, there is no risk of mould formation.
2. In the months of December, January and February, totally 0,092 kg/m y=condensation has been
realized. However, as the amount of water in this amount is less than the limit value which is 1 kg/m , it has
remained within the acceptable limits.
3. All of the condensing water is evaporated in the summer months.
4. In the article 2.5.7, it is said that the condensing water mass should not increase the mass of the material made of wood by more than 3%. 3% of
the mass of the material made of wood is m = 0,03 x 0, 019 x 700 = 0 ,399 k g/m . A s t h e t o t a l c o n d e n s i n g w a t e r a m o u n t i n
t h e m o n t h s o f D e c e m b e r , J a n u a r y a n d F e b r u a r y i s 0,092 kg/m , it does not increase the mass of the wooden product at the
rate of % 3.
As the construction component for which the condensation investigation has been realized satisfies all criteria given
in the standard, it is appropriate to this standard.

Note- As the calculation given above as an example has been given only for a wall example, it is repeated
for the other sections of the construction having external air contact and soli contacted walls.

Annex G
Monthly average relative humidity rates of the provinces and some districts (%)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
ABANA 77 76 77 79 80 77 76 76 78 80 77 77
ADANA 66 64 65 68 67 68 71 71 65 62 66 68
ADIYAMAN 69 66 62 59 50 35 31 34 36 50 64 72
AFŞİN 79 75 69 61 59 52 46 48 53 64 74 79
AFYON 78 73 67 63 61 57 54 54 56 65 73 79
AĞRI 82 82 81 75 70 64 59 57 59 70 79 83
AKSARAY 70 66 61 58 56 51 47 46 49 58 66 71
AMASYA 68 62 58 58 57 55 54 55 57 62 67 70
ANKARA 76 71 65 62 59 55 49 48 52 62 72 78
ANTALYA 65 64 67 70 67 60 58 61 62 60 66 68
ARDAHAN 77 76 75 70 70 71 69 67 65 71 75 79
ARHAVİ 72 70 71 74 77 79 82 82 82 81 78 74
ARTVİN 64 63 61 60 63 66 70 71 67 66 64 65
AYDIN 70 67 65 63 57 49 51 56 57 62 68 73
AYVALIK 77 76 75 74 69 64 63 65 68 74 79 79
BALIKESİR 81 78 75 71 68 61 61 63 64 72 79 82
BARTIN 84 81 79 79 78 77 78 80 82 84 84 85
BATMAN 78 71 67 64 57 42 35 36 41 58 72 79
BAYBURT 72 71 67 61 60 58 54 54 53 62 69 73
BİLECİK 78 75 71 68 67 65 65 66 66 72 75 78
BİNGOL 71 69 65 60 54 43 37 37 42 59 68 73
BİTLİS 77 77 75 70 64 55 51 53 55 67 75 79
BODRUM 64 63 63 63 59 52 50 54 56 61 65 67
BOLU 80 76 73 71 72 73 72 72 72 77 78 82
BOZKURT 80 80 80 80 81 80 79 79 80 82 79 80
BURDUR 74 69 65 62 58 51 46 46 51 59 70 77
BURSA 71 70 69 68 64 60 58 61 65 71 73 73
CİDE 74 72 72 75 76 74 75 76 77 77 74 72
ÇANAKKALE 84 81 81 81 78 73 69 70 74 78 83 84
ÇANKIRI 80 74 67 67 66 62 58 59 62 69 77 80
ÇATALZEYTİN 77 76 77 79 80 77 76 76 78 80 77 77
ÇORUM 78 73 68 67 67 64 61 62 63 69 75 79
DALAMAN 73 72 75 76 73 65 66 69 69 71 75 76
DATCA 65 63 64 63 60 54 52 53 54 61 66 68
DENİZLİ 73 70 67 63 57 49 48 50 54 63 70 76
DİYARBAKIR 75 70 67 65 56 38 29 30 35 52 68 76
DOĞANYURT 71 72 72 66 74 71 75 73 74 77 72 69
DURSUNBEY 74 72 69 66 64 60 59 61 61 68 73 76
DUZCE 81 75 72 71 71 70 72 73 74 78 79 81
EDİRNE 82 75 73 69 65 61 57 58 63 73 80 83
ELAZIĞ 75 72 66 60 55 43 36 36 41 59 72 76

Continuation of Annex G
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
ELBİSTAN 74 70 66 63 61 58 55 55 57 65 72 74
ERZİNCAN 75 72 66 60 59 54 50 51 54 68 75 77
ERZURUM 78 77 75 67 63 59 54 51 54 66 75 79
ESKİŞEHİR 79 75 69 66 64 61 57 58 61 68 74 80
FETHİYE 66 63 64 65 62 57 57 59 60 63 67 68
GAZİ ANTEP 75 72 68 66 59 50 47 50 53 62 73 77
GİRESUN 71 71 74 79 80 79 79 77 78 77 72 70
GÖKOVA 73 71 73 73 68 59 57 60 62 68 74 76
GÖKSUN 79 76 73 69 66 59 54 56 61 69 76 81
GÜMÜŞHANE 71 68 65 63 64 64 64 64 63 68 71 72
HAKKARİ 71 71 67 60 54 44 39 37 38 54 64 72
HATAY 75 71 70 71 70 71 73 73 69 66 71 76
HOPA 66 67 72 75 79 78 80 80 78 76 69 63
IĞDIR 66 59 50 48 49 45 43 45 50 62 65 68
İNEBOLU 77 76 77 79 80 77 76 76 78 80 77 77
ISPARTA 71 68 65 63 59 53 49 51 56 62 69 75
ISTANBUL 79 76 75 74 74 70 71 74 75 80 79 80
İZMİR 71 69 67 64 60 53 51 54 58 64 70 73
K.MARAŞ 70 66 62 60 56 53 54 55 53 58 68 73
KARABÜK 73 68 64 64 59 58 59 61 61 65 71 75
KARAMAN 76 73 67 59 57 51 46 47 51 61 71 77
KARS 82 81 81 74 73 72 72 69 67 73 80 83
KASTAMONU 75 71 66 66 65 64 60 61 65 71 76 78
KAYSERİ 77 74 68 63 63 58 52 52 55 64 72 77
KELEŞ 69 67 64 63 59 57 55 54 56 62 66 71
KIĞI 66 64 62 59 54 49 45 44 46 57 65 68
KİLİS 68 64 61 57 49 46 50 51 48 49 60 70
KIRIKKALE 79 74 67 65 62 58 54 53 56 65 75 80
KIRKLARELİ 79 75 73 69 66 64 60 63 66 73 78 80
KIRŞEHİR 79 75 69 67 63 58 53 53 56 65 75 80
KOCAELİ 78 75 74 72 71 69 71 73 73 78 78 78
KONYA 76 71 63 58 56 48 42 43 46 58 71 78
KORKUTELİ 68 66 63 61 58 50 46 48 51 58 67 71
KÖYCEĞİZ 68 66 66 65 59 50 50 54 56 62 69 72
KÜTAHYA 71 68 63 60 58 57 56 57 58 63 68 73
MALATYA 73 68 61 55 51 41 35 35 40 56 70 75
MANİSA 75 70 67 64 56 47 45 48 53 63 73 78
MARDİN 66 63 60 54 43 34 29 30 33 47 58 68
MARMARİS 73 71 73 73 68 59 57 60 62 68 74 76
MERSİN 68 68 70 73 75 77 78 76 69 65 66 68
MERZİFON 77 73 69 66 67 67 64 65 65 69 74 77
MESUDİYE 77 74 72 69 70 70 68 71 71 73 76 78
MİLAS 70 67 67 66 61 52 51 56 60 64 70 73
MUĞLA 76 73 71 69 63 53 49 51 56 65 75 80

Continuation of Annex G
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
MUŞ 80 79 77 69 62 51 42 40 45 64 77 82
NEVŞEHİR 70 69 63 60 58 54 52 51 51 59 66 71
NİĞDE 75 71 65 60 59 54 48 49 51 62 70 75
ORDU 68 69 72 75 75 72 72 72 72 74 71 69
OSMANİYE 64 61 62 63 62 61 65 63 58 59 63 68
POZANTI 66 63 64 64 60 59 59 57 56 61 66 68
PÜLÜMÜR 75 74 71 64 59 54 49 49 51 65 75 76
RİZE 75 74 76 76 77 77 79 79 80 81 78 76
SAKARYA 76 75 73 73 73 71 74 75 75 79 78 77
SAMSUN 68 70 74 80 80 77 74 74 75 76 71 68
ŞANLI URFA 72 67 63 60 48 38 35 38 41 51 65 74
Ş.KARAHİSAR 71 68 64 60 61 60 57 56 56 63 69 73
SİİRT 73 67 64 59 51 37 30 29 34 51 65 74
SİNOP 72 72 75 78 78 76 77 76 75 75 75 73
ŞIRNAK 69 69 65 59 56 52 52 48 50 54 59 66
SİVAS 77 74 69 64 63 61 59 58 59 66 74 78
SOLHAN 75 74 71 64 57 47 40 40 43 59 70 77
TEKİRDAĞ 82 79 79 79 77 74 71 73 75 79 82 82
TOKAT 69 65 59 60 61 60 58 59 60 66 70 72
TOSYA 74 68 61 60 61 59 54 55 56 62 70 77
TRABZON 69 68 72 76 78 76 76 76 75 75 71 68
TUNCELİ 75 72 66 61 57 48 40 39 44 62 73 76
ULUDAĞ 72 73 71 69 63 62 59 59 61 65 71 77
ULUS 80 75 71 72 70 70 68 68 74 78 78 82
UŞAK 74 71 68 66 62 56 52 52 56 63 71 78
VAN 65 65 65 59 54 47 44 42 45 57 64 66
YALOVA 73 72 73 73 73 71 72 73 73 77 75 73
YOZGAT 80 78 74 70 68 65 61 60 61 69 77 81
ZONGULDAK 70 69 69 70 72 71 74 74 72 74 69 70

Note - For the locations which are not mentioned in the Annex, the relative humidity value of the municipality
to which they are affiliated and given in the annex is taken.

Annex H
Chart H.1 - Thermophysical characteristics of the construction components

Colu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No. Layer Layer Water vapour Diffusion Diffusion Thermal Surface thermal Surface thermal
thickness diffusion equivalent equivalent conductivity conductivity conductivity
resistance air layer air layer calculation resistance, material’s resistance, material’s
coefficient thickness Sd thickness value thermal resistance thermal resistance
 R
(cumulative) (cumulative) RT
SdT h

2 2
- - M - m m W/(m.K) m .K/W m .K/W
1 Surface thermal conductivity -
resistance of the external - - - - 0,04


.. Surface thermal conductivity

resistance of the internal - - - - - 0,25
SdT = ….. m 1/U = ……

Chart H.2 – Pressure and temperature distribution of the construction component

Ending month of evaporation Starting month of

Starting month … … Evaporation

Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure
distribution distribution distribution distribution distribution
distribution (Pa) distribution (Pa) distribution (Pa) distribution (Pa) distribution (Pa)
(C) (C) (C) (C) (C)


te surface



Chart H.3 – Condensation and evaporation amount in the construction component
Months e (°C) d (%) 2 my (kg/m )

Starting month Annex 2 B Annex 7

Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7
Annex 2 B Annex 7

Annex I
(for information)
Specific heat loss calculation chart of the building
Construction Thermal Thermal Thermal Surface on Heat
Construction elements in the element conductivity conductivity conductivity which heat is loss
building thickn calculation resistance coefficient lost
ess value
d h 2
(m K/W) 2 2
(m) (W/mK) (W/m K) (m ) W/K









External door


Total of heat loss realized via transmission from the construction elements =
Heat loss realized via transmission;
AU = UDAD + Up.Ap + 0,8 UT.AT + 0,5 UtAt + UdAd +.... HT = AU + l Ul
AU =
Heat loss realized via ventilation
Specific heat loss; H = HT + Hv Hv = 0,33 . nh . Vh = .................................W/K

H = HT + Hv = ................................... W/K

Annex J
(for information)
Annual heating energy need calculation chart
Heat loss Heat gains utilizatio
Solar n factor Heating
Specific Temperature Heat Internal heat energy
difference Gains Energy Total KKO need
Months heat loss losses
H=HT+Hv i-e H(i-e) i s T =i +s  ay Qay
(W/K) (K,C) (W) (W) (W) (W) (-) (-) (kJ)


Qay = [H (i - e) - (i,ay + s,ay)] . t ( Joule) Qyıl = Qay =

Total heat loss Qyıl = 0,278x10 x -------------- (kj) = -----------kWh
Internal heat loss for residences i,ay 5 . An (W)
Solar energy gain g,ay = ri,ay x gi,ay x Ii,ay x Ai
Gain loss rate KKOay = (i,ay + s,ay) / H(i,ay - e,ay)
ay = 1 - e
Gain usage factor
The annual heating energy need 2per usage area An in the example building; 2
Q = Q /A = -------------- kWh/m A = 0,32 V = ---------- m
yıl n n brüt
Annual heating energy need per the heatedı construction volume in the example building (Vbrüt) Q = Qyıl/Vbrüt
A /V = ------ rate --------- is p ut i n t he Q = ---------------- equation t a k e n f r o m t h e A n n e x A for the region
top brüt
ı 2 3
the biggest heat loss Q = ------ kWh/m or Q = …kwh/m which is required to be for the example building are found and it is
compared with the calculated Q and the compliance of the project is defined in terms of the heat loss.
As it is as ------< ------ namely Q < Q in the calculations made, it is observed that the annual heating energy need
calculated for this building is below the biggest required value. I n t h a t c a s e , this project is appropriate to the
calculation method given in this standard.

ICS 91.120.10 TURKISH STANDARD TS 825/May 2008

Annex K
(for information)
Our provinces according to the degree day regions


TS EN 832:2007 – Thermal performance of the buildings– Calculation of the energy used at the residences
for the heating purposes
TS EN ISO 10456:2002 – Construction material and products – Declaration and Methods for the determination
of the design thermal values
TS EN ISO 10211-1:2000 – Thermal Bridges in the building constructions – Heat flows and surface
temperatures – Section 1: General calculation methods

TS EN ISO 10211-2:2001 – Thermal Bridges in the building constructions – Calculation of heat

flows and surface temperatures – Section 2: Linear thermal bridges

TS EN ISO 14683+AC:2000 – Building construction –Thermal bridges -Linear thermal permeability –

Simplified method and errorless values

TS EN 12524:2000 – Building materials and products - hydrothermal properties - Tabulated design values

TS EN ISO 6946:2007 – Construction components and Construction elements – Thermal resistance and

thermal permeability calculation method

TS EN ISO 13788:2004 – Thermal performance of the construction components and construction elements
in the humid environment– Internal surface temperature for preventing the critical surface humidity and
condensation in the construction components– Calculation methods

TS EN ISO 7345:1996 – Thermal insulation – Physical quantities and definitions

DIN 4108-2:2003 - Thermal protection and energy economy in buildings - Part 2: Minimum requirements to
thermal insulation

DIN V 4108-4:2007 - Thermal insulation and energy economy in buildings - Part 4: Hygrothermal design

DIN 4108-7:2001 - Thermal insulation and energy economy of buildings - Part 7: Airtightness of building,
requirements, recommendations and examples for planning and performance


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