h1n1 Master Tonic

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MASTER TONIC - A Natural Antibiotic for H1N1 .

Raw Unfiltered Unbleached Non-distilled Apple Cider Vinegar (Braggs) 1 part fresh chopped garlic cloves 1 part fresh chopped White Onion (or hottest onions) 1 part fresh grated Ginger Root 1 part fresh grated Horseradish Root 1 part fresh chopped Cayenne Peppers or the hottest peppers available Fill a glass jar 3/4 of the way full w/equal parts by volume (i.e. a cupful each) of the above fresh chopped and grated herbs. . Then fill jar to the top with RAW, Unfiltered, unbleached, non-distilled apple cider vinegar. Close and shake vigorously and then top off the vinegar if necessary. Shake at least once a day for two weeks, then filter the mixture through a clean piece of cotton (old T-shirt, etc.), bottle and label. Make sure that when you make this tonic that you shake it every time you walk by it, a minimum of once per day. . Remember that all the herbs and vegetables should be fresh (and organically grown if possible) and use dried herbs only in an emergency. . This tonic is extremely powerful because all the ingredients are fresh. It's power should not be underestimated. This formula is a modern day plague tonic and when added to an incurable routine it can cure the most chronic conditions and stubborn diseases. it stimulates maximum blood circulation, while putting the best detoxifying herbs into the blood. This formula is not just for the sniffles, it has helped to turn around the deadliest infections like some of the new mutated killer viruses that defy conventional antibiotics. . The dosage is 1/2 to 1 ounce, two or more times daily (1-2 Tbs.). Gargle and swallow. (DON'T DILUTE with WATER.) . For ORDINARY infections, 1 dropper full taken 5-6 times a day will deal with most conditions. It can be used during pregnancies, is safe for children (use smaller doses and as a food is completely non-toxic. Make up plenty as it does NOT need refrigeration and LASTS INDEFINITELY WITHOUT ANY SPECIAL STORAGE CONDITIONS. . Ingredient properties: -Garlic cloves (anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-parasitical) -White Onion, or hottest onions available (similar properties to garlic) -Ginger Root (increases circulation to the extremities) -Horseradish Root (increases blood flow to the head) -Cayenne Peppers, or the hottest peppers available, i.e. habanero, African Bird, -or Scotch Bonnets, etc. (a great blood stimulant). Pro-biotic: antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-parasitical. . (Comes from The University of Natural Healing: Dr. Richard Schultzs' adaption of Dr. Christophers' original anti-plague tonic) . They added: Start a batch on the new moon and end it on the new moon. You can even let it go two months. ____________________________________________

This is a Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic, destroying Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria, a POTENT Antiviral and Antifungal! It will INCREASE Blood Circulation to EVERY cell, and KILL ALL of the BAD guys! . Formula: . 1. Start this Procedure on the NEW Moon. . 2. Take 1 part - FRESH chopped ORGANIC Garlic Cloves (Anti-Bacterial/Fungal/Vira l/Parasitical), 1 part - FRESH chopped Onions (HOTTEST available - similar to Ga rlic), 1 part - grated Ginger Root (Circulation - Extremities), 1 part - Horsera dish Root (Circulation - Head), and 1 part - FRESH chopped Cayenne Peppers (HOTT EST Habenero available - Super Blood Stimulant). . 3. Fill a Glass Jar 3/4 of the way FULL with these Ingredients. . 4. Fill the Glass Jar to the Top with RAW Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (Braggs or Spectrum). . 5. Let it sit until the FULL Moon (15-16 Days) or the NEXT NEW Moon (28-29 Days - OPTIMAL) . 6. Shake it as MANY times during the Day as possible. . 7. Topping it off with MORE Vinegar, when NEEDED. . 8. Strain this Mixture through an UNBLEACHED Coffee Filter. . . Applications & Dosages: . If and when ANY SERIOUS Health Problems do occur, including ANY Plagues, then yo u must . 1. Gargle and swallow 2-10 dropperfuls (70-350 drops). . 2. Use 1 to 5 times daily as needed.

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