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When I saw her face terasa teduh

When I mendengar suaranya terasa hati ini penuh dengan keindahan

When I saw her eyes terasa raga ini lemah tak berdaya

When I saw her body terasa kuingin merengkuh dirinya

Tapi itu hanya sebatas ilusi yang pasti Ketika aku ingin bertemu dia mengapa ada hijab yang
memisahkan kita berdua

Rasa ini begitu kuat dan tak pernah kurasakan rasa seperti seumur hidupku

Biarlah kangen ini kupedam karena saat ini Ku tidak bisa memilikimu

Memang para filsuf, nabi, orang bijak, penyair berkata cinta tak harus memiliki

Mungkin cinta kepada mahluk memang beginilah adanya, selalu aja ada kekecewaan

Memang begitulah faktanya

Sebagai mahluk kita harus berusaha mencintaiNya dan mencinta UtusanNya

Mungkin dengan mencintai Mereka, kita akan diberikan cinta di dunia ini dan semua hidup menjadi
berwarna dan bermakna

When I saw her face feels shady

When I hear his voice, my heart is full of beauty

When I saw her eyes, I feel this body is weak and helpless

When I saw her body, I feel like I want to embrace her

But it's just an illusion for sure When I want to meet him why is there a hijab that separates us both

This feeling is so strong and I have never felt like it in my whole life

Let me quench this longing because right now I can't have you

Indeed, philosophers, prophets, sages, poets say love doesn't have to have

Maybe love for creatures is like this, there is always disappointment

That's the fact

As creatures we must try to love Him and love His Messenger

Maybe by loving them, we will be given love in this world and all life becomes colourful and

the fact that loving creatures will experience disappointment is clearly different from the love of God
and His Messenger © Ayatullah Nurjati

August 3rd, 2022. 1:34 PM

The fact that loving creatures will experience disappointment is clearly different from the love of
God and His Messenger © Ayatullah Nurjati

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