The Role of Zakat To Eradicate Poverty in Malaysia

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The Role of Zakat to Eradicate Poverty in Malaysia

A. Background of Study
Poverty is a conversation between people in various countries.
Widespread things will help support the elimination of poverty, especially in
Muslim circles. This is a very unfortunate thing, because in Islam it is very
hated. But some people consider it to be a matter of no debate. If they succeed
with their position in poverty.
By looking at the views of rampant parents, active action is needed in
eradicating poverty, especially in Malaysia. Allah has included in separate
pillars of Islam, the command of zakat to give strength to every Muslim in
helping you to avoid poverty.
Zakat is a private worship as a sign of notification to Allah. To let you
know that in zakat provides the virtue and positive manifestation of the source
of poverty. Poverty as a matter of cruising, providing a benchmark for various
problems of zakat will help resolve problems. And provide evidence that zakat
is one characteristic of the Islamic economic system, because zakat is a
principle in the Islamic economic system. Like the decision in the words of the
Prophet Muhammad, who did not:
From 'Abdullah r.a., said the Messenger of Allah SAW said: "Islam is
fostered on five matters: Recognition (creed) that there is no God but Allah, and
Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger; Establishing Prayers; Paying
zakat; Hajj Bait to; Ramadan fasting. "(Narrated by Muslim)
The successful economic development of the country from a country
that is fairly poor with a small percentage figure. Because zakat is an aspect of
Islamic economics that supports a lot of zakat, because less influence has been

1. Zakat and Eradication
In surah al-baqoroh verse 83 which means: 83. and (remember), when
We take the promise from the Children of Israel (ie): do not worship other than
Allah, and do good to the father, relatives, orphans, and poor people, and say
good words to humans, establish prayer and raise zakat. then you do not fulfill
that promise, except for a small part of you, and you always turn away.
Zakat funds are a source of funds that have the potential to overcome
the problem of poverty. The poor and the poor are the priority groups in the
distribution of zakat funds. Therefore Islam has taught in scientific and realistic
means of solving poverty. As the causes of poverty are known because of
unemployment and inability to cover their needs.
In a country that has succeeded in developing and advancing if the
country is free of poverty. The economic system of a country looks neat and
smooth if there are no people who feel lack and suffering will not be able to live
prosperously. Work is a human endeavor that is carried out consciously, either
alone or in groups to create an item or service. Someone who works will have
income that can be used to meet the needs of himself and his family. By
working, someone avoids wishing and begging for fellow human beings or
even for foundations and government (Yusuf Qardhawi: 2009)
Therefore Islam views poverty as being eradicated and resolved.
Muslims by running the third pillar of Islam, giving meaning to the obligation
of a Muslim who is able to help his less fortunate siblings. By infusing a
portion of his wealth to those who have the right to receive it. As; food,
clothing, protection, education, education, health and transportation.
Groups that are entitled to receive it in surah at-taubah, verse 60:
Those who are entitled to receive zakat are: 1. indigent people. poor people:
people who are not living enough and in a state of shortage. 3. Management of
zakat (amil): 4. Reconciliation: 5. liberating slaves 6. people in debt: 7. in the

way of Allah (sabilillah): 8. people who are on a journey that is not immoral
experience misery on their journey.
In the collection of zakat in Malaysia, it is always committed to Islam
that always thinks of mutual benefit without burdening the poor. And this
commitment has been stated in the law, that every Muslim is obliged to pay
zakat and if someone refuses to pay zakat means he must pay taxes. Other
benefits in zakat mentioned provide assistance to other people to provide
benefits in calming the heart for their gratitude to Allah for the sustenance
received through received zakat.
Zakat is highly recommended because zakat provides relief for the
right not to pay taxes, because with taxes it will still be felt publicly for
Muslims and non-Muslims. And as is known as tax, it is a foreign matter that
supports public development. Therefore the Malaysian zakat institutions have
implemented the zakat system to abolish zakat payments. With the rules for rich
Muslims who give away their assets of 500RM per month. That is, with a
percentage of 61% almost focused on eradicating Muslim poverty in Selangor.
For example again for the country has been divided 468RM and the PLI 825.60
RM. So with this part the concept of coping with the problem has been
But other assumptions continue to exist, in the negative side of
collecting zakat with money in social form. Because the view of zakat funds
will not be spread widely and regularly. So that it undermines the belief in the
management of zakat in the social. In fact, with the presence of the criteria of 8
asnaf who have been able to get help, it has proven that the positive influence of
zakat will be positive.
In the journal "Role of Zakat to Eradicate Poverty in Malaysia", it
discusses the benefits of zakat as an exterminator of poverty in Malaysia, where
zakat has been included in state law on mandatory zakat orders for Muslims,
and no less zakat as a substitute for taxes, so if Muslims do not want to issue
assets for tithe, so they are obliged to pay taxes.

In the journal "Zakat as Tax on The Perspective of Islamic Law",
discusses the potential of zakat which is an expert in community development
management. Zakat is a solution to problem solving with an organization in
managing zakat on a regular and good basis or the organization is often
confused with OPZ. The involvement of the government is no less important
especially in promoting education will be obligatory zakat. Because it will
affect the opinion that zakat is like tax. That is, each individual is obliged to
pay, choosing between the two, choosing one of them by choosing to represent
both or if he pays taxes, he has paid zakat.
In the journal "Zakat and Tax from the Synergi to Optimization"
discusses the influence of Law No. 38/1999, concerning the management of
zakat in Indonesia. Namely zakat as a deductible element of taxable income
(PKP) that has not provided a synergistic effect. Among the reasons for the lack
of optimal zakat in Indonesia due to, lack of awareness, trust in zakat
management, the zakat officers are less than optimal in taking action. Lack of
policy and strength. But in this journal strengthening the synergy of zakat can
help and overcome every problem of poverty. Because zakat is present in the
form of management, it is very influential for effective economic turnover and
fair economic development.
In the journal "Utilization and Accounting of Zakat for Productive
Purposes in Indonesia: A Review".1 Namely zakat as an element of reducing
poverty and improving the quality of the people. In this journal discussing
dealing with the problem of poverty that occurs requires a concept in its
implementation but in its implementation there is a controversy that originates
from property rights and the implementation of productive zakat associated
with loans or revolving funds.

Mohammad Nizarul Alim, Utilization and Accounting of Zakat for Productive
Purposes in Indonesia: A Review, Procedia, Social and Behavioral Science, 2015.

In the journal An Appraisal on the Business Succes of Entrepreneurial
Asnaf”.2 A survey was employed to obtain feedback from the recipients of
zakat for small businesses under the scheme of entrepreneurial asnaf zakat. Are
important to them in helping the zakat recipients to succeed in their businesses,
which then translates into a better standard of living. Positive correlation is
show for the three variables in determining the success rate of the programme
and regression. Analysis shows that only capital and an asnaf’s knowledge is
significant in determining an asnaf’s entrepreneurial success, which leaves
training as insignificant. The includes management of lembaga Zakat Selangor,
due the bureaucratic process, albeit understandable, to protect certain
confidential anformation and also unfayourable respondents’ attitude when
being questioned, which is a normal phenomenon in survey study.

So a comparison of the relevance of the five journals, that in the

journal Role of Zakat to Eradicate Poverty in Malaysia discusses zakat as
eradicating poverty through zakat. Because zakat has divided up several aspects
of development for the country and society. With no less importance in the law
there is no right to pay taxes when paying zakat. In contrast to the journal
"Zakat as Tax on The Perspective of Islamic Law", it discusses the potential of
zakat as a solution to the problem of poverty and development with an
organization in managing the zakat or the organization is often heard with OPZ.
The involvement of the government is no less important, especially in
promoting education will be obligatory zakat because it will reduce taxable
costs. It is different from the journal "Zakat and Tax from the Synergi to
Optimization" regarding the optimization of zakat because there is no influence
in tax reduction. In the journal "Utilization and Accounting of Zakat for
Productive Purposes in Indonesia: A Review” discussing dealing with the
problem of poverty that occurs requires a concept in its implementation but in
Amirul Afif, Hardi Emrie, et al, An Appraisal on the Business Succes of
Entrepreneurial Asnaf An empirical study on the state zakat organization (the Selangor Zakat
Board or Lembaga Zakat Selangor) in Malaysia, Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business
Research, Vol. 11, No.1.

its implementation there is a controversy that originates from property rights
and the implementation of productive zakat associated with loans or revolving
funds. In the journal An Appraisal on the Business Succes of Entrepreneurial
Asnaf”. A survey was employed to obtain feedback from the recipients of zakat
for small businesses under the scheme of entrepreneurial asnaf zakat.

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