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2.1 VHF/UHF Repeaters - Voice Practice rth ther peter roe you cs ere es Ounce © Sapte casino te station you wart contac tree times OS wacarter te Qe O Temake el infrmation avaiable 24 hous e doy a OS ace whch conc sie ten the nt get tows fg he it © Semething that automaticaly selects the tronget gal tobe repeat Ielets a repeter have wrest peed after heavy use Telos repeatar transmit inet pret when 3 repeater WOH Whats. 3CTCSS (or PY tone? GO atene used oy repeaters o mar the end af a wansmisson 1000; © Api tput nestor tonconmend ctw meae aon QS reek 7 pent tena ‘Say "CQ" thee Hina, ten any the stations all=9n O Walt forthe station toca "CQ", then answer my shel you pouse bey betwen warsmisons when using 2 repeater? “ocheck the SAR ofthe repeater ‘oreschfor peel and paper or hes paty communion ‘oat up the repeaters soph | “oteeplong-astance charges own Ts ge any etning non-heme a chance repond | ‘Tosee te recoving stator opeatr is silanake Wat forthe endo a transmission anes caling the sed party Shou“, bel" o show that youre ape t jon the conversion “um onan amp ang overse whoever i tng | limat the pope may ae somone thir lecton when ving rept? Leatos er at normaly ti by rao O—watis your 2 Ft repaster operation onthe 2 metre band uses on frequency for anemisson and one for rceton The dferencein equeny between the tanemi and receive reuency ermal 00 are | 2.2 Phonetic Alphabet ‘Use any words whic str wh th same ters 35 your cal sgn for each eter of your al O rikiouser © turmup your microphone gain OQ Use Standard international Phonetics for each letter of yourcal sign soni. Sener ‘speech compressor 002-0203 “Wate the Stondre Iterations Ponti forthe tor A oS dom 8 me ‘wath San natn onc fr eter Odenmare O_o2ma OR aaa Enoond | | 00 tn ay 100! ) 8-002-02-09 O° twve | hati he Stand international Phonetic fore ater F? Portal | one O peter Iti tha Standard Internationa Phone for he attr | Roger 001 2.3 Voice Operating Procedures Practice Whats the cet way to cl" when wsing vice? '58y "CQ" anc, flowed by ths," folowsé by your al sgn spoken hres ties saya" a east ive tnes, flowed by "hss" ellowes By your el sign spoken once ‘Sey "CQ" a aut ton ta, olowed By th fll by your call spake ce How shuld you answer a vie CQ eal? (Q._sav theater statins ca sign at eas fetes honetialy, folowed by his" then your cal sin wie ay the one station's cl sign at est hee tes, followed by "is "an your al sgn a east Fe times phoney save ater stators ca sgn at eas te tines, flowed by "is." then your eal sign at east twice Sin sgt pertion? Teg mom tape rag ete O Toner rea comme ‘When seul you use simplex operation isa of 2 epeator? © innnemwangttopomcateneiel © vnanyouare brain and ee sone oman Why shold acl amateur ommunicalions use VHF and UNF Frequencies instead of HF ecuens? ee OQ _becase Hr trnaraiona er at propapstd aly O._Because signa are louder on VHF and UME frequencies 8-002-03-06 Wy steuld simplex be used where posable, intend a using ‘our ante’ efectvanes ll be battar tree ton astance tar nares wil be avoided ‘Sra range willbe inceaeed It yu ace taing ta station using a repeater, ow would you det f you could communicate using simplex stead? ‘Sees hed station ean cary recive both You see you can cary receive 3 mare tant repeater See you can ler receive the ton an slower frequency band IF youre operating impiex ona repeater requency, why woud be goad ameter practice to change te ancther equency? ‘he repeaters output power may sn your stations receer Tere are more repeater operas thn smpox operators © changing te rapeatars requancyrqures te atrorzaon of Ines Carats 8.002-03-09 OQ m Scouse :002:08-10| Whe sceban ie commoni sed on 3755 for pane operation? Og {atthe best mtd tote banda f commnaon ith a pa tan acon? Oates your! 3 mate Po peta Q _Teeonone an exzeece a amateur 2.4 tuning, testing and dummy loads Practice ‘What shoul you 6 btore you transmit on any fequency? Ocoee your antenna for resonance o the alc frequency ake sre te SWR on Your antenna fees ine's righ enawgh O Uisten to make sure that someone willbe able to hear you IF you cantar athe sation an your sgl is extrevely sang and prety readable, what ajsment igh you make to your tranemiter? Contin with your contact, kg no cangee | Uses random wre antenna tune-up on 40 metres fist, then switch tothe desired band Ose twin ead instead of cana cable eed nes Tene the transmitter into dummy fe How can on-e-aintrerece be mininzed durag a lengthy Wansiter esting or ssa up procedure? (Q. Choc an necped eq © Uswa nonresonant arena Ouse a resonant antenna tat reaires ne lesing-up procedure Wi wal you use a dummy antenna? | Taraduce aust power you aete net conto stain ofa daly HF net what shoud you doi te Heauency on which you normaly meets nue st before the et Dein? Q _Imovre you por oie tent reopens bao ro rt ening ty © Cancel tne net for that day. Wa nets about bagi on a resuancy which yo an anstherFaton ae using, what nou you do? SORES Sn eto ta tert yo S tomatryur nto -002-06-08 "¥ propacetancronge rng your ortact na you ote eter actuty ante ame increasing interference fam frequency, wht shold you do? Tt ne inrterng station to change requency, since you wee terest epee nterterance your local Amat Auer Caorinate Incrae the outst ower of your ranamttert vercome the terface 8-002-04-09 en eecting 2 single: sideand phone transiting frequency, what minum requency separation fm a contact in progressshoulé you ao (Been suppressed crs) 9 mnimize Intererence? oproxmatey 6 be ‘oproxmaty 10 He What bad plan? “Alan of operating sche within an amateur band publishes by Industry Canada ‘plan deveeu by aclu to best use a requncy bana curing a contest ' uietne for éevting rom amateur fequeney bane aocatons Qo ask ene frequency oceupiee ‘make an announcamer on te requncy Inacaung tat you tend to make 3 cal Odea your receivers volume nats meant by te term “OX? {aiog any ston 3 O best regents ‘at emit tr "757 OD teveanttees om 8.00205-09 ‘Which fhe allowing esrb ul breakin telgraphy ? (uaa keyers are use to send Merse code stod of han Keys breaking satons send he Morse code prsion "8K" mon selecting 2 Cw transmitting frequency, wht minimum frequency separation from 9 centact i progres shoud you alow to minimize eerfrence Q tes SO seem (od morse tlearapy operates: O__atnays ive stations « good readability report fe) Save ume by aang ot Spaces between words tune he tranamter ung the operating antenna <5 RST signal report Renae 35 1 Sona Sena 1-9 {Hanes ses mony 4 One Shere unt means sins the ret ofthe previous Sete evel ctice ig, S meter 1 short nay to deeribe sunspot acy | short na to deeribe onosherecntions Recovery sans strength, temoo Recovery sana speed, tone Reaaabiy, sana specs, 18:002-06-02 Whats the meaning of: Your ana repr is 57° ‘Your signals perecty readable we near pute tone ‘Your sal erecty readable, but weak hat isthe meaning of: Your ana repr is3 3° "Your signals ureosabe, very weak in stvength ‘ha ston oeate at itde 33 degrees ‘he contact esr number 32 -002-06-05, Whats the meaning of: “Your tna reports 5 9 plus 2046"? “The bandwith af your signal s 20 decibels sb0vebnesty at your transmission on a Fequancy 20 i higher ‘our signal srengoy nas nreased by a acta ef 300, -002-06-06 Whats usd to measure relative signal strength na receer? ‘a RST mater Ite power output ofa transmitters nreases by four tes, how might »nerby reaver S-meter bing change? Decrease by approximately fou Sunts O _ecrease by approximately one Sunt 2-002-06-08, By how many tines must he power tpt oe transmter be inereses to rage the Smtr racing on 3 NERDY rece om 8 to ‘Avpresimataly § mes ‘opronimately 2 mes 8.002-06-09, ‘Your signals precy readable, weak sventh, and with perfec one ‘our signal fry readabe fa strength and with perf one "our sonal ser reacabe, ery song, and with perfect tone ‘our signals arly reodabo, very weak, and wih perfect tne ‘our sigalsmoeratelyresdbl, very weak, and Pum onthe one Wits the meaning of "Your signal report e1.1 SS Ie 31 a8 oer 89 ‘Yoursignal is fest clas in readoity and fst css nsrenth OYoursgnals very resdable and wer strong ‘= QS¥ - Change to another Frequency 1 950 cammurcatann progres © Gaz Who eating Qa -Imerterence Qu stte Se When inex ca Practice .002-07-01 ‘What se meaning ef te @ sgn" QRS"? Send RST” repre ago sation lean .002.07.02 ‘het sone meaning ofthe Q sgnargnir? ‘Stop sending Gigs ee serene nee 8 & wnat rene ot ana "Q50°? oe ‘Wat the meaning ofthe @sgna'Q50°7 Theoret enn au a? oe ee ae Your sna ae fing tence rctrtun CO aw She cling mei denoted by 0 "Q stn ‘ane? er oe, Or eee 2.7 Q Signals fl ist of @ codes can e ura here: Q Codes wise Send mare Sony 1 QTM Location (Whats your poston?) Beery 1 GSY Change to anather Frequency 1 S0 -communcationn progress 1 Gee “ma cating 1 Gh Intervene 2 Gan State 1 cen nea a Practice 02-07-01 ‘Whats the meaning of he @ sqna' ORS"? Teterferene from sate ‘Send "RST report Reso ston cation What sone meaning of he @ sigan"? anv? au? onze What one meaning of the Q sana 57 ‘Send more slow ‘tne meaning of he igna'QS0" ‘conversion desired O Aeoneriecontemes ‘at se su? on nr al" soni Tam routed by static your signals are facing 1Emy tanemission beng ered wth fre you Uoubed by static being interfere ith he" Hon” Iceating hat you want te ether tation to snd homer ae aan “8 Emergency Yperating Procedures 1 Emerges are for ite treatening dress tuations "3051 for CW, "Moyea Iso voce + on arepestr Soy "reat rca” and then your eal sign Practice ‘Wen may you use your amateur satan to transit an "$08" or "Mayday"? ‘Only at space nas (at 15 and 30 minutes eter the hour) Only in care ofa severe wenter watch 1 yu ace In contact with anather station and you hear an emergency cal for Help on your frequency, whet shoud you ea? ‘alte ealng sation thet the equeney fo nse Direct the ang station othe nearest emergency ne eauency Ca your oe! ple station ond intr them of te emergency ca -002-08-03 ‘Wat she proper distess eal to ue when operating phone? ‘caD oe Wy if goed eo to havea way o operate your ate tation without using commer AC power ines? i we ccceaasegamg ce nmenn ccm OAporabie amir ‘Ameroptone headset for hands operation :002-08-08, ‘hich ype ef antenna weutd be 2 good enoiee agar fa potable HF amateur station tat could Be st up cate fan emergency Oe ‘Continue your cormmunicaton because you were on requeney frst lms ar al why cs ane Nv gen rete en In ode of pity, o dares message comes before: no athe messiges atery merge Pam 2.9 Record Keeping, Antenna Orientation and Maps Practice -002-09-.01, Whats 8 "QS care "hie of Welton rom inate Canad ‘A postcard reining you when your station bars wl expe ‘lesa opostard rom an amateur pe sl -002-09-02 ‘Whetisanaemutha map? “Amop projection centre onthe North Foe ‘Amop tet shows the angle ot which on orsteur sttte crosses the equtor -002-09-09 ‘Whot iat most useful ype sf map to use when orenting sdrectonal HF antenna toward a ditant sation? Sve 2atractons artes pote nthe ongpatn dracon t another stations gneraly avented how many degree om Rs shor path Sees 5 8-002-09.05 ‘Wnt mete is ued by rade amateurs to prove mriten prt of ommuncaton between two aster stations? alee two-oge letter containing epotaorop othe operstar ‘Rian et eth est arms crmars searing fo Now Zniand Wha shod yout? Pain your antenna toward Newington, CT Wen satrnent about recording a contacts and unanewered "CQ callin stato logbook a computrag ent crac? ogi importan fr rearing contact fo operating anaes ou an coer Yu fondest amateur rao memories for years ‘Ag is mertnt fr handing neighbour itererence compas Because Shows the rumba oeogrees logue that an amateur satelite moves west ‘ntstea Telephone ca Untied time Copa ‘ToSet your station clock scuratly to UTC, you could recave the most accurate ine ef he a tom __? 3.1 Layout of HF Stations el J eee aol feeee| ed oneee ere S fae f mr i i FA] eines YY vnc | Practice ieee 35 parse to te antenna tuner output Q Scesss sent te eas my Steen te vanechr an tens ‘low pace iter in an HF station most fective when connected 15 coe as possible othe antenna tuner cutput {designing an HF station, which omponant wou you use to reduce the effets of harmon radiation? g Sermo Sum ensse 03-01-06 Neh component in a HF atin i the most url or determining the efecvenes of he antenna sya? rear apie ‘umm toad 2-003-01-06, ‘tthe components nan HF stato, which cmponent wou Be used Yo match impedances between the trensceier and antenna? ‘ua ‘Sw bridge Tan cation, whic component is temporary connected i he tuning process? ‘Sik ridge {ow 9a ter Sten tuner nani tation, the antenna tuners usual used for matching the rarscaiver with ‘most antennas when operating above 14 He ‘monorband Yap type antenna ‘eroana Ya! rans In an MF Staton, the ater tuners comenonty use: ‘nth meat etennas when operating above 14 Mie ‘otune lw pas fters 3.2 Layout of FM Transmitters — is =H Practice -003-02-01 Ina frequency modulation vatsmitter, the put othe seach ampere connected tne Frequency mutter Ina raquncy modustion rameter, the misphone x onneted to the Ine raquety mosustionvanemite, thes nbebnaen te speech amplifier andthe oct. FRequeney mutipor s-c03-02008 Ins frequency moddstion vansmtte, te _is ate been the modalstor andthe freavency mule. o ample Somer ampier Ina ragceny modulation vanamiter the is oeated bebe the oellatr andthe power amir Speccn ampitor 5-005-02-06 Ina frequency modston ranemter he__ is ate betneen the requency mute anthe antenna. ee mpster -003.02-07 Ina Traquancy moduston wansmtey, he power ample etput connected to thes "requeney multpier J.% CRYO OF wy Prenenecers Practice {na OW Wansmeter, the output from the _ is connected tothe sriver/buter. power supp lina CW transmater, te___1s between the master osllator andthe power amps omer spo fegrap key trverouster 8 a ‘pier Int GW ransmter the __is in been the deverbusfer stage andthe anteans, tetra key 8-002-04.06 In? ci tranemtey, the aut of the _ wansfered tothe antenna, driver power supp 3.5 Layout of SSB/CW receivers ———— L~ | “Site” =] Sze — Ll Il Practice ina \sconsecte othe balanced modulator, varie requercy esiator ‘oto equenc ociator Ina scan vanait he _ ete he lend mtr ae ie roti fequency orator rmrophone Ina engl sidcband transmits ths Is connects tote speteh amr. Todi frequency orlotr fer Ina Sl siasband transmitter the opt of he_ i eonmact the balanced medulate. Vari requency oxiatr ° eer smite linea apie In sgl idband tranemter the output ofthe ___ i connected to the mse. Todi requency onan Ineo pie 2.003-06-08 Ian single sideband ranamitr the __ isn between the mixer an the antenna, “are Irequercy orcs rod equency osiatr 2.003-06-09 Inv sgl adcond treater the ouput f the ner apa ie cnnete tthe e varie frequency estar 5 3.7 Layout of Digital Systems ina oat! io Is carrey te compute Ina el syst the transceivers eonmectest he camper Outta Ina ctl syste, the moder i connected tothe ingtiouput 3.8 Layout of Regulated Power Supplies HH Practice {ne oat pone sup therfore connec oa exter source hich fered g ser a Ofer 8-0020803 Tha ruta poner supp the output ofthe fier conn tote transformer coupe Ine regltes power supply, thes eanmece to the regultor rector ‘rout —eE re Practice Wale st of emission types isin order rom the naromest bandwith tothe widest bandwith? "peerage Bes ane umber ot Rr ameltor: "Wo recovers of ferent sensu are compare, the less sensitive receiver wil procuce: i stesoy esalatr ait ‘more signal ores nose {heh fe oloming mades of transmission i usualy tected with 3 product setectar? 3 Pe mossoten [receiver designed or SS reception must havea FO (Dat roqueneyoxiltr) Because: it beats with erected cart reduce the othr sided "reduce the passband ofthe IF .003-10-06 2 rectivr reeves on Incoming sna of 3.58 Ms, and he lel orlstor produce a ga f 3.995 M.Tech Frequency shoul 735 mie ‘at tno of ter woud you ure to tenuate an interfering caer gna whe receiving an SSB transmission? ———eeeE—E—Ee—e—eEe—eeee ‘anal paste ‘Rpknecwar titer “Toa thee main pacamatersagainet which the quality of 2 recover is measured ar: selectivity tity aa reauency range fens, 22bty and eronemoton 2 communications reciver ha fur iter ital intone at 250 He one a SOD Hs, one at 2.4 WA and one 6 HE you were ——__—_—_—___ mes "CW transmission and there is @ great dea! of interference. Which one ofthe fiters would you choose? Oates (Cia ee ‘Sclectiny canbe paced nthe au tages ofa receiver by the uration of RC active or DoFEWe au fer. f you were to copy CM, 4300-2700 2 3.11 Transmitter, carrier, keying, AM Practice e-002-11.01 Vinat does ro mean? “ahigh pitched tone which resived slong with 3 CW signal ‘Slow change i varsmiterrequancy asthe at was ub nat can be done to hap 2 CW transite tam eiping? ‘hada veycek ter sep the power sup curent very ssc -003-1.03 nat cet nas avaiable requeny oscar connected to 3 dvr and 3 power amplifier? “Rerjrakcontoled ransmitor ‘singeseband vanamater nat pe of modulation system changes the amplitude of an RF wave fr the purpose conveying nermation? “ampltuderetifeaton medion Frequency modlaton In what emission type does the instantaneous amplitude (envelope) of he RF sgl vary in accordance wth te mesuating aude? Frequency modstion Pulse mosloton Frequency Sit keying Norse code is sual rans by rao "ese of ey leks SRR ‘ece-madsted arser ‘A mismatches aceon or feehine may present an incaret loa tothe transmit The resut may bei ess of medlaton me vans sana! 2 zight mimat between the power mpfr of ransmiter nd heart woul be reat key sete Fo RF escloter should be elcicly and mechanical tbl, Ths is to ensure tat the oseiltr does nt become over mocultee The input power tothe nal sage of your transmitter 200 watts and the ouput ix 125 wats What has happened othe remng| Ras boon usd o provide postive feaback (3.12 Carrier Suppression, SSB Practice ‘iat may happen fan SSB tansriter i operate wth the mlroptone gan Seto high? TRinay couse erferece te oer stations eperatng ona Nghe eauency Band 1Rinay cause aurasphee interference the aaron the antenna Ray caus onal interference a computer equprant ‘nat may happen a9 SSB transmit i operate wth to mech speech processing? may caves otal interference to conpuereaupment ‘ema cause aonespherentarerencem the a aroun the antenna ‘Wat ie frm forthe average power supped oan antenna tranzmision ne during on RF eye tthe crest te mdulaon ‘int ite usual bands of 9 singlesideband amateur na? Ina tpl aale-edcand shone transite, at dat cee sg a the laa mada an sends atthe RF arplier 003-1206 ‘Oniy ha he bandh requestor Be sue information content ‘roster modulation percentages ouaiadle wth lower atrean Simpler cquipmant can be usd 0 rechve 9 dovbe-sdebandsuppressedcarir signal .003-12.07 ‘int pappans tthe signal ofan overmodulted sigle-sideband ar double-sideband phone transmits? Tebacomar loser wth no other ects 1 ocapies lass banowth wth poor ih frequency response ow spud the me For fl detection ofthe Auc meter on madunton peake For 100% eauerey devison on modulation peske For ciple current -002-12-09 ‘The brpose of a balnces madulstr nan SSB tranemiter ‘make sure tha te earar and bath schunds ae 180 ot of phase ‘ensure that the percentage of modulation i ep constant make sure thot the cara and bth scebands ae m hs 003-1210 Ing 558 ransmision, the carers rosa wh one siebond ‘fro use a te ecler ‘he dulgmati level contra (ALC) 9 $58 tansmatr: ‘lminates the rami astrean Trereases he occupied bandwith 2.25 Prequency anc Phase Modulation Practice 2-003-13-01 What may happen an FM wansrter seperated wih the microphone gan or deviation conta se 2 igh? rnoy couse dtl teference a corgur expres, {Rimay cause auvospernteterence Inte a found the antenna Rima esuse terrence to ster ston operating on 9 ngher requenc Band SS may couse gl eference to eomputer eaupmene [Rima couse suresphoreintrference the a found the antenna ‘© may cave interference to ater stasons operating on a higher requency band ‘ate you d you are tld your FM hand-held or mobi tranecaber x overcevting? “alk leer int the mcaphone DLetave ranseiver cot ft oe {What ke ef sion wouls your FM transite reduce is microphone fie to work? “oie bet or lca VIFF rao communcatane? © Mhemure suas aeterton cosa by reece sts © teat earterstays on requancy ber an be AM moses = —— creme hat scent produced by a eatance mdlsorcanneced ta an RF poner amplifier? mptae medlation Vy fo equerey motte (FH) phone we below 295 He? Hemonc cul nt be atented to practical evel Rimes smy cones 2-009-19:30 “ou ar anemiting Fa on he 2 mate band. Sovraletatne aces you tat your anemic ie dtrted. A auc check it 2 Freaeney curtr tls you tat the Vansmte son the proper requncy. Which of te folowing ls the most probable cause of he Spier eases cer eect reece enema emery ‘ree tines as oud as te other sal, wil be the ony transmission demodulated. This called toc ee 3.20 Digital Modes Practice Or Rtetghone lnk wartngbeteen to stations ‘Ammesage as readied an amateur tation for ca very ' vanamitong and recsung sation are uring» dgpetey £079 oter contacts can take ace ul they arenes What does ‘montoringt mean ona packetace frequency? ‘Araceving states alpiaying a messopes sant to anc replying tha the messages ae bing aces corey Tnsustry Conoe ie montonng ll messages Appear? ‘repenter but using ony aga lec pars 2 repeater tat changes suse pra ita ta 2 pocket station tha retranemits any dota tat rece ‘A nay of connecting termina-nese controle by tleprone so data Ean Be Set over ong dances © Treprogmmng ins termine contol that rejects ther ales 9 tations skeady connected ‘Atronscoiver and 3 modem ‘Roar keypad, a montana a transcoWer 4 mp sar nr ‘Connects terminsinage controler to iterrupt te ancelver's arena Connect s keyboard tothe transceivers mlraphore put Connect DTH Key po to the wanseevers microphone put 003.1807 ‘When slang 9 RTT transiting eqveney, what minimum frequeny parton rom a contactin progress shoul you tow (cnt {eee minimis ntererenes? roximately 3H ‘igtaltrensmisions use tnas cates nuaot ape ASCH ‘Wren ofthe foowing tems does nt apy to packet? sci “ermnal-Node Controter (INC) ‘en vs AMTOR tonsmisions, there ave two medes that may be uized. Mode A uses Automate Repeat Request (ARQ) prota ‘S's homaly used 2.003.541 Whats the most common data rate used for VHF packet communications? g 3.16 Batteries Practice 2003-16-01 ow much vetoge does» andor stemetie battery ural pp ut 200 vot Wich component nas «postive and» epaive side? 2003-16-03 ‘ea that canbe repeately recharged by supaying with lial aneray, is known 953: Tow este el ‘Which fe fotoning is 9 source of EE? © nan restr 9-003-16-05 Snimpartantalference between corweniona high battery and 2 ea ald battery i tht ony the la ci batary an be compet ascnarged aie an slecyte Aah lis rain vt of 1508 Wen sipping res ef cer evans ay op. vl THs ce th © Setoe eae ‘Tne most conan prmary clin use oda she carbonic or Nasgh cel This cel can be rec ‘istoage uateres have discharge mts, and nlke-caamlum, te ype mes used in hand-nelé potable, should nat be alscharged 02 vo per 8003.16.09 egg esnev nro 8 Settee’ ‘Totreaave the votage uteut, several calls are connected in eos econo Tet ovenght at room temperate 3.17 Power Supplies Practice 2.002:17.01 If your mobie transceiver works in your car bat net in yourhams, what should yu cece ft? Seen ee eee ee memo ‘ow pose iter Dn R252 merfoce ‘Neate converter When of nese usualy nods a heavyeity power Su? ate ctugnf the wanartiers RF pomer output creat e-003-17.05 1 powse spl isto soaly OC at 12 vet at Sarees The power aneirmer shuld berate higher thas “Te ioe is an enprtant part of ste gamer supply. It converts AC to DC, set asa hgh resstanceto DC but not 0 AC “aconvre AC to pulsating OC, you could ue So-caled“trnsfrmaess pwr supplies ae use in some aplication (notably tubetype adlos and TV reavers). When working fn sich aaupmens ons sul be very caret Sea ‘Oc ens oe negative rte tothe csss ‘nati connections are grounds by the carte pin athe power source's lag heastoldvoages are consistently high a lw a your eet, Uh can be corrects by the use 3 fullnove ridge recter ‘rise olmeter Oa proper oa resistance (he vable frequency esctator ‘he power alter rout 3.18 Electrical Safety Practice Use a crmer-operatea rey inthe main power Ine uta "Danger = High Wore” sgn nthe ston Put fuses inthe man power ine “neta aco an unsee rreguancy when yeu are cane using S_ Eisceoornarancatape Por safety, case the main use 3 ‘otees the power company from tuning off your scrty during an emergency Why wou there bea awe ‘To keepcangerus RF redaton fom lating eu rugh an open eine ‘To toep eangorus RF ragaton fom coming i Uvough an open caine! Tatum tne power svoloff when es at bing usee ‘proximately 10 amperes S. Saeio ahe nurnbtneve a gn ty net net teh’ 8 hte FS Le ne hit oh os "What shuld yeu do you cover someone wha ie Being burned by high vane? "Wat for few minutes tose the person can getaway rm he igh voage on he on then te toelp Run rom the are 9 you want be Burned 90 -003-16-9 "Whats the Safest metho wo remave on uncescaus person fom contact with hig votoge source? (ian eceeenieeasuanainiae Ina bake and pull him to safe rea ————— OD caltansiecrion © Remove the person by pling an aro eg s-001-16-10 ——e OQ Searod Sctaeram pe’ Faster pone sippy on ater raamtr he esp omni a ecsmende techie eas fh << Doing te fie conve cennene “Ine antenna feed ene ‘Tho power spl primary 2 plste cole water abe insulted shock mone the oer p-003-9-08 reese 003-19:06 ‘Where Stuléthe gree wren a treewreACne cord be connected im 8 power spy? IF your thr er amateur station hes ground wre running 10.05 metres (23 fet dwn ts «ground 2 why might you get an RF burn if you touch th front pare! of your HF wanscaver? ‘Because the ranscever's heat-sensing cicut Is not workong to stat the cooling fan ‘hats ene goed way 0 avid stray RF enero in you mater station? Nake a couple of eps the ground ire nee connects to You staton © Eicher aan cmt os "haraund lop i an elective may to ground statin equipment {tEne cmos of al saton equpment ie connected ith a good conductor, heel o edt te them oan earth grunt ‘Onmans operated poner supp, the ground wre shouldbe connected othe metal chasis ofthe poner supply Thr ens, as thee sa faut in the per supply, that Oe chs! {oes nt become conductive to prevent ele shock ‘sue incrwenent tue 3.20 Antenna and Tower Safety Practice {shoud you gro laren nd rottr cables when your amateur statin sot nse? ‘Taal radia fequeneyilerlerence OTomake sre everyting wl stay in lace -003-20-02 ow en on entenna sytem be protected from ighting damage? ntl Ua a the antenna fd post 3 Inaal suse me arte eedtne 8 Neverton ofthe cgapmers Oo ‘icannec the ground ysem fom a rads ‘rt oui be worn for workng ona ate tone? ————— eel or wn ight “oefey bing any tole you might ues up and down the ower Spay ton ony senor ery ‘Above hg-votage eer! Ines satty bal you are wering ona ‘Why shoul you wear a hard hati you are on the ground Nling Someone work onan antena tower? ‘So you wort be hist the ower shuld aadentaly fal ‘To teep RF energy ova fom your heed daring antenna esting ‘Why saul your ausde antennas be hgh enough s tht no on an touch ther while you are transiting? “Touching the antenna might cause saison ntertrence Why hauls you make sre that noone ean toueh an open-vre feed ne while yu ae traamiting wth Because contact mh este feed ine ‘Because contac might eusespunaus emissions se cntact migh aus a abort Crt and eamage the anemter -003-20-10 ‘Wht sfety precaution shoud 1 take before ‘Be sure you andthe antenna srucure ae grounsed Inver your reghbos so tey are aware of your ntentons Tur ofthe main power sth your Rouse ‘Whet precaution shou you take when istaling a gcund-meunted antenna? ‘Should not be staid ngher tan you en Feaeh re alninal neellniie cirrmeohondbrsierdebne ‘RF waves are absorbed by the body causing heat {Antanas shou be place anay fom nrare people can get cose when transiting. Especially Keap antennas anay ram the head od eves + Dont pont dretonl antennas at people or wnere people wi be Practice Mateawethestondog wave to ow bere you conic ete ever se anon polrsed asa Wet sul you do for safety you put up a UME anamiting antenna? Coe ee oy amg co in Make sre tet RF fat screens aren place lat shuld you do for sfety, before removing the siting ona UNF power ampli? OMe sue he ata oe nc rape grnde Why should you make sure the antenna ofa hané-nelé wanseiver ne dose to your Mead when transiting? Tohelp the antenna radiate energy equay inal directions Feines downto bounce te agra ft he ground ow ean exposure oa largn amount of RF anery affect boy tua? 2.003-21-07 ‘Whi bay eran ithe most aly o be damaged rom the heating effects of RF radiation? ther ‘Depending an the wavelength ofthe ina, he energy density ofthe RF ele, nd other Factors, n what may can RF ener fect boa sue? Sense atten ann eeuses bod fow to sop 2 Heat inne 1-003-21-09 Postion the antennas paralel to electrical power Wires to take advantage of parasitic eects ostion the antennas slong the ee fs wat wnarek mest he fooroceling to reduc parse redation tacate the antennas close fo yor aperatng poston te minmize eedsinewnath Vy stou deeton! high sin enennas be mounted higher then nearby structures? 'o they willbe did by the wid ater a Peay ran storm 'o they wil pot damage nary structures wih RF energy ‘So they wl ecive mare sky waves and fewer gra waves For best RF Sty, where should the ens and center ofa dipole antenna be cated? Near of over most ground So RF enero wal be ated away rm the ofound ‘ovat We vrs onl 0 ee wi bcos Nee ansnitar 4.1 Amplifier Fundamentals Practice Ian amputer becomes non: near, the output gna woul’ g ‘verload the power Suply neue plier “Totreease te lve of very weak signals fom 3 microphone you woud use The e of epuencie tobe amplified by a speech amie i type ‘oto a0 000 He 8-004:01-06 Wie of the folowing is not amplified by an amor? ‘The ntease in signa lve by an amir scale: radon 8-006-01-08 ‘Reeve with gain has the propery of treilton = Ovetage, caren, or nauctnee Winch he flowing ic ata property of an ample? oun ee Se. Practice Zener doce ae sa a: Re aetecore s.008-02-02 ne important applaton for dese rcoverng ifrmation Fam tranemited sas, This refered to regeneration “The prmary purpose ofa Zener ode ito to boost te poner spay vatoge Provide apa ewan hich current can ow “Te atone changing atersting curren to dct caren ical: trortormation| rralton “Te electrodes of a semiconductor doe ae kaon 38 ‘olectar ang hace ‘athe and drain 1-008-02-06 "aternating currents applied to the arade of 3 de, what wold you expat ee a the cathode? 3 Sens oer -004-02-07 Ina semiconductor doe, electrons ow fom ‘Wot semconductor device glows re, yellow or gran, depending upon Rs chanical compesiton? ‘afonreacent bul \otage repulation i the prnciplappleaton othe Tanemiting dose ‘cones revere-biare| 4.3 Bipolar Transistors Practice Wen component an amply @ smal gna using low vlages? ‘hvarabierextor ‘Amutle-cel battery “The base semi-conductor amplifying device i the: sods ‘The thre lade rom a PP trans are namad: “gate, source and crn 8-006.03-04 13 Tove sonal is placed atthe nput oa traitor, a higher lve of signal produced atthe output lead. This ets know a most recite see ‘semana seated 3 “ger purpose ou NP deve’. Ths nul be: ee sono ‘ream ype of ptr rant oe 8 eos wee © Phen tamer yee 5-004-03-08 2 transistor can be destroyed ina cre ‘xcs lant Seon compares catest ote contol gid of «te vaca ube. 9 Bpolaransso, the __compares loses tothe pat fa trade vac ube. ‘ate na Bpolr transistor the __eampare lore othe athe fs trade vacum tube SB. 4.4 Field-effect Transistors Practice “me two base types ffl elect wansirs (FET) ae Sermenium and slion 2 semcondctar having its lead label gat, dain, and source is bst described a ‘pala ener s-004-01-03 Ina ld fac rarsioy the__is the termine! tat canals he conductance othe choy ee ee 8 ia ld ect traitor, the_is he terminal where the charg cri eve the channe Whe em-anducer deve nas acters mx sm ta de acm abe? 2ener dose “he conrel element in e eld eect vans the: s.004-01-08 yu wish fo retuce the curentfowing ina eld eflecttransisor, you cul: ocrease te reverse bar vlogs ‘nereate the forward bss vaage isaac the foward bss gon ‘The seu ofa fl eet vansitrcrtesgons tothe _of bos tarsstue. ‘The din off eet transistor comesponds athe __ of ipl tans sant-ot-1s Which to elements ina ld effect transtor eat fy sma ehoacertis? ‘Source and ga Gate and dn ‘Source and base 4.5 Tlode Vacuum Tubes Practice © teserowervotages ‘an elecvytccapactor ‘Nmultpecal Bator -teoture common to tubes ane transistors is that both thats sectronearitng through a vacuum —_—_a every 0 a woes © ceehoat to cause electron movement Ina vacuum tube he slectrode that operated with the highest positive potential the 8-004.05.05 Ina vacuum tube the electrode thats usally 3 cinder of wire mesh the Fisment (ester xtade pate 8-004-05-06 Ina vequum tute the element hat tres nay rom the pate the ona fthade TT 8 pee” Tr you go not wh tohave cure flowing in the orice fa vacua tube, he gid shoul be Dosove wi respetto bot eathede and ane Dosove wt respect tothe cathode the on DC central votage ape tothe canta grid of @vocwum tube i elle *.6 Resister Color Codes ractice ow yu Bd a resistors tolerance rating? g Preview Ir Bauder cose By using a wotmeter Uinat do te frt tre: clr bandana resistor ndate? “The power rating in wats ‘The restance mater 8004.06.04 ate aie et of 0 ohms wh 1 ree? 3 thes 8-004-06.05 § ee By using Tver tore for estore By using he Shuao coge 8-004-06-06 en tolerance rang weld 2 Nghqualty resistor have? ro OQ a0% Oa Ege Om 1 gle fons on restr incetes the taerance -004-06-10 Tae ea et B13 Ee ante wt ar tan oT ri pm ——— — ——————— 9.1 Metric Pretixes Practice 19 lark in meganertz stows 2 reading of 3.525 Miz, what weld it show If were marked in ler S acases wae Speman ©3090 80 amperes :005-01.03 1a viper marked in vot used to measure 23509 mor potent, wha etding wold hom? Oyo 35 vor 5.005-01.08 en may mirfarads 1000 090 potrads? 1000 000000 merefrads $000 miertrase "you nave a nane-held transcver which pts ou SO mila, now many watts woud this be? O02 8-005-01-08 ———_—_———— O seats is cee on many milo re equivalent to two oR? 0.000082 .005-0:-10 ‘One megater i ua to: g 2 i s.o0s-0r-11 ‘Ar Inductance of 10.00 miroheneys may be tated earect as 100 mittens 100 nny 2-2 Basic Concepts Practice ‘Coppel, mica Name four gos lac! nsltrs Seen wood, copper, porcesin Wy 6 resistors sometimes get ht when in use? “Tir reactance make them Nes Hatter rat components nea) heat UP ‘Whats the bes conductor among the folowing materia? ‘con Shamim 8-005-02-05, ‘neater iste, which wil most ready slow an eletccurent of, iced? sn ieultor OC aaecre ‘lrg cml some rat rs una cant ey ey We ol bees debe 3 a 0-005-02-08 ‘he regprocal of resistance i: ermeabity 8-005-02-09 Votage [ny poitin rao ercos wren hae 2er voage Giterencenvoape at output tena of Warstormer the vltaye which dsipsted Sear fl works Secompisnes “he reitance of @ conductor changes wih Rm s-on5-02411 ‘The mast conan motel ured to make a restore rea _ ee 5.3 Circuits Practice Wats the mod used to decibe how fast lca energy is? ‘curren voroae yeu Rave ight buts marked 40 wats, 60 wats and 100 was, whch one wi use eect ery the fastest ‘ie 60 wate bub Whats the basic wt of electri power? he oe OS © Anopen eveut Wek f ne oloning te cuore shold Be multiple together ta fd power? Titan et eapecance Resistance and capsctance Whe to electri unt multe ogee give the un "wats"? ‘otage re esstrs ae usualy large with heavy las The sz ais the operation ofthe rss by: ‘The eistr tat could spate the mast heat nou be marke: 100 ahr Odom Practice Ae caret of 2 ames tows teu a 5-.8 Ratios, Logarithms and Decibels Practice ‘wo-tmes increase in power resus na change of how many dB? Pas ngher 1 igher ow can you decrease your tanemtters power by 3.0? ‘ie the erin! power ay 15 ‘ii the ona power 973 ase iano 8-005-08-03 ow an you erase your ransmtrs power ty 6 8? Sip the sig! poms Oy 2 utp te erg! 2 ‘utp te gna! poner by 1.5 8-005-08-04 Ie slgnisrengts report "10 a over SO, whet shuld the reprt be the Wansmiter power I reducod fom 1500 wats 150 59 pus 368 8-005-08-05 Ita slgnltrngth report "20 cB ver S9, what should the report be the wanamttr power reduced fom 3500 wats 150 Soe pis 5 08 ope} a6 O55 2:005-06-06 ‘sn orclosape mae orm © Seige ne tan ona “fe power output rom » anamttr increase om 1 watt 2 wats This “To power of» tranemitersneresed fom 5 wats 050 watts by near ample. The power gai, express no, ‘You add 968 gai ampler to your2 wate handheld What the poner output of he combination? ‘Toe poner of waremiteris creased om 2 wats 08 watts. Ts 2 power gan of __ 68 ‘local amateur reports your 20 2M simplex VHF transmission as 30 68 over 59. To reduce your Signal to 9, you would reduce you 3 saw 5.9 Inductance and Capacitance Practice 008-08-01 no equvale inductors ae connected nse, whet shes tal nductance? Hal he vue of ane mtr ° erat oe aoe ee he et {re aqua vate inductors ae connete ia paral, what helo inane? “ice the value of one mouctor “Te same asthe vale of ether ner ‘he we of one incur mes the vlue of the ether Iwo equtalvecpactors are connected in Sr, whats te ttalcapsctnce? © Monme ae See eee Te equsatuecapactors are connect in paral, what thei tata apactance? SO tartesceten apes ee {ht determing the ncucance of ca? “te ore materi the marr of tr uid town the coe nd the frequency ofthe current trough the ol “Te eare materi he cre damster he lrg ofthe col and wheter he cos mounted hartartaly overtly ‘The material between the plates, the umber feats and the Sie of he wires connected tothe lates ‘The numberof pats, the spacing between te pats ana wheter the ecric mateals NYpe oP type ‘Teter toe he pte, the en ane ae, he eb pes adhe ata ae or t ptcive To equaalvecapactor are connects in paral, what thee capactancs? “The same value of ether eapactor “Te ate of one captor times te ae of he other are eee “arepice fly 10 mitheny choke, you cold use tw Oo 20 miner ches seis —————————————— 30 rien choses in parte “wo 3 matneny ehoxes in paral “Tiree 15 mrofrad capacors ave wien series, Te total capacance of is arrangement Wich sees combination of capactors maul best eplac a fouty 10 microfuradcapactr? (two 10 micofres cpactors — ound by adding abc ofthe captors together and dvang bythe ea numberof epackors Sesto ence ar 5.10 Reactance and Impedance Practice e-005-10-01 ow de cal react to AC? ‘Aste amide of the apple AC increases, the reactance decrees ‘Aste frequency ofthe apples AC creases, te reactance decreases Ase ample othe opted ACimceases, the fectnce decreases ‘he reactance of capactors inreases 35 ppd wotage decreases Ac requency increases Thinductances, AC may be oposed by bth restance of winding wine and reactance duet inductive effect. The erm which includes Inductance ‘pactance 8-005-10.05 Canacrie reactance: ders tuners 8 Increases as frequency Increases Increases wt the tme constant Inductive reactance maybe ireeased by: 3 eecrease nthe apt ecuancy 2 secrase inthe supplied erent Snsncrease nthe apie votoge [cok cal of 4.25 mlcrohenrys ius na crc 3 a frequancy of 200M, reactance aporoxmatey: ower sy ar hs a aaa of 10 mfr, Wat sth cape ecco capt ewe fra? —— nm 188 one tas arms s-005-10411 ———— 8 SSombetmrvcnee 5.11 Magnetica and Transformers Practice e-005-11-01 no loed fe attaced tothe secondary winding ofa rasfrme, what is curent in the ‘transformer opertes 363 vot 2 ampere ght bulb fom ks secondary winding. The power consumed by the ear wiaing i wots Bats Site ' wanstormer has a 240 vt primary that draws a ctrent a 250 mom the mas sup Assuming noses what curen Woule be avalobe rom a 12 vor secondary? iS amperes OQ 2samoeres 3 Bases -005-11-04 In mains power trasforme the primary wining Mat 250 tun, ans the Secondary has SOO. the put voltages 110 vot, he aly secondary votage = av ‘Te senge ofthe magne eld around a conductor i ais: Inversely proportional tote ameter of he conductor Inversayproprtona tothe varage on te conductor 8 Career ging rough te at ate of ag © Gemegnatic eld wound the cal not changing arial t rena of free 2 100s ent vanstormer has 2 tums 240 of 1/5 Ite secondary eure 0 mA, the primary ccrent Bore a 005-1109 [Soce af epulsion ext between wo 8 = ve [A permanent magnet would most aly be made from: pooos-titt “The fact that enray transfer rom primary to secondary windings na peer trator i at perfec nine by ‘Secrest selina 8 ee 5.12 Resonance and Tuned Circuits Practice ‘the ert eotine no restos resistance sual tothe reactance Parallel uned crcuts offer: Tom impedance at resonance ‘aro mpedance at reronanee Oa tae nec Resonance an electra property usd to describ 25a of paral inductors {he rue of tuning 3 vaca varactor) 2 ned are formed rom to base components. These ae: (Seeors and retort 6.005-12.05 ‘Wher » poral ci-copactor combina is supe wth AC of erent quences, there wl one Frequency where the O° meme ae Sate ery reactive frequency Ia pati resonaot cet a resonance, the cet has a Tow mpence fom mural nuctance Tmt! indotence 0-005-12-07 gh impedance ign mutual Inductance ‘ool ad a aapacedcapacor are ranged to form 8 resonant cau, The resonant fequeney wl remain he seme i we: increase Ue aes of plates the apactor repace the a delete with al nse capactor sing more turn one cal inerease power ast vote eves the cult contains no resistence resstance seus tothe reactance ‘When 9 snes Uc cet tunes to the fequeney ofthe source, he ine current ag he appoed vane Impedance s maxim 2.25 Meters and Measurements Practice ots 3 voltmeter suatycomected 9 eet under test? 6 SSeS 2-005-19.02 How i an ammeter usually connects to ereut under test? a te quadrature wen he ere, ————————— hase with te ereut Ti poral with te reut ea © Samant power s-005-19-06 “ie erect instrament to measure plate crrento caller cute of @ ranamiter et -005-19-06 ‘en measuring current drawn fom a DC power supply struc say that the meter wil at creU 3: a perect conductor Wien measuring te caren awn by 2 receiver rom a power Supply, the curent meter shoul We paced In parla wih bot recever power supp lence Pont ference maasured by means a ————_—_—_——— the vag which aspates before useful work accomplished ference in ohoge outa termini of» transformer by point ine rao creut whch Nas zero velage s-005-1310 the vlmeter seis and armete in paral to voltmeter apd smmaterin reves © Seth votinter and armeter in pra 0.2 Ampedance and Feedlines Practice -006-01-02 ‘The characteristic impedance ofa ranamaion ne x determine by the: engin ote line a Sec ee -006-01-03, ‘The characastc impedance of @20 metre pace of transmission nei 2 ohms. I 10 meres were cut ef the impedance would be 2 —— a orm S8 nme Benn 8-006-01-04 ‘Theimpadonc o coal In! ST ccrammamensarar nth the frequency ofthe nergy cases © Setterterony ent ene © gear ingeaorr ine \imatconmenyavatale antenna fee ine can be buried dec nthe ground for some distance wenou avers eects? 300 ohm tw lad {600 ohm oer wine © _SRonmtwietend 2006-01-06 ‘Tha chacactarste impedance ofa ranamision ne i ‘the impedance of 9 ston of telie one wavelength ong the dymamic impedance of hee a the operating eqency Ce Ne ee [Atranamason ne afer rom an arinary crcl oF network in communica signing devices mone very Important way. Tha Imparane spe i ‘ects leaving the ne open atthe end ‘hortng the tne 3 end increasing the standing wave rat ove unity ‘Te dane between the centres ofthe conductors andthe eng ethene “Te rogue re condctors andthe frequency the sara “The frequency ofthe sgl andthe ent ethene -006-01-11 sccsun Sa rian te length othe ne “Te raquency of he snl andthe ent othe ine 5-2 Balanced anc unoalanced reed Practice “Tro wie ste-ayaige he par by inesng reds ‘center wire ise an Insulating mater when i covere by metal sleeve or sis kee ty adapt ps ae 2-006-02.03 matin omens et nema fe nth tut bye STi tte ren Belarc unoeder Bslnced unmodultor Balanced antenna network mere woul you ital a blu to fed a dipole etenna wih 50-ohm coal eb? 8 Between the antenna and he gr © Between the casa cable and the ground Vata unlancd ine? Fee ine with nether conductor connect oun 3 Feat tne ith eth ences canned sch oh hat gevice an be atte t feeds talanced antenna wi an unbalanced fee ne? Nene ‘fone coxa ine contains Tourer more conductors running pai fons conductor [balanced ranemigsio ine hazene conductor inside the oer Carr RF curenton one wie ony Isimadeof one conductor ony [2 750nm trnzmissin ln could be match tothe 200 chm feedpit of an antenna: busing 24801 tgtron © pinsering aoc in ane ty of he anteane lat hn of antenna feed tine can be constvucad using two conductors Which are maintained sunform artance ap Ug inate ———_—_—_—_—_—_— 6.3 Feedlines and Connectors Practice Itean be used nea metal jes, ané ts impocance Is iger than that of most amateur antennas. ‘ou con make at hme, ans impadance matehes mas amateur anonnas ‘What's the best antanna fee neo use, ft must be put near rounded metal cojets? acer ine “wists ‘Wht are sme eatons not to use 9 "You must use an mpedancemaehing deve wah your vansclver ani does nat wok vary wel mth high WR SO eget em Sete toner ‘What commancennector usualy fine handheld trancavr fo satan? ‘an ype cable connector ‘Which these conan connectors hes the mest os at UH? "an pe cable connector IF you instal a 6 rare Yl antenna ona tower SO metres rom your transmitter, whch ofthe following Fes ines bes Rese ———— ee them kg nce ‘oe thm rm geting stuck pace © Teinrese eiecapactance 6-006-03-08 ‘What conmanyavaeie antenna fed Ine ean be bare recy nthe round fr some datance witht averse fects? ‘When stan fed tines must be placed near ground metal 2bjeets, which ote fling Fees Ines shouts be used? "TW twi-lead feed tine an be used for» fee ine in an amateur tation. The impedence ofthis nee proximately 5.4 Line Losses Practice 8-006-04-01 ‘Why shoul you use nly god ality coal able an connectors for @UMF antenna system? “a kaep tevin ntterence gh ‘To erp the pomer gong to our antnna syst fam geting to ih Teas low impedance, ane wil erate with 2 hgh SHR [ew operate witha high SR, ad works wel man ted down to meal jets Tehas alow iedance, end ha less lone non enol ble your ransmterandantena are 15 metres apart, but ae cannectes by 6 metres of RG-58 coal aD rebue feoe tn oe? ‘Shorten the excess cables he Fed ine i an dd numberof wavelengths ln fll the acer cable nt 3 cll whch 3 sala possible Shorten the excess cable othe fond ne ean even muamber of wavelengths ong [A the lenath of ocd nes changed, what happens to signa es? a Sent ets decreaer a ong nesses —————_—_———— loss she ent when tne lngth the same a he sons wavelenath ‘Sana loess he sane foray length oad ine [As the Frequency of sla change what hapeens to sonal os feed ne? ‘Sana log she eat when te sipras wavelength the same es the fed Ines erat ‘Sale is the same or any reauancy {esses eccting on a ransmstion ine bebwean amare and antenna results Stree essing A oegy 006-0807 fox abe 8-006-0-08 Tn hat vals are RF fod tne losses expressed? ‘ms par Mie Sater Ses 8-006-04.09 Ife ent of coal feed ne is inereasea fom 20 metes (5.6) to 40 metres (131.2), how woul ths affect the in se? woul be rece by 10% would be ncessed by 10% woul be reduced to 50% Sng rene rene, Nom Nu aft es oh a arn ne? err has rang Awe sh Otis independent of requency 6.5 Standing Wave Ratio Practice 8-006.05.01, iat sees an SR ending af 1:1 mean? —_— ‘snes fr aneherrequency band i probably comected fn impedance mismatch; someting may be wrong with the antenna syste fo antenna gan of 1'5 8-006-05.03 ‘hatin of 5A reading may mean por electra contac between pans of anantena system? ‘very ow wading What gee 8 very high SFR reading mean? © hesnte corny tom the etems oc onuy sen, ooh means very goed ei condtone inate standing ave ata mean? ‘The ai of mans to manu restances on fen oe he rte of maxanum to maunim impedances on 9 fet ne I yeu anton fee ne gets Nat when you re ransmiting, what might ts mean? “ie conductor nth feeine ar nt nslted very wl The fed net Io 8-006-0507 Ii the staractersic impedance of he feelne doesnt match the antenna pst impecence hen eat produced atthe junction © thes renin also ot the atenna wl nt rca any ina The rest ofthe presence of tancing waves ona wansmison Snes pot impedance mten between ranemiter ne feeding maximum onset energy tthe anna frm te ansmeer 3 Oradea water ot RF energy tothe antenna tn SUR meter meacurs the degree of match been Yanemigsion bn anéanann Ineerting ose nthe fed Ine ‘resonant artana having 2 feed pint impedance of 200 ohms is comected 1a 2 fed ine and vansiter which have an impedence (5 ohms. Wha wl tne standing waver oes 5ytem Be? 3H -006-05-11 The type of feedine best suet operating ata high standing wave rai 5 am tinea 6.6 Impedance Matching Practice Ske tne Sten ost wan sny otaeen tig Ie wtehes a aneaver tween siren kinds of antenna connec to one a ne {Wt would you ure to connac con cable of 50 ohm impedance oan antenna of 5 ohms impedence? ‘Row pass iter 8.006-06.06 “nen st per eure delver manerum output the oad? ns nin aneme reeinedfncie tore Wht napaens when the impedance of an lca lod i equal to the interal impedance of the power source? ‘Ne current can few rough the ere ‘The source delvers minum power tthe oad Se Fhe etipebaeefnieoateer ery © rena sensu rane usc ‘hgh load inpedonce Inductive mpedance ‘Tota efcentanser of power rom a rns to an antenna, is important that here i 2 Tran antennae cecrcty matched ta a trance, the engin of ranemietan Ine ‘must be aul wavelength ong ‘must bean eda number ef quarter-wave ‘must bean oven numberof halt mavee 9-006-06-10 ‘Tne reason that an BF transmission ne shuld be matched a he rane end ‘ensure hat he acaed gna noe te ene pleravon prevent requney ait ‘verze facing the transmitted ina Hate ene pein des des prvinaty 90 oh an Yo ar wsirgREBU (59 os) ce ine, st the ee 6.7 Isotropic Sources, Polarization Practice -006-07-01 ‘What does Herzen wave polarization mean? “ha lect ond magne ies of force of 2 rale wave are perpendicular othe earth's surface “Te lect ner of oreo aco wave ae perpendeir to the ears sroce ‘Tea magnates of force of 3 rao wave ae paral tothe sarth' surface at gees vertical wave plazaton mean? “he elec and magnetic lines of force oa racic wave are parallel to the ents surtace ‘he elt es of force of ade wave are paral fo the ears suace hat electraragnetc wave polarzation des a Yq! antenna have when its ements are paral to the ears sac Vero O crator nat electromagnetic wave poarzation des a hafavelent antenna have whan ts perpendicular othe eats suc Paroles te peo antenna te mopreti fd Intel tong piece of wire dummy load hawave reference ago -006-07.07 \inatishe antenna radiation ater for an step rear? ‘pratle ‘HI signal rom 2 mobile station using verte whip antenna wil normaly Be Hee recved using fandom ength of wire Adio anteone il emit vertay polarized wave ii ed wah te corect peo RF -006-07-10 Ian electromagnetic wove leaves an antenna vera poland, wil ave at the reaiving antenna, by ground wave horizontal polarized polraed i any plane Compored wens horzontl antenna vertical antenna wil receive a verte parsed radio wave st weaker strength ‘ethout any compersive ference 6.5 Wavelength vs Physical Length Practice oe ORstays me same OC Rastppears Ion antenna is mace sorter, hat hapgens to resonant frequency? ‘The wayelenat for frequency of 25 HH 15 metre (99.28) Otrare a3 Oat i. oe Steere nro -006-08-05 Radin sees inductance toon antenna woul increase the resonant frequency ave no cange n the resonant eguency “he resonant requney of en antenna may be increases by Irereaang the Regio he radiating element Tengtbening herding lent 2:006-08.07 The speedo a alo wave: einen SS — aays fess than Pa seed of Hot ries rey th reauency SS the eectveaennafergth Son te antona tobe more eaty hold vertaly © prevent any ess of ase waves bythe antenna 8-006-08.09 ‘Totower the resonorfequenc of an antona, the pert shout Shorten round one ens ire fees win T nbben fos ‘ne tltion to moliband operation ith 3 soranedriatrie the "rap ep” or Wap vara. Tess rape” ae actualy ‘The wavsensth comespanding to fequeney of? Hes: om (sie 3500 (921 8) Som 08m) 6.9 Antenna Radiation Patterns Practice ‘ho antenna where the even element ebtins o enrey by ition of adation fam erecor elements fn antenna where al ements are dvenby dec connection to he fad Ine fn antenna where wave aps ar ued to magretialy couple he elements ow ean the band of» paras tam antenna be nese? ————— 1 aslo snare utc emer ped. avrg may rm a Hose ten, ha ec wlth eo the ‘Amare wil evel in the verte pane away from the round 8-006.09.08 1a shy longer parasite clement is paced 0.1 wavlenathanay rom an HF pale antena, what effect wil hs have onthe antennas Yadiation paar? ‘Amar lobe wi evi in the heron plane, parallel othe wo ements 2 masr abe wil sovelo inthe vet pane way From the ground “The radation pate wl ot be fects 8-006-09-05 "he propery of on antenna whch defines te range of requencis to which wl expan, called Impocance planation Foproxmatey how much gain does 2 halenave dpe have over an stop raator? 3 2 ge ‘at sent by antenna gin? The numeral rat ofthe amount of power fedated by an antenna compare othe Wansritr output power ‘The nl apie ain min te anmsson ln leat 8-006-09:08 mats meant by antenna bandwith? ‘anteaa log vied by the eumber of sloments| ‘The anal between the Mae oer adaton pan aemum redaton rom the ends, minimum beadscs Oreidrectona vom radiation a 45 degrees tothe plane of te antemns SAG cnn en seni ota 8 sem 6.10 Vertical Antennas Practice ow 9 yu caluate the enth in mates tet) of a quarter avelenath vert antenna? ‘lide 465 1532 by the antennas operating requency (nM) ‘ie 30098} by the antenna operating quency (Mi ‘vide 150 (494) bythe antennas operating requency (a ME) 0060-02 Tr you mace a quater-wavelenth vera antenn for 2.128 HH, how long woul tbe? Tameves (23.68) 6 76merres (22.2%) you made a wavelegth vertical antenna fr 223 Mt, Now lng would it be? ————— fn (304) 105 em (41.3) O 34sem 3in) s-006-10-08 ‘Why ina /6-navelengtn vertical antenns beter than 8 1/4-waveangth vertcal antenna fr VF oc UMF mobile operons? 2 se-naveengtn antenna has es coro lo ' 5e-waveengt atenra Is easie t Wstat on 1 S-naveengtn antenna con Mande more power Tarmagnei-base whip antenna is placed onthe oo of» cy ia what dection does send out rao energy? ‘Meso is aimed Mh nthe sy os of goes equal nwo oppose drecsons es of goes none deecion {Whats an advantage of donnmars sloping radia on 2 ground pane antenna? __teovings the fed point impesance lst te 300 ohms {What happens to te eed pont npedance ofa graund-plene antenna when ras ore changed tm horizontal to downward GO teappreaces ro ‘whieh ot fing transmission nes wil gve the best match tothe base ofa quater-navegroune:paneantana? 30 shme stance foo Ine QS ohmebainces ous ine equi fw nsltor igen asta rttre 8 Eitmort eran ‘hati the main reas ny 20 many VHF hase and mabe antennas are Sf of « mvelength? Tes 959 t0 mate the antena tothe vansmtter Tes canveron length on

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