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Exploring The 4 Tarot Card Aces

The Four Aces of Tarot – beautiful, bright blessings

filled with potential and optimism. In the simplest
form, Aces are the very beginning of the numbered
cards. There’s Ace, Two, all the way through to the
Ten. Acting like a One…and yet at the same time, not.
Because when we take into account all the detail and
symbolism that lies within each of the 78 cards
within the Tarot deck, it shouldn’t be taken lightly
that Aces are not called card #1. 1 stands alone,
unique and independent.

What Do The Tarot Aces Represent?

The Aces are actually more like a zero – they
represent the seed of potential. Just like a seed that’s
sitting underground the moment before it sprouts, it
is simply the potential of what could happen next,
because it hasn’t yet fully manifested. And within
any Tarot reading, the Aces show us that possibility.
It’s up to us to turn it into something further.
The four Tarot Aces are the purest form of energy for
each of the suits. Just like the seed, it’s before they’ve
actually turned into something. Not only that, but
also the absolute purity of what each of their
respective suits represent.

So, with that in mind, let’s examine each of these

Aces and their energy, then what you can do with
that energy to bring more of it into your life, and call
in more of that potential into your life.

The Ace Of Cups

In both the Rider-Waite and Everyday Tarot decks,
we see a beautiful Cup. It’s overflowing with water,
and that water is the representation of the water
element that we see with the suit of Cups.
The water is an expression of emotion, and the Ace
of Cups is about the potential of feelings and
emotional connections.
Keep in mind that it’s not the Two of Cups where we
have discovered our emotions. Instead, the Ace of
Cups is about what is happening within you. In that
sense, it’s more like a zero or one, depending on how
you want to look at it.
This card can traditionally be related to a new
relationship, but we can see it more as this welling
up of emotion within us, and that’s the important
Now, the element of water in the Ace of Cups can
also pertain to creativity. It may be that you're
feeling your creative potential is starting to well up
inside of you, almost like it cannot be contained, as
seen in the overflowing water in the card. Or maybe
it’s your emotions or love that can't be contained.
Perhaps you're just starting to have the sensation
that you are an intuitive being and that there is a
possibility and potential that you have intuitive
insight into the world. Of course, we all have that,
but the Ace of Cups means that is it coming into your
conscious awareness.

Manifest The Energy Of The Ace Of Cups

To manifest the energy for the Ace of Cups, pull out
the card from your deck and really sink into the
imagery. Gaze at the card and take your time. See
what stands out to you. Drink in the story and
symbolism into your subconscious mind.
Next, ask yourself:
 How can I bring pure love and compassion into
this new journey that is emerging?
 How can I open myself up to give and receive
 How can I express my whole self fully and

Ace Of Pentacles
The Ace of Pentacles card in the Rider-Waite deck
shows a beautiful little clouded hand holding a coin
in the foreground. In the background there is a
hedge, archway, and some mountains. With the
Everyday Tarot deck, we see a very similar image,
with a hand holding a large coin and trees in the

This card represents the potential of manifesting

something into being. Because it’s the suit of
Pentacles, it’s often associated with financial gain or
opportunity. It might also be something tangible, like
a new product or even a house.
Notice the mountains or trees in the background.
They signify that the potential for this opportunity is
huge. However, you will also have a difficult journey
to travel and it’s important that you’re ready for

Think about it. When you start a business, it doesn’t

suddenly pop out of nowhere into a million-dollar
company. It’s just like when you start a business. It
takes hard work. So, the Ace of Pentacles asks you,
“Are you ready to embrace this journey?”

Manifest The Energy Of The Ace Of Pentacles

Again, pull the Ace of Pentacles card out of your deck
and connect in with the energy of this card. Look at
the symbols and imagery. See what sinks into your

Ask Yourself:

 What new opportunities are emerging that will

help me start new endeavours?
 What can I bring into being at this time?
 What is coming into fruition?
 Am I ready for the journey that follows?

Ace Of Swords ace of swords

In the Rider-Waite, we see another clouded hand
whereas with the Everyday Tarot deck the hand
seems suspended in the air, but both are holding a
sword high in the air. There’s a crown and a wreath,
giving off a beautiful feeling of success and victory,
even though it’s only just begun. (Remember, we’re
at an Ace, not at a Ten). The Ace of Swords gives you
the idea, “Yes, I can create something successful!”

The suit of Swords is about our thoughts and

intellect. This means that the Ace of Swords can be
the breakthrough of a thought. You might think, “I
get it! Yes, let’s do it!”

It’s that amazing moment when all your thoughts

come together and create something absolutely new,
and the feelings of success, victory, optimism, and
being ready to take action.
Again, this card does not mean that success and the
victory are guaranteed – which is the case with all of
the Aces. It’s simply showing you that the potential
is there. Now, it’s up to you to take action to
manifest that potential.

Manifest The Energy Of The Ace Of Swords

Again, drink in the images and the symbols. See what
stands out to you in the Ace of Swords. What do you
notice as you look at this card? What energy do you

Ask yourself:

 What can I do to gain mental clarity?

 What is this breakthrough moment that is
coming to me?
 How can I get clarity with your new journey?
 How can I communicate this clarity to others?
Ace Of Wands
When looking at the Rider-Waite deck, once again
we see a clouded hand and the Everyday Tarot deck
shows the hand suspended. But now, it’s holding a
Wand up toward the sky. Leaves are sprouting from
the Wand and starting to fall down to the ground. In
the background, we have a castle and a few more
mountains—again, another symbol that important
things take form.

You may be thinking, “This sounds an awful lot like

the Ace of Swords.” It’s easy to get the two mixed
up. The Ace of Swords is more about the clarity of
thought, whereas the Ace of Wands is more about
the inspiration. It’s the energy and motivation that
comes with that particular level of potential.
This inspiration/ intuition may have come to you
through a source that you can’t necessarily label.
Perhaps it simply popped into your mind. Maybe you
want to make a difference or start a new project.
The Ace of Wands is seen when you feel intuitively
called to do something, but you can’t necessarily
explain why.
Manifest The Energy Of The Ace Of Wands
Once more, take the card out of your deck taking in
the imagery and symbols in the Ace of Wands.
Ask yourself:
 What is this new source of inspiration that’s
coming to me?
 How can I open your mind up to the new
sources of inspiration that are available to me
 How can I connect into my innate wisdom, the
universal wisdom so that I am ready to receive
whatever messages are out there for me?
 How can I channel this beautiful, intuitive
insight into something real and something

Which Ace Will Support You Next?

The four Tarot Aces are absolutely beautiful in terms
of tapping into your potential. If you're at the start
of a new project, it is recommended that you pull
out all of the four Aces and ask yourself, “Which
Ace is really going to support me in this new

Then, have that Ace with you so that it can help you
connect to certain seed of potential that you are
bringing into being. I think you’ll find that the Ace
has a powerful and beautiful energy that will help
you out. And the more you explore the Aces, the
more connected you’ll feel to their energy.

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