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-- sealsSandman [SS] Began trolling raspudManagement [RM] --

SS: Jowdy Riqueta Martinez.

SS: Some time since we last talked aye.
RM: WHAt, wHo gAve you my HAndle?
SS: It was written in red on a sirt my Lusus bought to me.
SS: So jere i am :b
RM: OH, tHAt is weirD.
RM: So. Tell me your nAme And ADDress reAl quick, AnD i mAke An Appointment.
SS: So cool dude, yea yea i will.
RM: How DAre you to be so insolent.
SS: ???
RM: Do you even know wHo Are you tAlking to?
RM: Do you even know wHAt is An Appointment?
RM: You Don't even know my genDer for exAmple.
SS: So. Ujjjjjj, alrigt as you say Riqueta.
SS: My nameplate says Kuriss Knangi and i dont jave a clue on were i am living.
RM: KnAngi, HeAr me out rigHt now.
RM: CAn you pleAse Drop tHe "H" tHing?
RM: THose J felt so wrong to reAD.
SS: Wat is wrong wit tem?
RM: KnAngi, pleAse.
RM: I will not repeAt myself over some probAbly low blooD, Drop the H, AnD fill up
your gaps in "SHirt, AlrigHt, WHere WHAt, WitH, THem"
SS: Wy would i?
SS: You also jump te "H" and te "A" and te "D" too.
SS: You sound like un guajolote witout limbs.
RM: Hey, tAke for grAnteD tHe cHAt but not your life, Don't mess witH my stuff
AgAin or i will go tHere myself.
SS: Cool, and we could paint eacoter.
SS: I would not let anyone enter jere.
RM: Well, you migHt be Dumb enougH to not give me tHe Attention i commAnD, so i
cAn't neglect what you're asking.
RM: Even if it's kindA creepy Honestly, Does tHis line work for you?
SS: Wat line.
RM: THe wHole plAy Dumb AnD smAll AnD tHen Ask for my pHisique, Does tHAt usuAlly
RM: AnywAy, yeAH. 80-62-97 AnD witH All tHAt comes ME, tHe top one, tHe strongest
girl you will HAve tHe pleAsure to know. A wHole FuscHiAblooD to wHo you're tAlking
SS: Wat are tose numbers, and yea i read about Fusciabloods, i am only one step
under you.
SS: Also i dont know were my jive is, so i fell to te conclusion you cannot come
now :b
RM: Are you a VioletblooD?
SS: Well my blood is Violet, its not a great pigment but its good for wen i run out
of a nice royal purple.
RM: OH, you Are into tHAt eH?
RM: Don't worries i'm into it too }(ùwú){
SS: Tats a cute face, i migt draw tat later.
RM: I will go to see tHAt DrAwing tHen.
RM: But now i HAve to AttenD my Duties, See you lAtter KnAngi, -)-!-|-

-- raspudManagement [RM] left the trolling session --

SS: See ya ten Rarita :b

-- sealsSandman [SS] stopped trolling raspudManagement [RM] --

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