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Audit Ref. No: QTCT2-WOR-QBC-AUD-RPT-00001 Date: 10th Feb 2020 to 22nd Feb 2020 Form Ref. No. QMF-0037

Yedlapalli saidarao- Lead Auditor, Ruel

Auditor Team: Auditee: Aphan Badidil, Marcel Magno, Rex Faustino, Kulay Subasi Revision No. 01
Thomas- auditor

Project: Hamad Port Container Terminal 2 (QTCT2)

Audit Type: External Audit Organization: Qatar Building Company-Onsite +OBS - Good Practice / AFI - Area for Improvement / MCAR - Minor Corrective Action Request / SCAR - Significant Corrective Action Request

(To be completed by Auditee) (To be completed by Auditor)

Finding No. Description of Non-conformity Category Reference to Standard
Cause Short-term Action (Correction) Long-term Action (Corrective Action) Verification

Project Quality Plan (PQP) evident with Status B

PQP Section 03/ QCS
1 (Approved with Comments). QBC contact +OBS N/A N/A N/A N/A
2014 S 02, P 02, Cl 2.1.1
list have been provided for distribution of PQP.

Monitoring and Reporting Pertaining to Quality Data. PQP Section 5,

2 Evident of Daily Construction Report, Weekly & +OBS ISO 9001:2015 Cl.7.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Monthly Progres Report and Montly Quality Report. QCS 2014 S 01, P 24,Cl 23.3.1

Communication within the project team.Document PQP Section 8 ISO

3 numbering system with QBC Coding & Emails are +OBS 9001:2015 Cl.7.4 QCS N/A N/A N/A N/A
evident. 2014 S 02, P 23, Cl 23.3.3

Management of documents. Document register are

PQP Section 9 ISO
4 being maintained and updated, easy access and +OBS N/A N/A N/A N/A
9001:2015 Cl.7.5
traceability through the server.

PQP Section 16
Control of inspection & measuring & Test Equipment.
5 +OBS ISO 9001:2015 Cl.7.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Evident with register and test certificates.
QCS 2014 S 02, P 02, Cl 2.1.1


PQP Section .3/
Project Quality Plan is Code B,. Induction was conducted at the head office but records was not mainntained
6 AFI ISO 9001:2015 Cl.5/ Obtain induction records from head office. Conduct Site Quality Induction Ensure records of induction are maintain at site office Verified the contractor response and closed
Quality Induction has not yet been conducted at site office
QCS 2014 S.02,P.02,Cl.2.1.1

PQP Section 8 / ISO

Required submittals not yet submitted, Rejected & Resubmission of rejected submittals were done as per site priority Documents were submittedand continuosly resubmitting sample registry
7 AFI 9001;2015 Clause 5. / QCS Ensure to monitor the code C status and resubmitt the soonest possible Verified the contractor response and closed
Overdue shall be resubmitted. requirements attached with no code C status as proof of resubmission.
2014 S.02,P.02,Cl.2.1.1

PQP S.09/ PQP was submitted at the early stage of the project. No clear information from QBC to Ensure that in future Clarification from the client to be made on the use of
Electronic Data Management System(Aconex) to be Electronic Data Management System(Aconex) to be included in next
8 AFI ISO 9001:2015 Cl.7/ the SC on the Electronic Data Management System(Aconex) to be used for the any Electronic Data Management System(Aconex) and to be included PQP Verified the contractor response and closed
included in next submittal of PQP submittal of PQP
QCS 2014 S.02,P.04. project submittal.
PQP 06/
Competence and Qualification records was not maintained at the project site
9 Competence and Qualification records not evident. AFI ISO 9001:2015 Cl.5&7/ Copy of Competence and Qualification records to be provided Copy of Competence and Qualification records to be maintain Verified the contractor response and closed
QCS 2014 S.02,P.02, CL 2.1.2
PQP S.08/
Quality Briefings communications at site for every
10 AFI ISO 9001:2015 Cl.5/ Quality briefings was conducted but records was missing Quality briefing to be provided QBC to ensure Quality briefing records are filed and maintain. Verified the contractor response and closed
start of the activity must be recorded.
QCS 2014 S.02,P.01, CL 1.1.4
PQP S.15/
NCR register overdue close out date and CAPA Original NCR due date was not complied and some Correction and corrective Revised close out date to be provided and Correction and corrective action QBC to ensure that NCR close out completed upon the schedule date and
11 AFI ISO 9001:2015 Cl.7/ Verified the contractor response and closed
meetings. action (CCA) was delayed pending technical verification (CCA) to be submitted Correction and corrective action are submitted
QCS 2014 S.02,P.11 & 12
Internal IRE process & Approved status code not
acceptable for works not yet completed. PQP S.16/ Status code was not initially left blank as the IRE is raised as projected schedule
Status code to be provided during inspection when IRE is brought to site by
12 "The Contractor shall perform all necessary AFI ISO 9001:2015 Cl.7/ however Status code was provided on the in progress Inspection as per SC QBC to Ensure that corresponding IRE internal status code to be provided. Verified the contractor response and closed
inspection to ensure QA and QC performance and QCS 2014 S.02,P01 CL 1.1.4,P11 & 12. instruction.
compliance of the work".
PQP S.03/
Roles and responsibilities acknowledged by staff not Ensure records of roles and responsiblities acknowledge by staff are mentain at
13 MCAR ISO 9001:2015 Cl.5&7/ Staff was inducted at head office on the roles and responsibilities Copy of the roles and responsibilities to be provided and signed by the staff Verified the contractor response and closed
evident. site office
QCS 2014 S.02,P.03
PQP S.17/
Internal Audit was conducted. Evidence was not requested by the auditor QBC to esure that draft of the Audit findings from auditor is obtain and to avoid
14 Audit Plan and Internal Audit not evident. MCAR ISO 9001:2015 Cl.9.2 Copy of updated Audit Plan to be provided Verified the contractor response and closed
during audit miscommunication
QCS 2014 S.02,P.06,Cl.6.1.1
PQP S.05/
15 Key Performance Indicator not evident MCAR ISO 9001:2015 Cl.9.1/ Specific Key performance indicator were not prepared Copy of Key performance Indicator to be provided QBC to ensure copy of Key performance Indicator is maintained is maintained Verified the contractor response and closed
QCS 2014 S.02,P.02,CL.2.1.5
PQP S.05/
16 Training Records and schedule not evident MCAR ISO 9001:2015 Cl.7/ Training records was not maintained Copy of Training records to be provided QBC to ensure copy of Training records and schedule is maintained Verified the contractor response and closed
QCS 2014 S.02,P.03,CL 3.1.8
PQP S.05/
17 NCR register overdue close out date MCAR ISO 9001:2015 Cl.7/ Original NCR due date was not complied Revised close out date to be provided QBC to ensure that NCR close out completed upon the schedule date Verified the contractor response and closed
QCS 2014 S.01,P.23,CL.23.3.2
PQP S.05/
No Continual Improvement in PQP & Lessons Learnt
18 MCAR ISO 9001:2015 Cl.7/ Records of lesson learned was not maintain in the site office. Copy of the lesson learned to be provided Records of Lesson learned to be maintain at site office Verified the contractor response and closed
Register not evident.
QCS 2014 S.02,P.02,CL.2.1.1,3(x)

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