Enabling Distributed Management For Dynamic Airborne Networks

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on Policies
on Policyforfor

Enabling Distributed Management for Dynamic Airborne Networks

Cho-Yu J. Chiang*, Gary Levin*, Shihwei Li*, Constantin Serban*, Michelle Wolberg*, Ritu Chadha*, Gregory
Hadynski†, Lee LaBarre‡
*Telcordia Technologies
{chiang, gary, sli, serban, mwolberg, chadha}@research.telcordia.com

Air Force Rome Laboratories


Abstract—In this paper we describe our experience with augment their capabilities for many reasons, including cost
integrating a distributed policy-based management system effectiveness and continuity of operations.
(DRAMA) with an open-source network management system Our work was performed in the context of an airborne
(OpenNMS) 1 . Network operations seeking the benefits of network consisting of multiple high-speed flying platforms, a
policy-based network management often have pre-existing handful of ground mobile nodes and a ground control station.
network monitoring systems. While these pre-existing systems The nodes communicate with each other using several
are capable of monitoring the network, they are limited in different types of radios. On board these airborne platforms,
their: 1) ability to provide distributed network management, 2) there are network assets on multiple local area networks. If a
support for automatically reconfiguring the network in
traditional centralized network management solution were
response to network events, and 3) ability to adjust
management traffic bandwidth consumption based on network
used to manage such a network, either the entire airborne
conditions. For dynamic networks such as those consisting of network needs to be managed from the ground, or each
airborne platforms, there is a need to provide the above platform needs to be managed independently by its local
capabilities in any management solution while preserving any management systems. The former is not considered an
underlying management systems. As a result, we integrated effective approach because of lack of bandwidth efficiency
DRAMA with OpenNMS to add distributed policy and inability to support disconnected operations; the latter is
management capability to a commonly used network not a perfect solution either as the ground control station will
management system. In this paper, we describe the not have sufficient control over the platform networks. In
background for this effort, our approach for integrating addition, it is desirable that the management system be able
OpenNMS with DRAMA, and the design of a distributed to respond to network events by supporting autonomous
resource indirection framework that allows the use of the same changes to the network.
policies across different distributed policy decision points Since it is highly desirable to support any existing
managing network devices with different attribute values. platform-based network management solution, we explored
the concept of integrating a distributed policy-based
Keywords-network management system; DRAMA; management system with a fixed-network management
OpenNMS; ad-hoc network solution. Such a combination makes sense because 1) the
existing management system can remain in place and
I. INTRODUCTION perform its function as usual, 2) the ground control station
The benefits of distributed policy-based network can have control over the entire network, 3) the combined
management for mobile ad hoc networks have been system can respond to network events with appropriate
demonstrated in previous work [1][3][4][5][6]. All of our changes by allowing policies to invoke local management
prior effort was “green field” work and assumed a clean slate scripts, and 4) bandwidth efficiency is significantly enhanced
where no management capabilities existed and therefore as policies are used to control bandwidth consumption for
management capabilities would need to be developed from network management purposes based on dynamic network
the ground up for the network elements and the network conditions.
environment at hand. In reality, however, a policy-based The challenge, therefore, is to architect a solution that
management system often has to interface and interoperate preserves the capabilities of the existing monitoring system
with existing network management systems in order to while augmenting its capability to provide policy-based
control of the network. The result is a hybrid management
The research reported in this document/presentation was performed in connection with
system that allows the existing system to preserve its look
contract number FA8750-07-C-0110 with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory. The views and feel for the network administrators, while adding policy
and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be management capabilities and achieving bandwidth
interpreted as presenting the official policies or position, either expressed or implied, of the U.S.
Air Force Research Laboratory, or the U.S. Government unless so designated by other
efficiency. This paper describes the architecture of this
authorized documents. Citation of manufacturer's or trade names does not constitute an official integration, the enhancements to DRAMA [3] to allow for its
endorsement or approval of the use thereof. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce integration with OpenNMS [7], an open-source centralized
and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation hereon.
network management system, and the results accomplished

978-0-7695-3742-9/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE 102

DOI 10.1109/POLICY.2009.37
with the integrated system. To facilitate managing multiple DPAs. A DPA can manage multiple DPAs or Local Policy
airborne platforms with different configuration settings using Agents (LPAs). An LPA manages a node. LPAs perform
the same set of policies, we also designed a resource local policy-controlled configuration, monitoring, filtering,
indirection representation framework to facilitate the aggregation, and reporting, thus reducing management
distributed network management paradigm. bandwidth overhead. Policies are disseminated from the
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: GPA to DPAs to LPAs. Policy Agents react to network
Section II provides background about the target airborne status changes on various levels (globally, domain-wide, or
network, DRAMA, and OpenNMS. Section III discusses the locally) by automatically reconfiguring the network as
integration of OpenNMS with DRAMA. Section IV provides needed to deal with fault and performance problems.
an overview of the resource indirection framework, which DRAMA policies are Event-Condition-Action (ECA) [2]
allows policies to be written once, while applicable to obligation policies. A policy can be triggered by events
network elements across multiple platforms that comprise associated with the policy. The condition part of a policy is
the network. A discussion of the functionality provided by represented by a boolean expression containing system
the integrated system, and some conclusions are provided in and/or policy variables. Whenever an event occurs, DRAMA
Section V. identifies the currently activated policies that are triggered by
the event and evaluates their conditions. If the condition of a
II. BACKGROUND policy evaluates to true, then all the actions associated with
The focus of this work is to design a distributed policy- the policy will be executed.
based management solution for a dynamic airborne network OpenNMS: OpenNMS [7] is an open source network
by integrating a distributed PBNM system--DRAMA, with a management system. It provides scalable monitoring
conventional network management system--OpenNMS. facilities for a wide range of devices and services. OpenNMS
Below we provide some background for the work. uses a centralized network management model, that is, a
The airborne network under consideration comprises an single designated management station is responsible for
immobile ground node, multiple airborne nodes and several monitoring the health of the entire network. The station can
surface mobile nodes. All nodes contain local area networks be configured to poll devices, receive traps, send notification
on board, and they use multiple different types of radios to events, generate alarms based on threshold crossings, and
communicate with each other. The resulting network is a provides a Web Server that allows data to be presented on a
Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) communicating over web-based dashboard. It also incorporates other open source
wireless links. Due to the fact that the bandwidth in efforts including JRobin [10] to produce graphs displaying
MANETs fluctuates significantly and link connectivity the values of designated monitored parameters as they vary
changes, there is a need to provide self-forming, self- over time.
configuring, and self-healing capabilities for the network.
While OpenNMS represents a staple product for network
GPA: Global Policy Agent managers, due to its extensive device monitoring
DPA: Domain Policy Agent Domain 3
LPA: Local Policy Agent
capabilities and its elaborate GUI, it presents some
drawbacks in MANET environments: a) since OpenNMS
Information uses a centralized management station to collect data from
all the nodes, a break in network connectivity would result
Reporting in OpenNMS not being able to collect data and manage the
DPA network, which is common in a wireless ad hoc network; b)
OpenNMS uses periodic polling of data, which is expensive
info Mgmt and unnecessary in a bandwidth deficient network where
Domain 1 Policies LPA
on-demand data push is preferred; c) OpenNMS is
essentially a network monitoring system and does not
provide the capability to automatically trigger management
Domain 2
actions, with the exception of sending notification alerts.
On the other hand, DRAMA complements OpenNMS by
Figure 1. High-level Architecture of the DRAMA System supporting the management data push model, providing
automated distributed management actions, and changing its
DRAMA: DRAMA is a distributed policy-based management behavior (e.g., changing reporting intervals)
network management system [1][3] designed for MANET according to network conditions. Nevertheless, DRAMA
environments. The high-level architecture of the DRAMA does not have the rich monitoring facilities that OpenNMS
system is shown in Figure 1. DRAMA consists of a provides, nor the variety of monitoring report generation,
collection of Policy Agents with different roles that manage display, and alerting mechanisms.
the airborne network. At the highest level, the Global Policy
Agent, or GPA, manages multiple Domain Policy Agents, or

A. Integration Approach 2. This figure displays a single GPA and several LPAs.
To take advantage of the respective strengths of both OpenNMS is co-located with DRAMA on both the GPA
DRAMA and OpenNMS, we integrated the two management node and LPA nodes.
systems based on the high-level architecture shown in Figure

Figure 2. DRAMA and OpenNMS Integration – High-Level Approach

On the LPAs, OpenNMS is used to monitor the local area systems. Most of the implementation effort dealt with the
networks on board of the airborne nodes, and it can be conversion of events between OpenNMS and DRAMA.
configured to feed the data to J-Robin for generating Additionally, DRAMA has been enhanced to provide
monitoring graphs. We connect OpenNMS and DRAMA by reliable transport of events between different nodes using
having OpenNMS send certain events to DRAMA. These message queuing and periodic resends.
events are processed by the event conversion component Capturing OpenNMS Events: OpenNMS provides a
supplied by OpenNMS to convert OpenNMS events into highly configurable system and support for the development
DRAMA events. Once DRAMA receives events, two types of plug-in components. We wrote an EventListener and
of policies could be triggered. The first type of policy is a installed it as a service in OpenNMS. This component
receives a copy of every generated OpenNMS Event and
thresholding-based report policy, which will determine if an
filters it according to a configurable list of patterns, which
event should be forwarded up the management hierarchy. reduces the number of events reported to DRAMA. It then
The second type of policy could trigger local management sends the XML representation of the event to DRAMA over
actions, such as a script being invoked to change certain a local TCP connection. The event is prefixed with the string
configuration settings on a device. When DRAMA forwards “opennms:” such that the receiver can recognize the source
an event to a parent node in the hierarchy (a DPA or a of the message.
GPA), the event will be converted and passed to OpenNMS, Creating DRAMA Events from OpenNMS Events:
as if the device had been configured to push data directly to The component responsible for creating DRAMA events
OpenNMS. listens on a dedicated TCP port for new events. When a
This architecture has the following salient features. First, string prefixed by “opennms” arrives, the XML
from the OpenNMS viewpoint, it monitors the entire representation of the OpenNMS event is extracted, and a
airborne network from the GPA, while the relay/filter DRAMA openNms Event is created, embedding this XML
function provided by DRAMA is completely transparent. representation in a component field.
Second, DRAMA local management policies can be Creating OpenNMS Events from DRAMA Events:
employed to provide autonomous management activities. DRAMA provides a specific action to reliably and
Third, it takes advantage of DRAMA’s capability to reduce persistently transmit events to the GPA. Once the openNms
management traffic bandwidth usage according to network event reaches the GPA, the event is identified as destined to
conditions. Finally, DRAMA-aware network administrators OpenNMS, and its XML representation is separated. This
representation is then injected into OpenNMS via an
can watch the network monitoring reports and decide if any
available port.
on-board policies should be activated or deactivated in order
to adjust the network communication behavior. These policy IV. DEVICE RESOURCE INDIRECTION
operations are transparent to OpenNMS.
A prominent feature of a policy management language is
B. Implementation to effectively assist network administrators in formulating
The guiding principle behind the integration effort was to their high-level goals in a concise but general manner. In the
minimize the impact on both OpenNMS and DRAMA case of DRAMA, the same generic policy rule should be
implementations, maintaining the independence of the two applicable to many platforms that have similar (but not

identical) device resource configurations. In order to enable V. CONCLUSIONS
such rules, the policy language should support device This paper describes the integration of DRAMA with
resource indirection (or device resource meta-data) for OpenNMS to provide a network management solution for
platform-specific attributes like the management interface airborne networks. The rich OpenNMS monitoring facilities
address or the management port of a network device (device are used to manage local area networks on the airborne
resource). Thus, a generic policy rule can be enforced on platforms, and via event relay facilities provided by
many platforms using local, platform-dependent, device DRAMA, OpenNMS can be used to monitor the entire
resource meta-data. Resource indirection allows the creation airborne network without incurring excessive bandwidth
of fewer management rules to simplify complex management overhead. In this integration, DRAMA allows network
activities and reduce deployment overhead with respect to administrators to activate and deactivate policies to change
propagating policy rules throughout the network. the airborne network behavior according to the collected
Using device resource meta-data in DRAMA is similar to network monitoring status on the ground. Finally, the
using variables in programming languages. DRAMA policy language was extended to provide a generic
Platform-dependent Device Resource Data: Each resource indirection framework, which makes the creation
platform is preconfigured with a device resource file, which and maintenance of policy rules more operationally viable.
contains device resource data relevant to the platform. Figure
3 provides an example of a device resource file. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Device Resource File on planeQQ123
We would like to thank U.S. Army CERDEC for
platformID deviceType deviceInstance mgmtIPAddress mgmtPort
sponsoring the initial development of the DRAMA software
planeQQ123 radioXYZ leadRadio1 161
and the continued support on DRAMA enhancements for the
planeQQ123 cisco3000 router1 161 airborne network from the U.S. Air Force Research
planeQQ123 cisco3000 Router2 161 Laboratory.
planeQQ123 cisco3000 Router3 161
planeQQ123 radioXYZ Radio2 161 REFERENCES
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